Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 157 The monster that appeared

"Huh," Shiratori Mariko put down his chopsticks, feeling that he was completely full, "Fortunately, that guy Gojo isn't here—otherwise, the meal might not be so peaceful."

She smiled and praised, "Hui Jun's craftsmanship is really as good as ever."

Leaning on the chair after eating and drinking, there is a sense of satisfaction from top to bottom.

Fu Hei Hui responded.

He ate much faster than Shiratori Mariko, and now he was slowly reading a book brought from Shiratori Mariko.

Seeing that Mariko Shiratori had finished eating, Fukuroi put the book in her hand aside and tidied up the somewhat messy table.

Shiratori Mariko also stood up and helped Fukuroi clean up the dishes on the table, "But speaking of it, even if there are swordsmen from the Demon Slayer Team joining in, are you still so busy recently?"

It feels that recently other people come to her home with less time, and most of the time they come alone.The usual gatherings were also suspended.

Fu Hei Hui paused, then nodded.

"Most of the hands are experimenting with pranayama," he said, "including auxiliary supervision."

As for why he should hurry up to study at this time, even if he doesn't say it, Shiratori Mariko can guess a thing or two.

Probably because there is not enough time.

According to Gojo Satoru's observations, after Shiratori Mariko leaves, the link to the room may no longer exist.

In order to prevent being stuck in the magic world, the swordsmen of the Demon Killing Team had to return to the Taisho Era at the other end a few days in advance. Therefore, the teaching tasks that could have been carried out slowly were compressed into just a few weeks.

After putting the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher to sterilize, she breathed out, "That's really busy."

Fukuro Hui pursed her lips, staring at Shiratori Mariko.

"White Bird," he said again, "you"

Shiratori Mariko raised her head in a daze, "What?"

She closed the glass door, and quickly pinned the hair that floated to both sides of her cheeks behind her ears, "What's the matter, Hui Jun?"

Fu Heihui hesitated for a moment, then shook his head again, "No, it's nothing."

never mind.If you already know the answer, there is no need to ask.

Shiratori Mariko smiled tolerantly, and no longer entangled in this topic.

"I'm going back," she said, "open the door for me, Huijun?"

Fu Heihui nodded, and picked up the key from the table.

"Let's go," he said.

It was completely dark.

Mariko Shiratori didn't turn on the lights when she left, so the room was pitch black, and it was almost impossible to see where it was.

Following Kei Fukuro back into the room, Mariko Shiratori took a few steps, fumbled to turn on the light, and then felt a large mass of fluffy warmth on her legs.

She laughed, "Tuanzi?"

Tuanzi hugged Shiratori Mariko's leg and did not let go, and patted Shiratori Mariko's approaching hand with her paw.

Fukuroi glanced at Mariko Shiratori, who was hugged by the dumpling and seemed unable to move, and stretched out her hand to the dumpling helplessly.

Tuanzi, who was usually happy to get close to Fu Heihui, turned his head to look at the human in front of him, stretched out his claws and patted his hand reluctantly, still circling Shiratori Mariko's legs and did not move away.

Shiratori Mariko: "Ah, Danko, I'm glad you're like this—but I really can't walk."

She squatted down helplessly, pulled it off her lap at a speed that Tuanzi hadn't expected, and quickly hugged the stunned cat into her arms.

Tuanzi was confused by Shiratori Mariko's unexpected behavior.

After that, it uttered a series of rapid meows, as if condemning Shiratori Mariko's behavior.Not only that, but it also bared its teeth at Fu Heihui quite angrily.

Fu Heihui who did nothing:

He put the book back on the shelf, and calmly glanced at the cat that was still struggling in Mariko Shiratori's arms, "I'm leaving. See you tomorrow, Shiratori."

Shiratori Mariko nodded.

After hesitating for a while, she put the dumpling on the ground, "No, wait a minute, Hui Jun."

Fu Heihui looked at her suspiciously.

Shiratori Mariko walked quickly to the edge of the bookshelf, took out the book, and handed it to Fukuro Hui, "The future of this book is in your hands, Hui Jun."

The background sounds are the meowing and whining of the neglected dumpling and the sound of rolling around on the ground.

Fu Heihui was taken aback for a moment, "Huh?"

He glanced at the book and subconsciously refused, "No, it's still"

"Hui-kun likes this book very much, right?" Shiratori Mariko said with a smile, "After all, I don't read it very often. Instead of being neglected by me, it's better to find a master who reads it often, right?"

She handed over the book in her hand, "So, you just accept—"

The closed window in the corner of the room suddenly moved, as if someone was desperately pushing and pulling the window outside.

Shiratori Mariko's words were interrupted, and she turned around in a little astonishment.

Just then, the long-unopened window near the side was slammed open.

Turning over from the side window of her house was a boy with brown hair, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

It seemed that he just found out that he had broken into someone else's house, and he also looked a little stunned.

Takashi Natsume was ready to face the strange monster when he opened the window that was in disrepair.

However, to his surprise, the place looked clean and comfortable, and the house was spacious and bright, which made him a little distracted thinking that his own home also had the same gentle smell that had been taken care of for a long time.

Fuguro Megumi and Shiratori Mariko looked at each other.

Obviously, the boy came from another world.

"That," Shiratori Mariko took a small step forward, and said tentatively, "This is my home, and my name is Shiratori Mariko. May I ask who you are?"

Natsume Takashi was stunned for a moment before realizing that he forgot to say hello to the owner of the house.

He leaned back a little cautiously, "My name is Natsume. That, Miss Shiratori, have you always lived here?"

Shiratori Mariko nodded.

"Yes, I have always lived here," she said a little puzzled, "what's the matter?"

Natsume Takashi pursed his lips and was about to say something, but his words were also interrupted.

A chubby, chubby beckoning cat fell from the window on the other side and hit the boy's head straight, causing him to stretch out his hands to protect the beckoning cat that was about to fall down.

The beckoning cat, which was all white with orange and gray on its head, stood firm, and then moved its body, and sat down comfortably on the boy.

"Natsume, this place is different from the dilapidated outside. It's really a bit surprising——huh? How dare you, a cat, look at me like that!" it opened its mouth.

Shiratori Mariko subconsciously followed the gaze of the beckoning cat, and found that Tuanzi was lying on the ground, raised her small head to look at the beckoning cat, and flicked her tail.

It's the bright "look stupid" look, wait a minute, that's not the point.

"Can cats talk too?" Shiratori Mariko was stunned.

"Of course cats can't talk," said the maneki neko arrogantly.

Fukuroi subconsciously stood in front of Shiratori Mariko: "Then what are you?"

Two jade dogs had already appeared beside him, staring closely at the Lucky Cat one after the other, but probably because the Lucky Cat didn't exude hostility, it didn't seem very nervous.

Teacher Cat yawned.

"It's a monster," it said lazily.

Shiratori Mariko frowned, "Youkai?"

Is it the legendary monster she thought?

After conjurers and curses, people with supernatural powers, ghosts and ghost killing teams, did monsters appear in her home again?

But now even raccoon cats can become monsters?The world is crazy.

"It's a super powerful youkai—that's why, don't hesitate to offer me woo-woo"

Natsume Takashi hastily covered the beckoning cat's mouth.

"Sorry," he tried to say regardless of Madara's struggle in his arms, "Please ignore his words, it's not a big deal."

Looking at Natsume Takashi who was in a hurry, Shiratori Mariko laughed.

She bent down to pick up the dumpling that rolled to her feet, and asked curiously, "So, where did you enter my house? Is Natsume also a monster?"

"No, I'm a human being," Natsume Takashi explained, "We saw the lights suddenly turned on in the abandoned old house, and it felt a little strange, so we accidentally broke into this place."

He said again, "I'm really, really sorry."

Mariko Shiratori and Megumi Fukuro looked at each other, shook their heads, "It's okay."

It seems that this time the door, ah no, the window is on the side of an abandoned house.

Looking at the bewildered Natsume Takashi in front of him, Shiratori Mariko glanced at Fukuroe next to her.

"Is Natsume a high school student?" she asked, "Sit down first."

"Ah, yes," Natsume Takashi replied, "It is indeed a high school student."

"Second grade," he added, looking at the two summoned jade dogs beside Fu Heihui with a little confusion, "Sorry, but I really still care a little about whether these two are monsters?"

"No, it's Shikigami." Fu Heihui brought him a glass of water, "Let's sit down for a while."

He looked a little cold, so he sat down in front of Natsume Takashi, "It will take a while to explain this matter, and we also want to ask you about monsters."

Natsume Takashi reached out to take the glass of water, and was stunned when he heard this sentence.

He glanced around again, only to belatedly realize that outside the window on the other side was a neatly lit apartment building.In any case, it was not the abandoned house on the side of the mountain that he had seen before coming in through the window.

His hand loosened unconsciously, and Madara, who was being pressed hard by him, finally broke free and got out.

"I mean you," it complained, "you just found out about this now—you're really stupid."

"As you can see," Mariko Shiratori brought a plate of cut oranges and placed them on the coffee table, "this is another world."

She sat beside Fu Heihui, "There are no monsters here, it's just a very ordinary world. You should have reached my world through the window over there like everyone else."

Takashi Natsume subconsciously looked at Megumi Fukuro, who had two jade dogs at his feet, "Then, this——"

"Fu Heihui," Fu Heihui introduced himself simply, "Conjurer, from another world."

He reached out and touched the jade dog at his feet, "This is my shikigami."

The black jade dog rubbed against Fu Heihui, while the white one yawned lazily.

"Mei-kun is my friend," Mariko Shiratori continued, "that's basically it."

She clasped her hands together, "Any more questions?"

Natsume Takashi was completely surprised by such a huge amount of information.

"Have I crossed the world?" He said blankly, "With Teacher Cat?"

"Don't worry," Madara stretched out his paw again unceremoniously, pinched a slice of orange, and ate it with relish, "I won't leave you alone."

There was already a pile of peels piled up next to it, apparently Madara had been eating oranges while Natsume was struggling to digest the news.

"Teacher Cat," Natsume Takashi sighed helplessly, "I see."

He glanced at the window over there, "If I'm going to go back—"

"Just follow the window and turn over, it should be," Shiratori Mariko said with uncertainty.

Natsume Takashi nodded, "I probably understand—"

As he hadn't finished speaking, another person fell from the unclosed window.

The black-haired young Aoi looked around blankly, "Where is this place?"

Following his movements, a few feathers fell off and floated to the side where Megumi Fushiguro and Mariko Shiratori were sitting.

Fu Heihui subconsciously stood up and stood in front of several people, looking vigilantly at the black-haired young man who suddenly appeared.

And Shiratori Mariko glanced at the black-haired young man, and asked Natsume Takashi next to him, "Natsume, is this your friend?"

Seeing the reaction of the two, Natsume Takashi said in surprise, "Can Miss Shiratori see monsters?"

"Is he a monster??" Shiratori Mariko said unexpectedly, "Sorry, but I didn't see it?"

Are there young men in white shirts, black pants, and ties among the monsters?Are monsters so fashionable now?

"I don't have demon power, but can I see youkai?" Madara stretched his waist, "Oh, things have become more interesting."

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