Rebirth of the Hidden

Chapter 44 Something Happened

This plan was really written by Lin Minming himself.

He Junyi asked He Junyi to make revisions to the first draft, but unfortunately, before it could be implemented, He Junyi shelved it because he was stranded abroad.After the successor was replaced by Zheng Kailai, the plan was circulated by several heads of the sales department, and it was generally reported that there was a good chance of "money".

Of course, this was not only because of how well Lin Minming's original manuscript was written, but most of the reason was that after He Junyi made some choices and revisions with a strong business vision, the entire plan became a grand plan with strong feasibility.

But he doesn't have time to implement it in the field now, and Zheng Kailai is not good at being a pioneer.Of course, even if he is good at it, it is impossible for him to do it. It is not in line with his three views to work so hard in the company while working hard to develop the market!

But Young Master Zheng recently discovered the "treasure house" around him, and admired the omniscient Ma Rui very much, so of course, this plan was thrown to Ma Rui.

This is the previous relationship, which is why Ma Rui asked Lin Minming to meet at the coffee shop today.

It was supposed to meet at the company. After all, it was business. However, He Junyi's company was quite a distance from Lin Minming School. As a sophomore in high school, he still had homework after school in the afternoon, so he could only spare an hour or two at best.

So Marie came over in person.

Before leaving, Zheng Kailai draped a piece of clothing in his hands, and waved the car keys to give him a ride.He didn't say he was leaving when he arrived at the coffee shop, but followed Ma Rui to find a seat and sat down.

Ma Rui felt a little strange, but he knew he couldn't mess with the boss' affairs.

So when Lin Minming came in from the door wearing a school uniform and a large schoolbag across his shoulders, both of them were taken aback.

The person was recommended by He Junyi himself. At that time, he was already the most suitable candidate for Ma Rui and Zheng Kai in the video.They all thought that Lin Minming should be He Junyi's friend or something, maybe he was young, but they never thought that Lin Minming might be a teenage kid.

Lin Minming stood still in front of them, smiled shyly, and then sat down slowly.

He was very nervous, and his palms were sweating as he tugged at the strap of his schoolbag.This is simply more nervous than when he was looking for a job interview.

In fact, he has already had the life experience of a famous designer, and he has dealt with all kinds of clients in the past few years. Sweaty palms, but now.

He laughed at himself slightly, but he still couldn't let go.

He Junyi sent an email to tell him about this a few days ago.

The Fruit and Vegetable Supermarket project is about to start its official operation now, and the main persons in charge are Zheng Kailai and Ma Rui.The two of them didn't know much about the plan, and they might not be able to truly understand the essence of the plan just by reading the written description.

So He Junyi asked Lin Minming to participate together, which was deeper than what he said before, but the premise was that his studies should not be delayed.

Lin Minming was about to enter the third year of senior high school in one semester, and now was a very critical time.Although there is no problem in being admitted to a university based on his usual grades, the question for a good student is usually how good a university can be admitted to.

In the previous life, Lin Minming went to the same school as He Junyi, majoring in design, so he was an alumnus after three or four years.

C University has a long history and is full of peaches and plums, and it is not easy to take the exam. Now his double-mindedness will definitely affect the result.This is what He Junyi was afraid of, so he was asked to assist Ma Rui, but his main job was to study.

But Lin Minming himself really wanted to participate more in this plan.

So taking advantage of the few days before meeting, he not only went through the whole plan, but also added suggestions for fruit and vegetable derivative products and a proposal for the original production base.

Now he put the handwritten draft on the table, carefully opened it and pushed it in front of Zheng Kailai and Ma Rui.

Zheng Kailai glanced at the notes in front of him, the small black letters almost filled the entire notebook, felt dazzled, and pushed it in front of Ma Rui.

On the other hand, he stared hard at the young man in front of him, and kept muttering in his heart.

Lin Minming looked very unnatural to him.

He knew that Zheng Kailai was a man, impetuous and playful, but he was not a bad person.

He and He Junyi set up the company together. At the beginning of their business, they shared the same adversity. Later, when the development was getting better and better, Young Master Zheng didn't make any small moves.Basically, it is a person who can share adversity and prosperity together. This kind of person is very precious.

Although he hadn't had a close relationship before, Lin Minming felt that he should be good because of this.

But Zheng Kailai obviously had a different idea from what he thought.

"How old are you?" He stared at the boy with sharp eyes, and his tone was bad when he opened his mouth, "High school?"

Lin Minming replied honestly: "16 and a half years old. Sophomore in high school."

Even Marui raised his head at this answer.

Zheng Kailai held his cheeks as if he had a toothache: "How did you know He Junyi? He said you were Xinxin's classmate?"

Lin Minming nodded: "Yes."

"I said..." First Young Master Zheng looked at him suspiciously, "Actually, this idea is Lao He's own idea, isn't it because you have to do some social practice at school so you have to play around?"


"Little brother, my brother told you that there are some things you can't play casually!" Zheng Kailai said meaningfully.

Lin Minming was stunned for a long time, he treated himself like a child.But that's right, after all, age is where he is. He is indeed underage now. It is really very difficult for a company to safely put so much investment in a child's plan.

In this way, He Junyi is also wonderful.

I'm afraid that only this person would take those nonsense as important ideas and print them into a planning book just by listening to him babbling.


Lin Minming didn't make any excuses, all his explanations were in his notebook.It is futile to say more, we can only wait and see.

It is his expectation to be the executive consultant of this plan, but if the other party does not trust him, the cooperation cannot proceed.This is a side effect of the rebirth benefits, and Lin Minming is not immune to it.

Zheng Kailai wanted to continue to say something, but Ma Rui, who raised his head, pressed the back of his hand, raised his eyebrows, and turned his face away.

Ma Rui closed the notebook, his eyes were much more serious than before, he cleared his throat, and said, "Mr. There are some discrepancies, but I think the feasibility is very high, and..."

He paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what words would be more appropriate to describe it. After a few seconds, he continued, "And these concepts are very advanced. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you for more advice in the future."

These words were said very respectfully, Lin Minming heard a little fever in his ears, and hurriedly shook his head: "You are too polite, Assistant Ma, I am just proposing an idea, and it is up to you to actually implement it!"

Marui's eyes flashed, and he smiled faintly.

Zheng Kailai: "..."

After this meeting, the two sides formally started cooperation.

The implementation of the preliminary plan is mainly in the selection of the origin of fruits and vegetables, and at the same time, the packaging design and advertising positioning of fruit and vegetable products are carried out.Lin Minming goes to the company twice a week, all on weekends.Usually they communicate by email, and Ma Rui will tell Lin Minming about the progress, and Lin Minming will put forward his own suggestions based on the data he has collected.

Of course, He Junyi and Zheng Kailai are also monitoring the progress of the plan, but He Junyi's focus is on the establishment of foreign branches. He has already obtained the permission of his supervisor to implement the paper they jointly developed, and there will be a big move soon.

When he called Lin Minming to inquire about the progress of the plan, he also told him that he had initially found several investors for the fruit and vegetable supermarket concept.

The news was so exciting that even Zheng Kailai gave up his plan to travel for a half-day leisure, and seriously held several preparatory meetings.Ma Rui was even more busy with business trips every three days.

However, when meeting them these few times, Lin Minming always felt that the atmosphere between Ma Rui and Zheng Kailai was weird.

... In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

At the end of the first semester of the second year of high school, Lin Minming got the first place in the whole grade. The head teacher posted his test paper on the bulletin board, but the news did not cause much reaction.

Because following Zhang Keer, Gu Xinxin also had an accident.

The final exam was about to be on holiday. That day Lin Minming was still in the company at nine o'clock in the evening to read He Junyi's revision comments, but he received a call from He Junyi.

"Min Ming, is Xinxin with you?" He Junyi's voice was a little anxious.

Lin Minming rubbed his sore eyes, but didn't react for a moment: "Huh?"

"She said that there is tutoring at night, but she hasn't gone back yet!" Because it was morning at He Junyi's side, he could still hear the singing of birds, "Don't you guys have tutoring at night?"

Lin Minming shook his head subconsciously, and suddenly thought that the other party couldn't see him, so he said, "No, the evening self-study will be canceled after the final exam, and I'm still in the company..."

In the past two months, he has also taken over the product packaging design that Ma Rui was in charge of, because he is in his old business, and he cares about the details of the finished product.

Completely dizzy now.

I was reading books and reading notes while eating, and I was so busy that I didn’t even have time to participate in the morning jog. I met Gu Xinxin at the same table and nodded.

Under such circumstances, he got the No.1 score in the whole section, which has to be said to be the benefit of rebirth.

Parents thought that high school was such a hard job, and they bought him supplements to make nutritious meals. They didn't know that their son was now an executive consultant and product design director of a company. .

Gu Xinxin also knew that Lin Minming was working on the proposals for He Junyi, so he couldn't help feeling inexplicable admiration for this godlike tablemate while being puzzled and surprised.

In her opinion, anyone who can understand the twists and turns of the data graph and can summarize the results by himself is a god like He Junyi.

So Miss Gu didn't dare to bother him easily, and she went to and from school obediently in the past few months, and didn't pester Lin Minming for anything else.

So this time, Lin Minming was really unconscious.

And according to him, Yan Fu and Zhang Ke'er are now in the stage of breaking up openly and secretly fighting for each other secretly, and Gu Xinxin has He Junyu following him all the time, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

But something happened.

That night, Gu Xinxin lied that the school had tutoring at night, and did not go home until 09:30.Her parents went to the school in a hurry to have a look, but it turned out that the campus was dark and quiet, and there was no one at all!

As soon as they got anxious, they went back and called the teacher. The teacher, like Lin Minming, said that there was no tutoring after the final exam recently, and he seldom even assigned homework after school after three o'clock in the afternoon.

At that time, Gu's parents were shocked.

Gu Xinxin has been attending the "Evening Self-study" for the past week!It's just that I came back before nine o'clock in the past few nights, and Gu's mother didn't find anything wrong.

In desperation, she called a few of her daughter's classmates, but after no results (Lin Minming was not at home), she called He Junyi who was far away abroad.Hope he knows something.


He Junyi's voice calmed down: "Min Ming, think about it now, who has Xinxin been close to recently?"

A name immediately popped up in Lin Minming's mind.

"He Junyu!" He blurted out.

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