"Where do you want to go?" Liu Yin floated over with a smile, and Alia froze immediately.

"If I'm not mistaken, you want to mend the world?" She leaned over and stared into Aliya's eyes, although she was smiling, her eyes were cold.

"Do you know what that means?"

"Even as an initial god, this is a big project, not to mention you are still in the infancy stage."

Aliya frowned slightly, "You want to stop me?"

Liu Yin shook her head, touched her head, and asked, "What reason do you have for doing this?"

Alicia froze.

"I do not know."

"But I want them to have a future."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

On the other side, South America Brazil, the capital Rio de Janeiro.

Akado is slaughtering.Yes, massacre, this is a unilateral massacre of human beings.

Rarely, he didn't put on a smile, standing in the room where dead and corpses piled up, his boots were stained red with blood, and a bright moon shone indifferently outside the window, illuminating the crimson figure of the vampire.

Originally, he would have come here with a somewhat negative attitude in a joke, to welcome the big meal from his old enemy, to savor the blood of human beings with the self-consciousness of a monster, to defeat the bravery of human beings with death and rebirth, and to remind him with pain. The fact that he is a monster, anyway, the heart of the undead king has already been riddled with holes.

He's lived too long, too long.It's been a long time since his memory began to mold, his heart became numb, resentment and unwillingness, together with all the ups and downs and pains this world bestowed on him, were branded and engraved in his bone marrow, life and death could not be wiped away, and he sank into a black dream that he could not wake up from.

But now, the dawn that pierces the nightmare appears.

If he can have the right to die, and can love and be loved again, can his madness be saved?

In a sense, madness also means extreme sensibility.He can choose to continue sinking, or he can choose to gain a new life, but the new life is bound to be accompanied by the pain of cutting the scars and burning the past. In essence, he is cowardly and self-deceiving, and he will probably choose to pretend not to see the light and sink into the deeper darkness , but not now, because of his master, his lovely master, the indicator of his behavior, the straw of the soul.

He chooses to be born again.

Akado closed his eyes, and the smile of the blonde woman with a cigar appeared in his mind.

She said: "searchanddestroy" see the enemy must kill"! ! "

Smiling slightly, showing sharp teeth, he responded in a low voice: "YES. MYMASTER."

He jumped out of the window, followed the familiar breath he felt, and flew under the moon amidst the terrified screams of humans along the way, his eyes were amazingly bright.

"Here I come, Major!"

The policewoman cautiously crawled out of the coffin, and retched when she saw the corpses all over the floor.

"What's going on... where did master... go?" She looked around, and finally decided to contact the reliable mercenary captain first.

"Not good! Major, the target is not acting according to the predicted pattern! He is going... ah! He is going in your direction!"

Tuba Cain's phone was hung up, and the major leaned back in his chair, with a slight upward arc at the corner of his mouth.

"What's going on? Akado?" He grinned slightly, "You don't want to be a monster anymore, do you? My old enemy, my old enemy?"

The werewolf captain stood beside his chair, his crimson eyes were slightly closed, and a strong pressure oppressed the people beside him to silence.

The major didn't seem to feel this, looking at the fast-moving black figure on the monitor screen, muttering to himself.

"Is it because of that little girl? The vampire? Was she the one who shook your will to be a monster? Or was it your leader, your master?"

"But... I'm so sorry. You tried to stop it, but I couldn't!"

"I want war! I want war to come to this land again! Let blood flow into rivers and make the world into hell!"

The author has something to say: _(:3」∠)_Large paragraphs of psychological description 23333

I made an appointment before, so don't hit me if it's ooc! qwq

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