She was wearing a black cotton skirt with a white apron around her chest, and Lan Yan noticed that the corner of her skirt was wet.

"Is it raining outside?" Lan Yan sat up and asked.It turns out that the ability to survive is very strong, even if the wounds on his two wrists never really healed.

The maid didn't answer him, but just put the tray on the wooden table, brought out a small bowl of gray-black soup for Lan Yan to drink, every meal, such a small bowl of medicine must be drunk before meals.

Watching Lan Yan finish drinking the medicine, the maid took out a small table and put it on Lan Yan's bed so that he could sit and eat.

They never talk to Lan Yan, they just complete their tasks mechanically and indifferently.

Lan Yan had to eat all the food served. When they first woke up, they prepared a lot of food. After Lan Yan vomited a few times, the amount was reduced.

"Your head flower is wet, and there is a leaf."

Lan Yan stretched out her hand and was immediately opened by the maid.

"Don't touch me." The maid said disgustedly.

Lan Yan deliberately showed a hurt look, and looked at her innocently: "I just want to help you pick off that leaf."

"Hurry up and eat, don't waste my time," said the maid.

Lan Yan picked up the spoon to scoop up the soup and drank it, while watching her all the time.

The maid was very annoyed when he saw him uncomfortable, and cursed again: "Look at me again, I'll pull your eyes out."

Lan Yan intended to please her, and quickly finished the food so that she could pack up and leave.

The maid put away the small table and was about to leave with the tray when another fair and slim maid came in. Seeing that it was her, the fat maid quickly lowered her head.

"Is it all right here? There was a strong wind just now, so hurry up and sweep up the fallen leaves in front of the court, otherwise Mrs. Teresa will scold you again if she sees it."

"Yes, but I haven't had lunch yet." The fat maid said submissively.

"You can choose to go to lunch first, and then Mrs. Teresa wakes up from a nap and scolds you severely. Or, clean up the fallen leaves first, and then enjoy your dinner with peace of mind when the cleaning is finished." The white maid was proud Said quietly, in the words, slowly bossing around.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to sweep it now." The fat maid stammered.

"Then hurry up and hurry up."

The fat maid lowered her head and quickly left the room.The fair maid found Lan Yan looking at them, glanced at him indifferently, and left too.Lan Yan heard the sound of locking.He knew that the door was locked again, and the white maid was in charge of the key, and she opened the door every time to let the fat maid in.As for the chain on his feet, he had never seen anyone open it, and he didn't know who had the key.

Lan Yan got out of bed and dragged the chain around a few times. He often did this recently to prevent himself from lying down and losing his mobility.Just now the maid said that she hasn't had lunch yet, which means it's noon now, and it will be much easier to do many things after knowing the time.

Based on his observations over the past few days, he found that the status of this fat maid seemed to be very low. Apart from taking care of him, he also needed to do other dirty work.

He turned around a few times, and finally made a light mark on the head of the bed with his long nails.He was waiting for an opportunity, but time seemed to be running out, the last words of the fat maid proved this point,

The dinner was still brought to him by the fat maid.

"Did you eat at noon?" Lan Yan asked.

The fat maid put the little table on top and looked at him strangely.

"Weren't you talking here then?"

The fat maid still didn't answer him.

"Do you have to wait for me to eat before eating? If so, I will finish eating quickly. After all, you do so much work every day, you must be hungry very early." Lan Yan intentionally Said with concern.

"What do you mean? Are you pitying me? Are you worthy of pitying me?" The fat maid angrily overturned Lan Yan's small table, spilling soup and food on the floor.

Lan Yan was taken aback. She didn't expect the fat maid to have such a weird temper, and said quickly: "I'm not pitying you, I'm caring about you. After all, you work hard to deliver food to me every day."

"I don't need the care of a blood slave!" the fat maid said viciously, her small gray eyes staring hard.

Lan Yan showed a sad look. "But I only care about you because I'm really worried about you."

"You should worry about yourself first, your happy life will not last long!" The fat maid quickly picked up the dishes and tableware that had fallen on the floor, put them back on the tray one by one, and carried them away with the small table up.

"What do you mean?" Lan Yan asked, but the fat maid had already left without looking back.

After a while, Lan Yan heard her talking with the white maid from outside.

"What's going on?" Bai Jing's maid asked.

"I don't know, he knocked over the table all of a sudden." The fat maid said repeatedly, and Lan Yan could already imagine in her heart the useless appearance of her drooping head and shrunken shoulders.

"It's really troublesome, I have to clean up again." Bai Jing's maid complained. "Hurry up and send the tableware to the kitchen."


There was no sound of locking the lock, and the white maid must be waiting at the door.

Ten minutes later, the fat maid came in with a basin and a rag. The white maid directly dragged Lan Yan off the bed. The fat maid changed the dirty sheets and quilt for him, and gave him a hot towel He wiped the soup off his face and head, and finally got down on the ground again, picked up all the food that fell on the ground, and then wiped the oil stains on the floor with a rag.

The white maid forcefully changed Lan Yan's clothes, let him lie back on the bed, got under the bed and shortened the length of the chain.When she climbed out, Lan Yan saw the key chain in her hand.

"This is your punishment, you stupid pig." Said the white maid.

"I..." Lan Yan rolled her eyes at the fat maid who seemed to be frozen, and begged pitifully. "It's not intentional, and I don't want to bother you." Seeing the relieved look of the fat maid, he twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Hmph, you'd better be obedient, we won't have a hard time, and you won't have a hard time." Said the white maid.

"I see." Lan Yan nodded meekly.

The two packed up and left.

Lan Yan immediately sat up, found the place on the head of the bed where he had made a mark at noon, and made two more strokes. For the convenience of memory, he decided to draw one for each meal, and it would be easier to remember if he made up for the day.

The chains locked his ankles, and even though the white maid had shortened a lot, he still had some room to get out of bed and move around.

When the footsteps could no longer be heard outside, Lan Yan climbed up again. He broke off the candle in the wall lamp, got under the bed, and looked for the mechanism to connect the chain.

The two chains extended into the wall, and there was a gear-like turntable outside the wall.Lan Yan turned around tentatively, and heard the sound of heavy metal clashing from under the wall.

After half a turn, it stopped turning. Lan Yan took a closer look with the candle and found a keyhole in the center of the turntable.Among the keys held in the hand of the white and clean maid before, there must be the key of this chain.

Lan Yan looked around for a while, and crawled out from under the bed after finding nothing.

He heard the sound of heavy rain falling from outside, and the howling of the wind, which was particularly obvious at night.Lan Yan felt his hands and feet were cold, and the fire was jumping. He wanted to walk over, but he was caught by the chains.

Lan Yan began to feel that the fat maid was not so indifferent to him, so he begged to her after eating, hoping to replace the after-meal fruit with apples, he likes to eat apples.

The fat maid agreed, and said she would tell the cook.

Besides, Lan Yan didn't take the initiative to talk to her in the past few days, and she also quietly waited for Lan Yan to finish eating and then left, but she didn't understand why Lan Yan left the apple seeds, but she didn't stop him.

He didn't want to startle the snake by acting too eagerly, he held back, waiting for the right opportunity, and just when he couldn't bear it anymore, the opportunity finally came.

The fat maid was very relaxed in front of him recently, and often lost her mind. Once she took out a pocket watch in front of Lan Yan.

The pocket watch looked like it belonged to a man, and it was quite delicate, with a golden surface inlaid with a ruby. It seemed that the original owner's status was not low.

The fat maid looked at the pocket watch and stroked it with her fingers, looking fascinated.

"The pocket watch is very beautiful, who gave it to you?" Lan Yan asked.

The fat maid quickly stuffed the pocket watch back into her clothes. With her defensive posture, Lan Yan immediately judged that the pocket watch might not have been given to her by the original owner.He deliberately said: "The owner of this pocket watch must be very handsome."

The fat maid frowned. "The pocket watch is mine."

"Oh, that's my misunderstanding." Lan Yan said sincerely. "This pocket watch looks expensive."

"Have you finished eating?" The fat maid obviously didn't want to continue this topic.

"Eat well." Lan Yan said.

The fat maid got up, silently packed the tableware, and was about to leave.

"I have read many books." Lan Yan shouted.

The fat maid looked at him in surprise, wondering why he suddenly mentioned this.

"In His Majesty's library, I have read books on the diet management of nobles, which record in detail the secrets of how to keep a slim figure." Lan Yan said. "Your facial features and skin are fine, but you are slightly fat and hunchbacked."

The fat maid stopped.

Seeing that she had been seduced, he continued: "You know, the real King Winster is pretty good to me, and I know a lot about the etiquette of princes and nobles. I can teach you to be an elegant person with a graceful figure. .”

The fat maid paused for a moment, but without looking back, she walked out of the room quickly.But Lan Yan knew that she had already planted a seed of imagination in her heart, and she would definitely fantasize about how she would transform into a beautiful woman after losing all her fat tonight.He just had to wait, waiting for the seed to take root and germinate, so that she would take the initiative to speak to him.

Lan Yan sat on the bed for a while, then got out of bed and walked as usual.What he said just now was all about fooling people, and Lan Yan was not interested in the diet management of nobles.

After walking for a while, Lan Yan felt that her feet were cold before going to bed, and found out from under the pillow something wrapped in a rag torn from her pajamas.

There were dozens of apple seeds inside. Lan Yan opened it and counted it, and then put the ones he had just saved into it together. There were more than 80 of them. A little more would almost achieve the effect of making people faint.

Lan Yan thought he would have to wait a few more days, but the fat maid asked him the next day.

"What are the secrets of the nobleman's body you said?" Her tone was still high-spirited, disdainful of Lan Yan but she had to ask him for help, which made her look a little embarrassed.

Lan Yan put down the spoon, looked at her seriously and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" He laughed until the fat maid was annoyed, as if she was going to go up to smoke blue cigarettes in a second.

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm just happy, because I've been locked up here, it's so lonely, the only person I see every day is you, I hope I can be your friend, it makes me feel happy to help you. "Blue Smoke emphasized.

"Stop talking nonsense, what is the secret book you're talking about?" the fat maid asked impatiently.

"It's diet management. I've memorized those recipes in my head." Lan Yan tapped her head. "I'll tell you how to do it one by one."

"You can tell me everything right now."

"Okay, now you need to go on a diet..." Lan Yan asked her what she ate every day, and then customized a recipe with limited portion.Losing weight is very simple, as long as the willpower is strong and you can restrain yourself from not eating, but Lan Yan is also afraid that she will make herself faint. After all, she still needs to work every day, so she just asks her to take it slowly.

"In order to better help you diet, in case your willpower is not strong enough, you need to report to me every day, what and how much you eat. Okay, now tell me what is your name?" He asked the maid to tell me It was not because of this reason that he reported it. He knew that it was impossible for him to control her. It was just that in this way, it was easy to cultivate a relationship between superiors and subordinates.

"Why are you asking this?" the fat maid said, her brows were frowned but she was not angry.

"You can just answer me." Lan Yan's voice was a little stronger, but her tone was still gentle, with a vague sense of command.

"Susie Peters," said the fat maid.

"Susie, starting from today, you need to come to me every night, and I will teach you the etiquette of aristocrats, and become a decent and elegant person." Lan Yan said.

"Night? I'm not on duty at night."

"No one disturbs you at night, it's more convenient only at night, as long as we don't make noise, they won't be able to find out, I believe you must have a way to do it, this is just a small obstacle on the road to becoming a beauty " Lan Yan said encouragingly.

"It's hard." Suzy hesitated.

"You have to do it, Susie, otherwise I won't be able to teach you, and it will be easier to be discovered during the day." Lan Yan said.

"Let's see, I don't have the key here. Martina has the key."

Martina was the fair maid.

"Think about it, you can definitely get that bunch of keys, after all, she can't sleep with that bunch of keys, right? You can wait for her to fall asleep and then sneak over." Lan Yan guided.

Suzy was still hesitant. "They don't allow us to talk to blood slaves. If we are caught, I will be kicked out."

"As long as you are careful, they won't find out. It's very simple, you just need to pay attention." Lan Yan said.

"I have to go," she said. "It's time for Martina to come over later." She picked up the tray and was about to leave.

Lan Yan added fuel to the fire, and said, "I promise, you will be more beautiful than Martina after you lose weight."

The fat maid paused before leaving the room.

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