"He said his surname is June?" In the coffee shop, Dazai had already found out the general idea from Miko.

"Yes, he is a very handsome gentleman. When Mr. Dazai came to buy coffee, he sat there." Miko replied while cleaning.

"What? I'm so sad—I'm not the most handsome in your eyes, Ms. Miko?" Dazai let out an exaggerated cry.

At the same time, his heart sank slightly.When he came to buy coffee in the morning, he didn't notice this person at all...

Did you deliberately avoid his observation?

"It's never been Mr. Dazai." Miko smiled.

"It's cruel." Dazai couldn't help but sighed.

"He said he was your old friend." Seeing Dazai's intentions, the store manager made it clear, "He has black hair and the color of eyes is very similar to yours. Let Miko tell him."

"Is it Mr. Dazai's relatives?" Miko continued to ask, "He seems to really care about you."

The eye color is the same as his, so it's not... Just in case, Dazai asked one more question.

"Come alone, didn't you bring any strange young girls?"

"No—" Miko drawled.

"Wear glasses or a hat?"


"Shorter than me?"

"It looks taller than you." Meizi recalled, "But people can grow taller!"

Uh, long tall, who, Mori Ogai?Or Ango?It's not Dostoyevsky, is it?

Osamu Dazai was disgusted by his own imagination.But Miko can think of growing taller, which means that the visitor is very young...

"Mr. Dazai won't forget about him, right?" Miko frowned.

The shopkeeper thought more, and he said seriously, "Is it someone I don't know? It's because I was lax..."

"No, no, it's okay." Dazai smiled and waved his hands, "I probably know who it is, it's okay~"

- Strange.

Even with Dazai's extraordinary mind, he can't remember anyone who fits these images.

Gentle and handsome, with an outstanding temperament, he secretly settled the bill and ordered crab meat, claiming to be his old friend, caring for him very much, Meizi and the store manager can feel that the visitor has some kind of regretful "feeling" for him...

In terms of relatives, there is no such person in the Tsushima family.Could it really be the love debt that was inadvertently incurred back then?Impossible, he will definitely notice this.

Compared to this, Dazai was more inclined to think that this is an enemy that emerged from somewhere.He showed that he understood his words very well, maybe it was the hatred formed during the Mafia period.

After all, hate favors Osamu Dazai more than love.

In short, Dazai can be sure.

He did not have such an old friend.

Forget it, now is the troubled season, the devil will bring the dragon to Yokohama, he has to get ready...

This mysterious person, come and stop him.


The mysterious man Lu Yu was walking on the streets of Yokohama.

This city is really full of disasters, and the invasion of the combination has left many bad marks on it.

But life has to go on. The citizens of Yokohama are very strong. They quickly stepped out of the shadows and continued to devote themselves to their lives.

Reality is not manga or anime.

Everyone has their own complete life.

The man in the windbreaker bought himself a crepe. He stopped and looked in the distance, not far away was the towering Kaisai.

It is still intact and has not been hit afterward.According to the information provided by the leader Zai, the devil will soon bring Shibusawa Ryuhiko to fight, and Yokohama will soon stage a dragon slaying drama.

There are countless worlds in the book. The leader said once before that most of the small worlds develop faster than the main world, so what will happen next has been in his mind for thousands of times.

If you don't intervene, Buteizai will go to test alone and stage a Snow White tea party, then the white triangles backstab each other to show respect, and finally Nakahara Chuya plays the dragon and slays the dragon, and the young three join forces to beat the ugly Shibusawa beauty.

So, I still want to do it.Kill Shibusawa early and you'll be fine.

The seemingly relaxed man eating the crepe began to think terrible things in his heart.

However, before leaving, the leader Zai gave him some hints of warning.Don't get involved in Wu Zhenzai's plan until it is necessary to do something, otherwise the future that is already bad enough will sail into the unknown.

The plots that Lu Yu knew were only the first three animations and novels, and there were also some comic plots.

As of the third of the five declines of heaven and man.After that, I don't know.

Therefore, since the leader Zai said that the subsequent development will be very bad, he should pay attention to it.Therefore, it is better to stand still first.

The man slowly ate the snack in his hand, and at some point he came to Leibo Street.

It's still the same here, with high and low dilapidated buildings, randomly pulled pipes and wires, alleys and stairs everywhere, old stains, and people struggling to survive.

Mori Ogai's small clinic was nearby, but probably no one was there, since its owner had become the head of the port mafia.

The sheep organization didn't know what happened after betraying Zhongye in the Central Plains. In short, no one with a blue wristband would appear in front of him.

His student Fyodor is probably planning to "save" the great cause of all mankind.His apprentice, Nakahara, is also probably handling business at the Port Mafia.

his brother...

After Lu Yu finished eating the crepe, he wiped off the cream from the corners of his lips with a napkin, and carefully put the garbage into the corresponding trash can.

He lied to the boss.

That's not his old friend.

There is no past here either.

The young man, whose figure was inexplicably lonely, put his hands back in his pockets, turned and left Leibo Street.Anyway, let's get down to business first.

As far as Lu Yu himself is concerned, he has two goals for coming to the main world.

One was his personal goal, and right now it was just a thin idea without a complete plan.

The second is to liberate the world of Boss Jae from that vulnerable situation.In order to achieve this goal, he needs to get the "pages" of the main world.

After all, the book page is the object of many people's pursuit. For this reason, he came to the main world, and in a sense, he is no different from those villains who seek the book.In this case, he didn't know how to face Wu Jingzai at all.

In addition, his feelings about Butei in the main world are actually very complicated.

Unlike the leader Zai, Lu Yu knew from the beginning that the leader Zai had Xiao Zhi's memory.

Even the two of them are well aware of each other's situation, but they have never met each other, and they do not know each other.

But Wu Zhenzai is different. Wu Zhenzai doesn't know his existence from the beginning to the end.This Osamu Dazai is walking on his own path, he is already struggling...

grown up.

This is Lu Yu's younger brother, not Lu Yu's younger brother.

But he happened to be the original "Osamu Dazai".A large part of the reason why Lu Yu stole the kitten he chose from Tsushima's house was because of the impression left by Butan Zai on Lu Yu.

Cause and effect are intertwined, how troublesome.

So Lu Yu made a simple and rude decision—for the time being, avoid martial arts investigation.


The leader, Zai, closed the "book" disguised as a professional course textbook, and turned his head to look out the window.

He was sitting in the back row of the university classroom, and the old professor on the podium was speaking passionately.

Even though the professor tried his best to make the content interesting, many students still didn't listen.

Except for those who lowered their heads and played with their mobile phones seriously, many people glanced at the leader Zai who was holding his face from time to time... What kind of mobile phone are you playing with? Is it because Classmate Lu is not good-looking!

The good-looking person is looking at the scenery outside the window, and other people are watching him and looking at the scenery.

No problem.

The leader, Zai, doesn't care how many people are watching him secretly (there are still people watching him openly), he is thinking about countermeasures.

The elder brother's state is a bit wrong, and it's all because of that "Osamu Dazai".

If this continues, he is a little worried about the next plan.Is it really necessary to deploy a secret weapon...

The young man took out his mobile phone openly and opened the chat software.

He edited a message and sent it.

At the same time, Osamu Dazai, who was far away in Japan, lowered his head, picked up his mobile phone, and started fishing.

After a while, he leaned back in shock, and the sound of the chair falling off the ground and falling back was very obvious.

"Student Dazai, please listen carefully." The teacher on the podium reminded.

"Sorry, teacher." Osamu Dazai made a gesture and fell silent.

Nakahara Chuya's eyes flew over: What's wrong?

Osamu Dazai replied: Nothing.

The greeting eyes of Saiki Kusuo and others also flew over one by one, and the classroom was full of mysterious eye contact for a while.

When the classroom returned to normal, Osamu Dazai took out his phone to reply again.

The leader Zai twitched his lips and started typing, attracting a lot of attention.

In this way, the two Osamu Dazai began to discuss a top-secret plan.

And Lu Yu had no idea what his two younger brothers were doing behind his back.

He is looking for a suitable stronghold to place the coordinates.

Qi Mukong gave him ten positioning coordinates, six of which are used to stabilize the coordinates of the world passage. The more secret the better, as long as he stays in this world.

The other four are coordinates that control the landing location, and are best placed indoors.

This is the first time to travel through the world through the machine made by Qi Mukong. To be on the safe side, Lu Yu does not plan to stay here for too long and does not have a complete passport, so he does not consider going abroad for the time being.

...And he didn't know what kind of mood he should have when he returned to plant flowers.Without traces of his existence, what his mother and teammates are like, everything is unknown.

Being close to the hometown and being timid, Lu Yu had the heart to escape from it—just like he avoided Wu Xingzai.

So he plans to put all four coordinates in Japan.Arrange a safe house in Yokohama first, and you can also rent an apartment...

Arranging the next step in his mind, Lu Yu walked the streets of Yokohama like a walk, looking for a suitable house.

Not knowing what was going on, he walked back to the vicinity of the Armed Detective Agency.

Lu Yu: "..."

He took a deep look at the detective agency, then turned around to find a suitable target in another direction.

After walking for 5 minutes, he turned around and came back.

The man followed his heart honestly and walked towards the apartment building not far from Butei.


Do what you want.

It was the building where he and the leader Zai lived briefly.

I don't know if the apartment in this world that was destroyed by gravity has been rented out...

Ah, still there.

Lu Yu, who was standing in front of the counter of the apartment management office, flipping through the registration book, stopped moving.

"Just it."

Half a year after picking up the leader, Mao Mao, Lu Yu came to "revisit the old place" and moved into this apartment again.

Standing in front of the window where Wu Jing could be seen, Lu Yu fell into deep thought: So, how did it become like this?

As promised, stay away from Buteizai...?

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