"Not only can it delete time, but it can also predict future actions. This ability is amazing!"

After listening to Tobio's introduction, Oda Kazuyuki applauded the Crimson King very much.

When Tobio heard his praise, as if he was praising himself, his face gradually flushed.

"Let's not talk about this." Tobio hurriedly changed the subject, "The boss really asked you to be the spokesperson and take charge of all Italian affairs?"

Speaking of this, Tobio was a little unconvinced. Before, the boss would leave everything to him regardless of whether he went abroad or not.

Oda Kazuyuki said: "In the future, you should not only treat me as a partner, but also treat me as a real boss."

The real boss?


As soon as Oda Kazuyuki finished speaking, Tobio changed his previous good temper and glared at him angrily, even clenching his fists.

"Listen to me first," Oda Kazuyuki said with a serious face, "The Enthusiasm Organization has expanded rapidly in the past two years, which has touched the interests of too many people. When the boss was still there, those people were often against us. If they find out that the boss Not here..."

Tobio automatically made up the follow-up: "They will definitely launch an attack on the organization, and at that time, there will be turmoil within the organization."

Absolutely not!

Tobio said nervously: "Before the boss returns to China, we must protect the organization and not let the boss down!"

Unknowingly, he has fallen into the rhythm controlled by Oda Kazuyuki.

Oda Kazuyuki said: "So, in order not to destabilize the organization, I want you to cooperate with me to create the illusion that the boss has never left."

"I..." Tobio hesitated, the boss was the person he respected the most, and it was really hard for him to accept someone pretending to be the boss.


Oda Kazuyuki pressed his shoulders with a serious expression: "Think about Pengo Lie, if they knew that the boss had left Italy, they would never give up such a good opportunity."

Peng Lie was the biggest opponent of the Passion Organization, and Tobio's face was obviously shaken.

Oda Kazuyuki said: "Only you can stop Pengo Lie from taking advantage of the situation and do this well, and the boss will praise you when he comes back—"

He paused, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Tobio, "Don't you want to?"

His eyes seemed to say "I suspect that you are not loyal enough to the boss", Tobio was provoked by him, and immediately shouted: "I am not unwilling!"

"That means I agree," Oda Kazuyuki said without waiting for him to refute, "From now on, tell the outside world that I am the boss and you are my assistant."

"..." Tobio looked at him sullenly.

"Don't worry, I won't forget that you are my most important partner," Oda Kazuyuki patted Tobio on the shoulder, "The two of us will work together to protect the organization before the boss returns to China and prevent anyone destroy it."

"All right……"

Boss going abroad = Pengelie knew that he would come to make trouble in the future = the organization was in turmoil, so someone had to pretend to be the boss... The logic was fine, but Tobio still felt that something was wrong.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't find a point to refute. Looking at his partner's sincere eyes, Tobio could only nod and accepted the new identity of "assistant".

And Diablo in his body exploded with anger.

It's fine to fool Tobio before, but now he still wants to take over his own organization! !

Let Tobio call him boss! !

It's been a long time since I've seen such a rampant person. Diablo was so angry that he wished he could ask the Crimson King to go out and cut him into several pieces.

However, thinking of his abilities, Diablo could only choose to stand still.

It is too unfavorable to confront this kind of ability head-on, it is better to find a stand-in messenger in the organization to assassinate him... Diablo flashed many names in his mind, and quickly finalized the candidate.

"Tobio, find a place where there is no one to answer the phone." Diablo said to Tobio, "avoid the guy in front of you."

His voice was very low, Oda Kazuyuki could only see Tobio moving his lips, but did not hear the sound.

Oda Kazuyuki asked suspiciously, "Tobio?"

"I, I'm going to answer a call!" Tobio squeezed the phone tightly.

He seemed very unhappy to hear the boss's voice, could it be that he knew that his partner was planning to pretend to be him?

Tobio left anxiously, Oda Kazuyuki did not eavesdrop, sat on the sofa and opened the memo on the phone.

Memo #[-]: Kill Diablo and replace him

Oda Kazuyuki paused for a moment, and ticked the back, which means it is completed.

He originally planned to draw a story about ordinary people accidentally killing Diablo and becoming the leader of an evil organization, but now...

Do you think it would be nice to use Diablo's identity as a villain?

He's never been a villain before!

Moreover, after becoming a villain, you can draw comics in which someone else is the protagonist,

Oda Kazuyuki's eyes lit up. He is an experiential manga artist. As the name suggests, he is the kind who likes to draw his own experiences into manga.

He can also draw fantasy comics that are divorced from reality, but the types that are close to reality are undoubtedly more exciting and more impactful.

Oda Kazuyuki is very adventurous, and he also likes this kind of life of looking for inspiration everywhere.

However, just a year ago, he encountered a bottleneck as a cartoonist.

After finishing his third comic, he thought he would win the Jump's annual award, but the judges agreed that he had no breakthrough in his works.

"The combat part is unprecedentedly exciting, and the story is also very outstanding, but—except for the appearance, your protagonist is no different from the previous two!"

When the editor-in-chief called Oda Kazuyuki, he used an extremely harsh tone.

"Since the second part, your protagonist has never won the No. 1 character investigation. It's not because the protagonist's personality is not clear enough, but because readers are used to your type of protagonist. Only supporting roles can make them feel To new ideas."

The editor-in-chief said: "This is the reason why we didn't give you the annual award. I hope you can reflect on when you are designing the protagonist and draw better works."

Oda Kazuyuki was silent for a long time after finishing the phone call.

He understood exactly what the editor-in-chief said. His comics were all drawn with himself as the main character, and there would inevitably be repetitions in his character.

If he wants to break through the bottleneck, he can only observe others and draw them as the protagonists.

But where to find such a person?

Oda Kazuyuki thought distressedly that Diablo's power spread all over Italy. In Jump's classic teen manga, to defeat such a villain, the protagonist must not only have a sense of justice, but also have a smart mind...

Better still have a miserable experience...

Thinking of this, Oda Kazuyuki's eyes suddenly blurred, and he saw Tobio's situation like watching a movie.

In order to prevent Oda Kazuyuki from eavesdropping on the phone, Tobio walked out of the hotel and turned into an empty corner.

He brought the phone to his ear, one eye turned blue, and his expression gradually became cold.

Diablo's deep voice sounded: "Tobio, don't believe that man just now, he is not your partner."

A look of shock appeared on Tobio's face: "But he just said..."

In the next second, Tobio's voice changed from surprise to calmness: "I will explain to you in detail later, and immediately send an email to the assassination team and ask them to come to Naples to kill people."

The dialogue between the dual personalities is very much like talking to himself. Oda Kazuyuki closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the scene in front of him had disappeared.

Wisps of black mist emerged from his arms, flowing down like water, dripping onto the sofa, and then spreading from the sofa to the ground.

The mist seemed to be alive, slowly gnawing at the sofa and the ground, leaving many irregular marks on it, as if bitten by wild animals.

If there are conjurers present, they will be horrified to find that this is an incomparable curse power, even stronger than the bit level.

But now no one can see it except Oda Kazuyuki.

Oda Kazuyuki recalled the scene he saw just now, and asked, "Diablo asked the assassination team to kill me?"

The black mist fluctuated for a moment, as if responding.

Oda Kazuyuki stood up, and the mist followed him up and clung to his arms.

Walking out of the hotel, Oda Kazuyuki saw Tobio wandering around in the street, and he was still looking for an empty corner to answer the phone.

The black mist can allow Oda Kazuyuki to see a part of the future, that is to say, the conversation between Tobio and Diablo just now hasn't happened yet.

Oda Kazuko watched Tobio quietly, and he felt very strong malice from Tobio. It was Diablo's malice against him, which was purer than anyone he had ever met before. more evil.

Oda Kazuyuki's eyes gradually turned cold, "Diablo is too much in the way."

"It was because of Tobio that he saved his life, but he didn't know how to cherish it at all. He insisted on doing extra things to cause trouble for me."

The black mist seemed to be echoing his words, and its form swelled several times, rushing towards Tobio.

A voice can still be heard vaguely: "Eat him! Eat him!"

Seeing its impatient look, Oda Kazuyuki couldn't help laughing: "You think that if I see this, I will agree with you to eat him?"

"He's an important supporting role in my comics."

Without Diablo, the setting of dual personality would not be complete.

The next moment, the mist was torn back by an invisible force, and distorted human faces seemed to emerge from the mist.

Oda Kazuyuki grabbed the cloud of black mist in the palm of his hand, and the face in the mist was very dissatisfied with Oda Kazuyuki for blocking it, and howled sharply at him.

Oda Kazuyuki's smile became brighter and brighter, but there was no smile in his eyes, and there were emotions darker than those fogs in his blue eyes.

Under his gaze, the howling of the black mist gradually stopped, and the mist diffused from his hands little by little, and finally disappeared.

Oda Kazuyuki looked down at his empty palm, unlocked the phone, and found out the phone number of Noctua Masato.

Oda Kazuyuki: "Teacher, I suddenly remembered something. You haven't returned my magic tool to me yet."

In fact, he doesn't need the spell equipment, but it has been borrowed for several months, and Noctua Moth Zhengdao didn't say to return it to him, which is really strange.

"Ah? The magic tool..." Ye Mozheng said hesitantly, "Actually... I originally planned to lend it to Maki and return it to you in two days, but then... Satoru saw it..."

So the magic tool was taken away by Gojo Satoru?

Oda Kazuyuki asked: "Then I can ask him when I have time?"

"No!" Night Moth Zhengdao shouted.

Through the receiver, Oda Kazuyuki heard that his breathing became heavy and rough, indicating that he was not at peace.

After a while, Oda Kazuyuki smiled lightly and said, "Teacher, you are too nervous."

"Just kidding, how could I go to him."

When he died in front of Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru cried so badly, Oda Kazuyuki had never seen him so sad.

Until now, he still often visits Oda Kazuyuki's grave. If he finds out that Oda Kazuyuki is not dead at all, but also keeps in touch with his teacher...

Oda Kazuyuki didn't dare to think about it anymore, the big deal is that the magic tool is gone, in short, Gojo Satoru must not let Gojo Satoru find out that he is still alive.

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