Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 167 Where are you

Shiratori Mariko is still asleep.

In other words, when she died as a human being, she returned to its embrace as a part of the world.

It is very difficult to maintain the self in the consciousness of the world like a torrent. She is engulfed by such a tide, sinking, gradually sinking.

In this rushing ocean, she is like a boat that has lost its anchor, sailing crookedly on the sea surface, unable to find the end.

Personal power and reason are too small, small and insignificant.

Her memory gradually dissipated along with such washing, and she was deeply trapped in those chaotic and chaotic ravings, and was entangled and torn apart.

If she can't wake up from it within a certain period of time, she will eventually be swallowed by the torrent of Taotao, and like her relatives and many others, she will become a lackluster wreck in this ocean.

But Shiratori Mariko always dreams of something when she is about to lose herself.

I dreamed of those days I had spent, my ordinary and trivial home, and those friends who were laughing and making trouble.

When day and night changed, she returned to her dream as if she had crossed the boundary between life and death, fiction and reality, and returned to the dream where the spring breeze was blowing on her face and she was embraced by others.

She ran and rode a bicycle there, feeling the sea breeze blowing in front of her face, the brilliant and never-fading sunset, and the consciousness that had been dissipated and washed away also re-grew from the withered place, like a withered flower Young buds emerging from the sides.

She repaired herself in such a slow passage of time, and finally revived after five years.

It was a long sleep, but the things that had been experienced were brand new as if they had just happened yesterday.

Both feet touched the ground, Shiratori Mariko looked at her recovered, solid body in a daze, and looked around the room around her, still feeling in a trance.

"Am I back?" She felt the strength in her body and murmured, "Or am I still in a dream?"

She had returned here countless times in her dreams, and for a while she couldn't tell whether it was fantasy or reality.

Fortunately, this is her home.

Mariko Shiratori rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found a mirror from a drawer in the living room.

Facing the mirror, she subconsciously reached out and touched her collarbone. It was still warm and clean, and the red marks left on it had dissipated.

Looking around, Shiratori Mariko realized that she had been away for a long time.

The furniture was covered with dust, and the room had a dull smell that hadn't been opened for a long time.

Shiratori Mariko walked quickly to the window and pushed it open.

Through the window, she looked up, and the sky in her memory began to flow, just like the blue of the previous summer.

She almost couldn't wait to push open the door, and ran briskly down the corridor.

It wasn't until he stood on the road, looked up at the sky, and breathed the fresh air that he confirmed that he was indeed still alive and had returned to this world.

"Is it summer again," she said to herself, "it's been so long"

I'm finally back.I don't know how the others are doing now.

"Yeah, it's been a long time," a passer-by smiled at her and said, "The white bird is finally back!"

It's the female owner of the bakery, "How about going abroad? Are you still used to it—I feel like I've grown up a lot."

Probably because Mariko Shiratori has not appeared for a long time, the female owner of the bakery thought she had gone abroad.

"Not bad," Shiratori Mariko said with a smile, "Long time no see, boss."

"Yeah, long time no see," the female boss said with a smile, "It's a pity that you left in a hurry and didn't eat the cake for the second year."

She paused, "I've reserved for you next year, don't miss the appointment again."

Shiratori Mariko nodded and accepted her invitation, "Please."

She patted the dust on her sleeves, "I'm going back to tidy up the room first, there are still many things to do."

The female boss nodded, and waved to Mariko Shiratori with a smile.

Looking at her back and thinking of her former friends, Shiratori Mariko couldn't help laughing again.

Let her think about how she would like to invite everyone over for a meal and chat about what has happened over the years.Then let's tidy up things first, and find a place to sit when everyone comes over.

After cleaning up all the garbage in the room, Shiratori Mariko took the garbage bag downstairs and threw it away, and was about to go to see how the friends in other worlds are doing now.

Looking at the clean and refreshing room, she exhaled, and began to think about which end of the world it would be better to start her first trip.

For Shiratori Mariko, the newly appointed world consciousness, the simpler and more human-oriented the world is, the easier it is to control.

Then, it's the world on the side of the Demon Slayer Squad.

Taking a deep breath, Shiratori Mariko jerky used the strength in her body, and opened the door leading to the other side by positioning the things that were given to the Demon Slayer Squad at that time.

What caught the eye was a cemetery, with a row of trees planted outside the tombstones.

Shiratori Mariko took a step, and found that not far away, there seemed to be an old man wearing a mask and wearing a wave-patterned haori walking around.

Seeing that person looking over, Shiratori Mariko was taken aback.

She felt that she probably went by the wrong way, and said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I went by the wrong way."

Before the other party could speak again, Shiratori Mariko slammed the door shut.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to try the side of Yokohama where the Armed Detective Agency was located.

Re-selecting the location of the object and opening the door again, to Mariko Shiratori's surprise, she saw a beautiful woman in a kimono in red, squatting in front of a tombstone, slowly putting down the flowers in her hand.

Seeing Mariko Shiratori suddenly appear, she took a step back abruptly, holding the umbrella in her hand, "Who are you?"

Beside her is also a piece of neatly arranged tombstones, and the same scenery is seen in the distance.

Shiratori Mariko closed her eyes, and retracted the foot she stepped forward, "Sorry, I made a mistake."

Before the beauty in red in front of her could speak, she decisively closed the passage again.

After looking around at her clean room, Shiratori Mariko decided to try again without giving up.

To calm down her mood, she simply threw away the door this time, and directly used the things she left in the High School of Conjuration to link to that side.

The hustle and bustle swept from her ears, and the fresh atmosphere that belonged to people spread to her side along with the wind.

Mariko Shiratori breathed a sigh of relief, and opened her eyes, thinking that she had finally found the right position, but she smelled something wrong, a salty and wet smell that belonged to the sea breeze.

She stared at the sun, beach, and bikini in amazement, and was stunned.

The coconut fell from the top of the tree, landed on Mariko Shiratori, bounced off by the force protecting her, and rolled into the shadows.

She didn't notice this little episode at all, but just looked at the world in front of her in confusion, "I, have I been away for so long?"

It has been more than ten centuries since the high school of conjuration has turned into a beach? !

"Even if I become world-conscious, my road-crazyness still hasn't improved," Shiratori Mariko murmured as she shook her head, feeling a little confused at the moment, "How could I get lost here——I really want to travel to the seaside Yet???"

Ignoring the exclamation of the people around her, she walked back in a daze, "I might still be dreaming, right, I'm still dreaming."

Yes, probably dreaming.

Sitting back on the sofa at home again, Mariko Shiratori looked at the empty room in front of her, and began to think about whether there was any other way to get it back.

Forward positioning doesn't seem to work, but you can try to go backwards, reverse positioning and reverse positioning. You need to find things that other people left in her home.

Mariko Shiratori, who reacted, tapped her palm suddenly and stood up.

"Yeah," she cheered up, "the things they left behind, left over"

Shiratori Mariko froze suddenly, then seemed to remember something, and ran downstairs.

She remembered that among the things she had thrown away before, there was a long-expired drink bottle sent by Gojo Satoru.

"As a world consciousness, I'm reduced to going back to look for garbage," she complained as she quickly descended the stairs, "I'm probably the most worthless world consciousness, that's right."

But to the despair of Mariko Shiratori, at the moment she rushed downstairs, a garbage truck roared past in front of her.

The pattern on the car body flashed, and it was a centralized cleaning vehicle in the residential area of ​​Shiratori Mariko.

Mariko Shiratori stared blankly at the car passing her, then glanced at the empty garbage collection point on the other side.

She took a deep breath, and ran after her again, "Mr. Driver, wait a minute—"

Walking behind dejectedly, Shiratori Mariko wiped off her sweat, feeling that she really had a bad fate.

Because too much time has passed, it is completely impossible to find the exact coordinates of the original world by relying on the drink bottle.At least for now Mariko Shiratori can't do it.

Is there really no other way?How long will we have to wait until we meet again.

Shiratori Mariko sighed a little frustrated, and stretched out her hand to pull up the shirt that had slipped off, but accidentally touched the necklace hanging from the collarbone.

Then she remembered the origin of this necklace.

Fu Heihui once gave this necklace to her as a gift after the mission.

Yes, since beverage bottles can be used as positioning, the things that other friends gave her and are still kept in her home can also be used as "anchor", so as to obtain the coordinates of another world.She was really in a hurry.

Shiratori Mariko clenched the necklace around her neck, and in the blink of an eye, she landed in a strange place.

She looked around in a daze, only to see a bunch of protruding hair among the people wearing high-sexy clothes, sticking up like a sea urchin. The figure was much more mature than when she was young, and she seemed to be At work, Shen Sheng was talking about something.

Seeming to have noticed someone appeared, Fuguro Megumi stopped, turned his head following the line of sight behind him, and met the sight of Shiratori Mariko who suddenly appeared with draped hair.

He was stunned.

Looking at the familiar young man in front of her, who just grew taller, Shiratori Mariko finally breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards Fukuroe.

She smiled and said, "Long time no see, Hui Jun—"

Shiratori Mariko's words were suddenly interrupted.

Fu Heihui directly dropped the things in his hands, and stretched out his arms to hug her, as if he was afraid that her appearance was just a phantom that was about to dissipate.

He seemed to have grown up a bit, and compared to the boy Shiratori Mariko had seen before, his shoulders were wider and thicker, and when he hugged her tightly, he seemed to be holding some lost and recovered treasure.

Feeling the warm touch on his hands, Fu Heihui even subconsciously slowed down his breathing.It shouldn't be an illusion—it's not an illusion, it's such a warm feeling.

"Are you back?" he asked, "Shiratori, is that you?"

Mariko Shiratori could hear the voices of children who seemed to be students exclaiming "Senior Fuguro" and several figures raising their phones.

She stretched out her hand with a laugh, and patted Fu Heihui comfortingly, "Yes, Mr. Hui, I'm back."

The sun shines on Shiratori Mariko's face, which looks as fresh as in memory, her smile is soft, fluffy and warm.

After a moment of silence, Fu Heihui said, "Welcome back."

Then he hugged her tighter.

Shiratori Mariko: "Huh?"

Then a more intense camera sound was heard.

Some dazed Shiratori Mariko: "I haven't been back for so long, is this a new custom?"

Inheriting the fine tradition of Wutiao teacher, Fu Heihui's juniors took many photos and videos of Fu Hei's gaffe at this moment.

They quickly sent these top-secret information to the large group of high school before Fu Heihui could react, and then waited for the exclaimed news from the seniors.

"It must be something like 'Wow, Fu Hei sometimes loses his composure'," a student whispered to his companions, "absolutely, absolutely—"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

"What, Yi Gu, Senior Yi Gu?" The student said in panic, "Well, is there something wrong with Senior calling?"

"Where are you, I'll go there immediately," said the voice on the other side.

So the student who sent the message started to look for the coordinates in a hurry, but found that four or five more calls came in at the same time.

Nagasaki Wild Rose's irritable voice also came from his companion's mobile phone, "The bastard Fuhei is so hateful, he didn't call us—"

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