Diablo rushed out of the restaurant furiously, and immediately contacted the intelligence department with his mobile phone, asking them to search for information on Oda Kazuyuki.

However, the result of the feedback from the intelligence department is that there is no such person.

"A bunch of trash!" Diablo cursed loudly.

"The ability is so strong, and I know Li Baoen, how can I not find any trace!" Diablo pressed the keyboard angrily, "Check it out for me! What has Li Baoen been doing during this time!! "

Passers-by not far away looked over in surprise, and Diablo quickly walked around to another street, avoiding the sight of those people.

After a while, the intelligence department gave feedback: "Riboen has been staying in Japan for the past few months. Two days ago, the intelligence database in Sicily was invaded. He rushed back from Japan, and by the way, talked with the port black hand who has been active in Europe for the past two years. The party cadre Zhongyuan Zhong also met, and then Zhongyuan Zhong also stayed in Sicily, as if he wanted to investigate something."

Diablo remembered what Kazuyuki Oda said when he was in the hotel: "Before I came to Naples, I went around Vongola's intelligence warehouse."

Sicily's intelligence database was invaded, Nakahara Chuya's investigation... Diablo immediately connected these with Oda Kazuyuki, and asked the intelligence department to find a way to disclose the news to Nakahara Chuya. Tobio let it out.

Tobio was not affected by him at all, and walked home naturally, wanting to get a badge for his partner.

It's been a long time since I left the restaurant. Diablo made a calculation and felt that the ability should not affect so far, so he shouted, "Tobio."

"Boss?" Tobio consciously raised the phone to his ear.

Diablo said: "Ria is a student I taught."

Diablo: "??!!!"

What he wanted to say was clearly "Ria is not a member of the organization"! !

I thought that the effect of "can't speak ill of people behind their backs" was that I couldn't say anything about Ria, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

Diablo couldn't help but think of Ticano in his personal guard. Ticano's substitute is called "Face Close-up", which can make people say things against their will.

"Ria is the boss' student?" Tobio asked in surprise, "No wonder he is so good."

Diablo didn't have the habit of belittling his opponents, so he answered absently: "Ria is indeed a very good person, and her mind is also very smart, but it's a pity—"

Diablo's words stopped suddenly.

Unlike the facial close-up effect, Quaria's words came out smoothly.

At this moment, an idea suddenly flashed in Diablo's mind, and he couldn't help but swear.

Grass, he understands!

It is unreasonable to say bad things about others behind their backs. There should be another sentence after this sentence-it is reasonable to say good things!

As long as the effect of the ability is still there, no matter what Diablo wants to say, it will end up praising him!

This is too fucking rascal!

Diablo had never encountered such a disgusting ability, thinking that no matter what he said in the future, he would praise the enemy, and he felt worse than swallowing a fly.

Tobio didn't notice anything wrong with him, and said cheerfully: "Since Ria is a student of the boss, it must be no problem to meet Gin at night, Ria also stole Gin's account, he may be more powerful than Gin ..."

Diablo interrupted irritably: "Okay, Tobio, stop talking."

"Find out the substitute abilities of the assassination team and the personal guards and give them to me when you go back."

Ria's ability is more difficult to deal with than imagined. If you want to kill him, you have to kill him with one blow, so fast that he has no time to react.

Diablo went home and carefully selected the stand-in capable person who could kill Oda Kazuyuki, while Oda Kazuyuki drew one draft after another in the restaurant.

Even if he knew that Diablo wanted to find someone to assassinate him, he would not stop him. After all, he defined his role as a villain, and a villain who has no one to assassinate is also a failure.

The appearance of the assistant and the villain BOSS has been drawn in several versions. Oda Kazuyuki stopped writing, intending to see if Bugarati is the protagonist he wants before continuing to draw.

He sorted out his settings, took photos and sent them to Qi Mu Guochun, his editor in charge at the publishing house.

Qi Mu Guochun didn't know what he was busy with, so he didn't reply immediately.

The sunlight outside the window gradually disappeared, Oda Kazuyuki finished the tiramisu brought by the waiter, and heard a greeting from the direction of the door.

"Ah, it's Mr. Bucciarati."

"Buggarati is here."

Oda Kazuyuki put away the draft on the table and looked over there.

The person who responded to people's greetings was wearing a white polka-dot suit with a steady pace, but Oda Kazuyuki's admiring eyes fell on his chest, and they turned dull in an instant.

There was a big hole in the front of Bugarati's suit. The hole stretched from below the collarbone to the front of the abdomen, revealing a large area of ​​wheat-colored skin, which made Kazuyuki Oda's mind quickly flash through the words "avant-garde", "fashionable" and "sexy". Wait for a series of words.

Probably because Oda Kazuyuki's scrutiny was too blatant, Bugarati glanced at him sideways and walked towards his desk.

"The waiter told me just now that you need me for something?" Bugara asked, his eyes were clear and his voice was gentle, without any trace of gangster blood.

"It's all right now..." Oda Kazuyuki said a little numbly.

According to Vengley's information, Bugarati is obviously a mature and stable person, but when he sees his younger sister's haircut and open-breasted dress, Oda Kazuyuki only feels kindness.

"What's the matter?" The person in light green clothes behind Bugarati stepped forward and looked at Oda Kazuyuki with unfriendly eyes.

His clothes were also unrestrained, his belly was only covered by a tie, and the other person beside him was wearing an orange hair band on his head, and his jacket was also strange.

Oda Kazuyuki took a deep breath, stood up and said, "I'll go out and make a phone call."

He wanted to ask Qi Mu Guochun if he could pass the serialization meeting by painting the clothes of the protagonist group like this.

What if the editor-in-chief sees the setting and thinks he can't draw other types of protagonists, so he lets himself go on the character image.

Bugarati watched him leave with doubts in his eyes.

The person in the light green clothes asked, "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"Mista will be here soon," Buccarati said. "He has passed the test of Polpo cadre. I will ask Apache to pick him up and meet you."

The person who asked the question gave a "tss", as if he had no interest in the new companion.

Seeing that Bugarati was still looking in the direction of the door, he said: "You should go and have a look. I heard that a group of human traffickers came from Pompeii recently. Several people have disappeared, and they haven't been found yet..."

Before he finished speaking, Bugarati left a sentence of "wait for me to come back" and strode out.

The man in light green said loudly behind him: "Don't worry about us, we will entertain the new members well."

It's just that no matter how you listen to it, it seems to be malicious.


Oda Kazuyuki walked out of the restaurant and was about to find a place to make a phone call. Not long after, footsteps came from behind him.

He glanced back, and it turned out to be Bugarati.

Buccarati stood still in front of him, seeing his slightly surprised expression, he was momentarily at a loss for words.

He couldn't help suspecting that Fugo said those words on purpose to get himself out, and then he could stay in the restaurant and play pranks on the new Mista to his heart's content...

Bugarati was speechless for a moment, decided to skip the matter of the traffickers, and asked Oda Kazuyuki directly: "You came to see me, is there anything I can help you with?"

Came here just to ask this?Oda Kazuyuki saw that there was no one else around Bucciarati, so he said, "Tonight I'm going to meet another organization on behalf of BOSS. I hope you can come with me."

"Boss?" Bugarati looked surprised, and after looking at him carefully, he said, "You are not a cadre in the organization."

"I'm just responsible for some small affairs, few people know me."

After Oda Kazuyuki finished speaking, he asked curiously, "Why don't you think I'm joking?"

Bugarati glanced at him, and said in a deep voice, "People who pretend to be BOSS usually die a miserable death."

His eyes seemed to say "You wouldn't do such a stupid thing, would you?" Oda Kazuyuki was rarely silent because he was indeed pretending to be Diablo.

"So what's your decision?"

"I go with you."

Bugarati said: "I believe you are telling the truth, and if you come to me for help, it means that the organization you are going to meet is very dangerous. I can't let you go to meet them alone."

The Bugarati people are too kind, Oda Kazuyuki said honestly: "This is not asking for help, I just think it would be fun to bring you along."

"It's okay." Buccarati smiled, "Just as long as you think I can help you."

His smile is frank, and there is no dissatisfaction in his blue eyes, just like the ocean is tolerant and vast. If he met him in other places, Oda Kazuyuki could not imagine that he would be a gangster.

Based on what he said, Oda Kazuyuki can be sure that if he is drawn as the protagonist, he will be very popular!Oda Kazuyuki's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but ask, "Do you like helping others?"

"I can do it if you ask..."

"You absolutely can!"

Oda Kazuyuki took his hand.

In order to draw a real and touching protagonist, Oda Kazuyuki decided to observe Bugarati carefully.

In the past, Oda Kazuyuki used himself as the model, and the main characters in his paintings were all teenagers, but Bugarati was an adult man with a mature and vigorous appearance. Both his body and temperament were more attractive than teenagers.

As soon as Oda Kazuyuki touched his hand, he immediately felt something different.

Bugarati's palm is broad and thick, with long fingers and protruding knuckles, which looks very powerful. There is a bone protruding from the wrist, which looks like peaks and mountains on the wheat-colored skin, full of strength...

"So the difference is so big." Oda Kazuyuki whispered.

"Huh?" Buccarati looked at him suspiciously.

At first Oda Kazuyuki held his hand, he was very vigilant, but Oda Kazuyuki did not do anything aggressive to him, and he gradually relaxed.

Oda Kazuyuki did not respond to his doubts, his fingers slowly moved upwards from Bugarati's palm, the pink fingertips swept across his skin inch by inch, and then moved up along the blood vessels of his wrist, stroking every part of his body. A muscle, bone, flesh and blood, the more you look at it, the more excited you become.

As if being burned by his eyes, Buccarati moved his fingers, but Oda Kazuyuki held his hand tightly and wouldn't let him leave.

The warm fingertips fell gently on Bugarati's arm like a feather, bringing an itch that cannot be ignored, and Bugarati's mood gradually became subtle.


As soon as Bugarati spoke, Oda Kazuyuki pushed him against the wall.

Oda and Yuki stepped forward, brushing Bugarati's cheek in a hurry.

He was no longer satisfied with just looking at his hands, he grabbed Buccarati's clothes, his eyes were unusually eager: "My request is very simple, I want you to take off your clothes and let me take a good look!"

"It's just a little effort, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

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