Before, when Zhang and Wang made an appointment, when they gave a signboard to their new neighbor in the future, they asked Chen Yu what name he planned to name his shop.

This question stunned Chen Yu, asking him to do the work is alright, a name?Really bad.

Listen to the name of Shenqiao, it was picked up from the bottom of the bridge hole, so it is called Shenqiao.

Fortunately, it wasn't picked up by the side of the road, otherwise it would have to be called Shen Lu.

Seeing that he was undecided, Boss Zhang smiled and said, "Otherwise, it will be called Shen Ji. All well-known old shops are called that. Lao Wang's noodle shop is still called Wang Ji."

"Fuck you, why mention me, your small shop doesn't even have a signboard." Boss Wang spat at him, and said to Chen Yu: "Don't listen to his nonsense."

Chen Yu smiled, faintly moved.

Yes, the famous Malatang chain stores in later generations, such as Yang x Fu Malatang, x Liang Malatang, don't they all use the names of people?

Although it seems a bit shameful to hang his name on the signboard, but he made a serious note, so... is it okay?

So the name of Chen Yu's first store was decided like this.

At this time, the two bosses, Zhang and Wang, didn't know what the signboard they sent out meant, but out of sincerity, they specially found a familiar craftsman, selected good wood and gave Shen Yu such a signboard.

Chen Yu doesn't know much about wood, but he can get a general idea of ​​whether it's good or bad. Knowing that the two elder brothers really put a lot of thought into it, he sincerely thanks them.

Boss Zhang smiled and waved his hands: "I also want to thank you. The base material you sent is really good. Our family made a shabu-shabu during the Chinese New Year, and everyone said it was delicious."

When Chen Yu mentioned it at the beginning, he and Lao Wang didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect that Chen Yu would really send it to them years ago.

A big bag, a thick layer of butter, looks not cheap.

But the taste is really good, you can cook it with some water, and you can eat it in a pot, and you can make any vegetable or meat, and it will be delicious when you put it in and cook it.

Relatives in the family say that it tastes good, and they like it very much. When there are many people during the Chinese New Year, it can be served as a big dish. It is fresh and delicious.At the end of the day, some hand-rolled noodles were ordered, and his little boy snorted and pulled two bowls.

Boss Wang followed suit and nodded: "Yes, it can also be used when cooking."

His wife's cooking skills are very average. When guests come to the house during the Chinese New Year, they are always reluctant to let go, fearing that the dishes they cook will not taste good and make relatives laugh at them.

But with the hot pot base ingredients given by Chen Yu, put a little when cooking heavy-flavored dishes, especially to enhance the taste.

Think about it too, there are oil and various seasonings in it, all of which are prepared, which is much easier than controlling the seasoning by yourself.

This year, several dishes cooked by his wife were well received, and she was so happy that she kept telling him that this base material is easy to use.

Chen Yu laughed when he heard it, he didn't expect Boss Wang's family to develop this usage.

There are indeed some home-cooked dishes in later generations, and it is indeed convenient to use hot pot base as seasoning.

For example, cooking Maoxuewang and adding a small piece of hot pot bottom material is definitely more convenient and delicious than seasoning by yourself.

It’s not that the hot pot base is really so versatile, but compared to most people’s ordinary cooking skills, the hot pot base may not improve the taste of the dish too much, but at least it will not be too unpalatable.

To put it simply, the upper limit is not that high, but the lower limit is not too low, and it can maintain a relatively good level, which is enough for most people.

"Can you still cook?" Boss Zhang sighed: "It's a pity that my family has finished eating, otherwise I can try it."

The shabu-shabu is delicious, both the daughter-in-law and the son like it. The old man in the family mixes some white water in the bowl, and he likes it after shabu-shabu, saying that it is soft and delicious.

So during the Chinese New Year period, I eat it all the time, and I eat it up.

Boss Wang: "My family has finished eating too."

Since his daughter-in-law discovered the wonderful use of hot pot bottom ingredients, she was like a treasure, and her interest in cooking was unprecedentedly high, so she used up all of them.

Boss Zhang looked at Chen Yu and hesitated.

Chen Yu laughed: "Brother Zhang, what do you want to say, just say it."

Boss Zhang rubbed his hands, and said embarrassedly: "I just want to ask, Xiao Shen, why don't you make some base material and sell it to us."

Before Shen Yu opened his mouth, Boss Wang said, "I know you want to say give it to us. There is no need for it. Both Lao Zhang and I think this thing is good. I always have some at home. It is very easy to use. It is convenient for cooking in a pot. If you Send us, can you still send it for a lifetime? If you are willing to send it, our brothers don't have the face to accept it."

Boss Zhang nodded seriously: "Old Wang is right."

A thought came to Chen Yu's mind, he has opened a mala tang restaurant, so what if he opens a hot pot restaurant?Playing infrastructure games, buildings can be upgraded, he can also open a shop, and Malatang can upgrade the hot pot restaurant.

But now it can only be regarded as an immature idea, the simplest reason is lack of money.

Opening this store has exhausted his savings, and he needs to regain some blood before he can figure out how to take the next step.

As for Zhang Wang's request, he thinks it can be done. When opening a hot pot restaurant in the future, it can also sell hot pot bottom ingredients. If the customers think it tastes good, they will definitely be willing to buy it.

After making a clear calculation, Chen Yu said: "I'll make another batch later, and the two brothers will take it home and eat first."

He raised his hand to stop what the two were about to say: "Just this time, if I buy it later, I will definitely charge you."

These two elder brothers helped him a lot. They bought a house before, helped inquire about Zhang Luo, and ate a meal for nothing.

Chen Yu sent some hot pot seasoning as a thank you, but they turned around and sent a big signboard.

So I'm really embarrassed to sell them the hot pot base. This time I will give more, next time... let's talk about it next time, maybe the hot pot restaurants will open by then.

But that's all for the future, just for now.

It was scheduled to open on the seventh day of the first lunar month. Before the opening, Chen Yu was busy. On the day before the opening, he accidentally discovered that Shen Qiao's leg had healed unconsciously.

This is a good thing!Chen Yu was overjoyed, superstitiously believed that this was a very good omen.

On the opening day, Shen Qiao and a group of employees arrived in the store early in the morning.

The newly renovated shop has been cleaned and the windows are bright and bright. Passers-by can easily feel good about it when they see it from the outside.

The employees are also tidy and tidy, and there are no employee uniforms for the time being—we can’t afford them. A set of padded jackets costs tens of dollars, and it’s more than 200 for four people. Chen Yu has no money!

But Chen Yu gave each person two sets of hats, aprons, and sleeves for changing and washing. I told them in advance that these equipment must be clean.

The three-piece suit is made of beige fine check cloth, which is warm in color, and it is not easy to get dirty, but it is not easy to hide dirt.

On the apron, there is a relatively large pattern of "Shen Ji". On the skirt, the brim of the hat, and the cuffs of the sleeves, Chen Yu had someone sew a small fish flicking its tail.

It seems like a lot of extra money, at least Aunt Yu just heard that when she was going to order these equipment for their employees, she told him in private that there is no need to spend more money, it is a waste.

Aunt Yu was planning for him, without these equipment, they soiled their clothes and went home to wash them by themselves.

It is convenient for them to have these equipments, so what is the benefit to Chen Yu, the boss.

But Chen Yu insisted, so Aunt Yu didn't say much.

As a result, when these things are finished and everyone puts them on together, they will look different immediately.

Aunt Yu couldn't describe it, she just felt that she was completely different, and she was very excited.

She thought of those workers who came out in overalls, all of them with their chests up and their heads up. Are these also considered work clothes for her?

The others were also very happy. Aunt Yang carefully touched the apron on her body. She was afraid that it would get dirty after making an apron with such a fine material, so she couldn't bear it!

When the new store opened, Boss Zhang asked Chen Yu if he wanted to set off two firecrackers, but Chen Yu refused.

Just opening a mala tang restaurant was too much fanfare, and it was opened opposite the factory. When the machinery factory was working, he set off firecrackers outside, which had a bad influence.

Therefore, Chen Yu only posted a big red paper on the wall next to the store that says "good luck for the opening" and [-]% off for the first three days.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month in [-], at eight o'clock in the morning, Shen Yu's first store, Shen Ji Malatang, opened quietly.

The four employees went to their respective positions according to the previous training.

However, the ingredients had been prepared long ago, and the soup base was still heating up on the big stove. Except for Aunt Zhou who was looking at the pot, no one else had anything to do.

Aunt Yang panicked, why didn't she have any customers, the boss couldn't make any money without customers, how long could she work at this job?

The others were fine, they had cooperated with Chen Yu long ago, and knew that business was good when he set up a stall before.

Now that the store is open, the environment is better, and the price of the dishes has not increased, so suddenly there is no business for no reason.

Chen Yu is not in a hurry, he sells food, and under normal circumstances, business is good during mealtimes. At this moment, the machinery factory has already started work. After eight o'clock, there are not many passers-by, so it is normal that there is no business.

"Have everyone eaten?" Chen Yu asked.

Everyone else nodded, how could they come here hungry if they were going to work?

Chen Yu rubbed her stomach, said with a smile: "Shen Qiao and I haven't eaten yet, I'll go next door to buy some noodles, let's eat first."

Just as he was talking, Boss Wang opened the door and came in: "Hey, I was still thinking about it. You said you opened the store today, but why didn't you see anyone in the morning? Now that everyone has gone to work, there are no customers, right? Well, I'll open an opening for you. "

Chen Yu smiled and said: "Who eats Malatang in the morning, what am I doing so early?"

Boss Wang thought about it too. He was in a hurry in the morning, so he didn't have time to slowly choose skewers and wait for them to be ironed.

"I just saw it says on your outside, [-]% off for three days of opening?" Boss Wang asked.

"Yes, I'll give you a [-]% discount." Chen Yu smiled.

"No, just a [-]% discount is fine. I'm not thick-skinned enough, so I'm sorry to keep taking advantage of you. Maybe Lao Zhang can do it." Boss Wang said narrowly.

"I heard you mentioning me as soon as I came in. Why are you saying bad things about me?" Boss Zhang came in right after him.

Not surprisingly, they also came to cheer for Chen Yu. Under Shen Yu's guidance, the two first took a small bamboo tray made by Mr. Zhao, and put the skewers they wanted in it.

After choosing, take it to the window to settle accounts together.

Although Aunt Yu has never read any books, she has been calculating the family's living expenses all year round, and she is especially sensitive to this kind of money.

She also did her homework in private, trying to memorize the prices of various ingredients to avoid miscalculations.

There is only a [-]% discount for the opening, which is a bit difficult for her. Chen Yu said that the total price is multiplied by [-], and she has never learned multiplication.

Aunt Yu panicked for a moment, but with her life wisdom, she quickly found a way to deal with it.

If she doesn't know how to ride, she won't take the ride. Calculate one-tenth of the total price. She knows how to do this, and then subtract one-tenth from the total price.

It's an extra step, but it's fine if you can figure it out.

Aunt Yu quickly calculated the price, remembering what Chen Yu said, the hand holding the money should not touch the ingredients. After the calculation, the bamboo tray was transferred to Aunt Zhou who was waiting on the side.

Aunt Zhou immediately removed the sticks, put the ingredients into the pot in order according to their cooking resistance, and put them in a long colander to cook.

Aunt Yang hesitated for a moment, and mustered up the courage to go over: "You can sit down first, and I will bring it to you when it is done."

The two looked at each other, picked a table and sat down.

Boss Zhang gave Chen Yu a thumbs up: "Little brother, your shop has made..."

He struggled for a moment, as if trying to find a suitable adjective, but couldn't think of one.

Boss Wang continued: "It's normal, arrange noodles."

It looks different from the general store, anyway, as a customer, he has a pretty good experience.

Chen Yu smiled, there is nothing to be proud of, he has learned the experience of his predecessors, so this is where he is.

It is said that if there is a xdilao in this era, the guests can be scared away, it is too enthusiastic.

Perhaps it was because the two really gathered their popularity, and just as they brought their Malatang, other customers came to the store.

This is a person who patronized the Chenyu stall. When he passed by, he smelled the aroma that he had wanted for a year. Following the aroma, he found a new shop opened here.

It also sells spicy hot pot. Come and see, it is really the little boss.

This guest had already had breakfast, but he hadn't eaten Malatang for more than ten days, so he thought it tasted like this.

And on the red paper at the door, there is a [-]% discount for the first three days of opening.

It's cheap, don't take it for nothing, it's a rare discount, thanks for missing it.

He originally wanted to buy just a few skewers to satisfy his appetite, but holding the small tray, the few skewers inside were so empty that he almost couldn't even cover the bottom. a few.

When I checked out, I felt a little heartbroken, but on second thought, [-]% off!

Rounding up, eating more means earning more, and eating more means earning!So all of a sudden my mind was balanced.

Being politely invited to sit down, and then the food he ordered was served directly in front of him, it couldn't be more considerate.

The customers were very satisfied. Those clerks were clean, and they were wearing hats and sleeves, so they could be distinguished from other stores at once.

And get such a tray, hold it and choose it yourself, how nice it is, it is very convenient, and it is also clean.

There are chopstick holders, chili oil, and vinegar on the table. He asked and added them for free.

In such a good environment, the price has not increased, and there is a discount for the opening, which is a bargain.

The guests were satisfied with the meal, and they were full of praise after spending the money. After returning home, they opened the Malatang store, and told their relatives and friends about the opening discount.

This is something to say, let's talk about now.

With the first guest, there will be the second and third ones. After cooking the ingredients, the aroma will slowly drift out, and guests will come in gradually.

A few employees didn't think there were too many people at all, but were very happy.

How nice the people are, the business is good, the boss can make money, and the boss makes money, and their work can be continued for a long time.

But suddenly there are so many customers in the store, Chen Yu will help, then he will be busy, and he has no time to eat noodles as agreed.

Shen Qiao frowned, went to the back kitchen to get a clean big tray, went next door to buy a big plate of pulled noodles and came back.

Aunt Zhou put it into the bone broth and boiled it without any hassle, adding some vegetables and meat, and served two bowls when it was done, one bowl for each person of Shenqiao Chenyu.

Chen Yu added some chili oil to himself, and ate a bowl of hot noodles, making him full.

Shen Qiao was eating the second bowl, and Chen Yu sat opposite him, full of food and drink, and asked with a smile: "Have you spent the New Year's money?"

Shen Qiao's lucky money, of course, was given by him, ten yuan.

He was thinking that Shen Qiao had some money in his hand, maybe he would need it sometime.

Shen Qiao nodded, he didn't want to accept it at the time, because he didn't have money to give Shen Yu a New Year's gift.

"If the store is too busy these days, help me settle the accounts and pay you." Chen Yu said.

"No." Shen Qiao put down his chopsticks, worried that he might misunderstand, and added: "No salary."

He wanted to make money, so he thought of another way, but he couldn't make Chen Yu's money.

With a firm expression on his face, Chen Yu touched his chin: "Okay, then give me a free job, don't regret it."

Shen Qiao smiled slightly and said, "I won't regret it."

He will never regret anything he does for Chen Yu.

I have to work when I am full. In the middle of the morning, there are not many customers, in twos and threes, and sometimes there is no customer in the store.

But when it was time to get off work at noon, there were suddenly more people.

Chen Yu has set up a stall outside for more than a month, and his reputation has been spread. There are many loyal customers nearby, especially the workers in the machinery factory.

The business was closed for more than ten days during the Chinese New Year, and many people were thinking about going to eat Malatang after Shen Yu came out to set up a stall. Unexpectedly, there was a shop.

Smell, like!

Come in one, same boss.

That's nothing to say, hurry up and look at the menu, the environment has improved, but don't raise the price.

No rise!There is still a discount for the opening, so what are you waiting for, if you don’t take advantage of the bargain, aren’t you a fool?

The shop assistants who were worried that there would be no customers before became crazy busy.

Aunt Yu was overwhelmed with the calculations, Shen Qiao and Shen Yu went to help, the two of them settled the accounts, Aunt Yu went to help Aunt Zhou, Aunt Yang and Dalong greeted the guests, served bowls and tables, and ran non-stop.

Chen Yu bought this house just to open a shop, with a total area of ​​about [-] square meters, and the back is used as a warehouse to store ingredients and other sundries, which is about ten square meters.

The kitchen and the outside lobby are connected together, separated by a platform in the middle, with the cash register on one side and the pot stove on the other. The cooked Mala Tang is placed on the platform, and Aunt Yang and Dalong serve it to the guests.

The lobby occupies the largest area, more than 30 square meters, with walls on both sides, and six tables can be placed on one side, adding up to twelve tables.

Because it is a bench, a table can hold six people if it is crowded, and if it is full, there will be 72 seats.

It looks like a lot, but at the busiest time, there are customers with bowls and no place to sit, so they can only stand on one side and share the table with others.

Maybe it's because the stall has not been out for more than ten days. Regular customers miss this bite and have a strong desire to buy.

Or maybe the charm of the [-]% discount is too great, and the guests come in wave after wave, and I don't know how many there are.

Chen Yu found that Shen Qiao was so easy to use, even better than a calculator, and the calculator had to press numbers one by one, and if he accidentally pressed the wrong one, he might not even find out.

Shen Qiao was different, he could calculate faster than a calculator, he could even figure out the price with a glance, and his mental calculation speed was so fast that one could be envied.

With him here, Shen Qiao's side is not so busy, and he can get away to help other things.

During the noon wave, the number of customers gradually decreased until it was almost two o'clock.

Chen Yu asked the employees to take turns eating.

There is no need to be harsh in such a small place when opening a restaurant that sells food, with pots, stoves and ingredients.

So he told them in advance that there are two meals included, at noon and night, they can cook their own meals and stir-fry vegetables, and each meal can have a meat dish.

If you want to eat spicy soup, you can cook it yourself, or go to the noodle shop next door to eat noodles, and you can get reimbursed.

The home-cooked restaurant on the other side is not good, and there is no reimbursement for eating there, just so stingy and holding grudges.

Several employees chose to eat Mala Tang. First, there are still customers, so cooking is time-consuming.

Second, smelling this smell, the guests ate so deliciously, they were also greedy.

Dalong set up a stall with Chen Yu, and he didn't eat less, but he couldn't eat enough, and still thought it was delicious.

Aunt Yu and Aunt Zhou tasted it, and they also thought it tasted good, much better than their cooking.

Aunt Yang has never eaten it, and she really wants to taste it.

Chen Yu is with them, but it's only for this period of time, who can bear to eat Mala Tang every day, they will naturally choose other meals in the future.

Then everyone chose some skewers, I don't know if it's because the boss Chen Yu is here, he doesn't dare to take meat, and he gets cheap ones.

It was Chen Yu who took the initiative to let them eat some meat, so they each took a few skewers of meat.

When Mala Tang was in their mouths, several people speeded up their eating.

After eating in one sitting, Aunt Yang secretly said to Aunt Zhou: "No wonder the business is so good, it's really delicious, our little boss is really capable."

Aunt Zhou nodded, no, the little boss is the most capable person she has ever seen, and he has a good heart.

She hit her luck, and she had to put her heart into working with the little boss.

With the turbulent passenger flow at noon, the employees no longer worry about having no customers.

People came one after another in the afternoon, more than in the morning, and they all came after hearing the news of the discount.

Just these three days, if you miss it, you will lose money!

At dinner time, the business is better than noon, and many of them come with the whole family.

Before, Chen Yu only set up a stall at noon, and the time was short. Except for the free time, most of the customers were actually workers from the machinery factory.

But now there is a shop, and it is open at night, and there are workers from other factories, who heard the news and got off work and brought their families to eat Mala Tang.

Some nearby residents also came here, and some of them thought it was expensive before, so they only ate once or twice.

Now think about it, discount!Anyway, I still have to eat it in the future, so it’s better to eat it for three days, it’s much cheaper!

So the business was really good. It was busy until after eight o'clock, and the customers gradually became scarce. In the middle, Chen Yu let everyone have dinner in turn.

The shop assistants work all day long, and there are no shifts yet, which means that it is equivalent to working overtime at this time.

They didn't have any complaints, but Chen Yu was really embarrassed, although he waited a while, maybe there were still people, but he still asked everyone to clean up and go home after get off work.

In the end, they were still not happy, and Aunt Yu said, "There must be someone else coming."

Everyone else nodded.

Chen Yu laughed and said: "Some people don't open when they come, let's go, it's very late, and I have to go to work tomorrow."

The boss had spoken, so everyone simply packed up and left.

Thanks to everyone living close by, we can drop by when we go back, and we don’t have to worry about safety when it’s dark.

Chen Yu still had a huge sum of money in his pocket, all of today's income was stored in his big bag, which was a big bag.

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