This is a nurturing essay

Chapter 73 Adventures in Siberia - The End

A total of 27 supernatural beings were released, and it only took 2 minutes for Anna to make a trip.

If Anna can maintain this efficiency, then there is more than enough time.It's just that Anna has been imprisoned for a long time, and the ability will be consumed...

Therefore, on the eighth trip, the girl swayed after landing on the ground.

"Anna, rest for 3 minutes." Lu Yu supported her seriously, "Time is enough, your body can't take it."

"Mr. Lu, I just saw the outside. The coniferous forest is beautiful." Anna didn't agree, but instead talked about the outside, her little face turned red because of the cold wind outside, "However, there is no sun today .”

Lu Yu let go of her helplessly.

"Go on, boy. You missed the sun, but you became the stars."

Anna pursed her lips and smiled, she stood up straight again, and walked towards the three people below.

Osamu Dazai sat cross-legged, leaning on his luggage, holding his chin, and said meaningfully, "You are so gentle, Brother Liuliu."

"That's right." Lu Yu also sat down, looked around, and saw Fyodor huddled quietly in the corner, "Xiao Feijia, come here quickly."

Fyodor turned his head and glanced at them slowly, without speaking.

Lu Yu frowned: "If you don't come again, I will pass."

Fyodor: ...

The little mouse walked up to them helplessly: "Are you going to kill the weeds?"

"Let's talk about these things later." Lu Yu patted the floor on the other side of himself, "Take a break, little one."

Fyodor sat there silently.

Three people sit in a row.

"Tip Jia, I implemented the plan, and I can kill Ms. Sophia, understand?" Lu Yu said earnestly.

"...She is really not my mother." Fyodor lowered his eyes, "I still remember my biological parents. Ms. Sophia may have mental problems. After seeing me, she thought I was her newborn son .”

The boy said in a calm tone: "My surname is not Dmitry either. My surname is Dostoevsky, and this is the true meaning of D."

"I understand, I understand." Lu Yu didn't ask any more questions, "However, even if it's revenge, I don't like a child taking someone else's life with his own hands."

Osamu Dazai curled his lips: "Cut."

"Do you have an opinion?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows.

"No—" Osamu Dazai dragged out the sound.

Fyodor didn't know what to think, and didn't speak.

The three fell silent.

Anna quickly finished transporting the last three people, and landed in front of the three of them with a little panting.

"Let's go, little bird." Lu Yu grabbed Osamu Dazai's hand with one hand and Fyodor's hand with the other, and asked with a smile, "Can you still deliver the luggage?"

"Of course." Anna also smiled, closed her eyes, leaned over and hugged Lu Yu.

They became a mass of stars

, then lifted off, and finally landed on the Siberian snow field.

"Ahhhh! It's so cold!" The moment the starlight dissipated, Osamu Dazai sneezed fiercely.

Lu Yu took off his big coat, wrapped around the flimsy kitten and little mouse, and hugged them together in his arms.

Surrounded by the familiar coniferous forest and the logs used by Sophia to perform the illusion, there is a thick snowfield under the feet, the sky is gray and white, and the sun cannot be seen.

The supernatural beings around were happy and sad, and some people kept kissing the snow.

Anna stood in the cold wind, looking up at the gray sky.

so good.

The sound of propellers came from the sky.A helicopter painted with the national flag of the flower-growing country appeared above their heads. The door of the helicopter opened, and the man with long hair and Chinese tunic looked down and jumped down gracefully.

"Wait, captain—it's going to explode!" Lu Yu's pupils trembled.

But the long-haired man landed handsomely, stirring up a cloud of snow.

Lu Yu: ...

Not far away, a big Russian man was driving a Baha sleigh, waving and shouting in broken Chinese: "Comrade Lu——you've worked hard——"

Lu Yu looked at the phone blankly.

Six fifty-three.

There are still 5 minutes, and the bottom is going to explode.

How can this be good?

Osamu Dazai suppressed a "PuPuPuPuPu" laugh in his coat.

"Can the self-explosion procedure be terminated?" Lu Yu asked seriously the cubs in his arms.

Fyodor shook his head quietly.

I also know that it cannot be stopped.

At this time, the long-haired man——Lu Yu's captain Zhong Li had already walked in front of Anna, and said in English with a serious face: "Russian A-level supernatural being, [White Bird] Anna?"

Although Zhong Li has long hair, his appearance is handsome and tough, with a sense of oppression.When he came over and asked such a sudden question, Anna shrank her neck in fright.

Lu Yu put down the two cubs and pulled out another coat to wrap Anna up.

"Captain, don't scare the children." The young man said helplessly, "It will explode in 5 minutes, and there are still many people inside, what should I do?"

Zhongli froze when he heard the words: "Is there no one here who can help? If not, let's take these people away, we will do our best."

"...I can." Anna said, who was wrapped in a coat.

"You can't. Your abilities are about to be overdrawn." Lu Yu interrupted her seriously.

"That's not necessarily true." Instead, Zhong Li rebutted for Anna, "Why do you say that little girls are not allowed? Is it patriarchal?"

"Are you a gangster, captain?" Lu Yu rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Lu, I want to try—I haven't seen the starry sky yet." Anna's head popped out of her coat, "Also, I also want to use supernatural powers to protect more people—"

"...I see." Lu Yu didn't say anything more.

Zhongli nodded in relief, then communicated with the big Russian man who ran over, then turned to Lu Yu and said, "Then let's take the others to evacuate now, and you stay here with Shiratori, if you can save it, it's life, not many It's a good thing, don't take it to heart!"

"Understood the captain, by the way, help me take care of my cub." Lu Yu pointed to the two cubs behind.

"Don't worry!" The captain quickly went to arrange for people to board the plane.

Fyodor was also arranged to leave on a husky sled—because Dazai Osamu refused to get on the sled because he said angrily, “Why are they again”, and finally chose to stay here with Lu Yu and Anna—Lu Yu solemnly asked the captain to watch over it personally Fyodor, don't let the little mouse get away.

In 3 minutes, all the supernatural beings were evacuated.

The helicopter is still circling in the sky.

Lu Yu hugged Osamu Dazai and sat on the snow side by side with Anna.Anna closed her eyes, huddled in her big coat, and a faint light shone around her.

Lu Yu was holding the Tagore book, and the phone was counting down seconds by seconds.In the sound of "Didi", he recited in a low voice: "The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death..."

Anna recalled her childhood in the cold wind.

Her father carried her on his shoulders and said to the little girl, "Anna, look, the starry sky is me, and I will protect you forever..."

dad.Now, I am the starry sky.


"It's not that the branches can't depend on each other..."


"It's stars looking at each other..."


"But there is no converging trajectory..."


"The longest distance in the world……"


Lu Yu stopped chanting, and the soldiers of heaven and man were ready to go.


The violent vibration was accompanied by the explosion, and the snow field shook for a while, and the whole ground began to sink.

At the same time, the sky suddenly became dark, and the sky was full of stars.

【Starry Sky】

The moment the ground sank, countless clusters of starlight flew straight into the air below the ground.

Every group is a person.

Anna was suspended in mid-air, shrouded in bright and hazy starlight, with light blond long hair hunting around, looking like a snow-white bird that finally flew into the sky.

Lu Yu jumped up high with Dazai Zhi in his arms, and Xingguang supported them.

Osamu Dazai looked up at the sky: "It's the starry sky."

"Yes, what a beautiful starry sky."

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