Rebirth of Wendong Xiaoji

Chapter 14 The Zhou Mansion Attacked

From winter to spring, Chen Wendong has stayed in the Zhou Mansion for two years. If there is no accident, he only needs to stay another year to get back his contract of sale. After ten years, he can go home and live a free life.

When the time comes, marry an attractive woman, have a bunch of babies, start a small business if you are interested, and everything will be complete.It's a pity that the sky does not follow people's wishes, and sometimes accidents often happen at unexpected times, all of which can only be Chen Wendong's fantasy.

On this day, just as they finished their horse stance, Manager Zhou came to find them.

"Young master, this old servant will go out tomorrow, and he will be back in about ten days. You should study hard at home and practice martial arts, and don't make trouble. Xiaodongzi and Xiaoyan'er, take good care of the young master. If the young master makes a mistake, you may Watch your skin carefully."

Chen Wendong hurriedly agreed, Manager Zhou didn't bother, and after explaining, he greeted Master Song and left in a hurry.At the beginning, Chen Wendong didn't take it seriously, and took care of the young master step by step every day, learning his homework, but after a few days, Chen Wendong still noticed something was wrong.

Since Director Zhou left, the security in the mansion has been tightened a lot. Several stewards in charge of foreign affairs have not gone out these days, and the mansion is even more heavily guarded at night. Chen Wendong has seen figures wandering on the roof several times. .Wandering around the roof in black clothes at night, this unexpected sight can really scare people into white sweat.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, but Director Zhou did not come back as scheduled, and the atmosphere in the mansion became even more tense. Except for Young Master Zhou who still went his own way, everyone else was more or less sad.

That night, just as Chen Wendong fell asleep, he heard noisy footsteps coming from the yard. Chen Wendong couldn't sleep anymore, so he hurried out of the house to check in his clothes.

As soon as he went out, he saw a few stewards carrying a person towards Mr. Zhou's room, and Chen Wendong followed immediately. As soon as he got closer, he smelled a strong smell of blood. Whether this person was Mr. Zhou or who it was ?Chen Wendong's heart sank, and he followed everyone into the house. A steward looked at Chen Wendong a few times, but finally said nothing.

With the light of the lit candle, everyone could see Manager Zhou's appearance clearly. His face was pale, his breathing was weak, and his coat was covered in blood. They didn't know where the injury was. It looked very dangerous.

At this time, Mr. Liu walked in quickly carrying a small box.He took a few glances at Mr. Zhou, took things out of the box, and ordered people to prepare the utensils.I saw Mr. Liu holding a pair of large scissors, flying up and down at Mr. Zhou, and immediately, Mr. Zhou's clothes were torn apart.

The clothes were covered with blood, and many places were stuck to his body. As if Mr. Liu didn't see it, he tore off the clothes neatly, which made Chen Wendong feel a pain in the flesh.Hiss... This hurts so much. Fortunately, Manager Zhou is unconscious now. If he is awake, he will probably pass out from the pain.

When all the clothes were peeled off and Mr. Zhou appeared naked in front of everyone, Chen Wendong was stunned. Who could tell him what the missing parts between Mr. Zhou's legs meant?Chen Wendong took a sneak peek at his surroundings, and seeing that everyone else looked normal, he quickly suppressed the surprise on their faces.

He stabilized his mind, suppressed the shock in his heart, and began to concentrate on observing Manager Zhou's injury.Manager Zhou has many wounds, most of which are scratches. Although these wounds look a bit hideous, they should not be serious. The most serious one is the sword wound on his left shoulder, which almost penetrated the shoulder.

Mr. Liu cleansed the wound neatly, disinfected it, applied medicine, and bandaged it. The whole process was done in one go, without a single unnecessary movement, which made Chen Wendong sigh again.How much practice does it take to be so proficient!Chen Wendong believes that even experienced doctors may not have such means, and in this era, there is only one place where people can best train their skills in dealing with wounds, and that is the battlefield.

After Mr. Liu's rescue, Mr. Zhou's life was saved, but he lost too much blood and needed to be recuperated slowly.Mr. Liu prescribed two decoctions and asked people to go down to fry them, leaving two people to take care of Mr. Zhou, and sent the rest of them back to sleep.

Back in the house, Chen Wendong lay on the bed tossing and turning the pancakes, thinking about what happened tonight, his heart became more and more uneasy.Manager Zhou is actually a eunuch!He obviously has a beard, his voice is not shrill, and his actions are not at all feminine. How can he look like a eunuch?It's so bloody!You know, this eunuch is not available everywhere, it is a royal specialty!Chen Wendong didn't expect that the Zhou Mansion was actually related to the royal family this time. If there was such a relationship, even if he was killed, he would not sell himself into the Zhou Mansion.

In this life, Chen Wendong just wanted to be an ordinary commoner, and it would be great if he could live his life in peace and stability.But once it has something to do with the imperial power, it is doomed to be unstable, and one day, it may kill its life.

Chen Wendong thought about it all night, and felt that it would be safer for his father to move out of here.This week's mansion is really strange!After getting up, Chen Wendong took someone else's job of emptying the toilet, went out through the back door, and made a mark on an old tree not far from Zhou's mansion—a triangle with an exclamation point inside.

As early as a year ago, Chen Wendong told his father about the abnormality of the Zhou Mansion. At that time, it was inevitable that there would be a lot of confusion. Finally, the father and son discussed and decided to find a remote place to buy land and gradually sell the fields here. , my father also excused himself from his job in the school to concentrate on teaching Wenguang and Wenju at home.

The marks on the old tree were also discussed by them so that they could notify each other in case of emergency.As long as you see this sign, it means that the situation is serious, and the father must move the whole family out of here as soon as possible.My father would come to Dengping every ten days to go to the market. Counting now, the market will be in two days. At that time, my father will naturally see this sign.

Day by day, Manager Zhou's injury gradually healed. Chen Wendong and Wang Yanzhi still accompanied the young master to study and practice martial arts every day. Just when Chen Wendong suspected that he was a ghost, and made a fuss, an accident happened suddenly.

That night, Chen Wendong was sleeping soundly, but suddenly heard the sound of fighting outside.Shocked by fright, Chen Wendong regained consciousness, hurriedly put on his clothes, opened the door a crack, and poked his head out to observe secretly.On the roof of the front yard, two stewards were having a heated fight with several men in black. For a moment, the swords collided, and sparks flew around, scaring Chen Wendong to withdraw his head quickly.

Listen carefully, there are sounds of fighting in the stables behind, and it is estimated that the left and right cross yards are not much better.Chen Wendong hurriedly patted Wang Yanzhi to wake him up. This kid was sleeping like a dead pig, and he was still sleeping soundly despite the noise outside.

"Small eyes! Little eyes! Get up, pack your things quickly, hurry up!" Wang Yanzhi was a little impatient at first, but when he heard the sound of fighting, he immediately woke up, and started to pack his bags without saying a word.Taking advantage of the current chaos, they had to hurry up and run away. After a while, the man in black entered the yard, and he might not be able to run away even if he wanted to!

Chen Wendong was very conflicted, he was hesitating whether to take Zhou Yanhuan with him.Thinking about it with his toes, Chen Wendong also knew why these men in black came here. If they brought Zhou Yanhuan with them, it would be like carrying a time bomb. It is estimated that they will not have a peaceful life in the future.

After packing up his things, Chen Wendong looked at Wang Yanzhi, hesitated for a moment, and then ran to Zhou Yanhuan's bedroom.While running, he also comforted himself, one trouble is to escape, and two troubles are also to escape, there is no difference, since he can save Wang Yanzhi, Zhou Yanhuan is not bad.

Chen Wendong's residence is connected with Zhou Yanhuan's bedroom, which is mainly for the convenience of Chen Wendong and the others to serve Zhou Yanhuan's daily life.Chen Wendong didn't even knock on the door, and just broke into the house, followed by Wang Yanzhi.When I entered the room, I saw, okay, this young master is wearing a quilt in a daze.

"Young master, don't be dazed, put on your clothes quickly, and follow me!" Chen Wendong directly pulled out a coat from his bag, and put it on Zhou Yanhuan as he spoke.

"I don't want to wear this kind of clothes, it's so ugly!" Zhou Yanhuan said and was about to pick it up.

Chen Wendong knocked off Zhou Yanhuan's hand, gave him a hard look, and said sharply, "Be more honest, if you want to save your life, put it on quickly! If you really don't want to wear it, just stay here and wait for death!"

Young Master Zhou stared blankly at Chen Wendong, he was really honest, maybe this guy had never been treated like this before, and he felt a little indigestion when he suddenly heard Chen Wendong's stern scolding.

Chen Wendong didn't care what he thought, hurriedly helped him get dressed, and then dragged him and Wang Yanzhi to the side room.Before he had walked a few steps, he heard the sound of the door being opened. Chen Wendong turned his head and faced the panicked face of the manager last week.

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