Rebirth of Wendong Xiaoji

Chapter 18 Secret Talk at Night

Chen Wendong lived in the other courtyard for half a year, and his stomach was full of fire, and his mouth was full of burns.Old man Zheng hired dozens of tall and burly servants to serve Zhou Yanhuan. They were servants in name, but they were actually here to monitor them.It is easy to eat and drink in this other courtyard, but if they want to go out, these people will not let them go out at all, which is to put them under house arrest.Not only Chen Wendong was in a hurry to get angry, but Zhou Yanhuan and Wang Yanzhi were also restless.

That night, Chen Wendong was sleeping soundly. He felt the door knock in a daze. At first he thought it was Wang Yanzhi's convenience to go out. When he felt something crawling on his bed, Chen Wendong woke up.Taking a closer look, I saw that Zhou Yanhuan was only wearing a middle coat, and he was sneaking into his bed lightly.

"It's late at night, what are you tossing about, why is your body cold?" Chen Wendong complained, but he couldn't bear him to be frozen, so he let him get in.

"Little Dongzi, I'm cold and can't sleep." Seeing that Chen Wendong didn't object, Zhou Yanhuan simply put his arms around his waist, and after a while, he started snoring.

Chen Wendong was angry and wanted to have an attack, but seeing Zhou Yanhuan's sleeping face, he couldn't bear it, so he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and fell asleep in a daze.

From then on, Zhou Yanhuan came to report to him every night. Chen Wendong chased him away several times, but Zhou Yanhuan never left.Seeing that he was in a hurry, he put on his middle coat and was blowing the cold wind in the courtyard, looking like a pitiful, pissed off young daughter-in-law. Chen Wendong really didn't want to see this, so he just let him come and go.

The three lived in the other courtyard until May of the following year. During this period, they never went out once, and Manager Zhou never came to see them.Mr. Zheng was very strict with them, and his subordinates were so tight-lipped that they couldn't get any news from the outside world. As a result, they couldn't live anymore.

Regarding Manager Zhou, Chen Wendong had already prepared for the worst, and what he was most worried about now was Mr. Zheng.Since they moved into the other courtyard, Mr. Zheng has only been here once, and that was half a year ago. If Mr. Zheng intends to betray them, they will really become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This night, Zhou Yanhuan climbed into Chen Wendong's bed as usual, and then started to bake big pancakes. Seeing that it was almost midnight, this guy didn't intend to stop.

Chen Wendong was considerate of his bad mood at first, and endured the attack, but later it really annoyed this guy so much that he sat up awkwardly, slapped him hard, and said angrily, "Why are you not sleeping in the middle of the night? ? And let no one sleep, be honest with me, or get out!"

Zhou Yanhuan was honest, put his arms around Chen Wendong's waist, and after a long time he said sullenly: "Xiao Dongzi, I am not reconciled!"

After hearing Zhou Yanhuan's words, Chen Wendong's drowsiness disappeared. He patted Zhou Yanhuan's back and said softly, "Tell me, it's even more uncomfortable to hold it in your heart."

"I am the son of King Jingbian." Seeing that Chen Wendong hadn't spoken for a long time, Zhou Yanhuan couldn't help saying timidly: "I didn't hide it from you on purpose, don't be angry."

Chen Wendong patted him on the back, and couldn't help laughing: "I know, and I'm not angry, just keep talking." In fact, he already knew about it, but he just pretended not to know.

Seeing that Chen Wendong was really not angry, Zhou Yanhuan continued: "My mother is the daughter of an ordinary merchant. Back then, my father passed by my grandfather's house when he was patrolling the border, and my mother became a meeting gift from my grandfather to my father. Later, the spring breeze once , Mother was pregnant with me. After my father found out, he took her to the capital and arranged it secretly.

Not long after going to the capital, the princess and the eldest son knew about their mother, oh, that is, the current concubine Tai and Prince Jingbian.And just at this time, the father received an imperial edict to expedition to the southwest. He was afraid that the concubine and the eldest son would take the opportunity to harm his mother, so he pretended to be an ordinary soldier and brought her with him.Unexpectedly, my mother was weak and couldn't stand the long journey at all, so my father could only settle her down on the way.The war in the Southwest has been protracted, and the rebellion has not subsided for a long time, but what my mother didn't expect was that just half a year after I was born, I got the news that my father was seriously injured and died.

Later, Director Zhou found us and took our mother and son to many places. When I was three years old, my mother got seriously ill and passed away.In order to prevent being chased and killed by King Jingbian, we changed places every once in a while, and I also stayed in the mansion every day and never went out.Counting now, we lived in Dengping for the longest time, but we didn't want to be discovered in the end.

Xiaodongzi, I don't want to live this kind of life of hiding and hiding, I want to live a bright and aboveboard life! "

"It stands to reason that you are also the younger brother of King Jingbian. He has been on the throne for [-] years, and you are no threat to him at all. Why does he insist on putting you to death?" Chen Wendong didn't understand this point very much. .

"King Jingbian is not my father's biological son. He is the second prince of the previous emperor. Later, he adopted him to his father and inherited the throne. As for why he put me to death, I don't know. Perhaps Mr. Zhou knows, but he never Didn't tell me." Zhou Yanhuan sighed, feeling a little depressed.

"Maybe there is something in you that he cares about very much. But you have to be clear about one thing. If you want to reveal your background, it means you have to fight against the current King Jingbian. I am afraid that the future will be even more dangerous, unless you can replace him." .”

"Little Dongzi, I have no choice now. If I don't have the courage to face it, I will live my whole life in hiding like now. I am not reconciled to living like this!"

Chen Wendong felt that Zhou Yanhuan's arm was holding him tightly, which made him a little hurt.After a while, Chen Wendong said: "If you have made up your mind, I will naturally support you, but I don't think now is the time.

You know, what you are going to face is King Jingbian, the overlord with hundreds of thousands of soldiers in his hands. Since he can secure the throne, he probably has some skills.And you are just a troubled boy, apart from being the blood of the old prince, you are nothing. "

Seeing Zhou Yanhuan looking at him angrily, Chen Wendong continued: "I said this not to look down on you, but to make you realize the reality. There is a huge gap between your strengths. Now that you are going up against King Jingbian, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. "

Zhou Yanhuan was a little anxious by Chen Wendong's words, and he did not give up: "I can use other people's influence. Director Zhou once mentioned to me that the deputy general Tan Dayong of Huyang Pass is a trustworthy person."

"Are you sure that Tan Dayong won't betray you? Isn't Zheng Ying also a person that Manager Zhou thinks is reliable, so what now? To put it bluntly, if we don't have absolute strength, I'm afraid we won't even be worth being used. Even if you take refuge in others, you are relying on others to be a puppet and a cover."

Chen Wendong didn't show mercy to Zhou Yanhuan at all, he must let the young master realize the reality now.They are grasshoppers on the same rope. If this master gets too hot-headed and does something beyond his head, he and Wang Yanzhi will have to be buried with him.

Zhou Yanhuan looked at Chen Wendong, buried his head in his chest again, and raised it after a long time.He looked at Chen Wendong firmly, and said slowly: "Xiaodongzi, I understand what you mean, I am too impatient. I must strengthen my strength now, when I am so strong that no one can defeat me , I can live openly and aboveboard."

Chen Wendong nodded, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

"Little Dongzi, don't worry, one day I will make these people surrender under my feet. Hmph! Since I am so tolerant, they are not willing to let me go, so why should I be tolerant, I insist on living an aboveboard , Live better than them. Hmph! You, a dog-headed military strategist, are not allowed to hold me back!" After speaking, Zhou Yanhuan pinched Chen Wendong's butt*.

Just as Chen Wendong was about to have a seizure, he saw Zhou Yanhuan's small eyes staring dazedly, and he fell asleep with his head tilted.Looking at Zhou Yanhuan's sleeping face, Chen Wendong felt powerless for a while. Could this guy be in a sleepy state just now?

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