On December 25th, the afternoon of Christmas Day, Lu Yu and his party came to Mihua Town, Tokyo, checked into the suite of Mihua Hotel, and then took a taxi to the exhibition hall of Shidu Company.

"Although it's too late to go to the gem exhibition, it's just a good time to go to see the strange thief." Lu Yu said in the front seat.

"Christmas Day, the time of carols. I will come, and the whale will be silent." Dazai Osamu read out the content of Kaitou Kidd's notice letter with great interest, "The biggest mystery here is the 'time of carols'. "

"'Carols' should refer to the Christmas carols to be sung at Christmas. Many churches will hold carols on the 24th and 25th." Lu Yu continued, "However, different regions and even different churches choose different carols, and the time It's also different, and it's not clear which time Kaitou Kidd is referring to."

"The speculation on the Internet is mainly based on the midnight mass, which is 12 o'clock on Christmas Eve and the early morning of Christmas. But the gem exhibition opened at 25 o'clock in the morning on the 25th today, so this speculation was denied." Osamu Dazai said , "The police think it's the strange thieves who set up a suspicious formation. In fact, the time to do it is twelve o'clock on the [-]th, and the possibility of other times is not ruled out."

"The live news this morning also said that the police ensured that the Black Pearl 'Sound of Whale Falling' was safe." The leader looked at the scene flying outside the window and chuckled, "The possibility of doing something before the exhibition has also been ruled out."

"Even if we do it before the exhibition, on the day of the exhibition, he will definitely come to 'perform' when the Black Pearl is exhibited, which is in line with the style of that monster thief." Osamu Dazai smiled slyly, "That's why we chose to come today. "

"It's 05:30. The 'Sound of Whale Falling' will be exhibited at [-] o'clock. You can go to see the gem exhibition now." Lu Yu said with a smile, "Shidu can be regarded as a big group, and the exhibition held can be regarded as worth seeing, but with There was no cooperation in June, so I didn't say hello."

Osamu Dazai has no interest in the gem exhibition, he just wants to see the Phantom Thief.The leader Zai was even less interested, but Lu Yu dragged him out to get some fresh air.

"Or follow Mr. Kudo to see the layout of the scene. He was also invited by the police to be a consultant today." Lu Yu took out his phone and looked, "Oh, he arrived early, at ten o'clock in the morning."

"Come and help arm the defense." Dazai Osamu was full of enthusiasm, "Shinichi also told me that he is coming too, but it's a pity that Kaito can't come."

"Huh?" The leader Zai didn't know about this, he looked back at Osamu Dazai, "What's wrong with that little guy?"

"Uncle Kuroba is preparing magic tricks, so I can't take him out." Osamu Dazai curled his lips, "He's still a child."

"Ah, and it would be bad if the inside story of the magic was revealed." The leader Zai rubbed his chin.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'll see you the day after tomorrow?" Lu Yu couldn't help laughing, "Obviously Xiaozhi is also a child."

"Of course I'm different from them." Osamu Dazai snorted twice, "But they are barely smart kids."

"Yes, after all, Xiaozhi is peerless and cute." Lu Yu smiled tolerantly.

The taxi arrived at its destination quickly, and the driver, who wore earplugs the entire time, dropped them off and left.

"A lot of people!" Osamu Dazai opened his eyes wide in surprise.

The stone exhibition held by Shidu Group is free this time, probably for the Kaitou Kidd. There are many people coming in and out at the door, and it can be seen that the exhibition hall is also very lively.

"This is the celebrity effect." Lu Yu rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "The Kaito Kidd is simply a natural billboard. How about inviting him to make a fuss at the next June Group development conference?"

"The premise is that you can find him." A gentle male voice jokingly sounded from the side, "Long time no see, Mr. June."

"Mr. Kudo." Lu Yu turned his head and greeted the smiling person—Yusaku Kudo, "How do you know we're here?"

"It's just a simple reasoning, isn't it?" Osamu Dazai raised his head, "Long time no see, Uncle Kudo!"

"Long time no see, Dazai-kun." Kudo Yusaku leaned down and greeted Dazai Osamu who was wearing a white casual suit, "Recently, Shinichi has been clamoring to see you."

"I know, I'll find Shinichi's younger brother later." Osamu Dazai pretended to be a child obediently, and Shinichi could be regarded as a little friend who shared weal and woe with him, and they also witnessed the world of people with supernatural powers together.

"This is?" After greeting Osamu Dazai, Shin Kudo stood up all the time, and looked at the leader Zai standing quietly at the end.

"June Shunping." The leader Zai said calmly.

"My younger brother, his elder brother." Lu Yu gestured to Osamu Dazai.

"So that's it." Yusaku Kudo, who had a general understanding of Lu Yu's family, suddenly realized, "I'm Yusaku Kudo, nice to meet you, Mr. June."

"Just call me Shunping." The leader Zai smiled softly, stretched out his hands for a handshake, and then broke apart with a touch.

Yusaku Kudo looked at him thoughtfully.

"It's almost time, let's go." The great writer didn't delve into it, "Shinichi is inside, with Officer Nakamori."

"Officer Nakamori?" Lu Yu asked curiously as he entered the venue.

"It's the police officer in charge of arresting Kaitou Kidd, Nakamori Ginzo. When it comes to understanding Kaitou Kidd, no one in the police can match him."

Understood, quickly fight his father-in-law.Lu Yu understood.

That being said, today is Father's War——

It's really interesting.

Several people walked through the exhibition halls all the way, and finally came to the outside of the most central hall.There is a cordon here, and there are many onlookers standing outside. A police officer in his 30s is yelling in the cordon:

"Xiaolin! Where's Xiaolin! Go check the monitoring!"

"Yamada!! What are you still doing there! Didn't I tell you to go to the east gate!"

"Takahashi, is the thing I want ready? I must arrest Kaitou Kidd today!!"

Lu Yu and the others silently looked at Nakamori Ginzo, who was burning with fighting spirit, and were speechless for a while.

Yusaku Kudo finally finished what he had just said: "It's just that sometimes, it's a bit... frank."

See it.

Kudo Shinichi, who was still a little one, was standing behind Nakamori Ginzo, he was looking around boredly, his eyes lit up when he saw Kudo Yusaku, and he ran over.

"Father! Brother June! Brother Dazai!" Little Cannonball rushed over, his eyes sparkling, "You are here."

"Long time no see, Shinichi-kun." Lu Yu leaned over and touched the big head of the young handsome boy, "Your brother Dazai misses you very much too."

"Cut." Osamu Dazai gave a small cut, and patted Shinichi Kudo on the shoulder like a big brother, "It's been a long time, brother Shinichi, by the way, do you have the ability to awaken supernatural powers?"

Although it was outside the hall with many people, the two children talking about it would only be treated as secondary illness, and at most they would smile knowingly.

Kudo Shinichi drooped as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on him: "Not yet, brother Dazai, how did you awaken your supernatural ability? I haven't felt it after studying it for a long time. I have tried all the methods you said..."

"Is that so?" Osamu Dazai blinked his eyes wide, "Then let's think of a few ideas together."

"Brother Dazai is the best!" Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up again.

Lu Yu tried his best not to laugh beside him.Xiaozhi, what did you tell Mr. Xinyi?The children are all limp...

Yusaku Kudo patted him on the shoulder knowingly: "My child."

Lu Yu nodded with a smile on his face, and had to agree: "Yes."

Today, the banner of Ke Xue has collapsed, and the banner of supernatural powers has been raised!

At this time, Nakamori Ginzo had already spotted them, and he walked over seriously: "Mr. Kudo, we trust you very much when we ask you to help. But this does not mean that you can bring people to visit our defense at will..."

Osamu Dazai grinned and tugged at the corner of the leader Zai's clothes.The leader Zai, who was watching quietly, glanced at him and nodded calmly.Osamu Dazai chuckled, grabbed Kudo Shinichi's sleeve, the two exchanged glances, and quickly ran away.

From the corner of Lu Yu's eyes, he saw their running away, but the leader Zai smiled at him in time, so Lu Yu stopped paying attention to them and dealt with the menacing Nakamori Ginzo with peace of mind.

"Officer Nakamori, in fact, this Mr. June is not an unrelated person." Yusaku Kudo said calmly.

Lu Yu slowly reached for the wallet in his pocket, and took out a special certificate given to him by the Japanese Supernatural Secret Service and showed it to Nakamori Ginzo: "Hello, Officer Nakamori, I am a friend of Mr. Kudo, I heard he is here Help, so come and take a look."

The meaning of this certificate is - "Special personnel, cooperate when necessary."In fact, this is not to give Lu Yu a green light, but mainly to prevent the ordinary police from conflicting with powerful people from other countries in case of accidents and then innocently wasting them.

Nakamori Ginzo, who knew this certificate, was silent for a moment: "I am Nakamori Ginzo, I hope you will not cause trouble for our actions."

"Naturally. Thank you, Officer Nakamori, for your understanding." Lu Yu put away his documents and smiled.

Ginzo Nakamori nodded, and looked at Yusaku Kudo: "Mr. Kudo, after we finish arming, please go and check."

"Naturally." Yusaku Kudo agreed.

"Then I'll make arrangements first. We must catch the little thief Kidd tonight!"

Officer Nakamori went there with high spirits.

Kudo Yusaku shook his head helplessly: "He really looks the same."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Are you familiar with each other?"

"It's not familiar, it's just because he has been chasing Kidd, so he has had some communication. Grabbing Kidd has almost become his heart disease." Kudo Yusaku sighed, "Let's not talk about this, Shinichi and Dazai Don't you run off to play? Let's go and see the 'Whale Falling Sound'."

Lu Yu smiled: "Is this okay?"

"What's wrong, I'm a security consultant." Yusaku Kudo smiled humorously, "I'm going to check the safety of the pearl."

"Then let's go. Go and meet the black pearl that can be exhibited at the gem exhibition."

Lu Yu readily agreed, and followed Kudo Yusaku Shi Shiran into the cordon with the leader Zai, and walked into the hall where the black pearl "Sound of Whale Falling" will be exhibited in the near future.

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