It was getting darker.

The dark clouds are pressing down to the sky like a market. Sitting in the office with panoramic glass windows on the 24th floor of the building, you can more intuitively feel the terrible darkness trying to swallow the whole world like a greedy demon.

The atmosphere was oppressive, and He Junyi rarely showed a disturbed expression, and raised his head to look at the sky outside the window.

The wind was blowing outside, the dark clouds were heavy and heavy, it was already off-duty time, more and more pedestrians were returning home on the street, but everyone was driven away by the bad weather.

He Junyi stood still in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the city.

The leaves of the whole row of trees on the side of the road were swaying left and right by the wind, and the street garbage rolled up by the wind made him frown, and raised his wrist to check the time irritably.

It's five o'clock.

He turned around to get the phone on the table, but before he could get to the desk, the sky suddenly became violently windy and the raindrops rolled up.

The bean-sized raindrops began to be sparse and sparse, and then became larger and denser, hitting the glass with a bang bang bang sound. In less than 3 minutes, the raindrops turned into strands of rain, and then woven into a big net , covering the entire city.

Typhoon is coming.

"Ma Rui," He Junyi called his first assistant through the internal line, "check the itinerary of the 'Rainbow House' charity sale today. Immediately."

"Okay, Mr. He." The male voice on the other end of the phone answered calmly.

From darkening to raining, the process took less than half an hour.

The quenching raindrops at the beginning are now raging without any scruples.Countless rain lines fell outside the window, and finally formed a huge waterfall, covering the sky and covering the earth from a distance, giving people the illusion of a gap in the sky.

The more anxious He Junyi became, the more expressionless he became, but his body language became more and more irritable. He walked back and forth in the office, and the calmness and rationality he was always proud of seemed to be useless today.

After a while, he turned on the huge projection TV in the office with the remote control.The beautiful face of the hostess of the news station immediately filled the entire wall. Her cherry red lips opened and closed quickly, and she spoke extremely fast, reporting the most powerful typhoon that City C might encounter this summer. .

He Junyi pursed his lips, unaware of the shock in his eyes.

"Unprecedentedly strong... Our city is located on the coast. Although the relevant departments have issued a typhoon warning this morning, due to the terrain, the current severe storm disaster has caused many depressions. As of 14:[-] p.m., the police received There were four reports of siege, among which at least [-] people were besieged at a construction site, and the infrastructure was seriously damaged... I hope that the general public will not go out during this period..."

This set of data made the tense handsome face even colder. He turned off the TV with a beep and picked up the phone again.

Unfortunately, the dialed number is still off.

In fact, he also knew that every time that person participated in public welfare activities, he would turn off his mobile phone and concentrate on his work, and this time was no exception.

But today's situation is special, the place where the "Rainbow House" arranges the bazaar happens to be in the seaside square, which is next to a high-rise building under construction!

Anyone who lives in a coastal city knows what kind of danger there will be when standing under a tall building under construction during a typhoon!

Before He Junyi had time to put down the phone, the internal line of the landline rang, and the number showed that it was the Secretariat's call.

Without thinking about it, he directly pressed the speakerphone: "Say."

Ma Rui's voice came through the phone line with a hint of imperceptible panic: "Mr. He, the 'Rainbow House' event was held at Yinhe Plaza for two hours at [-]:[-] p.m.."

He Junyi: "Two hours? That means it's over just now? Mr. there too?"

"Yes." Ma Rui said, "Mr. Lin arranged for the staff to evacuate the people at the scene when it started to rain at five o'clock in the afternoon, and moved the supplies back to the truck with others."

That is, he has gone back to school?

Just as He Junyi wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, Ma Rui said again: "But Mr. Lin didn't follow the truck back to school, someone saw it..."

He Junyi almost stood up: "He didn't go back!?"

Ma Rui's voice was stunned for a moment, and then he rang out in a calm voice: "I'm afraid he is. Someone saw him follow another person to the construction site next to the square..."

He Junyi threw away the phone in an instant, and rushed out of the office without even taking his coat.

Ma Rui immediately hung up the phone and ran out of his office.

Going to an unfinished construction site during a typhoon is no joke. If it weren't for important things, no one would do such an irrational behavior.Lin Minming hasn't lost his mind yet.

Who called him to such a dangerous place at such a time?

In other words, who can call him out before he has finished his work, leave the car behind and ignore everything?

No matter what the answer is, He Junyi feels bad.

In the morning, after receiving the warning of a possible typhoon, He Junyi immediately thought of the safety issues of the activities held by the "Rainbow House".But after all, he didn't make that blocking call.

Because he was worried that...excessive concern...would drive that person further away.I regret it now! !

Building downstairs.

There is no vision of the outside world, and the white flowers as far as the eye can see are all water, and the sky and the earth have become a flowing river.The buildings in the distance and the trees on the side of the road are all blurred.The strong wind came pouring down with heavy rain, and He Junyi was a little stunned.

"Mr. He, this way!" Ma Rui drove the car from the underground garage.

He only opened a crack of the car window to say hello, and the rain almost flooded his arms.

The road conditions were very bad, and the car was speeding like an arrow in the lightning, thunder, and rain.

It was not far from Yinhe Plaza, but Ma Rui and He Junyi's mobile phones never received a call from "Rainbow House" reporting that Lin Minming had returned safely.

This means... Lin Minming is still outside.

The car stopped in front of Yinhe Plaza.

Suddenly a muffled thunder fell from the sky, mixed with some vague sounds.He Junyi held his breath suddenly, was it... His voice just now?

As soon as the roar subsided, another blue lightning flashed through the sky, reflected in the Yinhe Square, which was already as dark as night in the evening. In the gloomy, terrifying and cold rain, He Junyi opened the car door without hesitation.

"Mr. He, bring your umbrella!" Before Ma Rui finished speaking, the tall man rushed out, "..."

The wet Milky Way Plaza surrounded the beach in a semicircle, looking down like a weird smile, but no one had time to pay attention to these at this time, the world had been covered by a huge bead curtain.

The two split up to find someone in the construction site.

"Mr. Lin...Mr. Lin..."

"Lin Minming, where are you, promise me!"

"Mr. Lin..."

"Min Ming..."

On the edge of the foundation behind the dark and damp construction site, the shelter covering it has been washed away because of the heavy rain.A prone body moved slightly.

Seem to hear a familiar voice?

No, it's an illusion.

He was too tired to move his fingers.There was too much blood flow, and now he could hardly feel the pain at the beginning. He only felt that his body was getting colder and tireder.

I really want to sleep.

"Min Ming, Min Ming! You answer, I am Jun Yi, He Junyi!" A loud roar piercing through the rain came from a distance again.

"Mr. Lin, are you trapped somewhere? Make a little noise to remind us..."

"Min Ming!"

I heard it this time.

It was really that person.How did he come?How did he know he was here?

The cold head that was about to lose consciousness lying on the ground tilted slightly, that's right!

He Junyi and Gu Xinxin are cousins!Xinxin must have told him that he was doing a charity sale in Yinhe Plaza, so Xinxin must have been worried to death.

No, you can't die here, and you can't tell Xinxin about that after you die, absolutely not!

He Junyi, He Junyi, I'm here!He yelled frantically in his mind.

In the cold, his consciousness became weaker and weaker. Lin Minming tried to grab something with his hands to make some noise, but he couldn't move.But the belief that He Junyi has come supports his hope of life again.

That's He Junyi!

A man who, in his mind, is almost omnipotent.

When Gu Xinxin brought Lin Minming home to play for the first time, he introduced this cousin to him.At that time, He Junyi, who temporarily lived in Gu's house and was still in the third year of university, co-founded a trading company with a friend, and was so busy all day that he basically didn't stay at home.

But that day happened to be looking for something in the living room.

Lin Minming will always remember the first time he saw He Junyi in a white shirt looking back.Like a handsome prince in a fairy tale, his tall and fit figure almost glows under the beautiful glass-like light.

His handsome eyebrows did not reveal the slightest surprise at seeing a stranger, he nodded slightly and continued to rummage through.

Gu Xinxin threw herself on her cousin's back: "Brother, what are you looking for? I brought a good friend back today, and I will introduce you..."

He Junyi dotes on his cousin very much, even letting her toss on his back without getting angry, he just said: "Wait for the introduction, I'll find a box first."

"What box?"

"The outer packaging of the gift I was going to give to the customer is broken." He Junyi found two or three jewelry boxes used by his aunt in the drawer, and when he saw the logo on it, he frowned and gave up. "Time is urgent."

"Isn't that okay? Go out and buy one." Gu Xinxin climbed down, and curiously touched the gift that her cousin put on the sofa, "Hey, isn't this the limited edition bracelet of the independent designer Gigi that was mentioned in the magazine?"

"It's so beautiful!" It's a pity that the outer box was crushed.

After searching for a while, He Junyi finally gave up. He stood up on his knees, looked at the wall clock and sighed silently.There is only half an hour before the appointment time with the client. Counting the time to go to the mall, I probably have to be late today.

Just as he took out his cell phone to make a call.

"Let me make one for you." Lin Minming, who was standing on the side of the living room and had no sense of presence from beginning to end, bravely said, "I have seen the packaging bag of this bracelet before, and it is made of kraft paper. It is indeed easy to break .”

Gu Xinxin jumped up all of a sudden: "Yeah, why did I forget you! Brother, this is my good friend Lin Minming. Minming is very good. He can make jewelry by himself and make a lot of fun things. !"

Being praised too much by his friend, Lin Minming blushed unconsciously, and didn't even dare to look up at the boy in front of him: "That... that's easy, do you have kraft paper at home?"

"Yes!" Gu Xinxin ran out immediately.

Lin Minming put down his schoolbag, and went to the sofa to get the limited-edition bracelet. Gigi's design has always been eccentric, but this bracelet is safe and environmentally friendly, and it's really good to give to customers.

He Junyi's vision is still very good.

"Thank you." He Junyi said suddenly, "But how long will it take you to make a packaging bag?"

Lin Minming raised his head, widened his eyes in surprise, and then quickly dimmed them: "Did I delay your business?" Sure enough, he made a mistake again.

"No." He Junyi showed a rare smile, and said softly as if to comfort a frightened child, "I just want to confirm the time first, and if I can't make the appointment on time, I have to apologize to others in advance." After all It is impolite to be late.

"Oh." Lin Min nodded clearly, and smiled shyly with a small dimple, "Give me 10 minutes, please?"


The warm memory made him regret even more.

Why, why was he so unprepared, knowing that Hun Dan must have a conspiracy to come to him mysteriously at such a time, yet he went to the meeting alone!

In the end, not only failed to solve the problem, but was stabbed and thrown under the foundation!

When the knife came in, he was filled with hatred in addition to the severe pain.Hate the vicious murderer in front of me, hate myself for being incompetent and credulous, and hate the injustice of the world!

For more than 20 years, I have been timid and unable to stretch my hands and feet. I always look forward and backward in everything I do, but no matter how careful I am, I still fall into this end...

What a humorous joke fate played with him.

After boarding in middle school, he unexpectedly discovered his very different sexuality.When other boys whistled at beautiful girls, he didn't feel it at all. Instead, he would blush and heartbeat in the dormitory and public bathrooms facing those young and fit same-sex bodies.

... like men?

This unbelievable discovery made him autistic for a long time.

In his life after the age of 14, Lin Minming was careful about his studies, career, love, friendship and family. He was careful in everything, for fear that others would discover his weirdness if he didn't pay attention.

Until high school, a super white and rich beauty appeared in his life - Gu Xinxin.

The beautiful, cute, lively, and noisy girl changed from his deskmate to a friend who talked about everything, breaking his pretended indifference and loneliness.

Gu Xinxin took him to sneak snacks in class, went to watch a basketball game after class, took him shopping to buy trendy clothes, listened to his conversations, and asked him to give advice and ideas when buying jewelry and clothes for herself. She was full of praise for the gadgets he made... …

Gradually, Lin Minming walked out of his lonely autistic life and saw the outside world.It was at that time that he determined his interest and future design.

After graduating from high school, Gu Xinxin learned of Lin Minming's unique sexuality, not only did she not express any disdain or contempt, but she also expressed support for him to go his own way.

"That means we will be girlfriends from now on, that's great!" She cheered.

If parents are the ones who bring him life, then Gu Xinxin is the sunshine of his vitality.Like she said, they are the best girlfriends!

Once he thought they would always be.

It's a pity that Lin Minming was stabbed into his confidant before he had the courage to get out of the shackles.



"Min Ming, Min Ming! If you can't speak, kick the things around you. Don't be afraid, I'll save you!"

The call continued, in the dark underground, a tear mixed with the muddy water on his face slipped from his eyes, Lin Minming moaned weakly from his throat, full of unwillingness and longing.

He Junyi, I'm here!

But I don't even have the strength to kick my feet. I really want to be like a man who is not afraid... I am not afraid.

I just can't bear to see my best friend, the kind and beautiful Xinxin being hurt by such a beast! ! !

I don't want to close my eyes just like that!

i even...

At least let me meet you!He closed his eyes and shed his last tear.

"Mr. He, there seems to be footprints here!"

"Could it be down there...Mr. He wait, let me go down and have a look! Ah! Mr. He be careful!"

1 minutes passed.

"Mr. He? What's next?"

Ma Rui was anxious on top, and He Junyi jumped into the foundation pit regardless of the danger, but there was no response.The call to the police had already been made, but the police force was limited during the typhoon storm, and the police were dispatched according to the risk factor and the number of besieged people.Mr. He has already used the company's security guards, and he will be here soon.

"Mr. He? Are you okay? Is Mr. Lin down there?" Ma Rui yelled at the bottom of the pit again.

"Go find a rope." He Junyi's trembling voice finally came from inside.Following a flash of lightning in the sky, it instantly illuminated the situation at the bottom of the pit.

At that moment, Marui was also shocked.

...The whole ground was blood red!

He Junyi held a body with hands hanging in his arms.


he roared.

The most important person in my life, the most important and the most careful, the talented, clean, gentle and kind-hearted person who dared not even confess because he was afraid of scaring people, could only pay attention to him silently, was seriously injured like this, lying alone in the dirty muddy water The last drop of blood was shed.

There were tears at the corners of the eyes that had dimmed and lost their vitality, and He Junyi gently wiped them away for him.

I must have been very scared at that time, I have never been very courageous, and I must have felt uneasy facing danger alone in this lightning and thunderous weather.

"Why do you want to come alone..." In the end, the fingers that didn't let go clenched into fists, but they were cold and didn't grab anything.

"Who hurt you like this..."

He Junyi shook his lips and couldn't say anything else.

It's too late for him...

to be continued.

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