Lan Yan arranged some messy clothes facing the glass window in the corridor, and walked slowly into the living room. Adrian saw him coming back, raised his glass to him, and Lan Yan walked towards him, and pressed the Pressing his forehead, he whispered, "I'm not feeling well, let's go back first."

Adrian put down his wine glass, grabbed his hand, and frowned. "You are hurt."

"Ah, no..." Lan Yan watched him lift up his right hand, where the phalanx of the middle finger was scratched on the back of the hand for some reason, his hand was long and thin, and the color of the bones on the back of the hand under the skin was like white jade, At this time, it was scratched, and all the joints were stained red, which looked very serious.

It's just that he didn't notice when he was arranging his clothes in the mirror just now, maybe he accidentally rubbed against the saddle in a panic while riding a horse.

"A little injury, maybe I accidentally rubbed it somewhere." Lan Yan withdrew her hand and said lightly.

At this time, he looked unwilling to say more, and Adrian was quick-witted, so naturally he would not ask any more questions here. "Didn't it mean to go to see the horse? Why did you want to leave so soon?"

"That's it, it's not as good as the horse Winster gave me." Lan Yan said.

"Naturally, the horse His Majesty sent you is one in a million." Adrian said.

After a while, the Davide siblings came back.Adrian whispered: "Go and say goodbye to them, and we will leave."

Lan Yan nodded slightly, pretending that nothing happened, and said goodbye to Jyoti and Dennis.

Dennis leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I scared you just now, and I was shocked too."

"It's okay." Lan Yan said.

"That's all right, that damned horse, I'll kill it myself in a minute."

" is your horse, you have the right to dispose of it." Lan Yan curled the corner of his mouth.

Dennis stared at his eyes, those silver eyes were like the moonlight hiding the night, and the eyelashes were as frosty as snow, everything was as usual, with a little alienation, a little pride, a little softness, lifeless, no panic, no look at him. It can't be said that I have experienced such a dangerous thing just now.

"That's good." Dennis also smiled. "Then next time I invite you again, you can't refuse me."

"No, but I don't dare to ride your horse casually anymore." Lan Yan said.

Leaving David's mansion, the carriage entered the dark place and slowly drove towards the hilly castle in the city.

Lan Yan leaned against the cushion and looked out the window with an extremely ugly expression.

"I'll tell Winster about this in person, you don't need to."

Adrian was slightly taken aback, took out a silk handkerchief from his pocket, wrapped it around Lan Yan's palm, and tied a knot on the back of his hand. "Okay," he said.

Lan Yan noticed that his mood was not right, glanced at him, and suddenly remembered that if Winster knew about this, he might be reprimanded, and his inner thoughts suddenly became uncertain.

The pure white castle is brightly lit, and the golden spire emits a shimmer, wrapped in the thick night, and it looks like a dream under the moonlight. She is not only radiant in the sun, but also still magnificent under the moonlight.

Lan Yan once counted that she has a total of 36 spires, and the small sculptures on each top are different, some are crescent moons, some are roses and arrow feathers, which are consistent with the white stone carvings outside her window eaves.

Who would have thought that the castle had stood for a thousand years, maybe she used to be lively, but when Lan Yan saw the black-haired vampire standing in front of the high window of the study on the second floor, he thought she might have been lonely for a long, long time.

After thinking about it, Lan Yan still decided not to tell Winster about it. In order to avoid being seen out, he didn't go to see Winster and went back to the small courtyard to rest.

But Winston came to his room before he went to bed.

Lan Yan knew from his expression that he already knew about it, and Adrian must have told him.

"You won't be allowed to contact Dennis alone again in the future," Winster said.

Lan Yan felt that he seemed to blame himself, because this sentence sounded no different from an apology.After all, he was really scared just now, and he couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart, subconsciously said: "It's nothing, it was just an accident, Dennis was also scared."

"It's fine. I don't want you to hide this kind of thing from me. You'd better never get hurt."

Lan Yan sat on the bed, hearing his words, the trace of emotion immediately withdrew, and the thorns of rebellion stood up.He snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, my rock needs to be kept intact so that you can throw it wherever you need it."

His nose was sour, and an inexplicable grievance filled his heart. He stared at Winster stubbornly, but his eyes were a little red.

He didn't want to go at first, but Winster wanted him to go. The siblings didn't seem like they would help him.

"Hand out," Winston said.

Lan Yan saw the medicine bottle in his hand, took a few deep breaths, held back the turbulent sourness, and said, "No, it's just a small injury, there's no need to bother you to do it yourself."

Winston put the small white porcelain bottle on the table and left.

Lan Yan looked at the direction he was leaving, and sadly found that he just couldn't obey Winster forever, even though reason told him that it would not be harmful to be close to Winster, after all, he was the one who controlled everything, but emotionally it seemed to be He couldn't accept it, he was too sensitive, and every time he doubted Winster's intentions, he would resist him uncontrollably.

It seems that this shouldn’t be the case between them, Winster is so kind to him, maybe something will happen in the future, but for now, Winster is the best and closest person to him in his two lifetimes people.

But there is a purpose, and whenever Lan Yan is soberly aware of this, that faint, warm feeling will turn into hatred again.

That shouldn't be the case, what was he expecting?Every time he picked out his position.

Lan Yan fell on the bed and lifted the quilt to cover herself.

What would he be like now if he hadn't met Winster?

The next day, Lan Yan found that the injury on the back of his hand had healed. He thought that Walker had applied some medicine to him at night, but Walker denied it.Walker said that after His Majesty left last night, he slept until dawn, but he held Lan Yan's hand curiously, because only vampires have powerful healing power.

For a few days, Lan Yan didn't go to the main castle to have dinner again. Dennis sent someone to invite him to play, but he also refused.

Lan Yan now has two students, one is Walker, who teaches him to draw, and the other is Sally, who teaches him arithmetic and literature. Every afternoon, they will use their spare time to sit in his room and study together. Lan Yan Give them a few words at will, and then doze off all over the world, after all, it is so good to sleep in the summer afternoon

During dinner, Lan Yan went to the kitchen, ready to have dinner with Walker and the others.Meg Carter came, and she was chatting with Fu Li with her hands behind her back. The fat cook looked flattered, and was very happy to see Lan Yan coming, and said, "Lan Yan, I didn't prepare your dinner today. , take a break from your main castle."

Hearing what she said, Lan Yan immediately understood everything, sighed, and said to Sally, "I don't have any dinner, do you mind sharing it with me?"

"Oh, of course I don't mind." Sally said happily.

"That's great, I don't have to eat." Lan Yan shrugged regretfully at Meg.

"Master Lan Yan, His Majesty invited you to go." Meg said politely.

"I dont go."

The others have gotten used to it, so they are not surprised, so Meg shouted helplessly: "Master Lanyan, Your Majesty hasn't had a good dinner for several days, so I beg you."

"That's none of my business?" Lan Yan sat down on the wooden chair. Although the kitchen was busy and noisy, he had long been used to it.

"Go, Lan Yan." Fuli persuaded, and the others followed suit. In the end, the cook threatened not to give Sally dinner.

Lan Yan was slightly angry, but he had no choice but to choose not to eat dinner, but it was obviously not a long-term solution, so he could only leave with Meg.

It was completely dark outside, and the cool evening wind was blowing gently. They walked slowly along the gravel road in the square, the insects were singing and falling, and some glowing stars could be seen in the distance.

"Master Lan Yan." Meg said thoughtfully. "Your Majesty is not a bad person. Sometimes you are too mean to him. You must know that he does not need to bear anyone's anger."

"He is your master, of course you would say that." Lan Yan said.

Meg smiled and said: "I'm just saying something to be fair. What is your status and what is his status? You may not be happy to hear this, but I still hope you can understand the disparity. Although he really treats you well enough, or it can be said that he is the best person in Viaken to you, perhaps this kind of kindness blurs the gap in the relationship..."

"You are wrong. I did not blur the difference between me and him. I know that my relationship with him is very different. He is the only lord of Viaken, and I am just his slave." Lan Yan Enduring the anger in his heart, he said.

"It's too presumptuous of you to say that." Meg laughed again. "You haven't heard me through yet."

"In the beginning, I reminded him not to treat you so well. He may have had a playful attitude at that time, but now it is obviously different. You have already affected him. No one has ever been able to Influenced him as far as you did."

"What's wrong with me?" Lan Yan asked.

"When you disappeared for more than a month, he looked for you like crazy, and couldn't sleep during the day..."

"That's only because of Buck's rebellion against him, not because of me!" Lan Yan interrupted him again.

"Why don't you believe me? You are definitely important to him, at least more important than you think."

"You just have to follow him a little bit, and then follow him a little bit, and he won't be willing to hurt you."

Lan Yan sneered: "You guys think so beautifully, you treat me as a plaything and a stone at the same time."

Lan Yan didn't listen to what he said. Old Meg helped her forehead helplessly, and advised: "Things that haven't happened yet will always change. No one can guarantee that things will end up as they expected. You're a smart guy, you're a genius, that's what he thought at first, but it's obviously changed now."

"Oh, I don't believe it." Lan Yan said.

Meg sighed, and said, "Forget it, time will eventually tell."

Lan Yan followed him to the restaurant, and saw a slightly surprised Winster on the long table, as if he didn't expect Lan Yan to come.

As soon as Lan Yan saw his expression, he knew what was going on. He twitched his lips and looked at Old Meg.The old man put his hands behind his back, turned his head to the side and stopped looking at him, as if all this had nothing to do with him, Lan Yan came here by himself.

As long as the master is happy, there's nothing wrong with asking him to be a nasty peacemaker.

Lan Yan turned around and left.

Winston yelled, "Come back."

Lan Yan stopped in her tracks.

The man's voice softened: "Come here, Lan Yan."

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