At midnight on the [-]th day of July in the [-]th year of Zhaoming, Ji Linglan came out of the dissecting room in a courtyard at the east end of Tiannan Village, and appeared in a dark and narrow environment. He didn't need to look at him to know that this must be the carriage he had stayed in before.

Ji Linglan groped to open the corner of the curtain, and looked outside. Under the moonlight, everything around her came into view. The surrounding was very quiet, and no one was there.Ji Linglan took a closer look, and found that he was in &—zwnj; a house, beside the carriage was a &—zwnj; carriage, in front was a hut, which looked like a utility room, and behind It is a stable with several horses tied up in the stable.

Just as Ji Linglan was about to get out of the car, he heard the sound of footsteps. He quickly held his breath and was ready to enter the dissection room at any time.

The footsteps were getting closer, and then there was a burst of voices, "When did Gao Wei leave?"

"Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei left -zwnj; two hours ago."

"&—zwnj; an hour..." The man's voice paused, and then said: "&—zwnj; an hour should have left Ningcheng, order people to spread the news."

"My lord, your lord has already ordered you before, and your subordinates have already made preparations."

"Father is resourceful, following him will surely accomplish great things, you are blessed."

"What the young master said is that it is a blessing for the subordinates to be able to follow the adults and the young master."

"Come on, it's time for us to hit the road."

Ji Linglan carefully opened the curtain of the car and looked out, only to see five men walking towards the barn. Because his back was facing him, he couldn't see everyone's appearance clearly, but from the conversation, he could judge that the one in the middle was praised by all the stars. Yue's young man should have the same status as Gao Wei, and all Ji Linglan can think of is Sun Yi and his son who escaped from Ningcheng. Judging by his age, that young man is probably Sun Yi's eldest son, Sun Yi. Huan.

The five people led the horses out one after another, without stopping, they opened the courtyard door and walked out.

Ji Linglan stayed in the carriage and waited for a while, thinking about what to do next. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to leave here first. Anyway, he has found their hiding place, so he should get it with Fu Nanling first. Let's talk.The main reason is that the subsequent investigation work is really dangerous for him who has no power to restrain the chicken. He still has this self-knowledge.

After making up his mind, Ji Linglan got out of the carriage, and cautiously came to the gate of the courtyard, looked left and right, but there was no one guarding him, he couldn't help but feel "joyed, open the gate" - zwnj; , and got out.After getting out of the courtyard, Ji Linglan finally understood why there was no one guarding it. It turned out that there was another courtyard outside that courtyard.

Ji Linglan hurriedly found a hidden place to hide, and looked at the guards at the door. Both of them were walking back and forth in front of the courtyard with steel knives in their hands. If they hadn't happened to be closing the door just now, maybe now He has been exposed.

Ji Linglan felt a wry smile in his heart, his current situation was in a dilemma, he couldn't go back and he couldn't get out.This means that at night, he can hide in the shadows, but in the daytime, no matter how bad his eyesight is, he can be easily spotted.

Ji Linglan looked left and right, thinking about the possibility of getting out, but there was no place to use his strength around, and with his current height, it was impossible to climb up.And even if there is a place to rely on, it is inevitable to make a movement and be discovered by others. They are too close, and the total distance is only seven or eight meters.

"I can't fight, I can't escape, what should I do?" Ji Linglan murmured in her heart.He looked around and found a few bricks not far away, moved over carefully, and moved the bricks over.Holding the brick, he stood up and threw it towards the yard behind him.

The sound of "bang" was very clearly heard in this silent night.The two people at the gate of the courtyard immediately turned around and looked at the courtyard where the carriage was stored.They looked at each other—zwnj; and clenched the knife in their hands.

"I'll go and see, you stay here and guard."

"Okay, be careful."

The guard took a knife and walked cautiously towards the gate of the courtyard.Ji Linglan held her breath, shrunk her body to the minimum, and looked at him without blinking, ready to enter the dissection room at any time.

The guard's attention was all in the courtyard, and he didn't notice that there was a "zwnj; person" in the shadow two meters away from him.He gently pushed the door open and walked in cautiously.In addition, "zwnj; a guard" has been staring at the opened courtyard door, ready to rescue at all times.After a while, footsteps sounded, and the guard who entered came out.

The guard who stayed behind quickly asked: "What's the matter, is there a stranger inside?"

"I went around &—zwnj; in circles, and didn't even see a person's hair. When I came out, I stepped on a &—zwnj; brick at the door. It must have been dropped by a stray cat on the courtyard wall."

"It's fine, I'm scared to death."

"Look at your bitch's potential, you're a coward who only knows how to lie on women's bodies."

"You're not fucking cowardly, and you don't even look at what's going on." The guard lowered his voice, and continued, "Let's be rats in the gutter—you can't see the light. I don't know when the imperial army will come to kill you." , then we will live to the end."

"So what about the imperial army, don't we have one too? Isn't it just for that--zwnj;day that we practice every day? From the merits of the dragon, even us youngsters will surely be able to follow the promotion and make a fortune."

"Get promoted and get rich? I think it's a 'coffin' made of coffin boards. Once there is a battle, we young people will die the most. What's more, how can our little army be compared with the imperial army? You, or Stop that daydream."

"I said you don't fucking have a different mind, do you?"

"Different heart? I fucking want to live a few more days. I just complain. I don't talk in the middle of the night, and I tend to get sleepy."

"Okay, I'm going to lie down in the hut, you kid, be smart."

"Then be quick as hell, and don't let me hide."

Seeing that one of the guards walked away, Ji Linglan picked up the brick and threw it towards the courtyard again. The sound of 'bang' scared the guard at the door to jump. He tightened the knife in his hand and said to himself: "What the hell is going on?"

The guard hesitated, but walked over slowly, and cautiously came to the gate of the courtyard. Just as he was about to go in, he felt a pain in his neck, and then passed out.Ji Linglan came to the gate in two or three steps, took down the latch, opened the slit and looked out, seeing no one around, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.He stepped out of the gate, then backed away, picked up the guard with difficulty, and walked out of the gate with difficulty.

The "needle" was powerful enough to make him sleep for a while, and the reason why Ji Linglan brought him out was to fake the illusion of his escape, so that at least it could cover up the fact that strangers had entered the yard.As for whether they will be transferred because of the guard's escape, this Ji Linglan is not very worried. From the conversation between the two just now, it can be heard that Gao Jin not only raised a private guard, but also raised an army, and this army It should be near here, and now the entire Liaoyuan is under martial law. If a large-scale transfer is bound to attract attention, they should not take this risk because of a deserter.But just in case, he had better contact Fu Nanling as soon as possible.

After getting the person out, Ji Linglan ran into a problem and didn't know how to deal with it. Let him kill an unconscious person. He still can't do it. After thinking and thinking, he didn't think of a good way. With the mentality of trying, Ji Linglan appeared in the dissection room, and the person on his back followed him in the dissection room.

Ji Linglan… zwnj; sat on the ground with her buttocks, and didn't even care if the person on her body was thrown, this person was too heavy.When he regained his composure and went to check again, he found that he had lost his breath.Ji Linglan felt a 'thump' in her heart, and quickly took out the stethoscope from the locker, but she couldn't hear the man's heartbeat.He slumped on the ground, looking at the people on the ground, "time froze, a little unacceptable."

Ji Linglan took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call to Tang Tang, but hung up after calling Tang Tang. The situation was urgent now, and it wasn't when he was sad. He had to notify Fu Nanling as soon as possible.After picking up her mood, Ji Linglan decisively left the dissection room and walked quickly in the southeast direction.Although&—zwnj;he was in a coma when he first left Ningcheng, but after he looked at the direction, the carriage&—zwnj;had been heading northwest, so he only had to go southeast&—zwnj; Can reach Ningcheng.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Ji Linglan took out the pocket watch on her chest and looked at it. It was already five o'clock in the morning, and there were already farmers busy in the fields in the suburbs.Ji Linglan looked at the old man who was not far away, and walked over with his footsteps "zwnj;".

"Old man, how far is it from here to Ningcheng?"

The old man looked at Ji Linglan and said, "There are still ten miles."

Ji Linglan pointed to the southeast direction and asked, "Old man, is this the direction?"

"That's right, you can get there by walking straight to the southeast."

"Thank you, old man." Ji Linglan bowed to the old man and continued walking.

When they came to the "zwnj; forest, Ji Linglan hesitated, went straight in, wandered" in the forest, found a hidden place, and brought the man from the dissecting room out. Looking at his appearance, the color of his face and lips are normal, he looks like he is asleep&—zwnj;, it is obviously not because of the anesthesia/anesthetic, so the only cause of death is&—zwnj; People from this world cannot be brought into the dissection room by him.

Ji Linglan covered the corpse with leaves, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I hurt you, when I'm done, I will bury you properly, and then find your family to settle properly, and try to make up for my fault. "

Ji Linglan made a mark on the big tree next to the corpse, and continued on the road.After walking for about an hour, he finally arrived at the gate of Ningcheng City.Looking at the city gate in the distance, Ji Linglan couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief, and walked over quickly.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the city, I heard "zwnj;" shouting, "Only entering and not exiting is allowed. Anyone entering the city must show a guide, otherwise they cannot enter the city."

Ji Linglan"—zwnj; Startled, he had no way to guide him, he finally arrived at the gate of the city, but couldn't get in, isn't this a joke?

Ji Linglan walked to the side, looked at the sparse people around, thought for a while, but couldn't think of a good solution.Fu Nanling's identity cannot be revealed. The only person he knew in Ningcheng was Zhang Hanchen, but he knocked him down the first time he met him. Someone as scheming as Zhang Hanchen might be Hate him.Besides, even if he told the gatekeeper that he knew Zhang Hanchen, he didn't even have an identity certificate, and they couldn't believe him, and he might be arrested as a plotter.

Ji Linglan accidentally saw a "zwnj; carriage coming from a distance, her eyes couldn't help" brightening, and she walked over to meet it.Because he had already reached the bottom of the city gate, the speed of the carriage was very slow, so Ji Linglan walked around behind the carriage, looked around, and after confirming that no one was paying attention to him, "zwnj; raised his feet and climbed up, and then entered the autopsy room.

Ji Linglan looked up at the clock on the wall, went to the locker and took out iodine and band-aids, took off her shoes to deal with the blisters on her feet.Before, he was too nervous, and because he killed someone, he was distracted, and his mind was all about finding Fu Nanling as soon as possible, completely ignoring his arm injury, but now... relax, his whole arm can't move.Gritting his teeth and enduring the severe pain, Ji Linglan quickly healed the injury on his foot with his left hand. Such a simple matter, but he broke out in sweat from the pain.Sitting tiredly on the dissecting table, Ji Linglan panted heavily, and after a while, she walked to the locker on her feet, took the bandage and gauze, and re-suspended her right arm get up.

After resting for half an hour, Ji Linglan reckoned that the carriage had entered the city and arrived at the place before coming out of the dissecting room.Looking at the surrounding environment, Ji Linglan, who was worried, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was also afraid that he would be in a busy city when he came out, and he would suddenly appear and be speechless.But in order to enter the city as soon as possible and deliver news to Fu Nanling, he couldn't care less.

I saw this carriage at that time, neither the carriage itself nor the clothes on the groom's body could be afforded by ordinary people. If they could enter the city, there must be a yard dedicated to parking carriages. This kind of place... Generally, no one will guard him, even if he suddenly appears, no one will notice.Fortunately, his guess was right, the location he was in now was exactly - zwnj; a yard dedicated to parking carriages.

Ji Linglan hid in the corner and observed the surrounding environment. After confirming that there was no one there, she went straight to the courtyard gate, took the latch and walked out smoothly.There was no accident this time, there was a street outside the courtyard gate, Ji Linglan stopped an old man without delay, asked where he was now, and walked towards Qinghe Residence where Fu Nanling lived.

Ji Linglan traveled through most of the city, and when she was almost there, she ran into a sergeant from the "zwnj; team patrolling the streets."He quickly hid to the side, thinking about waiting for them to pass by before leaving, but when the sergeant passed by him, he stopped, unfolded the portrait in his hand, compared it with Ji Linglan, and then said very excitedly: "That's right. Him, don't let him get away."

&—zwnj;All the sergeants'Hulala'surrounded the"—zwnj; Ji Linglan who was in a daze, and the people around couldn't understand the situation, so they stood beside" and whispered softly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ji Linglan really didn't dare to disappear directly, so she could only bite the bullet and ask: "Master Jun, what did Xiaomin do, and why are you doing this?"

"Is your surname Ji?"

The sergeant's eyes lit up, staring at Ji Linglan—zwnj; panicked, and said: "Yes, my surname is Ji. Could it be that my surname is Ji breaking the law?"

"That's right. Young Master Ji, you made it easy for us to find you. You have fought against that villain with your appearance. Where is that villain? I'm going to avenge you."

Seeing the sergeant - zwnj; looking like he was gearing up, Ji Linglan couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and said quickly: "Thank you for your concern, the military master. I have urgent matters, so I can't stay long, so I leave."

"My lord, wait a minute!" The sergeant stopped Ji Linglan and said, "My lord, my lord is looking for you very urgently. Please come with me to see your lord, and we will talk about other things later."

"My lord? Which lord?" Ji Linglan looked at the sergeant and frowned slightly.

The sergeant clasped his fists and said, "Naturally, it's Mr. Zhang, the commander of the capital."

Ji Linglan hesitated for a moment, just about to speak, when she heard a familiar voice, "Alan."

Ji Linglan looked over and responded with a smile: "Brother Liu."

Seeing Ji Linglan's appearance clearly, Liu Xi walked over quickly, and the sergeants surrounding Ji Linglan—zwnj;seeing that it was him, quickly bowed and saluted: "My subordinate Li Kun has seen you."

"Excuse me." Liu Xi came to Ji Linglan, looked him up and down, and asked with concern: "Is Ah Lan seriously injured?"

"It's okay, it's all... some superficial wounds. Brother Liu, I have something important to see the master." In front of outsiders, Ji Linglan will usually follow Liu Xi and they call Fu Nanling master.

"Okay, I'll take you back on horseback. The master has not had a rest day and night. Fortunately, you came back safe and sound."

Liu Xi pulled Ji Linglan and turned around to leave. Seeing this, Li Kun quickly said, "My lord, over there Mr. Zhang..."

Liu Xi said lightly: "Go back and tell Mr. Zhang that he has been found safely."

Li Kun showed a look of embarrassment, and did not stop him after all.

Liu Xi helped Ji Linglan get on the horse, and Liu Xi followed closely behind, "clamping the horse's belly, the horse started to walk, and then went faster and faster.

Soon, the two arrived at the courtyard where Fu Nanling lived, and the people at the door quickly went to report. Fu Nanling, who learned the news, rushed to the courtyard where Ji Linglan lived without caring about anything else.

"Alan!" Fu Nanling came to Ji Linglan's side in two or three steps, "zwnj; hugged him, the familiar temperature in his arms made Fu Nanling's hanging heart finally calm down.

"Hiss!" The sharp pain from his shoulder made Ji Linglan instinctively cry out in pain.

Fu Nanling quickly let go of Ji Linglan, looked at Ji Linglan's raised arm, and asked with concern: "Alan, is your arm injured again?"

"No problem. Ah Ling, it was Gao Wei who took me away, but I escaped halfway, and then I quietly followed them to a village—zwnj;, I suspected that it was their hiding place. I learned from the conversation that there should be an army hidden there."

Fu Nanling frowned even more when he heard the words, and said, "Army? Where is that village? Why didn't we hear any news?"

"It's at the foot of a mountain about 20 miles northwest of Ningcheng."

"Mountain?" Fu Nanling's eyes were slightly confused.

Knowing that Fu Nanling was not very familiar with the surrounding areas of Ningcheng, Liu Xi quickly explained, "Master, there is indeed a mountain in the northwest of Ningcheng, named Cangshan."

"A-Ling, there's one more thing. There should be people from them in the capital. Gao Wei left Ningcheng last night and went to the capital to report. Under the guise of the public, there is someone else who actually sent the letter." Ji Linglan told Fu Nanling about the conversation he heard last night, "zwnj; verbally accurate.

"Last night?" The reborn Fu Nanling knew in his heart who that person was, but he had no proof, so he couldn't touch him at all.This time, Sun Yi's actions helped him.

Fu Nanling looked at Liu Xi and said, "Come here with your ear, I have something to explain."

Liu Xi was startled, then approached Fu Nanling, Fu Nanling whispered a few words in his ear, "Do you understand?"

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

"Go on, don't let me down."

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." Liu Xi bowed and exited the door, then walked away quickly.

Ji Linglan anxiously reminded: "A-Ling, it's not too late, if they move, you let Big Brother Lu and I "together" to go to Cangshan again."

"Alan, you are injured, you can't take any more risks, leave the rest to me, okay?"

Seeing Fu Nanling's pale face and the black eyes, Ji Linglan said helplessly: "A Ling, you should rest the most. I'm just a flesh wound, it's fine."

"Then Ah Lan will rest with me, let Lu Jiu and the others do the rest, okay?"

Ji Linglan understood Fu Nanling's temperament, and said with a forced smile, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Fu Nanling immediately smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Xiao Lizi, go and see if Lu Jiu is here."

"Yes, master, the slave will go now."

Fu Nanling pulled Ji Linglan to the side and sat down, then squatted down to take off Ji Linglan's shoes.

Ji Linglan'—zwnj; was stunned, then withdrew her feet, got up to pull him, and said nervously: "A Ling, what are you doing? Get up, if others see it, I don't have enough heads Chopped."

Fu Nanling looked at the closed door, stubbornly grabbed Ji Linglan's shoes, and said, "Ah Lan, there is no one else here, let me see."

Ji Linglan couldn't hold back Fu Nanling, and said: "If you want to see it, I'll take it off myself, you get up first."

Fu Nanling looked at Ji Linglan helplessly, but couldn't get up, Ji Linglan didn't want the two of them to waste time because of this matter, so he let go of his hand, and said dumbfoundingly: "Your temper is really unpleasant sometimes."

Fu Nanling didn't speak, but reached out and took off Ji Linglan's shoes. The soles of the white socks were dyed "zwnj; lumps" of blood yellow, sticking directly to his feet.Fu Nanling's hand &—zwnj; paused, and then "—zwnj; little by little"—zwnj; pulled off the sock sticking to the meat.

"Hiss!" Although the injury on the foot had been treated, he walked briskly for half an hour afterwards, because the wound hurt, his walking posture was wrong, and the old injury was added with a new injury. This foot looked a bit horrible.

Ji Linglan's head broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, and she secretly swore in her heart: "I will" definitely practice martial arts in the future, this frail body really can't do anything.

"咚咚咚", there was a knock on the door, Ji Linglan was frightened"—zwnj; "Moving, the whole thing was peeled off, and there was also a piece of flesh."

"Ah!" Ji Linglan gasped in pain - zwnj;

Fu Nanling was so distressed, annoyed that the people outside came at an untimely time, and hated himself for not protecting him well, he said irritably, "Wait outside."

Sensing Fu Nanling's anger, Ji Linglan said soothingly: "A Ling, I'm fine, this injury will heal within two days."

Fu Nanling didn't speak, but took out a medicine from his bosom, and carefully applied it to Ji Linglan.

Seeing Fu Nanling's jade-white hands carefully holding her feet, Ji Linglan felt ashamed for no reason, and blushed unconsciously.He shrank his feet, and said with some embarrassment: "A Ling, come on, let Brother Lu and the others come in, it's important."

Fu Nanling held Ji Linglan's ankle tightly and said, "Don't move!"

Unlike in the past when talking softly to him, Fu Nanling's voice just now was deep and hoarse, which made Ji Linglan feel dazed for a while, and subconsciously stopped her movements.

"A Ling, you..."

"Alan, I'm sorry, I said that I must protect you well and won't let you get hurt again, but you were kidnapped right under my nose, I'm useless."

Fu Nanling lowered his head, Ji Linglan couldn't see his expression, but could feel his emotions, and said: "A Ling, you are not a god, how could you be comprehensive? Who would have thought that Gao Wei would hate me so much? ..."

Ji Linglan paused, and then said: "By the way, there is something important I forgot to tell you, A Ling, Gao Wei has already guessed your identity, I am afraid they will launch some conspiracy against you, you You must be cautious when you act. And the emperor is also here at this time..."

"Alan." Fu Nanling interrupted Ji Linglan, looked up into his eyes, and said, "Leave this to me, you don't need to worry about it, as long as you take care of your injuries."

In Fu Nanling's long and narrow phoenix eyes, there was an emotion Ji Linglan had never seen before. Although he was looking up at him, there was an aura that could not be refuted.

Gao Wei abducted Ji Linglan, completely offending Fu Nanling.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Wenzi;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Quietly looking at a bottle of Wenwen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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