Gu's mother promised Gu Xinxin that as long as she could be admitted to C University, she would reconsider her and He Junyu's affairs, and returned the phone to her.

Gu Xinxin turned around happily, and then solemnly promised her mother that she would definitely focus on her studies in the future, and would never do anything like cheerleading before the college entrance examination.

"This is what you said yourself, you have to do what you say!" Gu's mother smiled, "I will try to meet that He Junyu as little as possible, and wait until after the college entrance examination..."

"I see!" Gu Xinxin hugged her dear mother happily, feeling indescribably moved, "Mom, you are so cute!"

"It's cute to give you your mobile phone back, but when you confiscated your mobile phone, did you think your mother was disgusting?!"

"...How could it be!" Gu Xinxin laughed, "I knew you were just too angry for a while."

"You know I'm angry too." Gu's mother gave her precious daughter a deliberate look.

"Hey, I didn't intend to hide it from you at first, but I just thought it would be better to talk about it after the college entrance examination..."

Gu's mother sighed heavily, and her heart was filled with emotion that the girls were not good enough.

This daughter has been wild and unruly since she was a child. She likes to run around and speaks outspokenly.The husband and wife are usually busy with work and often go on business trips. He Junyi used to help discipline him. Since he went abroad the year before last, Gu Xinxin has been completely alone.

This time, it was also because of this that I failed to discover the signs of my daughter falling in love earlier.

So Mother Gu really planned to send Gu Xinxin abroad to let her brother and sister-in-law take care of her for a few years, but then He Junyi came to talk to her about it.

"Brother told you... what?" Gu Xinxin opened her mouth in surprise, why didn't she hear her brother mention it at all.

Mother Gu touched her precious daughter's head and smiled: "He didn't say anything good for you, but he described He Junyu's character and the process of you getting to know He Junyu relatively objectively."

At that time, He Junyi said frankly that he asked his cousin to take care of He Junyu, who had just joined the basketball team, during the time he was abroad, which led to the two of them gradually falling in love with each other because of the increased opportunities to get along.

He Junyi felt that Gu Xinxin had his own responsibility for falling in love early, so he apologized to his aunt by the way.

"Oh, it has nothing to do with my brother!" Gu Xinxin jumped up anxiously, "He just asked me to help introduce the basketball team, because that idiot is so incapable of being a human being! Later... Then it was us... "

She blushed and became shy in a rare way.

Gu's mother laughed: "Do you think my mother would blame your brother so indiscriminately?"

Gu Xinxin: "...Hehe, mom is the best!" As she said that, she wanted to come up and hug her again.

"It's okay, don't do this kind of thing, I'm getting more and more rogue recently!" Gu's mother helplessly pulled her daughter off her body, and suddenly asked with a straight face, "There's something I've always wanted to ask you……"


"Why does your brother and your classmate Lin Minming look better than your younger sister? It is said that Lin Minming's ability to study in France this time is all because of your brother's help in applying for the school. You see, your brother has been absent for the past month. Help him practice oral English..."

Gu Xinxin rolled her eyes and teased, "Mom, it turns out you're a gossip too."

"It's not gossip, it's caring!" Mother Gu grabbed her daughter's hand seriously and asked anxiously, "You talk to your brother about everything, so you should know something?"

Gu Xinxin shrugged: "I don't know anything."

"Nonsense, you and Min Ming are also good friends, and they used to run home together in the morning!" Mother Gu refused to let go, "Good boy, mother is concerned about your brother, and is afraid that he will go astray. I'm also worried about things, and I can't sleep all the time."


"Are your brother and Min Ming..."

"Mom!" Gu Xinxin interrupted her mother's random guessing, and looked at her seriously, "Brother told you about Junyu and I, and asked you to look at Junyu objectively, and now I will tell you the same. Brother and Min Only the two of them know what happened to Ming. Since we haven’t said it now, let’s not ask too much. I believe that one day he will explain clearly to you. But before that, you have to look at Min Ming objectively, don’t be old He is wearing tinted glasses!"

Mother Gu: "..."

Gu Xinxin: "Min Ming's study abroad depends on his own ability. He is the male theologian of our school."


Two days later, He Junyi and Lin Minming set off to the airport together.

The international departure hall in City C was newly renovated, and many road signs hadn't been put up in time. In order to pass the customs smoothly, they arrived a little earlier than the stipulated time.

Lin's parents did not go to the airport to see them off because they had to go to work. When they were taken downstairs to take a taxi, Lin's mother was already in tears.

Although she knew that her son would not stay for a long time for the interview this time, this was the first time that the obedient son had left home and left her protection zone. At this time, she realized that many things that should be explained were not explained in time, and she should be reminded Things have not been reminded in place.

In the morning light, the son standing in front of the taxi with his big luggage looks so weak, can he take care of himself when he goes abroad?Those foreign fast food are high in calories and high in fat. Will foreigners not get used to it?


"Wife, don't forget that my son has been cooking for us for more than a year!" Father Lin hugged his wife's shoulders and comforted him softly, "And there is Jun Yi here, are you afraid that your son will starve? ?”

Lin's mother's eyes lit up, she took He Junyi's hand and started nagging: "Junyi, our family Min Ming can please you, he has a sensitive nose, so you should keep warm this season, if you catch a cold, you will be in trouble! In terms of food, Min Ming is not familiar with the place, so you can take him to eat with you, lest he be timid and afraid to talk to those tall foreigners..."

He Junyi nodded again and again, saying that there was no problem a few times, but did not reassure Mother Lin.

"If you really feel uncomfortable and unhappy, just buy a plane ticket and come back," Lin's mother stopped at the taxi door and told her while wiping her tears, "We don't have to go abroad to study, we can go home and continue studying!"

Lin Minming didn't want to cry at first, but now he was also in tears, his eyes were red and he just kept nodding: "I see, Mom..."

When I died in my previous life, I couldn’t say goodbye to my mother who was lying on the hospital bed. She must have been ten thousand times more sad when she heard the news of her death than she is now.

Fortunately, I have more time to take care of my parents in this life, and I must give them a better life after returning from studying abroad!

Even though things in the world were not satisfactory, and he didn't have the ability to stab his murderer back, but he also wanted to understand that living a good life and not worrying those who cared about him was more important than revenge.

The taxi gradually drove away.

Lin Minming got closer, and asked He Junyi in a low voice: "I'm still a little worried about how to get out, are you really sure that Yan Fu won't come to harass Xinxin and the Gu family again?"

He Junyi's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "Very sure."


"When the matter is completely over, I will tell you in detail."

"……it is good."

When they arrived at the airport, He Junyu, several members of the basketball team, and Zheng Kailai and Ma Rui were already waiting for them.

Lin Minming would habitually keep a little distance when he stood with people he was not familiar with. Seeing that He Junyi still had something to say with them, he turned around and said goodbye to Ma Rui.

Seeing this, He Junyu approached He Junyi and told the news he had just learned.It turned out that the Zhang family had someone come to the school to apply for a suspension of school for Zhang Ke'er. Although their family kept it secret, there were still rumors that it was because Zhang Ke'er was pregnant!

Yan Fu's situation in C University has been embarrassing for more than a month. After the forum incident, his popularity plummeted. Not only did he lose the opportunity to intern at Gu's, but he was also persuaded to leave by the drama club.

Almost no one talks to him now, and he has no share in any scholarships, competitions, or activities.The former school grass-level male god has become a festive mouse.

As soon as the news of Zhang Ke'er's pregnancy came out yesterday, all the counselors of their college talked to him this morning.

"I heard that the college wanted him to drop out of school tactfully." He Junyu said in a low voice, "The nature is too bad. He broke up with him even if he got pregnant, and the photo showed him beating his girlfriend. Besides, it was too much for him to be absent from class earlier. Too many, I haven't even signed in for professional courses a few times..."

He Junyi didn't say a word. Even though the academy dealt with this matter too severely, he never sympathized with those who committed evil.

This time Yan Fu was secretly filmed and posted on the campus network. At first, he thought it was done by the school girls who worked for him, but later he realized it was not.

The school girl just listened to He Junyi's words and let Yan Fu and Zhang Ke'er show their cards ahead of time, and created a suitable time for He Junyi to complete the plan.But he didn't expect that there was an oriole behind him, and he followed Zhang Ke'er to the coffee shop, and took pictures of the whole thing.

While posting the picture, they also wrote a post and posted it on the campus network together, it seemed that not only did they want Yan Fu to look good, but they also didn't want to let Zhang Ke'er go.It was only then that the rumors and rumors were stirred up wave after wave, and the matter got out of hand.

Words are scary, even if Yan Fu and Zhang Ke'er haven't done it, they will cause a commotion, let alone they have really done it all...

He Junyi was very interested in the oriole behind the scenes. Rather than pity the situation of Yan and Zhang, he wanted to see who was hiding behind him to make things happen like this, and he had to make sure that the bird was still alive. No other thoughts.

So he later found someone to investigate, and the result of the investigation made him dumbfounded, so he couldn't help but help the oriole, so that Gu directly rejected Yan Fu's internship request, and notified Yan Fu's college.

This is tantamount to putting pressure on the academy.

When Zheng Kailai heard about this incident, he specially called to ask if he needed to add fire. It was rare to see He Junyi take action to punish others in person, so his curiosity was aroused.

He Junyi said no more.

"Just come to France and sign the new company's contract when you're ready." He Junyi patted him on the shoulder coolly and said with a smile.

They pretended to be at odds for two months, but in fact, it was different from what the outside world expected. He Junyi's new company still reserved shares for Zheng Kailai. Although the ratio was different from before, it was enough to fall through the eyes of others.This is only to prevent the Zheng family from interfering in the affairs of the new company.

Zheng Kailai glanced foolishly at Ma Rui who was not far away, and whispered: "I haven't finished that yet, wait for me for a while..."

Ma Rui seemed to be affected by his gaze, turned around and twitched the corner of his mouth coldly.

Zheng Kailai immediately fell silent.

"Brother He, when will you come back from going abroad this time?" He Junyu helped He Junyi register his mobile phone, and walked over dragging his suitcase. Since the matter between him and Gu Xinxin was settled, the idiot has basically regarded He Junyi as an idol. , Ask him everything, "Our next game is early next year, are you coming back to watch it?"

He Junyi smiled: "Are you afraid of losing?"

"I'm afraid!" He Junyu yelled, "I'm afraid that there will be no tickets for the scene you want to see!"

"Hehehe." He Junyi laughed, and was about to punch him when his phone vibrated suddenly.

The caller ID is the number of the glasses student.

"Senior, you haven't boarded the plane yet, have you?"


"Let me report to you," Xiaozhen said anxiously, "I know the person who posted photos and posts on the campus website that day!"


"Did you know that Zhang Ke'er applied for a suspension of school yesterday, and the rumor was that she was pregnant. Later, I heard that Yan Fu was also persuaded to leave by the college." Xiaozhen excitedly gossiped, speaking very fast, "I thought it was a coincidence Yes, because our drama club recently announced the starring list of the new drama, because after the two big hits Yan Fu and Zhang Ke'er disappeared, others will take over. Didn't the professor of logic say that the one who benefits the most in the end It may be the biggest suspect, brother, do you know who is in charge?"

He Junyi pursed his thin lips lightly. He had received the investigation report a long time ago, so he was naturally clear about this matter.

"It's that Sasha." Sure enough, Xiaozhen said it right away, "She has a new boyfriend this year. I heard that her family background is very good, and she also plays basketball. But it is said that her boyfriend used to be Zhang Keer's little follower. , who had a crush on someone for many years and failed to achieve a positive result, and then Yan Fu, a scum, was robbed."


"Sasha usually hates this Zhang Keer. She pretends to be pure and kind, but actually likes to plot others behind her back. A while ago, she wanted to come back and grab a boyfriend from Shasha, so I guess she took this opportunity to teach those two bitches a lesson. Bundle……"

Xiaozhen went on to talk about a lot of wonderful personal reasoning, the logic is so rigorous that it is almost the same as the investigation report, and it will be a good talent in the future.

He Junyi patiently listened to her finish.

Before, he asked people to investigate the people behind him, because he was worried that someone would be detrimental to the Gu family.Now it seems that it is the evil result of the two people who planted it themselves.

To be able to extract Min Ming completely, and have nothing to do with the Gu family, to kill soldiers without bloodshed, has achieved the most ideal result He Junyi wanted.

Zhang Ke'er dropped out of school, Yan Fu was expelled from school, both of them are no longer dangerous.It should be more perfect if Yan Fu can't go back to City C to develop again in the future, and Min Ming won't see this person again in the future.


He Junyi hung up the phone in satisfaction, and said to the friends around him: "Okay, you can send it here. Min Ming and I will send you a message when we get there."

Lin Minming waved to Ma Rui when he heard the words, and walked to the side of the luggage.

Zheng Kailai: "Okay, then the journey will be smooth. After a while, I will go to France to find you, remember to prepare red wine baked snails for me!"

He Junyi: "A share of a snail."

Zheng Kailai was terrified: "...Damn, may I treat you to eat?"

Ma Rui winked at Min Ming. He didn't know what the two of them said just now, but Lin Min Ming's ears were still red.

"Remember the way I said it..." he mouthed.

Lin Minming: "..."

Ma Rui: "Try more and you will get used to it."

Lin Minming's neck was red: "..."

He Junyu: "Brother He, take care, we will go see you together after Xinxin's exams next year!"

He Junyi waved his hand, pulled the luggage from Lin Minming's side, and said softly, "Let's go."







The road of life is long and far away, and the future of France is still unknown, but the scenery here is just right.

【End of text】


Note: Originally, today's double update, there was an ending theater, it was about their coming out plan.It's too late now, let's do it tomorrow.

There is also a special episode one two three

Chapter 82

Lin Minming nervously followed He Junyi to the interview in Lyon, but the interview passed very smoothly.

The old professor who is known for his strictness admired Lin Minming's work "Guardian" very much, and asked him to make the ring right away, completely disregarding that he was just an unenrolled student who came for an interview.

So Lin Minming, who was going home immediately after the interview, was disrupted and had to stay in France until the Chinese New Year.During this period, he also worked part-time in He Junyi's company by the way, and he adapted well to life abroad.

When they returned during the Chinese New Year, the Lin family's parents saw him leaving customs with He Junyi at the airport, and they had a sense of sight of their son returning to his natal family after marrying far away.

The 1.7-meter-four boy is holding a cup of drink and following the 1.8-meter-five tall handsome guy, drinking while walking with a straw in his mouth. Holding the person who bowed his head to drink water with only one hand to prevent the exit people from crowding him, not to mention how much it looks like a young couple kissing each other.

Lin's parents: "..."

Before getting in the car, He Junyi took out a pack of biscuits from his luggage and put them in Lin Minming's hands.

Seeing that Papa Lin didn't understand, he explained: "Min Ming didn't eat much on the plane just now, and the road back to the city will definitely be blocked at this time, and he will be hungry..."

Lin Minming took the bag of biscuits as a matter of course, got in the car and sat next to Mother Lin.

Mother Lin had no choice but to express her concern for her son: "...Oh, Jun Yi, are you hungry?"

He Junyi smiled and shook his head: "I ate a little on the plane."

When sending them off to go abroad a few months ago, Mother Lin called her son and asked him to let go of his arms and live a serious life.If you meet a girl you like abroad, you don't have to think about your family, as long as you like it yourself.

Of course, what she thought was that foreign daughter-in-laws might not be acceptable to ordinary Chinese people.I am afraid that my son will deliberately not fall in love because of them.

But Lin Minming really wanted to ask his mother, what if it was not a question of nationality but a question of gender.

In the end he resisted not asking.

Although the question now lay among them, it had become more and more difficult to ask as time passed.


Lin Minming planned to go home to celebrate the new year, and then go out when school starts next year.

He Junyi accompanied him back to stay for two weeks, and met with Zheng Kailai to take care of business, and then he still had to go back to France before the Chinese New Year.

It's a pity that in the winter on the boulevard this year, he probably can only enjoy the snow scene flying all over the sky by himself.

Lin Minming stayed in France for three months, not only passed the interview in Lyon, but also completed his first work "Guardian" with the help of Professor Kent.

Kent recommended him to participate in next year's newcomer design competition, and he is very confident in whether he can achieve good results.Frankly speaking, Ming is the most potential Chinese student he has ever seen, not one of them.

During these three months, after getting up every day, I would do housework, make breakfast, and then take a walk with He Junyi to the company to stay for half a day. In the afternoon, I would do design work at home, and sometimes I would go to Professor Kent’s personal studio to open my eyes... In the evening, He Junyi had dinner with him , These schedules, which are sometimes fixed and sometimes not fixed, have become his daily routine.

Life and past lives gradually overlapped.

It's just that in the past, he always only cooked breakfast for one person, and few people accompanied him to eat at night.

The pace of life in Paris is relatively slow and full of romance.

People who have never met on the road will also blow you an appreciative kiss because of your brightly colored scarf.

Lin Minming has to admit that the atmosphere of this country is very suitable for artistic creation, and with He Junyi's company and considerate care, he feels calm and beautiful.

There are fewer and fewer language problems, and design inspirations are coming in a flood.

The Lyon study period that will officially start next year makes him look forward to it even more.

And after He Junyi returned to China, the annual leave without him by his side made him feel more and more uncomfortable.Although He Junyi said that he would try his best to pick him up as soon as possible after the new year, both of them knew that with the current relationship between the two, such a sticky degree would be very suspicious.


When he was alone in the country, Lin Minming met some new friends.

Mother Lin saw that her son was doing well abroad, and not only did he not lose weight when he came back, but his face was much rosier than before, so she came to the conclusion that it is necessary to meet more new people to make her son more cheerful.

She took the opportunity to arrange for Lin Minming to participate in the Youth Charity Winter Camp in City C.This is a group activity specially arranged for high school students in the two cities of cd during the winter vacation.The organizer is a magazine that has published many books for young people, and they promise to use all proceeds for public welfare purposes.

During the event, the magazine appointed photographers and editors to go with the group to interview and record the children's life and study on the spot, and the winter camp was located at a camping base on the outskirts of City C.

The reason why Lin Minming participated in this winter camp was definitely because he heard the name of the magazine that hosted the event.

"Shaohua" is exactly the same as the first two characters of the boss Shaohuayu's name. This is where Gu Xinxin will work in the future.

In her previous life, after she graduated, He Junyi arranged for her to work as an editor in a magazine run by this friend.Lin Minming also went to the magazine office to see it, and he liked the working atmosphere there very much.

It seems that He Junyi vaguely mentioned that the boss of the magazine is a comrade.

Since they are all...friends, and there is still such a fate in this life, Lin Minming suddenly wanted to give it a try and participate in such a public welfare activity.

He used to be very keen on public welfare undertakings. In this life, he was not able to continue to serve as a volunteer at the Rainbow House, and he felt somewhat regretful.

Maybe, it was a nice experience...

In this way, he met Qin Chen.


When Qin Chen saw this shy and handsome boy for the first time, he felt very strange.

It was a strange feeling that was very, very familiar.

Almost blurted out his name, but then realized that he didn't know him at all?

so wonderful.

Qin Chen patted his head inexplicably, and pulled the people around him to ask the boy's name. The one who was pulled was a girl who looked like a student. She took a look at the boy, and quickly told him, "That's it!" , seems to be called Mingming."


"Yes, I heard that he is a student of Lyon American University. He is only 17 years old this year. He is very powerful." All the girls said with admiration.

"A little celebrity who studies fine arts..." Qin Chen suddenly realized, "No wonder, maybe you have seen his works or introduced them in some magazines?"

Later, Qin Chen took the opportunity to get to know him.

Mingming is really as shy as he looks on the outside, and he stuttered a little when he was approached for the first time, so he corrected Qin Chen that his name was Min Ming and not Mingming.

Is there any difference?

Of course, there is no difference for people who have no distinction between front and back nasal sounds.

Qin Chen still called it clearly, clearly, and did not change it since then. It was not until He Junyi, who was blackened, "taught him a lesson" that he changed to the correct name. Of course, this is a later story.

At the end of the winter camp, Qin Chen discovered Mingming's secret.

The winter camp is a public welfare one, so the meals and food are just average, and sometimes students are encouraged to cook by themselves.

Many pampered children are very uncomfortable. Fortunately, they discovered Lin Minming's craftsmanship.

Lin Minming is really a must-have product for home travel.

His good cooking skills can completely make up for the lack of ingredients, and he has also done a lot of research on nutrition. The few high school students who ate only smacked their lips, and their appetites were better than those at home.

The teachers took advantage of the opportunity to organize everyone to pick wild vegetables.

During this process, Qin Chen followed the filming and interviews all the way, and observed that Lin Minming, who looks introverted on the outside, is actually very stable in his heart, has a good understanding of common sense in life, is very independent, and is much more mature than high school students of the same age , and even soothe and take care of their emotions.

According to his own introduction, because he stayed abroad for a few months, he learned some skills.Qin Chen didn't think too much about it, thinking that he was probably trained at that time.

But such a not-so-talkative and very independent boy just keeps making endless phone calls, and sometimes he can talk for more than an hour at a distance from the camp without being afraid of being carried away by mosquitoes.

"There are no mosquitoes this season!" Min Ming explained to Qin Chen with a smile when he came back, "And I paid attention to the spraying."

"Are you calling your girlfriend?" Qin Chen smiled and leaned over, deliberately rubbing his shoulder, "Hey, is she your classmate? How does she look? Is she as beautiful as you?"

Lin Minming blushed: "It's none of your business."

Qin Chen's own sexuality is unusual, so he usually pays attention to keeping a proper distance from people, and will also show a little courtesy to beautiful women in order to disguise himself.

The purpose of camouflage is to prevent people around him from looking at him strangely, but sometimes when you see someone of the same sex you like, you will inevitably forget to keep your distance.

Although such a boy obviously doesn't look like a gay man, he neither knows how to dress up nor is gay, but Qin Chen still has doubts about him, and gradually becomes certain with the passage of time.

His tender and lovely appearance is the reason Qin Chen always wants to tease him, but also because he is too tender, so Qin Chen has no intention of exposing him.

Of course, there is no future for two zeros together. Qin Chen discovered the secret that this child is a fellow man, but he only wanted to take care of him as a younger brother.

The winter camp is coming to an end soon, and on the last night of the camp, everyone drank.

Although the high school students are minors, it is not recommended to give them alcohol in theory, but I don’t know who bought a very low-alcohol drink from the supermarket, so the teachers turned a blind eye Let them go.

Qin Chen put down his interview notebook for the first time to chat with the children, and heard a lot of interesting and interesting inner thoughts. He himself has not graduated from college for a long time, but now he feels that there is a generation gap with these seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school students.

Sure enough, it's still a hurdle for three years old.

Lin Minming also drank some, blushing as if bleeding, and soon sat on the ground without moving.

Qin Chen found it funny, brought him warm water, and rested with him for a while, and the child got better.

"I'm sorry, I don't usually drink alcohol." Lin Minming blinked his big misty eyes and said in a wavy tone, "Junyi won't let me drink~"

"Junyi?" Qin Chen was taken aback, "Who is it?"

Lin Minming suddenly showed a beautiful smile, and whispered shyly, "Junyi is mine..."

The voice of the next few words was too soft, Qin Chen couldn't hear clearly, he moved closer and asked again: "What's yours?"

However, Lin Minming turned his head slyly and started drinking madly: "Just say it once~"


Although he didn't know who this so-called Junyi was, Qin Chen had a hunch that this person must be related to the boy's one-hour phone call every night.


Guys, the ending theater is a supplement to daily life, and some specific questions will be answered in the episode.

Let's take our time.

If you have a small tangled message, leave me a message, and I will put it in the extra episode!

83. End Theater


After the winter camp ended, Qin Chen hadn't seen Lin Minming for a long time.

One is because he has just started working and has a lot of chores, and the other is that he is attracted by other new discoveries—the boss of their magazine, Shao Zong, is also a fellow!

And it's the type that doesn't look "sexy" at all, so Qin Chen didn't detect his attributes at first.

Until the last time in a gay bar, I saw him in a box with a man who seemed to be intimate.

It's not uncommon for normal men to appear in gay bars, but... there is a problem if there is an intimate same-sex around.

So for a while, Qin Chen was distracted by this matter, and went to the gay bar whenever he was free.

It wasn't until he finally lost the initial curiosity about the boss's sex that he remembered that he had promised Lin Minming that he would send him the private photos taken at the winter camp.

So he called the number Lin Minming gave when they parted.

But the person who answered the phone, why is it an evil bass?

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The other party asked coldly, suppressing his voice.

Qin Chen shook his hand and almost dropped the phone.

He is very familiar with this voice!The familiarity made him blush and heartbeat, so deep and powerful with a rustling texture, he suspected that his ears would become pregnant if he listened to it again.

Qin Chen even wondered if he had to go for a comprehensive physical examination, why did he suddenly have familiar thoughts when he met unfamiliar people recently.

One Lin Minming is enough, but another strange male voice is enough.

"Uh, I'm Mingming's friend, is he there?" He tried to remain calm, and smiled the most appropriate way into the microphone, completely unaware that the other party couldn't see it.

"He's taking a shower." The male voice was still emotionless, "You can tell me if you have anything."

Qin Chen hurriedly said, "I'm fine...just have some photos for him, and I can call him tomorrow."

The male voice was slightly ups and downs: "What photo?"

"It's a photo of the winter camp a while ago, and I promised Mingming to keep it for him." Qin Chen explained, "I took the least number of photos, but every one is good."

"you are a teacher?"

Qin Chen laughed, this time the winter camp was organized by a group of children, it was indeed a bit like a nagging teacher, he corrected: "I am the editor of a magazine."


Finally, they made an appointment on the phone to take the photos in person the next day.

Then Qin Chen met the man who might best fit his image of a male god in his life——He Junyi.


He Junyi is back.

But this time he didn't live in Lin Minming's house when he came back, nor did he look back at the house.

Before he returned to China, Zheng Kailai helped him find a small loft with furnished furniture. It is a high-end real estate near the company. The facilities in the community are high and the security is also very good.

Zheng Kailai himself owns a house in this community, and Ma Rui is currently living in it.

He Junyi was well aware of his relationship with Ma Rui, but he didn't bother to ask.He had reminded Ma Rui as a friend before, but now that they were really together, He Junyi chose to bless him silently.

The Zheng family is a wealthy family, and Zheng Kailai has such a personality, of course Ma Rui will not find happiness too easily.

But everyone's understanding of happiness is different.He Junyi felt that Ma Rui should understand.

After buying the house, he returned to China and lived in the new house.Lin Minming comes here almost every day. Now there is no need to rush to learn anything. The two of them either stay at home and watch movies or play games. Most of the time, they do things and draw pictures together. They are very satisfied.

Of course, He Junyi would often make a "sneak attack" unexpectedly, and suddenly come over to hug someone up and make out. The privacy of the house is very good, even if Lin Minming can't help but make a loud noise, it won't affect the neighbors.

This sweet and natural relationship is almost the same as in France.

Even the scenery of the community outside the window is very similar to that house in France, except that there are no such beautiful tall plane trees.

Lin Minming understood why He Junyi wanted to buy a house here.

It's like a "home" for the two of them, no one else and nothing else, just a place for the two of them to be together.

The fly in the ointment is that Lin Minming still has to go home at night, otherwise he can't explain to his parents.

In fact, since he returned to China, it's not that Lin's mother hasn't asked him about his relationship, but he has been perfunctory.Mother Lin smiled and didn't force her to ask, because her son had just celebrated his birthday and hadn't even started college yet, so it's too early to talk about friends.

"Anyway, you will go abroad to study in university after the next year. If you meet a girl you like, give it a try!" Mother Lin encouraged her son.

Lin Minming raised his eyes hesitantly: "Mom, what kind of ... person do you think I should look for?"

"It's hard to say," Lin's mother stroked her son's hairy head, her expression was very loving, "As long as you like it, you can, but if you let my mother say it, of course I hope she can love you, love you and understand that you'd better be able to Help you with your career, so you won't be under too much pressure..."


But Mother Lin quickly stopped her beautiful imagination, patted her face and said to her son in embarrassment: "Oh, you see, mother is really easy to be confused when she is old. Where can I find such a girl now, son, you From now on, you only need to find someone you like, who also likes you, and other things are not important!"

Lin Minming really wanted to refute his mother's statement that such people exist. He Junyi not only met all the requirements, but also added a self-sufficiency, which would never cause life pressure for himself.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

How real was his mother's smile and hope, and he couldn't bear to destroy it for a moment and make her sad.


He Junyi told Lin Minming that Qin Chen had made an appointment to hand over the photos the next day, and it was only then that Lin Minming remembered that he had asked Qin Chen to do so.

"He's the magazine editor of the winter camp organizer, and he's a nice guy." So he briefly talked about how he met Qin Chen, and then

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