On the second day of July in the 21st year of Zhaoming, Ji Linglan came to look for Fu Nanling in disheveled clothes because of Xiao Linzi's matter, but was blocked by Pang Li at the door. clothes.

Fu Nanling said lightly: "Put the clothes here, you can go out."

Xiao Lizi didn't say much, bowed and retreated, and closed the door behind him.

Ji Linglan picked up the clothes and put them on. Compared with the flurry when she first came here, the clothes are much easier to put on.

Fu Nanling stretched out his hand and stepped forward, Ji Linglan hurriedly stepped back, saying: "A Ling..."

"Alan, your belt is wrong, let me adjust it for you."

Ji Linglan looked down and saw that the clothes were indeed not very flat. He untied them again and found that there was indeed a wrong one. He couldn't help but feel hot on his face, and said, "I'll do it myself."

Dressed in three layers of inner and outer layers in summer, Ji Linglan was sweating again after such tossing.He hurried to the washbasin and washed his face, which made him feel more comfortable.

Fu Nanling handed him the face towel, and said, "Ah Lan wipes his face, and I'll tie your hair for you."

Ji Linglan took the face towel and wiped it off, and asked suspiciously, "When did Ah Ling learn to tie her hair?"

"I have been studying, and today is the acceptance result."

Ji Linglan sat down in front of the dressing table in doubt, and said, "A Ling, why do you want to learn how to tie your hair?"

"Ah Lan doesn't know, then I will learn." Fu Nanling answered as a matter of course, picked up the comb and combed Ji Linglan's hair carefully.

Ji Linglan was stunned for a moment, and ripples rippled in her peaceful heart, but soon returned to calm.

"Hiss!" Ji Linglan couldn't hold it back, and cried out in pain. She might have become bald, and said with a wry smile, "A Ling, let Xiao Lizi come. Or I can do it myself, anyway, I haven't arrived yet. At the age of the weak crown, it doesn't matter whether the hair is tied or not."

Looking at the tangled hair on the comb, Fu Nanling felt annoyed for a while, and said guiltily: "Alan, I'm sorry, I will definitely study hard, and if I'm around in the future, I won't let others tie your hair for you."

"Forget it, I'll learn it myself. I can't let others tie my hair for the rest of my life. Go get busy, Eunuch Pang is still waiting in the main hall." Ji Linglan took the comb and combed her hair randomly.

"Well, I'll go and ask him what's the matter. Ah Lan is waiting for me here, and we will have dinner together later."

"Well, you go."

Fu Nanling turned around and left the bedroom, Ji Linglan looked helpless, unable to figure out why Fu Nanling was so dependent on him, and even had a strange possessive desire.

Ji Linglan whispered to herself, "That brat Tang Tang is not like that either."

After spending a long time and sweating all over, Ji Linglan tied her hair into a ponytail.He opened the drawer and took a look. If he had a pair of scissors by his side now, he might have cut this hair that got in the way. Even gradient monks are better than daily hair ties.

Ji Linglan washed her face again, then got up and left the bedroom, the attendant at the door bowed slightly, and said, "My lord, do you have any orders?"


Ji Linglan walked to his room, where there was still Xiao Linzi waiting for him, but when he returned to the room, Xiao Linzi was no longer there, and he couldn't find it after searching around.He changed his mind, it should be Fu Nanling who called people away and made other arrangements.

Ji Linglan was about to go back to his room when he happened to meet Pang Li who came out of the main hall. He quickly bowed and stood aside, waiting for Pang Li to leave.Unexpectedly, when Pang Li passed by him, he stopped in his tracks.

Ji Linglan was taken aback, and then said, "The villain has seen Eunuch Pang."

Pang Li looked Ji Linglan up and down, and saw that although the clothes on his body were not gorgeous, even plain, they were made of high-quality material. Only a few dozen bolts of cloth are produced, which have always been tributes, and it is not easy for even the empress in the palace to get one, but I never thought it would be worn by such an ordinary boy.

Pang Li smiled and asked: "This young master looks unfamiliar, but I don't know how to address him?"

That night, Ji Linglan kept his head down, and Pang Li's attention was on Fu Nanling God, so he didn't see his appearance clearly, so he said this.

"Back to Eunuch, you can just call the villain, A Lan." Ji Linglan still bowed her body and did not look up.

Pang Li narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Ji Linglan with scrutiny, and said, "Alan? How come this old servant has never seen you by His Highness's side, is it..."

"He is my honored guest. He once saved my prince's life, and he was the one who saved Li Tai with all his might. If Eunuch Pang wants to know anything else, you might as well ask me directly." Fu Nanling came out from the main hall, looking at Pang Li.

Seeing the familiar smile on the corner of Fu Nanling's mouth, Pang Li's frightened white sweat broke out, and he quickly saluted: "Your Highness, forgive me, it's the old servant who overran me!"

"Eunuch Pang, my prince just thought of something, and I have to trouble you to make a trip."

Pang Li's heart tightened. He has been by Fu Lianchao's side for many years, and he has experienced too many things. He asked the young man a few more words, which annoyed Fu Nanling, so he deliberately found something to embarrass him.

Even if he knew it well, Pang Li could only grit his teeth and swallow the bitter fruit, because no one knew better than him, Fu Nanling's weight in Fu Lianchao's heart, and said: "Your Highness, please tell me, this old servant will definitely do his best."

"Please trouble Eunuch Pang to step forward."

Pang Li quickly bowed and walked to Fu Nanling's side, and said, "Let Your Highness order."

Fu Nanling said a few words in Pang Li's ear, and Pang Li's face changed after that.

Fu Nanling smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Eunuch Pang, this matter has a lot to do with it, the prince can only rest assured if I bother you to make a trip."

Pang Li bowed and said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, this old slave will be smashed to pieces and serve the imperial court!"

Fu Nanling nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Eunuch Pang, don't worry. When I return to Beijing in the future, my prince will report the truth in front of the emperor. Father-in-law's reward will definitely be indispensable at that time."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your appreciation. This old slave is very grateful, so I will leave."

Looking at the back of Pang Li leaving in a hurry, Ji Linglan walked up to Fu Nanling and said, "A Ling, what did you say to him just now, why did his complexion become so bad?"

"A thousand-year-old fox has no eyesight, and wants to get involved everywhere. It's very annoying. Let him follow Zhang Hanchen, and let Zhang Hanchen know that his every move is under the control of his father. It’s best not to have thoughts that you shouldn’t have.”

"Are you asking Eunuch Pang to monitor Zhang Hanchen? At his age, and... is there really nothing wrong?" Ji Linglan was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, he has been by Father's side for many years, he is a fine old fox, no matter how shrewd Zhang Hanchen is, he is not an opponent. But he is used to being pampered, and it is inevitable that he will suffer some living crimes."

Fu Nanling asked Pang Li to pretend to be Zhang Hanchen's entourage and follow him. Zhang Hanchen is a general, and he can't help wielding knives and guns on weekdays.Who made it difficult for him to interrogate anyone, and interrogating Ji Linglan, wouldn't this directly poke Fu Nanling's Nilin.

Ji Linglan smacked her mouth, for some reason, there was a bit of sympathy and guilt in her heart.

"Alan, don't care about him, let's go eat. Just now Zhang Hanchen sent some iced honeydew melons. We will taste them later to relieve the heat."

"Iced honeydew?" Ji Linglan was startled, then her eyes lit up, and she said, "This is good, I like it, let's go, let's go eat."

After being reminded by Fu Nanling, Ji Linglan suddenly thought of modern ice cream, and was thinking of finding a reason to let Tang Tang get a refrigerator in the dissecting room, preferably a four-door refrigerator. All kinds of antidotes, this is complete.

Xiao Lizi followed behind the two, glanced at the direction Pang Li was leaving, and told himself over and over again in his heart that he must not offend Ji Linglan if he offends anyone, otherwise he would really die without knowing how.

A day passed by in a hurry, Ji Linglan and Fu Nanling took a nap and were playing chess in the yard.Liu Xi walked over in a hurry, came to the front and bowed and said, "Master, there are changes in the city."

Ji Linglan frowned when she heard this, and said, "Brother Liu, did Gao Jin find out about Cao Village?"

Liu Xi replied: "Yes, the city is now under martial law, only entering but not exiting."

"What about Master Xu, how is he?"

Liu Xi hesitated for a moment, and said: "Master Xu committed suicide before Gao Jin sent people to Zucao Village, and his body was hanging above the city gate."

Ji Linglan's complexion became extremely ugly, and he said, "How could this be? He is the magistrate of Hong County, and there are not a few people who know him. Isn't Gao Jin's behavior a blatant rebellion?"

"Master Xu's appearance was destroyed, and the city gate notice stated that he was a Jiangyang thief."

"The appearance is ruined, so how do you know it's Mr. Xu?" Ji Linglan was lucky.

"Alan, do you still remember the scar on Master Xu's face?"

Ji Linglan was startled, then said, "I remember."

The scar on Xu Huaiwen's face is an old wound, a unique scar, which can be used to identify him, as a forensic doctor, he understands this.

"I knew it would be this kind of result, but when I actually heard it, I still couldn't accept it." Ji Linglan sighed for a long time.

Fu Nanling said comfortingly: "This is the result that Mr. Xu wants, and it can be regarded as his wish. Ah Lan doesn't have to be sad."

Ji Linglan understood what Fu Nanling meant, and when Xu Huaiwen was determined to stay, she predicted such an outcome. With Gao Jin's ruthless temperament, she would definitely not let Xu Huaiwen betray him.Although Mr. Xu had no choice but to kill ten innocent lives, it is better to atone for his sins in this way than to live with his sins. This is the result he wanted.But facts are facts, but Ji Linglan still finds it hard to accept.

Fu Nanling looked at Liu Xi and said, "I'll tell you, everyone is in hibernation for now, don't act without authorization."

"Yes, master." Liu Xi took the order and turned to leave.

"Xiao Lizi, go out and send a message to Mr. Zhang, just say to bear it for the time being and wait for the opportunity."

"Yes, master, the slave will go now." Xiao Li also bowed and retreated.

Ji Linglan asked worriedly: "A-Ling, you said Ningcheng is under martial law, will Master Liu's house be implicated?"

"The Liu family has already laid a net like an iron bucket. Gao Jin knows if there is anything abnormal, and it will not affect the Liu family." Fu Nanling paused, and then said: "Besides, Gao Jin still wants to keep them to attract the king. into the urn, so Ah Lan doesn't have to worry."

Ji Linglan frowned slightly, hesitated, and said: "A Ling, do you still remember what I said before, how to design to capture Gao Jin?"

Fu Nanling's eyes lit up, and he said, "Of course I remember, Ah Lan has perfected his plan?"

"It's not perfect, and there are still many risks, but it seems that there is only one way at present."

In Gaofu's study, Gao Jin stood in front of the desk with a gloomy expression. A man was kneeling in front of the hall, and there were some pieces of porcelain scattered around the man.

"Everyone is under their noses, but you are still ignorant. You are really stupid, so stupid!"

"My lord, calm down!" Cao Qing prostrated himself on the ground trembling, and said, "My lord, it must be Xu Huaiwen and outsiders who did it."

"The corpses are all hanging outside, it's up to you!"

Gao Jin laughed angrily, picked up the teapot on the table, and threw it at Cao Qing. The scalding hot water exploded on her body. Cao Qing resisted the severe pain in his body, and did not dare to hum.

"My lord, the way back to the capital is blocked by the brothers. Even if they spread their wings, it will be difficult for them to return to the capital. In this way, we still have a chance to recover."

Gao Jin seemed to have lost his temper because of the fall just now, although his face was still ugly, his tone softened a little, and he said, "How can you be sure that they haven't returned to Beijing yet?"

"My lord, Li Tai has been missing for a long time, but there is no news from the capital, which is enough to show that no one has returned to Beijing to report the news, and the emperor does not know about it. As long as we are stuck on the way to Beijing, in this remote land, it is you who said Forget it, it’s not easy to catch those ghosts.”

"The way to Beijing?" Gao Jin frowned, and then his face became even more ugly, saying: "There is more than one way to go to Beijing, as long as they bypass Liaoyuan and pass through Pingcheng, they can reach Kyoto."

Cao Qing was also taken aback, and then said: "My lord, the Second Young Master has been tracking Lu Jiu's whereabouts. He is seriously injured and it is impossible to bypass Liaoyuan."

"Our attention is all on Lu Jiu, but what about Li Tai? What about the boy driving the car? They have been missing since they came out of Yongping Town. Who has seen them so far? Maybe they have gone around to Liaoyuan, passed through Pingcheng, and arrived at It's Kyoto."

"My lord, if they arrive in the capital and send a letter to the emperor, the nobles in the capital will definitely try their best to inform us, but there is no news from the capital, which is enough to show that the emperor has not received the letter yet."

"You go to the capital yourself, and send a letter to the nobleman, telling him everything about Liao Yuan, and asking him to pay more attention to the movements in the capital. Bring the portraits of Li Tai and that young man with you. If they really slipped through the net, Then it will be a nobleman's hand to collect these two miscellaneous fish."

"Yes, my lord, this subordinate will do it now." Cao Qing got up with difficulty and exited the study.

Gao Jin raised his voice and said, "Come on, call Gao Gao."

"Yes, my lord."

About a cup of tea, there were footsteps outside the door, and the burly Gundam with a steel knife on his waist walked into the study quickly, knelt down on one knee and said, "I will see you, my lord."

Gao Jin didn't talk nonsense, and asked bluntly: "One day has passed, can any abnormalities be found in the city?"

"Returning to my lord, my subordinates have sent additional manpower to conduct strict investigations. Anyone who has entered the city in the past few days will be strictly investigated. Anyone who is suspicious will be sent to the Prison of the Criminal Division. Under torture, they will definitely be recruited. You can rest assured, my lord, as long as he is still in the city, even if he hides in the crevices of the rocks, his subordinates can find him out."

"Did the portraits of the people who entered the village come out that day?"

"My lord, this is their portrait." Gao Da took out several portraits from his chest, offered them with both hands, and said, "According to the villagers of Zucao Village, there were four people who entered the village that day. , followed by a servant and two guards."

Gao Jin opened the portraits and looked at them one by one. The more she looked at them, the more ugly her face became. She laughed angrily, "It's really ridiculous! Two young children, two little white faces with red teeth and white teeth, can make Cao village [-] or so. It's ridiculous to clean up all the people, it's extremely ridiculous! Waste, it's all waste, what use is it for me to support you!"

"My lord, calm down!" Gao Da's heart tightened, he quickly prostrated himself on the ground, and said, "My lord, I have inspected the corpses of all the people in Baocao Village, and almost all of them were killed with a knife, as if they were waiting in line to be killed. There is no trace of resistance. The subordinates guessed that someone must have stunned them beforehand, and then beheaded them."

"Okay, what a Xu Huaiwen, I should have seen that he has rebellious bones!"

As soon as Gundam's words came out, anyone would think that Xu Huaiwen drugged Cao Gang and others, and joined forces with outsiders to kill them all.At the beginning Xu Huaiwen was left behind by Gao Jin, but now that something bad happened to Xu Huaiwen, it was equivalent to slapping Gao Jin in front of everyone, which made the always arrogant Gao Jin furious.Gao Jin is Gao Jin's confidant, so he naturally understands the key. Facing the furious Gao Jin, he knelt on the ground and dared not even move.

"Take the portrait and go door to door, and don't let anyone who is suspicious!" Gao Jin said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, my lord, this subordinate will do it now."

Watching Gao Da walk out of the room, Gao Jin raised his voice and said, "Without my order, no one is allowed to come in and disturb you."

"Yes, my lord."

Gao Jin turned around and came to the bookshelf, raised her hand and pulled out a book, the sound of the mechanism starting sounded, the bookshelf slowly separated to the two sides, revealing the secret door inside, Gao Jin lit the candle on the table, took it and walked in .

Going down through the secret door, at a height of about two meters, there is a secret passage two meters square, and the walls and ground are paved with stone slabs.Gao Jin went all the way along the secret road, walked about a cup of tea, and came to a fork in the road, he turned left without hesitation, walked another cup of tea, and then walked up the steps.At the top left of the secret door, there is a round protrusion. Gao Jin raised his hand and pressed it hard, the secret door was opened, and he walked in sideways.

Sun Yi was processing official documents in the study, when he suddenly heard a sound behind him, he quickly stood up, drew out the dagger in his boots, and looked vigilantly at the secret door behind him.After he saw who it was, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Gao, why are you here at this time?"

"An accident happened in Zucao Village. I feel uneasy, so I came to discuss countermeasures with Brother Sun." Gao Jin didn't talk nonsense, and straightforwardly stated his reason for coming.

"At the beginning, I said that Xu Huaiwen could kill his wife and eat his children. He is definitely not a simple person. It is better to end it as soon as possible. Brother Gao seems to be possessed by a demon. He must be kept." It is inevitable that there will be resentment in my heart.

"The matter has come to this, what's the use of talking about it, let's think about how to deal with the aftermath."

Gao Jin is also regretful now. In fact, he knows in his heart that the reason why he kept Xu Huaiwen is because of his own selfishness.When Xu Huaiwen was dispatched to Liaoyuan, he tried to win over Xu Huaiwen, but was rejected. Xu Huaiwen even made a note of this matter and participated in his book.Although the memorial was not sent to the capital, Gao Jin held a grudge against him, so he left Xu Huaiwen behind and asked his subordinates to force him to kill his wife and eat his children, killing innocent people out of conscience, just to make his life worse than death.

Seeing that Gao Jin's complexion was not good, Sun Yi didn't say any more. After pondering for a while, he said: "Now that Xu Huaiwen is dead, we can't be sure whether those people got anything from him. What we can do is to find out their whereabouts as soon as possible." , before they leave Liaoyuan."

"Xu Huaiwen lives under the surveillance of Cao Gang and others every day. What evidence can we have? We have set up many barriers on the way to Beijing. They knew they couldn't get through, so they simply came to Liaoyuan. The purpose is to keep that old guy Liu Ji behind." As long as we guard Liu's mansion, we will definitely catch them." Gao Jin's eyes showed a sinister look.

"Brother Gao, do you mean to invite you into the urn?"

"Whatever they want, we will give. As for whether they can take it away, it depends on how many lives they have."

Sun Yi frowned slightly, and said: "It's just that we are searching so aggressively, I'm afraid they are dormant now, and they won't act rashly."

"The fall of Zucao village, how can we not take action on such a big matter?"

"Brother Gao, do you mean that the arrest at this time is to pave the way for the introduction of the king in the future?"

"It would be best if we could find them; if not, then we would have to waste some effort to prevent these little miscellaneous fish from slipping out of our hands."

Sun Yi gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "So it's like that, good plan, good plan! Brother Gao is really resourceful, I admire, admire!"

Gao Jin smiled proudly, then frowned slightly, and said, "The only thing we need to worry about now is Zhang Hanchen."

"Such a big incident happened in Liaoyuan. The emperor will hold him accountable. This old boy will definitely be involved. He has been wise and safe for so many years. I think he will not do anything this time. Besides, the Liaoyuan capital has been infiltrated. If he If there is a change, we can know it well."

"This old boy is able to achieve the position of the commander, and he is not at the mercy of others. It is better to be careful, so as not to capsize in the gutter, and then we can only be pushed to the guillotine."

"Brother Gao is thoughtful, and younger brother is ashamed. Now that we are in a precarious situation, younger brother can only rely on brother Gao."

"We rely on the nobles of the capital. If we pawns fall, then he can't get rid of it. After all, we are all lost and we are all prosperous."

"Brother Gao said that that noble person is our last checkpoint."

In the imperial study room of the palace, Fu Lianchao was instructing the memorial. The eunuch beside him, Lian Hai, saw that the tea cup had run out, so he quickly made new tea and carefully placed it on the table.

Fu Lianchao put down the memorial in his hand, pinched the sore corners of his eyes, and said, "Lian Hai, Pang Li should be here."

Lian Hai quickly replied: "Go back to the emperor, if you hurry up, yesterday will have arrived."

"I didn't expect such a big thing to happen under my nose. Lian Hai, you said they think I'm old and soft-hearted, and can't hold a knife anymore?"

Fu Lianchao's tone was very calm, but Lian Hai, who had followed him for many years, could clearly hear the murderous aura in it.

"Your majesty, you are long live. How can you be old? But this tiger also naps sometimes, and it is inevitable that those little fish and shrimp are overwhelmed. When you wake up, you will only need to slap them."

Fu Lianchao glanced at him indifferently, and said, "You, it's just this mouth that is asking for cheap."

"What this old slave is telling is the truth. The emperor really doesn't need to worry, no matter how big the shrimp is, it's still a shrimp, so don't chat."

"How can we not be worried? Ling'er is still in Liaoyuan. In Liaoyuan, it is no different than in the capital. Gao Jin is watching. If he is not careful and Ling'er falls into Gao Jin's hands, he will be in danger. Not to mention his body ... Sigh, why is this child so disturbing?"

"Your Majesty, the third prince has been extremely intelligent since he was a child, and he has been taught by the emperor himself. He will be able to solve the emperor's problems with his own strength. For example, this time, the third prince can not only break through many barriers and deliver letters to the emperor, but also successfully sneak into the tiger's den. , it is evident.”

Fu Lianchao nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Ling'er is indeed smart, if it wasn't for his illness... I will definitely search for famous doctors all over the world, and I will also cure Ling'er's body."

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