The pier here is more orderly than in Wakembat, at least Lanyan didn't see drunks stripped naked on the road, and there weren't so many idle hooligans.

The water of the Bogolu River was sparkling, and under the bright sun, it turned out to be the color of blood, which made Lan Yan look dignified in a place where Brian couldn't see.

The muddy ground at the pier was wet, and Lan Yan didn't wear boots, and the shoes would get wet when she went down, so she could only sit in the carriage and watch.

The river freshly caught last night was alive and kicking in the wooden box on the bank. Brian picked some soft-shelled turtles, sea bass, crabs, and river prawns. These will be very delicious when used in stews and stews.

Then, Brian went to the market with blue smoke, bought some jewelry and clothes, and gave them to his old friend, a man who worked in a brothel.

When Lan Yan watched the handsomely dressed man come out, he was completely dumbfounded. Brian hugged him in the street and hugged him intimately without avoiding others at all.

The man's face was smeared white, his lips were painted bright red, his whole body smelled of powder, his waist was twisted like a water snake, leaning on the tall and strong man Brian, pointing softly at the blue smoke on the carriage. "Who is he? Could it be your illegitimate son?" He was obviously jealous.

Here, as long as the child is not born in the royal family, it is considered an illegitimate child.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a child in the castle." Brian quickly grabbed his hand.

Lan Yan felt that his face had become a mask of shock. He knew that the people here were very open and tough, but he didn't expect to be so open and tough.

Only then did Brian's old friend show a sweet smile and punched his man. "I said, how could you give birth to such a beautiful silver-haired child."

Lan Yan opened her mouth, watching the two of them go in hugging each other.

"Shut up boy, your jaw is about to drop," Alik said. "Where is your hometown?"

Lan Yan thought for a while and said, "Kenbat."

"Oh, I thought it was a bumpkin from Gangalo."

Blue smoke from a bumpkin in modern society: "..."

"I didn't mean that. I mean, you seem to see everything new and strange along the way. Kembat is also a big city. You haven't seen these things, have you? It's normal for men to be with men. Our true majesty is the only one Er's two lovers are also men, including his first love."

Lan Yan: "???" The upper management took the lead?No wonder.

"Speaking of this, our true king is really an infatuated person. After living for thousands of years, he still can't forget his first love. The Fanzhuo tribe loves the infatuated species..." Alik thought to himself.

Lan Yan was not interested in these things, so she hurriedly interrupted him and asked, "By the way, where is the Gangelo you mentioned?"

"It is the most partial territory of Viaken. The lord is the Gangelo clan. It is very barren and almost all barren mountains and mountains. If you meet people from them, you will know that they are real. Here's a bumpkin." Alik knew everything.

"Alik, let me test you with a question. How far is it from here to Vinmons? If you ride a horse, how many days will it take to get there?" Lan Yan asked.

Vinmons is the territory of the church, because the armistice agreement signed at the beginning stipulates that vampires cannot hunt in the church territory, and even entering requires the approval of the local official lord.

"Still testing me? What the hell idea did you come up with? You asked me all the time along the way." Alik said.

"I'm just ignorant, I don't know how big the world is, so I think you are very knowledgeable, and I want to ask you for advice and study." Lan Yan patted Alik on the shoulder in a fawning manner.

This flattery made Alik refreshed, and he said proudly: "That is, for children as old as you, the nobles have invited tutors to teach you, and some children of ordinary people have already mastered the skills to make a living." , and you do have a lot to learn.”

"Riding a horse is the most difficult way to get to Vinmons. It will take at least half a year if someone familiar with the route guides you to take the shortcut." The thin groom tilted his head and blinked. "And under the circumstances that you were not robbed?"

"What about other ways? Can we go by water?"

"Yes, the waterway happens to be downstream. If the weather is good, a regular commercial passenger ship can arrive in about two months."

"Oh." Lan Yan nodded in thought. "How much is the ticket?"

"For the deck, it seems to be twenty silver coins, right? But the deck has no shelter from the wind and rain, and it is easy to be thrown off the boat in case of wind and waves, and you have to bring your own food. If you want to take a boat, I suggest you get off the boat." Wait for the cabin, lest you lose your life."

"How much is the lower cabin?" Lan Yan asked.

"Two gold coins, right? I've heard it said, and I've never been on it. The price of each ship is different. The more luxurious the ship, the more expensive it is." Alik said.

"Can you draw a map for me?" Lan Yan asked.

"Map? Just go to the bookstore and buy a copy. I know the owner of a second-hand bookstore. If you want it, I'll take you there to buy it." Alik said heartily.

Lan Yan said awkwardly: "I have no money, and I can't read." He is really illiterate now.

"Well, then I'll go back and paint for you. When they came out, they told Brian not to drink so much, and they didn't wait for him for more than half an hour every time they came here." Alik said.

Back at the castle, Brian, the blue smoke pipe, asked for writing paper and charcoal for drawing. After handing them over to Alik, he fell into deep thought while looking at the ghostly-drawn map.Then disregarded Alik's persuasion to keep Tuan Ba ​​Tuan Ba ​​Tuan Ba ​​and threw it away, and changed it to Alik's description, which he drew by himself.

Alik looked at Lan Yan holding the pen with disdain. He had never studied, but he didn't believe that this kid could draw better than him.

But not long after, his eyes widened, and he raised up the map that Lan Yan had drawn under his description, the outline of the city of St. Cherier with four gates, the upper reaches of the Bogolu River The runoff area from the city to the lowly church territory Vinmons, except for some details that he did not describe, such as location, shape, proportion, etc., is almost five or two different from the map that Alik has read in the book.

"You are a genius." He gave a thumbs up and said in shock. "Lan Yan, you are a genius. You may become a talented painter whose paintings are famous all over Northland after death, and I will witness your growth."

After death...

Lan Yan smiled and continued, ignoring his shock.

"Maybe." He stroked his chin. "Do you know of any way a kid can make money?"

"You live and eat well here, why do you want to make money?" Alik asked puzzled.

"You know, I have to learn some skills and accumulate some of my own property. Although His Majesty is kind, this is not my home after all, isn't it?" Lan Yan said flickeringly.

"That's right, but it's useless for you to ask me about it. You can ask Brian. He is the steward of the castle during the day. Ask him if he needs your help."

Lan Yan found Brian again and told him about it.

Brian can only arrange for him to help in the kitchen, and the wages are ten copper coins a day.

Fifty copper coins can be exchanged for one silver coin, and it takes 30 days for six silver coins.Lan Yan thought that it would be fine if he didn't wait in the cabin, he wanted to leave here as soon as possible, he only bought a deck ticket, it didn't matter if he sat there, anyway, he left here first.

Even though the plan was like this, Lan Yan felt that it would be difficult for him to survive until three months later to earn twenty silver coins.Ever since Trieste said that the vampire kept him just to eat him, he woke up from nightmares almost every day, and his dreams were always crimson, accompanied by flowing blood, and angry and manic pale figures.

Suffering from this torture, he almost lost weight again, and his whole body looked very unhealthy, but because of his strong will to escape, his eyes seemed to be full of hope, as if they would glow.

During the time he was helping in the kitchen, his relationship with Fuli and Minian got better. The fat cook has a sharp tongue, and Minian has a sharp voice. He doesn’t fit in well among the servants, but they are kind-hearted and take good care of them. He is more of a play than a helper, and he is fed from time to time.Especially Fuli, the fat cook, even quarreled with Trieste because of him.

If it wasn't for the worry of life, Lan Yan would be very willing to live like this with them.

At the beginning, Winston would occasionally ask about Lan Yan's situation. After learning that the child was living safely, he gradually stopped paying attention to him and handed everything over to Meg, the chief manager.

Meg also asked Brian, who came to report to him in the evening, about the situation of Lanyan every day at first, but day after day, life was the same, so she no longer paid special attention to it.

During this period of time, Lan Yan has figured out the routine of everyone in the castle. Thanks to Fuli, he can know everything from her mouth.

So when Lan Yan began to be ignored by everyone, he ran away and left a letter asking Brian to take good care of his little white dog.

It is better to say that it is a picture than a letter.

Although he is illiterate, the paintings are very vivid, almost exactly the same, including Brian's thick wig holding a four-foot-long iron rod, the puppy's black and smart eyes, and the child's begging expression.Of course, this is due to the fact that Lan Yan's father sent him to the Academy of Fine Arts in his previous life.

In that picture, Lan Yan handed the puppy to Brian. The child stood on tiptoe and held the puppy in front of the tall and strong man with both hands.

The painting was taped to Brian's door.

The right side of the castle is where the human servants live. Although you can occasionally hear music from the main city in the middle of the night, there are basically no people there. There are no entertainment activities or mobile phones to play. Everyone went to bed early.

Lan Yan didn't sleep all night, and kept paying attention to the time. At about 03:30 in the morning, he took the packed things and pasted the painting on the door of Brian's room, then slipped to the kitchen and took some leftovers from yesterday. Next to the bread, and a few apples.Then he turned to the stable, the stable clerk was sleeping in the bedding, thinking about it, he sneaked past the guard's small room, entered the stable and took a docile pony.

The author has something to say:

I clicked the wrong deposit box. It was supposed to be at nine o'clock.

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