The stopwatch suddenly died.Everything was silent.

Qian Guo suddenly sat up from the bed, and in the darkness, her heavy breath left her body.

The black eyes of the beast without eyelids stared at her firmly. It opened its nostrils and took a deep breath, then opened its bloody mouth and let out a thunderous roar.

Qianguo woke up again.

A room is quiet, the clock is turning, non-stop reincarnation.

Qian Guo moved her throat but couldn't make a sound, her nerves were already exhausted in the nightmare.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep. She wanted to get her mobile phone, but found that it couldn't be turned on at was broken long ago, and she didn't have a mobile phone anymore.

At the first moment, she thought of going out to buy, but her husband had already ordered her to stay home.

Foot ban...

That day, my husband took her home and put her on the sofa to comfort her. With an unpredictable smile on her face, he told her not to go out again.

Said that the outside world is too dangerous, the virus is raging, and it is risky to go out. He doesn't like risks.

Hearing what he said, Qianguo's first question was actually: "Then can I buy coffee jelly?"

The dessert shop is just across the street, within a 10-minute walk.Mr. smiled and said, of course not.

"Then can I shop online?"

"Whatever you want to buy, I will buy it for you."

"Then what if I'm bored?"

"The drama is not good? The novel is not good?"

"You look good." Qianguo replied truthfully, "But you can't stay with me all the time."

In fact, as she said, my husband went from four to ten every day, so he didn't come back to sleep at all these two days.

Mister, maybe it really can't...

His favorite thing about intimacy is to taste the luscious taste of her saliva, and every time he feels that things are getting out of hand, he will instinctively react, or conditioned reflex-to refuse any form of meat/ physical satisfaction.

Qian Guo got out of bed and came to the bathroom with bare feet, habitually thinking about everything in a positive way, maybe she didn't want to at all.

If she thought that her husband had changed and was no longer the gentle and considerate gentleman she thought, maybe it wasn't that he had changed, but that he had always been like this.

When I think about it this way, my whole heart becomes frightened, and my legs become weak.

After Qianguo finished washing, she began to give her face a daily massage.

But when she saw the familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror, she stopped suddenly.

It has been a long time since I have observed my face without makeup so carefully. The person in the mirror has big bright eyes, eyelashes like weeds growing wildly around the well, with the look of a sleepwalking patient, as if bored, as if everything It doesn't matter.

The facial features are beautiful and amazing, and the complexion is dull.

Qian Guo shuddered violently, and splashed water on the mirror with her fingers.

She opened her palms in front of her face, her skin was white and wrinkled, and she could see the blue blood vessel walls below, and the blood was still flowing slowly... Only then was she inexplicably relieved.

After dawdling and finishing the daily tasks, she began to seriously consider her next plan. Is it true that she really wants to stay at home for the rest of her life?

Oh no, it's impossible in a lifetime, but the husband didn't say when she would be allowed to go out, and he didn't know when the virus would find a solution.

If the husband is really worried about her going out because of the virus outside, then what should he do?What about her family and friends?She suddenly wanted to go home after a long absence, go home to listen to her grandfather's training, and watch the boring kendo drills in the dojo.

She really felt that her husband made a fuss over a molehill and was nervous, but she also felt that she was "punished" because she ran around outside and caused trouble. The husband wanted to protect her, and she didn't want to quarrel with him.

But in this way, what is the difference between a kitten and a puppy in captivity?

Qian Guo is the type who can't sit still and loves to be lively, and the character design of the house girl has nothing to do with her.

So the husband began to talk about the benefits of staying at home, and said: "I have lived in a house for 1000 years, do you believe it?"

Of course she didn't believe it, but he said at the wedding that he had waited 1000 years to marry her, and she believed it.

If Qianguo was still convincing herself to believe in everything her husband did until this moment, then when she was about to wash all the clothes, she finally realized—the loving married life she was looking forward to, perhaps It's over before it really begins.

She found the dark patterned kimono in the suitcase she hadn't packed yet after returning from her honeymoon... and found that it was stained with strange blood.

Her aunt never wore a kimono, so it can't be left by her, and the blood is on the cuff...

And, what is that?

Qian Guo picked up a white hair from the sleeve, judging from its thickness, length, length, softness and hardness, it looked like cat hair.

So she immediately thought of the woman in kimono and the cat with superpowers that she met in the alley of Wanliu Street.

This blood-stained kimono appeared in her and her husband's honeymoon suitcase, and the cat fur that was stained was probably on the white cat that night.

From this it can be deduced that......

Sir gave her clothes to another woman?When she's not paying attention?

Anyway, it must not have been worn by the husband himself, wearing her clothes and using her lipstick, and doing some horrible underground transactions with strange people!

She must be thinking too much! !

Qianguo swallowed loudly, got up and folded the kimono as it was and put it back in the suitcase, pretending that nothing had been touched.

As long as she deceived herself fast enough, no horrible mess of truths could overtake her!

So Qianguo showed a silly and sweet smile, and after cleaning the house, she packed her luggage.

—she was going to run away.

Making this decision made her look radiant, and she wondered why it took two days to figure it out.She put on her clothes and shoes. It is daytime and the sun is shining. My husband will definitely not come back suddenly at this time, so don't worry about being discovered by him.

She went to open the door first, OK, the door was locked, she went to check the window, the first choice was the floor-to-ceiling windows leading to the balcony in the living room, there was a big bright blue sunny day outside, like someone poured a ton of blue paint on the sky .

Looking down, the house is a single-family house with basically no height, so it's no problem to jump down.

...But the strange thing is, if the husband really grounds her and locks the door, don't you know that she can escape through the window?

Qian Guo didn't think too much about it, she lifted the suitcase with great effort, and threw it out the window...

Bang! ! !

The suitcase slammed hard against something hard and bounced back.

Qian Guo was stunned for a few seconds, then ran forward in disbelief, stretched out her hand and looked outside...

The shadows of leaves and sunlight fell on her hands, like a blurred and false illusion.She turned over and stood on the balcony, trying to reach the swaying camphor leaves...

Wherever the fingertips go, there is nothing.

The leaves passed through her fingertips like shadows.

She didn't believe it, and reached out to a higher place again...

No, nothing... She fumbled and fumbled until she hit a hard switch.

With a snap, she pressed down.All sights disappeared without a trace.

The world seemed to be blinded for a moment, and a big hand pressed hard on her eyes. Apart from being dazed, there was darkness.

Qianguo pressed the switch again.

Sunshine and tree shadows were intertwined again, but the false heat wave and luminosity that rushed towards her hurt her eyes that had not been blind for a long time. fake.

She froze for a full minute, then turned off the switch, came down from the balcony, and ran to her bedroom.

Sure enough, she found the same switch somewhere hidden.

If the sunlight is fake, then the stars and the moon seen at night are also fake. The stars and the moon shine together are not in line with common sense. My husband still swore on the phone that she picked the best stars and moons for her... The sun is also fake, this room can't get sunlight at all, my husband even fakes the sunlight he doesn't like, this place is a cage!

It turned out to be fake.

Fake, fake, all fake!This world is all fake!

"That's amazing..." Qianguo actually laughed, unbelievably.

Is he fake?Is she fake?Was the wedding fake?Is married life a fake?

Sir why do you do this?

She turned on the laptop and connected to the Internet, only to find that the Internet was also disconnected, and it was locked as clearly as the only door.

Qian Guo didn't know what all this meant, claustrophobia was hitting her, she just knew she couldn't stay here any longer.

But she has no mobile phone, no signal, no internet, no contact with the outside world, and no way to go outside. How can she ask for help?

Qi Mu's shop is across the street, but at this moment it feels like a whole Milky Way distance.

...By the way, Nakaya-kun's gun!

Zhong Yuanzhong also said that as long as he shoots, he can know her location, and it is estimated that it will not be a problem to force the door open with his ability.

But she went to look through her bag, but couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

The gun was gone.

It shouldn't have been dropped on the road, it could only have been taken away by someone.

The question is who will take it?Sir?

Qian Guo suddenly felt a chilling affirmation.

She looked up at the clock, and it was almost five o'clock now, and her intuition told her that it was best to escape before dark.

But the cage has been welded to death, how to escape?The master told her before that there is a gap in everything, and that is where the light comes in.

There must be a vent in such a large house, and if it is disassembled, there may be an exit to the outside world.

Just when Qianguo was about to start the game of Escape Room, the doorbell suddenly rang——

Ding dong.

The sound insulation effect of this house is very good, and the sound from the outside cannot be heard, so the ringing sound is very abrupt.

Is it Saiki?Or a bird bundle?Life?elder brother?No matter who it is, it seems like a life-saving straw. Qianguo almost ran to answer the microphone: "Moses, Moses?"

There was no breathing on the other end, and she heard the patter of rain.

"Moses Moses?" she asked again.

"it's me……"

The long magnetic voice was like a beautiful corpse softly singing a death song, which made her recognize it immediately this time.All things rest.

"I'm here to return the boss's clothes, can you open the door for me?"

The microphone that was not hung up fell in the air and swayed gently, Qianguo unconsciously stepped back step by step.

Then she turned her head to see a prying colored pupil hidden in the keyhole of the doorway.

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