Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 21 Special Praise

And at this moment, Shiratori Mariko's cell phone rang.

She froze for a moment, picked up the phone and opened it, only to realize that it was actually a regular alarm clock.

But after all, it was already close to eight o'clock, so it was really inappropriate to stay any longer.

Fukuzawa Yukichi, who realized this, put down his chopsticks neatly, said "Thank you for the hospitality", took another look at the dumplings, and planned to go back.

"Please don't be polite," Shiratori Mariko stood up, "I think you are a good person. It is a pleasure to invite you to dinner."

"In the short time left, I can meet a patron saint who protects a big city like Yokohama, although it is said to be from another world," she said jokingly, "it is also memorable, a bowl of noodles is not at all Sorry."

Although the unsmiling president of the detective agency is always a little stressful sitting there, Shiratori Mariko chatted with him, and felt that although he was the kind of taciturn person, he was unexpectedly decent and reliable.And unexpectedly like cats.

It can be regarded as a disguised expansion of life experience.

Fukuzawa Yukichi's footsteps stopped in front of the door.

"Not how long?" He turned to look at Shiratori Mariko and repeated.

"Ah, yes," Shiratori Mariko added, "Family genetic disease. My friends and I guessed that the opening time of the door should be linked to the date I have left. It should be about three months, Then everything should be normal, please don't worry."

Her words were very plain, and she pointed to the wall calendar on the wall, "I wrote a countdown, and I will use a red pen to mark out the past time. If you enter by mistake later, just look here. According to experience, Time and things like that are roughly in sync.”

"Have you seen a doctor?" Fukuzawa Yukichi opened the door, "You can't give up your life lightly until the last moment."

He seemed a little dissatisfied, and even the last words had a critical tone.

"Ah, yes!" When he said this, Shiratori Mariko responded with a conditioned reflex, and then scratched her hair in embarrassment, "I read the doctor's words. They just told me there was nothing to do. I just got used to it. The Fu Hei just now also came from another world, and the best doctor lady over there also helped me to see it, but it didn't seem to help."

She smiled, "I don't want to give up either, it's just that I really have no choice. What's more, if it's true, it would be a waste to waste the rest of my life seeking medical advice. I don't have that many money."

It may be because at night, the mood is particularly low, and Shiratori Mariko is not immune.

She looked at the gloomy night outside the window, and sighed, "No one can discuss this kind of thing. I'm still quite confused now, and I don't know what to do."

Telling friends will make friends feel uncontrollable sadness; telling strangers will actually make strangers feel troubled; if you have family members, you may not be willing to tell them about it.Just let me do it alone.

——That's what Mariko Shiratori thought in the first place.

In this matter of life and death, those who stay behind are always in pain, so Shiratori Mariko originally chose to walk alone and quietly through the rest of the day.But with the opening of that door, more things made her reluctant to let go.

Met new friends, had dinner together, held a birthday party, played cards, ate, drank, chatted, watched games, took pictures

Bit by bit, there is no place that is not filled with tenderness and full of emotions.Her black box was pried open a crack, and the sunlight streamed in.

But what if she leaves before she can say goodbye?

Time passed too fast, too hastily, and the fear was more unbearable to her than death itself.

Under the guidance of Knotweed and the others, Shiratori Mariko, who faced up to "I have done a good job" and "I deserve to be liked", began to worry about gains and losses while feeling the kindness of others.

She is an unlucky thief who stole the moon hanging in the sky, and she is in constant panic after that.

It's rare to meet a person who can talk about this kind of thing, who is as calm and calm as an elder, and it's rare for Mariko Shiratori to pour out all the words in her heart.

After she finished speaking, she realized that she had talked too much, and she parted her hair in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fukuzawa, my words have caused you trouble. If so, please forget about them."

Fukuzawa Yuji paused.

"your family"

"I have no family," Shiratori Mariko said simply, "and I have no friends, so I feel like I'll just try to get through the rest of my life."

She seemed to be thinking of something, and added, "Mr. Fu Hei and the others are indeed friends but they are very busy, and I don't want to disturb others because of this. I'm not begging for mercy by telling you this—"

"Just a sudden thought to tell you this, that's all."

A gust of wind swirls and blows from where the balcony was originally.

Since Fukuzawa Yukichi opened the door just now, Shiratori Mariko just took advantage of the opportunity to look outside.

The crooked moon has just emerged from the clouds, Yokohama seems to be asleep at night, and the clear light hits the ground like broken silver.

The wind carried the smell of night into this small room and circled around. The small shop opposite was still lit, and the puppy at the door flicked its tail and fell asleep after yawning.

Mariko Shiratori withdrew her gaze and looked at Yukichi Fukuzawa who did not move and seemed to be fascinated by this Yokohama as well.

"It's beautiful, it's not too different from Tokyo," she said in a complimenting tone, but there was a flash of luster in her eyes, "Now is a good time to go home. What do you think, Fukuzawa gentlemen?"

Fukuzawa Yukichi did not speak.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand and rubbed the hair of the girl in front of him.

Shiratori Mariko was stunned.

She felt the hand above her head and didn't know how to react for a moment.That hand was generous and warm, like the hand she had imagined, belonging to an elder.

"Don't worry so much," Fukuzawa Yukichi said briefly, "don't be bound by dogma. There is not much time left, so throw away these irrelevant fears."

"Do what you want to do most, be who you want to be, and that's it."

Abandon the fear and be the person you want to be most?

Yes, it's not too long. It's better to live every day as if it's the last day instead of wasting time worrying about it.

In this way, those worries, those things that are calculating your gains and losses like gears, can be completely forgotten.

And what remains after this will be the path guided by intuition and heart, the only real path that can be chosen.

Shiratori Mariko nodded, yes, she should

——Wait, but is she the kind of idiot who will waste the last 10 minutes of singing K singing on choosing songs? ? ?

I wanted to explain, but the hand above my head didn't take it back.

Instead, rub it again.

Shiratori Mariko seemed to be frozen, watching Fukuzawa Yukichi took his hand back, and stuffed it into his sleeve as if nothing had happened.

Then, I heard him say in his characteristic serious voice, "The Armed Detective Agency can accept commissions."

"Ah," Shiratori Mariko responded, her thoughts still lingering on the fact that she was rubbed on the head again, "Yeah."

She was rubbed on the head! ! !rub your head!again!

Seeing that she didn't understand, Fukuzawa Yukichi frowned.

"The Armed Detective Agency can entrust missions," he repeated again.

So, you can entrust affairs to him.

Shiratori Mariko nodded in confusion, not quite understanding what he wanted to express.

"Okay," she replied tentatively, "I see?"

Detective agencies can entrust affairs, isn't it not much different from law firms that can entrust affairs?Does she already look this stupid? ?

Or was she being treated as a potential client?Probably not, she doesn't have much money, and she will definitely lose money if she accepts an entrustment from someone like her.

"Armed Detective Agency," Fukuzawa Yukichi repeated for the third time with his hands in his sleeves, "we can accept commissions."

His current eyes have gradually changed from the gentleness at the beginning to "Why do you still get it wrong".

Mariko Shiratori seemed to understand a little this time.

She seemed to have seen this look, the look of anticipation, the look of hatred, and the look of a superior person.

Where exactly?

Suddenly, familiar faces flashed in my memory.

Shiratori Mariko suddenly realized.

She raised the hand that had been unconsciously clenched by her side, and applauded enthusiastically, "It's really a friendly detective agency!!! I'm so envious, the people of Yokohama under your protection must be very happy! "

Seeing Fukuzawa Yukichi getting more serious, Shiratori Mariko thought she had found the secret to success.

When he looked at the cat just now, he had the same expression.Probably the more you like it, the more unsmiling and hideous your face will be.

So I wanted to hear compliments about the Armed Detective Agency.So, maybe we are looking in the right direction now, but maybe we need to work harder?

After Shiratori Mariko thought about it carefully, she praised it even more enthusiastically.

"I really hope to see it! It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to see it!"

Fukuzawa Yukichi sighed helplessly and was about to speak when his cell phone rang.

He took out the phone from his sleeve, glanced at the contacts, and put it to his ear, "What's the matter."

Then, the excited voice of Junichiro Tanizaki came from the opposite side, "President, it's not good!"

"Mr. Dazai, Mr. Dazai said he is pregnant—"

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