Lan Yan was immediately embarrassed. After all, she was pointed at face to face, so she could only twitch the corners of her mouth stiffly, desperately defending her dignity, and said stubbornly, "I didn't."

"That's good." Torredo didn't see through his lie at all, believing it was true and nodded with relief. "Your Majesty said that I can only approach you if you forgive me."

"Ah." Lan Yan also nodded awkwardly.

Torredo walked to him and sat down, turned his head and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"The biography of Flynn Charles." Lan Yan turned the pages of the book for him to read.This person traveled around the whole continent, and recorded everything he saw and heard along the way, which is a very good reference book for Lan Yan, who can understand this continent.

Torredo nodded.

The two sat together speechless, and when Lan Yan was about to escape, Torredo spoke again. "Actually, Lan Yan, I actually admire you very much." He said sincerely.

Lan Yan opened her mouth slightly in surprise.

"Your painting skills are very good." Tourette said blushing. "I heard that you once taught Walker to draw, and I also..."

stop stop!Lan Yan shouted in his heart, he didn't want to accept a troublesome vampire apprentice. "Oh, oh, you said Walker, you know, I taught him for a purpose, to let him relax, so that I have a chance to escape." Lan Yan quickly interrupted him.

"But your teaching is really very useful. I have seen the paintings he drew before and the paintings he drew after you taught him. He has improved." Torredo held Lan Yan, and Lan Yan shrank back, Did not break free. "I'll take you to see my paintings."

"Hey, hey, where are you taking me? Where is your painting?" Lan Yan shouted and struggled. He was still very resistant to the vampire's touch.

"In my room." Torredo let go of his hand in disappointment.

"Forget it then, the memories I have there are not very good." Lan Yan didn't want to offend him now, so she said. "You can bring it here and let me see."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll be right there." Torredo disappeared on the spot excitedly, only to see the library door opened and closed again, and he had already returned to Lan Yan with his painting in his arms.

Lan Yan just turned around, looked up again and saw him, sighed inwardly, the vampire's teleportation is really useful.

The two sat on the long-haired carpet, Lan Yan casually pointed out, the vampire hurriedly nodded in agreement, and most of his paintings were figures, if you look at the level of the mainland, his paintings are top-notch and can be auctioned, but in In the eyes of modern people, Lan Yan is invisible and spiritless, and he is the most primitive painter.

From that day on, Lan Yan could always meet Torredo holding the painting, sometimes in the library, sometimes in the main hall of the main castle, sometimes under the window eaves, and near Lan Yan’s room on the second floor of the small courtyard In the aisle, he was almost sent directly to his room.

After all, they don't have much friendship. Once or twice, Lan Yan can teach him for the sake of looking up but not looking down, but every time this is very annoying, of course, there is also a way to not be annoying, that is——

In the corridor, Lan Yan stretched out his hand to the expectant Torredo: "Give me the money."

"Huh?" Torredo, who was holding the painting, was a little confused.

"Give me the money, you're taking up too much of my time, can't I teach you for nothing?" Lan Yan poked his chest a few times with her index finger.

A small offense, because Torredo thought that the two had become close friends in the past few days and didn't care about it, but the noble boy Torreto still couldn't understand, he thought that the relationship between them might be tainted by money up.

However, since Lan Yan asked, he didn't seem to have any reason to refuse. The reason why he felt that he would be tainted by money was because he lived in an aristocratic family since he was a child. Dust has no idea about money, he is not short of money, as long as Lan Yan wants, he can give him as much as he wants.

"How much do you want?" he asked.

The vampire looked at him with sincerity, which made Lan Yan dare not open his mouth.Guiltily, he turned his head away from him and said, "Ten gold coins once."

Torredo is rich and powerful, so he doesn't bargain with him at all, and even thinks that he wants less, because in his heart, Lan Yan has a very high status, an absolute master level.If Lan Yan knew that he thought so, he would probably die of laughter.

"Okay, you wait here for me." Torredo stuffed the painting into Lan Yan's arms, and then disappeared.

It was dark at night, and the pure white castle Essen Misri was brightly lit, and because of the upcoming feast, the upper and lower sides were all dressed up.

The old man Meg Carter was standing at the end of the corridor on the second floor of the main castle in a well-fitting black suit. The candlesticks on the wall illuminated his meticulously combed light blond hair.You say it's annoying, the old man has a thick head of hair, but Brian, who is in his prime, is bald and lives on a wig.

Torredo hurried out of the room with a purse full of gold coins, Meg stopped him.

"Fergus," he always called him. "Your Majesty calls you to the study, I have something to tell you."

The excited expression on Torredo's face disappeared and became serious and upright. "Yes, my lord."

He said.

Five days before the duel day, the nobles of the thirteen blood clans came one after another. They are dark creatures. Their arrival made the night in the castle more joyful. Banquets are held every day in the main castle, and some operas Actors, singers, dancers, and acrobats from the circus also rushed over to perform for the entertainment of the nobles. Of course, they will all leave at the end of the dawn banquet and will not live in the castle.Laughter and music sounded throughout the night, making the castle as lively as a market.

These vampires are sometimes not much different from humans.

Lan Yan had already changed into her nightgown and was standing by the window. The fragrance of spring flowers was very strong, and he could smell it here too.Winster told him not to go to the main castle during the day, because many strange vampires had already lived there.

Minian hurried through the corridor with a bunch of clean tablecloths in her arms, and saw Lan Yan standing at the window blowing through the crack of the door, and hurriedly shouted: "Lan Yan, hurry up and go to bed, the night wind blows easily. You catch a cold, don't you want to get sick again?"

Almost all the servants went to the main castle to help, and so did Minian. She urged Lan Yan to go to bed, covered the quilt, and left in peace.

After she left, Lan Yan turned over from the bed again, dragged out the small mahogany box under the bed, thinking about it.

The day before the duel, all the princes, grand elders, and the thirteen elders of the Bruch clan arrived. The courtyard of the stables was full of carriages, and many of their human followers also lived in the right side of the castle. In the small courtyard on the side, there is a smell of strangers everywhere, and it is annoyingly lively.

The fat cook, Fu Li, was as busy as a spinning top. During the day, she and the servants prepared enough food for the servants, and at night, she had to go to the kitchen of the main castle to help prepare the food for the nobles. Of course, the morning and afternoon In neutral, she can rest.Lan Yan felt tired and panicked just looking at it, but she was full of energy and felt very honored to be able to witness and participate in this feast.

Minnie is fine. Although she also feels that it is very honorable to witness the coronation feast once in a thousand years, but she doesn't like too many strangers, which will make her nervous. Some of the servants are not gregarious, so they often hide in the blue smoke room to be lazy, unless Brian and Fuli call her.

In the evening, Lan Yan was lying on the bed reading a book, and the white dog was obediently lying on the carpet beside his bed, because Minian couldn't bear to see this beast go to bed like a human.

Minian was sitting on a chair by the desk, holding a mirror and looking at herself in pity. She was actually not ugly, but she had a missing piece of her front tooth, which was very obvious. This was the reason for her low self-esteem.

"Don't you have a dentist here?" Lan Yan asked, he saw that Minian was very concerned about the broken front tooth.

Minian sighed: "Yes, but the cost of dental implants is very expensive, and I can't afford it."

"I'll give it to you, do you want a gold or silver one?" Lan Yan jumped out of bed, pulled off the silk sheets, and took out the money bag that Torredo gave him from the small mahogany box under the bed. Duo gave him two hundred gold coins at once that day.

"Lan Yan." Minian looked at Lan Yan in a panic, put down the mirror, and evaded. "I can't ask for your money."

"How much does the denture cost?" Lan Yan asked.

Minian bit her lips: "I can't take your money, Lan Yan, it's too expensive, I can't earn a single gold coin a year."

"How much does the denture cost?" Lan Yan asked again. "You don't want to be ridiculed by others anymore, don't you want to leak your words anymore? In fact, to be honest, sometimes vegetable leaves get stuck on your front teeth. It should be easy to get stuck. It's not convenient to chew on things. You just You can cut food into small pieces, or use the canine teeth on the side to bite, but that is very unsightly."

Minian covered her mouth, and her cheeks were flushed. Lan Yan said it too bluntly, which made her feel very embarrassed, but she didn't run away directly. What made her feel better was that Lan Yan didn't laugh at her, but really wanted to To help her.

"Haven't you learned about the cost of dentures?" Lan Yan asked.Yu Xidu +.

Minian shook her head, she dared not step into the dentist's office at all.

"Are two enough?" Lan Yan took out two gold coins, pulled her hand down, and put them in her palm. Minian said that she could not earn a single gold coin a year. According to his speculation, two gold coins Gold coins should be enough, and maybe she can get a gold tooth inlaid. Although Minian is still too young and the gold tooth looks too old-fashioned, it is better than nothing.

"Blue Smoke." Minian looked at the gold coin in her hand, not knowing what to say.

"Tell me if it's not enough." Lan Yan closed her hand and said seriously. "However, you'd better not go alone, find someone to take you there, such as Brian, his eyes are the most poisonous, you can go out with him in the morning, he has free time at noon, he can take you to find A reliable dentist, so that it is not easy to be deceived."

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