Lu Yu stood in the kitchen, tied up the back of his hair and the end of it, and tied it into a small bun.The coat and the thick clothes inside have been replaced. The young man in a white shirt and black trousers shook off the pink bear apron and tied it on his body without changing his expression.

In his mind, he turned over the recipes he had mastered three or four times, and finally Lu Yu chose a simple pimple soup.

One is because Xiao Zhi likes this very much, they are all "Dazai Zhi", the taste should not be much different; the other is that the leader Dazai Zhi's body is really bad, and he has stomach problems at first sight, Lu Yu only dares to do something for digestion s things.

Who knows when he had his last meal.

And Japan is also used to eating cold food!

Lu Yu stood in the kitchen heartbroken and started cooking, and the warm aroma of the food gradually wafted out.

Osamu Dazai was standing by the window, looking down at the place where the Armed Detective Agency was with a silent expression, he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Maybe nothing at all—although it was basically impossible for him.

...Speaking of which, this apartment is also very tall.On the tenth floor, I don't know if I can be smashed to pieces by jumping down?

The young man raised his skinny and pale hand, and gently placed it on the glass.

The sunshine after eight o'clock was very good, and it was warm on Dazai Osamu who was wearing a black shirt.

He had sat in that dark office for too long, and it had been a long time since he had greeted the sunlight like this.

His unaccustomed eyes began to sore, but he didn't move them away.His parched stomach throbbed too, but he was used to it.

Glass not only allows people to see things outside, but also reflects a little shadow of people inside.

Osamu Dazai's eyes gradually moved from Butei to himself on the glass.

He saw no one.

All I saw was a ghost and a puddle of mud.

Stained with blood, surrounded by countless hateful ghosts.Exuding malice, trying to drag others to the mud at the bottom of the pool.

After all, what's the point of "Dazai Osamu" living in this world?

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his lips, and the fingers pressed against the glass were slightly forced, and the fingertips turned blue.

Lu Yu's busy voice kept coming from the kitchen, and the tempting aroma gradually filled in, reminding Osamu Dazai of the fact that he was still alive.

...for a little while.

Just for a while.

After being seduced by the scent, the cramping in the stomach became more severe, Osamu Dazai frowned, and had to squeeze it hard with the other hand to relieve a little bit of pain.

At least let him really taste the soup in his memory to see if it really tastes that way.

At least let him feel what that handsome scythe feels like.

At least let him listen to last night's song again.

Dazai closed his eyes.

The world is just one giant lie.

But the truth encountered under the lies is so nostalgic.

When Lu Yu came out with the bowl, he saw the young man in black holding the glass with one hand, with pain on his face, clutching his stomach tightly.

"O... Dazai-kun!" Lu Yu was anxious, put down the bowl and walked over in a few steps, "What's wrong?"

Osamu Dazai took a deep breath, stood up straight, and raised the corner of his mouth with difficulty: "It's nothing, brother, don't worry, it's just a stomachache."

... Lu Yu pursed his lips.

He supported the weak young man: "Let's go, eat something."


After realizing that Dazai Osamu's health was worse than expected, Lu Yu completely took care of him as a baby who couldn't take care of himself.

Put the baby on the chair, pick up the bowl, scoop up the soup, cool it down, and bring it to your mouth: "Ah——"

Osamu Dazai obediently ate the food brought to his mouth, and after swallowing, he showed a helpless and helpless smile: "Brother, I can come by myself."

"Really?" Lu Yu doubted.

... It seems that we should ask for some benefits at this time.

So the leader of the port mafia shrank pitifully: "Really."

"...Let me do it." Lu Yu, a Zai scholar in a certain sense, understood what the other party meant, and silently scooped up another spoonful of soup.

Rabbit Zaizi, if it weren't for seeing your sickness, I would have woken you up a long time ago, so there's no need to be like this, you have to be coaxed by your ancestors.

Osamu Dazai quietly waited for his brother to be fed, with a calm and calm expression, except that the tips of his exposed ears showed a little red.

It really is the taste of memory.

Concerned about Osamu Dazai's fragile stomach, Lu Yu only fed a small bowl.Depending on his physical condition, he thinks that Osamu Dazai may need a pregnant woman's diet, eat less and eat more...

After finishing feeding, Lu Yu quickly settled his breakfast, washed dishes, and cleaned up in one go. The flower-growing country is so reliable.

"Are you still feeling bad?" After drying his hands and taking off his apron, Lu Yu walked to Osamu Dazai, squatted down on one knee, and looked worriedly at his hand covering his stomach.

"Hmm..." Osamu Dazai who was still sitting on the dining chair chuckled, "It's okay, I'm just not used to it."

"Let me rub it for you." Lu Yu sighed, stood up straight, and hugged him horizontally.

"Eh? Brother, I'll just go by myself..." Dazai Osamu's pale face was flushed, and the mafia leader immediately turned back into a big cat.The big cat said it wanted to go by itself, but in fact it leaned its head on Lu Yu's shoulder and rubbed it lightly.

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything, he just hugged him a little tighter.

You wait, I will take care of you after I raise you well.

Now... I still want to be pampered.

Holding the person and leaning against the head of the bed in the bedroom, Lu Yu embraced Dazai Zhi, found his stomach, and stretched out his hands to rub him slowly.

The feeling of fullness from eating warm food soothed Osamu Dazai's weak stomach.The strength of the hand rubbing the belly is moderate, which makes the cat want to snore comfortably.


No no no.

too frightening.

The leader Maomao's non-existent tail curled up.

This man is so cheating.

After he gets close, the memory belonging to "Xiaozhi" will surge up wildly, reminding him how wonderful his "brother" really is.

Can't delay any longer.

Something has to be done.

Otherwise... there is really no room for it.

So he said quietly: "Brother, how did you come to this world?"

"Xiaotu Zaizhi and Xiao Feijia got a page of the book, and they didn't tell me about it." Speaking of this, Lu Yu's tone was complicated, and he didn't know whether to be angry or grateful, "I wasn't sure at the time if it was' Book', but, even if there is only a chance, I can't let Xiao Zhi touch it..."

"So brother broke it?" Osamu Dazai asked.

"I found it a step too late, Xiaozhi also touched it when I cut it down. Then it probably formed a singularity, and I was bounced here—fortunately I bounced here. I just don’t know Xiaozhi Is Zhi's side affected by the book?"

Having said that, Lu Yu is actually very sure that his Xiaozhi is fine.

Just for a moment, even if the singularity is triggered, this time is not enough time for him to get the memory of other "Osamu Dazai" from the broken world on the link.

The reason why he is so confident is because of the "book" that caused the controversy...

"What about that page?"

"It's up to me, it looks like I have temporarily fused with my abilities. It should be able to be summoned like summoning heavenly soldiers." Lu Yu himself felt a little incredible.

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