This is a nurturing essay

Chapter 1 Night Detective

The moon is as cool as water.

Under the dark sky, the leaves swayed, bringing out a little gloom.The full moon hangs high, bringing faint and hazy light to the night.The night wind in early autumn pierced through the fabric, and the icy chill spread quietly.

Lu Yu stood on the edge of the courtyard wall of the Tsushima family's mansion, and saw the pocket watch in his hand through the moonlight.

Two in the morning.

At this point in time, except for the bald social animals and the students who stayed up late to practice immortality, most of the people fell into a deep sleep.Just suitable for doing bad things - next, Lu Yu is going to trespass on private houses.

A smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and the black-haired young man put away his pocket watch, took a few steps back, and landed on the fence of Tsushima's house with an easy jump.Although he has been investigating for several days and has collected a lot of information about the Tsushima family, he can basically confirm that the yard of the Tsushima family is not monitored and no one is patrolling at night, but he still waited cautiously for a while before jumping lightly. to the ground.

It had just rained before, and the soil was very wet, so Lu Yu deliberately chose this direction—the place where he landed was covered with bluestone slabs, so no footprints would be left.The soft-soled short boots hit the ground without making a sound.The young man in a black cloak sneaked in quietly like a dexterous cheetah, and also like a big bat skimming across the night.The young man's soft black curly hair and handsome eyebrows were well hidden in the hood, the thigh-length cloak concealed his figure, military boots closed his trousers, and even his hands were wrapped in black gloves.If someone got a glimpse of this scene, he would be surprised to find that this young man in black didn't leave a trace of himself here.

Of course, Lu Yu is not a killer or a mercenary or a strange thief.He sneaked here in the middle of the night, not to kill or steal.However, such a cautious behavior is indeed to take something away—or to get something back.

Just a month ago, Lu Yu, who celebrated his 21st birthday after graduating from university, learned of his own life experience - the illegitimate son of the head of the Tsushima family in Aomori Prefecture, Japan.

Lu Yu: ...

It's not that he doesn't care about the identity of an illegitimate child, after all, he has been human in two lifetimes.The mentality is very peaceful, besides, I grew up with my mother in this life, and it doesn't matter what happens to my father.Regarding the identity of an illegitimate child, the young man who had already speculated could calmly accept it.The problem is that……

His father's surname and this location are really familiar.

Lu Yu awakened his supernatural powers when he was a teenager.But the way of awakening and the name of the superpower made him realize that this is probably the world of Wenhao Stray Dogs.After discovering that many masterpieces were lacking in the world, he was even more sure of this.But this didn't affect him too much—except that he lost a lot of spiritual food—after all, he was in the flower-growing country, where it was safe and stable, not much different from his previous life.

As for the plot?What does it have to do with my little cat?

But everything changed after knowing who his real father was.

What set is this?Bungou Stray Dogs.Who is the protagonist of Wenye?Osamu Dazai (Dun Dun:?).What is the original name of the three-dimensional Osamu Dazai?Shuji Tsushima was born in Aomori Prefecture.Who is Lu Yu's father?The head of the Tsushima family in Aomori Prefecture.

Lu Yu: Ah this...

Could it be that Osamu Dazai is my father?

This nonsensical guess only existed for a moment.Not to mention whether Two-dimensional's Dazai Osamu was originally named Tsushima Shuji, even if he was, this person would definitely not return to the family to be the head of the family.What's more, that battle ended last year, and guessing from the time, the plot probably hasn't started yet, and Osamu Dazai doesn't know where to play in the water yet.

Anyway, he shouldn't have anything to do with this person... right?Looking at his curly black hair and reddish-brown eyes in the mirror, Lu Yu thought uncertainly.

However, in the end, you still have to see and check for yourself.So, the young man who accepted the commission from his mother said hello to the above, and went to Aomori, Japan with light packs.

So there was the opening scene


Before coming, Lu Yu made two plans.One set is the current sneaking in, and the other is positive contact.After observing for a few days, he resolutely chose to sneak in.

It's just that people in this family, especially his blood father, Tsushima Genemon, are not very likable.

Moreover, after investigating, he found out that Genemon Tsushima belonged to the Tsushima family, and his real surname was Matsuki.

So, after hooking up with his own mother, this man went to marry again? ?What kind of scumbag is this?But Mr. Dazai's father in the three-dimensional dimension seems to be a married woman too?

It's far away, after all, the gap between three-dimensional and Two-dimensional is too big, and it can't be counted as a person at all.

In short, Lu Yu, who was dissatisfied with this cheap father, decided to sneak in, find the things his mother asked him to take back, and run away.

In short, go to the study to look for it.

The map of Tsushima's house, which he had bought from the servant, was firmly in his mind.The young man avoided the sleeping servant of the night watch, stretched his arms lightly, climbed up the tall tree in the yard, and looked down at the entire Tsushima house, trying to figure out the direction.After roughly confirming the destination, he put his toes on the tree trunk, jumped up far away with his strength, swept across the garden with a posture that could piss off Newton, and landed lightly on the roof of the Japanese-style house next door.

The study...the study...ah, I found it, it should be here.Lu Yu turned down the roof and pushed the door tentatively.After finding that the door was locked, he walked around to the window, pulled out the iron wire from the front cuff, inserted it into the window crack, and opened the window with a light flick.After confirming that there was no one there, Lu Yu jumped into the study.

What he was looking for was a photo.

Although he himself thought that he might have been burned and thrown away by cheap dad, but my mother firmly believed that Tsushima Genemon would definitely keep this photo.So what else?Find it.It is impossible for Tsushima, who is married, to put his ex-girlfriend's things in a place where people can easily find them, so he is going to search for hidden places, or find out if there is any legendary institution.

Turning around and closing the window, Lu Yu took out a small dim flashlight and began to search carefully.

after an hour--

Got nothing.

It's not that he didn't find anything, at least he found the passbook of the Tsushima family and the private money of the cheap father.There was also a safe that he didn't dare to open. It wasn't that he couldn't open it, but that the password seemed to be changed every time. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to open it after opening it...

However, such an obvious safe probably contained more important documents or ledgers. After all, Daddy is a senator.In short, it is unlikely that the mother's picture is here.

Or look elsewhere.If going directly with Tsushima Genemon is the cheapest choice, wait until you are sure you can't find it.Taking out his pocket watch to make sure it was three o'clock, Lu Yu decided to fight again next time.

After confirming that everything had been restored, Lu Yu jumped out of the window and walked out gently along the wooden plank road.The night at three o'clock was terrifyingly silent, the moon was hidden by dark clouds at some point, and only a little bit of dim light leaked out.In the pitch-black yard, there was not even the sound of insects, and the wind stopped. The whole Tsushima house was like a sleeping monster, silent, waiting to wake up and devour someone.

Lu Yu couldn't help speeding up his pace.It won't be long before the morning light will break it all, and it won't be easy to slip away.Moreover, the servants who are in charge of breakfast must get up very early.And those night watchmen who sneaked sleep at night will not wait until dawn to wake up, maybe someone has already... huh? ? ?

The windows of the room in front of me are wide open.It seems that someone is lying on the window looking here...

Startled, Lu Yu stood still cautiously, accumulating energy slightly under his feet.Coincidentally, the clouds moved away at this moment, and the moonlight shone again, just right in front of the open window, illuminating the faces of the people inside.

—It was a child.

Messy dark curly hair, big round eyes, baby fat little face.The child looked at him quietly, as if he had been staring at this place for a long time.

Lu Yu was sure that the child saw him clearly.

Why didn't he sleep?Why doesn't he make a sound or call anyone?Is he really human?

Before he could figure out how to deal with it, the child moved.His lips opened and closed, as if to say something, but no sound came out.Then, he bent his big eyes, curled up the corners of his lips, and revealed a strange, empty smile.

Lu Yu was stunned.

He read the child's lips.

——Mr. Guicha, are you here to pick me up to hell?

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