"Don't worry, Ah Lan, with my mother here, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Ji Linglan nodded and said, "With the protection of my parents, I have nothing to fear. I am more worried about the physical condition of the emperor."

Princess Yaohua also frowned and said: "This is what I am worried about."

Ji Mingqiu said reassuringly: "With the prince here, I believe that the father will be fine. Don't worry about it."

The convoy was moving forward slowly, and after about two hours, it arrived outside the gate of the imperial city. Because someone had come back to report earlier, there were already officials waiting in front of the gate. See the prince of Linguo.Wearing a golden crown on his head and a prince's python robe, riding on a tall horse, he is really majestic.

The frame of Princess Yaohua stopped in front, Ji Pingting and Ji Linglan got off the car one after another, followed by Ji Mingqiu and Princess Yaohua.

Seeing this, Lin Fengshu also dismounted, came up to him, and said with a smile: "Feng Yao, after a few months of absence, you are finally back."

Princess Yaohua stepped forward and smiled slightly, saying: "Feng Yao has seen the emperor."

Ji Linglan followed Ji Mingqiu and the others to bow and salute, and said, "See Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Lin Fengshu helped Princess Yaohua up, and said: "Excuse me, you are all from my own family, so I don't need these vain gifts. Hurry up, go to the city, let's sit down and have a good chat."

Princess Yaohua directly asked: "Brother Huang, how is your father's condition?"

Lin Fengshu sighed, and said: "I don't know why, my father is suddenly seriously ill, and I have been in bed for more than two months, good times and bad times, the people in the Tai Hospital are helpless."

"Brother Huang, I have been away from home for several months, and I have never been filial to my father. It is extremely unfilial. Now that I have come back, I'd better go to the palace to see my father before talking about other things."

Lin Fengshu nodded, and said: "Alright. Father has been talking about your husband and wife, as well as Tinger, recently. He must be happy to see you, and maybe his condition will improve."

"By the way, Brother Huang, I forgot to introduce you. This is Alan, that is, Zhao'er, the son of me and Mingqiu who have been separated for many years." Princess Yaohua pulled Ji Linglan to the front and formally introduced: " Alan, this is the prince's uncle."

The original body was called Ji Xinzhao before he was taken away, but he changed his name later. As for who changed his name, the original body has no memory of before the age of eight, so Ji Linglan doesn't know.Before, because of the name problem, Princess Yaohua also asked Ji Linglan's opinion, asking him whether to restore the previous name or keep the current name, Ji Linglan expressed his attitude tactfully, Princess Yaohua respected Ji Linglan's Willingness, so I always call him 'Alan'.

Ji Linglan bowed respectfully and said, "Alan has seen the prince's uncle."

Lin Fengshu was startled, and then said joyfully: "Feng Yao, are you sure? He is really Zhao'er?"

"When Zhao'er was born, Brother Huang also hugged him. You should still remember the birthmark on his waist. Ah Lan has it on his body."

"Okay, okay, it really pays off! Zhao'er, let uncle take a look." Lin Fengshu stretched out his hand and pulled Ji Linglan over, looked him up and down, and said, "Feng Yao, between his brows and eyes It is true that there are five or six points like you, you have been looking for him for so many years, and finally found him, what a joy to congratulate!"

Ji Linglan carefully observed Linfengshu's reaction, and found that he was genuinely happy for Princess Yaohua, not pretending.

Princess Yaohua also seemed to be sure of Linfengshu's reaction, the smile on her face became more genuine, and she said: "Brother Huang, let's go back to the palace and talk slowly, I also want to tell Father the good news, let Father The emperor is also happy and happy."

"Okay, okay, Ah Lan, let's go, follow uncle into the palace, and go see your imperial grandfather."

"Yes, Alan complies."

Those who got into the chariots got into the chariots, and those who got on the horses got on the horses, and all the people entered the city in a mighty manner.Princess Yaohua's carriage drove directly towards the palace, Ji Linglan didn't get on the carriage, but rode behind Linfengshu, and in order to show respect, he lagged behind Linfengshu by a horse's head.

In the prince's mansion, the princess Gao Zhenzhen was extremely annoyed after listening to the subordinate's report, and smashed her favorite teacup on the ground.

"Trash! A bunch of trash! Sent out so many people, but let them come back alive!" Gao Zhenzhen looked gloomy at the man kneeling in front of him.

The man was Cao Yikun, the leader of the Valiant Guards. He bowed his head and knelt on the ground on one knee, saying: "Your Majesty, this subordinate is incompetent, and this subordinate is willing to be punished."

Gao Zhenzhen tried his best to calm down the anger in his heart, walked up to Cao Yikun after a long while, and said, "Commander Cao, get up, it's because I couldn't control my temper just now, and you also know that once they return to Beijing, the situation will be even worse for us. severe."

Cao Yikun got up, but still lowered his head, and said: "Your Majesty, your subordinates are not good at doing things, so you should be punished. Your Majesty doesn't have to do this."

Gao Zhenzhen sighed, and said: "If it wasn't for the prince, why should I, a woman, do these things. It's just that the prince always values ​​love and righteousness, never cares about gains and losses, and has no defense against Princess Yaohua, so that now His crown prince position is in jeopardy, how can I, as a wife, turn a blind eye to it."

Cao Yikun fell to his knees again and said, "This subordinate swears to die to be loyal to the crown prince!"

Gao Zhenzhen quickly lifted him up, and said with relief: "I am very glad that the prince can have loyal subordinates like you. Now that the emperor is getting old and has been ill for a long time, Princess Yaohua's ambition is gradually exposed, and even He did not hesitate to find a counterfeit to try to compete with the crown prince for the throne. For the sake of the royal family's orthodoxy, we cannot sit still, and the only ones we can rely on are you."

Cao Yikun bowed and said, "Even though the Crown Princess orders, the subordinates dare not refuse."

"Now that Princess Yaohua has entered the capital, we need to lie dormant for a period of time. We will make a long-term plan and inform the people below that we must deal with the first and last, and we must not leave any evidence behind."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

"Fu Guo's people were wiped out, and we couldn't get any news about that person. Now we must keep an eye on him and look for opportunities to kill him with one blow."

"Yes, my subordinates obey."

"Lao Cao is in command today, you go down, don't let others see."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Seeing Cao Yikun bowed and exited the door, Gao Zhenzhen's expression became cloudy, and he swept the remaining teacup on the table to the ground.

A figure flew in from the window, bowed and said: "Miss, Zhang Zhou was killed, and the token on his body was also seized, and it is now in the hands of Princess Yaohua."

Gao Zhenzhen's face became even uglier, and he scolded: "Things that are more successful than failures!"

"Miss, my master asks, what are your plans for the future?"

"The misfortune is brought to the east." Gao Zhenzhen paused, and said, "Go back and tell Dad, let him find someone to forge evidence, and involve that old fox in Lu Zhong."

"Yes. If there is no order from the lady, the subordinate will leave."

"Send people to sneak into Fu country to investigate the people brought back by Princess Yaohua, the more detailed the better."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Gao Zhenzhen straightened her clothes and shouted loudly: "Come here, wait for me to change clothes."

Princess Yaohua and his party entered the palace in a mighty manner, and came directly to the bedroom of Lin Tianyao, the emperor of Linguo. After being notified, Princess Yaohua and Linfengshu went in first, while Ji Linglan and others waited in the side hall. summoned.

When Lin Tianyao heard the report, he hurriedly asked someone to help him up, leaned on the bed, and looked in the direction of the palace gate with cloudy eyes.

With the sound of footsteps, Princess Yaohua and Linfengshu walked into the dormitory one after another, came to the bedside and saluted: "I will see my father, long live, long live, long live."

"Exemption." Lin Tianyao waved his hand, looked at Princess Yaohua, and said, "Yao'er is back. Come, let me see, after traveling for so long, it has been reduced."

Princess Yaohua quickly walked up to her, knelt and sat beside the bed, stretched out her hand to hold Lin Tianyao's hand, and said, "Father, I heard that you have been ill for a long time and that Yao'er is not filial, so you just rushed back. How does Father feel now?" ?”

Lin Tianyao patted the back of Princess Yaohua's hand, and said comfortingly: "It will be good when Yao'er comes back. I see that you are happy, and your body is lighter."

"Father, it's been a long time since I saw you. Why have you lost so much weight, but the imperial chef was lazy and the food didn't suit your taste?"

Princess Yaohua looked at Lin Tianyao, who looked old and weak, and felt sour.

Lin Tianyao followed Princess Yaohua's words and said: "Yes, this cook is always lazy, and there are only a few dishes when he comes and goes. Now I have no appetite after looking at it."

Princess Yaohua took a deep breath, suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and said: "Father, don't worry, I will ask you to post a notice tomorrow and offer a reward to find a cook, but I won't believe it. Linguo is so big, so there is no way to make a good meal." To your taste."

"Then I will wait for the good news from Yao'er." Lin Tianyao changed the subject and said, "Where is Ting'er, why don't you see her coming?"

"Ting'er is waiting in the side hall, afraid of disturbing the rest of the father."

"Let her in quickly. I haven't seen her for several months. I miss her very much." Lin Tianyao was different from Fu Lianchao. He never treated his children impartially, and was more like an ordinary father who loved his children.

"Father, I have some good news for you. This time I went to Fu Guo to find Zhao'er who had been lost for many years. He is not dead, and I have brought him back." Princess Yaohua couldn't wait to talk to her. Lin Tianyao shared the joy in his heart.

"Really?" That year when the palace changed and Ji Linglan was kidnapped by Liang He, it was not only Princess Yaohua's heart disease, but also Lin Tianyao's heart disease. Seeing Princess Yaohua's health worsening year after year in order to find Ji Linglan , Although he, the father, didn't say it, it hurt in his heart.

"Of course it's true. Ah Lan has an identical birthmark on her body, and she looks exactly like me. There is absolutely no mistake."

Lin Tianyao was overjoyed and said, "Then did he follow?"

"Naturally, I followed. I am waiting for my father to summon me in the side hall with Ting'er."

"Then let them in quickly." Lin Tianyao's spirit seemed to be lifted a lot, and his whole body was no longer sick.

Shi Min, Lin Tianyao's personal servant, quickly responded, "Yes, I will invite you, my servant."

Shi Min hurriedly came to the door of the dormitory, and said loudly: "The emperor ordered to call Princess Pingting and Young Master Ji to have an audience."

Shi Min didn't know Ji Linglan's current name, and Ji Linglan had just returned without a title, so he thought, since the two parties had already recognized their relatives, then Ji Linglan was Ji Xinzhao, and it was correct to call him 'Ji Gongzi'.

Ji Pingting looked at Ji Mingqiu, and asked in puzzlement, "Father, why did the imperial grandfather leave you alone?"

Ji Mingqiu smiled and guessed: "This is probably what your mother meant. My appearance can only worry your imperial grandfather, and it is not good for his condition. You go, I will rest in the side hall."

Ji Pingting nodded half-understood, walked to Ji Linglan's side, took his arm, and said, "Then father, rest well, and my brother and I will go in first."

Ji Mingqiu said in a warm voice: "Well, take good care of your mother and Ah Lan for me."

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely not let my brother suffer." After Ji Pingting finished speaking, she dragged Ji Linglan out of the side hall.

Seeing the two people coming, Shi Min hurriedly greeted them, and said: "Slave, please refer to Princess Pingting, and please refer to Young Master Ji."

"Eunuch Shi is free." Ji Pingting waved her hand, and led Ji Linglan towards the bedroom without stopping. Ji Linglan could only smile at Shi Min shyly as a greeting.

The two entered the bedroom, and Ji Linglan followed Ji Pingting to salute: "Tinger (Ji Linglan) sees the emperor's grandfather (the emperor), long live, long live, long live."

"Wai Li, get up quickly, come over and let me see."

Ji Linglan and Ji Pingting got up one after another, and walked to Lin Tianyao's bed respectfully.

Lin Tianyao looked at Ji Linglan carefully, and said excitedly: "Like, really like, this child not only looks like Yao'er, but also looks a lot like your mother."

Seeing that Lin Tianyao's eyes were red, Princess Yaohua quickly comforted her: "Father, you are not in good health, don't get too excited."

Ji Linglan said aloud: "Your Majesty, Ah Lan knows some medical skills, can I ask Ah Lan to help you feel the pulse?"

Lin Tianyao frowned slightly, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Why do you call me the emperor, you should call him the emperor's grandfather."

Ji Linglan responded, "Yes, Ah Lan has seen the emperor's grandfather."

"That's right. Come on, Ah Lan, come and sit down, let the imperial grandfather take a good look at you."

Ji Linglan looked at Princess Yaohua and Linfengshu who were standing beside her, came to the bed and knelt on the ground, and said, "Grandfather, let Alan feel your pulse."

"Alan is good at medicine. If it works, I'll let Alan take a look." Lin Tianyao stretched out his left hand, keeping his eyes fixed on Ji Linglan.

Ji Linglan was uncomfortable at first, but when she thought of the queen Lin Tianyao was talking about, she felt relieved.Lin Tianyao just missed his wife through him.

Ji Linglan took the pulse and asked aloud, "Grandfather, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Tianyao looked a little dazed, but he quickly came to his senses and said, "I often have headaches, chest tightness, weakness in my hands and feet, sometimes I can't hear clearly, and my head is not very bright, probably because I am old. "

After hearing this, Ji Linglan frowned slightly, and then said with a smile: "Grandfather, there is nothing serious about your health, but you are too tired. You can rest more on weekdays and adjust your diet. Ah Lan can cook some meals. If the emperor Grandpa doesn't mind, how about letting Alan take care of your diet recently?"

"Alan can still cook?" Lin Tianyao patted Ji Linglan's hand, and said in a warm voice: "I'm too happy for you to have such filial piety, so how can I dislike it. From today on, my diet will be controlled by Alan is fully responsible."

Princess Yaohua's eyes flickered, and then she said with a smile: "Father, you are really lucky. My son has never eaten the food made by A Lan."

"Oh? Then I am indeed more blessed than Yao'er, hehehe." Lin Tianyao looked at Shi Min, and said, "I will pass on my will, and from now on, Alan will be made the king of Lan County, and the lands in Jiaocheng and Hancheng will be granted at the age of 6000." The salary is [-] taels of silver, and the salary is [-] hu."

"Yes, my servant obeys the order." Shi Min bowed and exited the bedroom.

Ji Linglan saluted politely and thanked her, saying, "Thank you, Grandfather, for your kindness."

"Alan, there is no need to be polite, get up quickly."

At this moment, a servant came into the hall to report, saying: "Report to the emperor, the crown prince and concubine brought the son and princess to pay a visit."

The smile on Lin Tianyao's face faded a little, and he said: "I'm a little tired today, let them come back another day."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The servant bowed and exited the hall.

Lin Fengshu's expression was a little unnatural, and he said: "Father, I have let you down because of my lack of talent and learning."

Lin Tianyao sighed, and said earnestly: "Feng Shu, I am old, but I have never been confused. I know some things well. I hope you will not let me down again."

Lin Fengshu bowed and said: "Yes, I will definitely not let my father down again."

Princess Yaohua smoothed things over with a smile, and said: "Father, brother, it will be noon soon. We have been on the road for several days and haven't had a good meal. Let Alan cook today. Our family can get together well. How about it?" ?”

Lin Tianyao's expression softened a little, and he said, "Okay. But, you have to work hard, Alan."

"It's not hard. But the dishes Ah Lan cooks are all home-cooked dishes. Don't be disgusted by the royal grandfather and the prince's uncle."

Seeing this, Lin Fengshu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, we have never eaten Fengyao, we are lucky."

Ji Pingting smiled and said, "Then I'll go and help Brother."

Ji Linglan jokingly said: "Forget it, I'm afraid that the more you help, the more you will be busy."

Ji Pingting snuggled up to Ji Linglan and said coquettishly, "Brother, you are making fun of me! I don't care, I don't!"

Everyone laughed together, Lin Tianyao had never been so happy since he fell ill, and his spirit improved a lot.

Guided by Ji Pingting, Ji Linglan walked towards the imperial dining room, and when she passed the imperial garden, she happened to meet Gao Zhenzhen, mother and son.


When a familiar voice came, Ji Pingting turned her head to look, but the smile on her face faded a little, and she saluted, "Ting'er has seen aunt, cousin, and cousin."

Ji Linglan bowed and saluted, "Alan has seen the concubine, the prince, and the princess."

"Alan?" Gao Zhenzhen's eyes flickered, and he said softly: "You are the son Feng Yao found from Fu Guo after all the hardships?"

"Back to the princess, it's me."

Gao Zhenzhen sized up Ji Linglan, and said with a smile: "You and Feng Yao do have some similarities in eyebrows and eyes. Over the years, Feng Yao has found many teenagers who are about your age, and you are the most similar to her."

Gao Zhenzhen didn't accept his identity easily like Lin Tianyao and Lin Fengshu, but hinted that Ji Linglan was just like the boy Princess Yaohua had found before, only somewhat similar to Princess Yaohua, Not real mother and child.

"It's a blessing for A-lan to be found by her mother. In the future, A-lan will serve her by her side to fulfill her responsibilities as a son of man." Ji Linglan is well-mannered and neither humble nor overbearing in her words, making it impossible to find fault.

The more Ji Linglan was like this, the more crisis Gao Zhenzhen felt in his heart. He wanted to say more, but Ji Pingting interjected: "Auntie, the emperor's grandfather is still waiting for the meal prepared by my brother, so please forgive me. sin, we will leave first."

Before Gao Zhenzhen could speak, Ji Pingting pulled Ji Linglan up to leave.

Ji Linglan smiled helplessly, and said: "Prince Princess, please forgive me, Alan still has important matters to attend to, so please forgive me and leave."

Gao Zhenzhen said empathetically: "No problem, since you are doing business for the emperor, naturally you can't delay, you go."

Ji Linglan bowed, followed Ji Pingting and turned to leave.

Gao Zhenzhen looked at the back of the two leaving, his eyes were cloudy, and he said after a long while: "Ting'er is back, you brothers and sisters should get closer to her, you know?"

Lin Yongye and Lin Xian'er responded in unison, "Yes, Concubine Mu."

After inquiring about everyone's taste preferences in detail, Ji Linglan looked at the ingredients in front of her and made a recipe in her heart, so she began to work efficiently.After working for more than an hour, I finally prepared the dishes. There are not many dishes, only eight dishes, fish, shrimp and crab, but there is nothing in the water.Vegetables accounted for the majority, and only three were meat. In addition, one person steamed a bowl of custard. Instead of shrimps, they put some special chicken breasts.

All the food was on the table, Lin Tianyao was supported by Princess Yaohua and Lin Fengshu, and everyone sat down in an orderly manner.

Looking at the food in front of him, Lin Tianyao said with a smile: "Although I don't know how it tastes, but the color is really good, especially the aroma is really mouth-watering, I can't wait."

Ji Linglan smiled modestly, and said: "Alan doesn't know much, so he can cook some home-cooked dishes. Grandfather, hurry up and try to see if it suits your taste."


Lin Tianyao picked up the spoon and tasted the yellow egg custard. There was no extra seasoning, just a little salt and sesame oil, but the aroma immediately occupied all the taste buds as soon as he entered the mouth. It whets the appetite.

"This custard tastes good, I like it very much! You should try it too."

Ji Linglan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Lin Tianyao's illness was too strange. He suspected that someone had tampered with Lin Tianyao's diet, so he proposed to take care of his diet and regulate his body.Just now he was worried that Lin Tianyao would not get used to his cooking, but now he sounds relieved.

Princess Yaohua picked up the spoon and tasted the custard, but instead of praising Lin Tianyao, her eyes were red. She looked at Ji Linglan and said, "Ah Lan, it's all because my mother failed to protect you. You have suffered for years."

What kind of life Ji Linglan lived before, Princess Yaohua also sent someone to investigate, and she felt guilty. She was obviously a royal family member, but she lived a life of begging. If Fu Nanling hadn't been saved by accident, he would still be living a life The hard days of eating and sleeping in the open.

Ji Linglan was stunned, then smiled and said: "Mother, the previous sufferings have tempered my character and made me as tough as weeds. It is not a bad thing for me. Mother, don't have to feel guilty. It's not your fault. "

If Ji Linglan harbored resentment, Princess Yaohua would feel better, but the more he said that, the more guilty she felt, and said: "If you weren't taken away, how could you have suffered for so many years? It's all mine. Wrong, if I had thought more carefully, our mother and son would not have been separated for so many years."

Ji Mingqiu held Princess Yaohua's hand, and comforted him: "Yao'er, if you want to blame it, blame me, because I didn't take good care of your mother and child."

Lin Tianyao sighed, and said: "You don't have to blame yourself too much. As Alan said, going through hardships is not a bad thing. At least it can exercise his mind and let him understand that every meal on this dinner table comes for him. It’s not easy, but in the future, you will be able to remember the bitterness and remember the sweetness when you do things, which is much better than those of their sons and daughters who were born in rich families. If you really feel guilty in your heart, then treat Alan better in the future to make up for what you owe him all these years.”

Ji Linglan nodded, and said: "The emperor's grandfather is right. Father and mother, our family finally got together to have a meal without mentioning those disappointing things. Try other dishes quickly. If they are cold, they will not taste good gone."

Lin Fengshu responded and said: "Yes, Feng Yao and Ming Qiu, we must not disappoint Ah Lan's hard work, eat quickly, eat quickly."

Everyone chatted and laughed while eating, without any scruples about the so-called royal rules of "no talking when sleeping or eating", which made Ji Linglan feel a little dazed. It seems that he is not in the inner courtyard of the palace, but in the small courtyard of his hometown. Surrounded by parents, grandpa talking about the past, uncle regulating the atmosphere, and younger sister being mischievous and acting like a spoiled child, everything is so kind and beautiful, but it would be even better if Fu Nanling was there.

The author has something to say: Did I write too long, and everyone is tired of aesthetics?

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