The birth of Wujo Satoru is recognized by all parties as changing the balance of the world.Conjurer, Onmyoji, Ninja...

He is a descendant of Sugawara Michizane, one of Japan's three major curse spirits, and the son of the Gojo family, one of the three imperial families in the magic world. He was born with six eyes and inherited the unlimited curses handed down from the Gojo family.

Wujo Satoru looked unsmiling when he was a child, and he was a difficult child.

In fact, there is a reason for this. There are many noisy voices in his head.

Friendly, malicious, angry, happy, all seem to be the emotions of one person, who is he?what are you doing?

He searched through the Wutiao family's public collections and found nothing about this situation.

According to his favorite servant Wutiao Yuzi, there are scrolls that have been handed down for thousands of years in Yusan's house in the magic world.

"Then do we have it at home?"

"As one of the three imperial families, the Gotiao family must have a secret library."

"Then do you know where it is?"

"Me? I'm a side branch of the side branch, so I'm sure I won't know." Wu Tiaoyouzi shook her head with a smile.

"Then why did you appear here?" The young Wujo Satoru only had a vague idea of ​​the main family and side branches.

"I was sent to Master Gojo because I was of the right age. The head of the family said that if I performed well, he would recommend me to the Tokyo Metropolitan Higher School of Magic."

"What is that? Can't Sister Yuzu go by herself?"

"I haven't been there either. I heard from my brother at home that it is a school for conjurers. My talent is too low, so I can only rely on family recommendations." Gojo Yuzu squatted down and looked at the young Gojo Satoru, "I went to the school , It’s very free there. There are many strong people, and you will meet like-minded friends.”

Wu Tiaoyouzi was born in a side branch, so naturally he didn't have that much family pressure on him.But when she walked into the home, she realized how depressing it was.

"Really? Sister Yuzu." Gojo Satoru, who usually had a small face, would only show his age-appropriate side to his elder sister who was ten years older.

A lonely child has no other playmates.

The young Gojo Satoru has a good impression of the Tokyo Metropolitan Higher School of Curse Arts, and he will make good friends there when the time comes.

Right now, though, his main concern is the voice in his head.

The precocious Gojo Satoru has never told anyone, not even sister Yuzu, who is closest to her.

Is that voice in my head a mantra?If only someone could manipulate the magic spirit.This will remove the curse spirit from your mind.

The young Gojo Satoru didn't know that when he entered the Tokyo Metropolitan Higher School of Curse Art, there would be someone who could really manipulate spell spirits.

This man will be his only true friend.

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