After everyone sat down, Chen Wendong narrated his thoughts. Mr. Liu is so old, it is impossible for him to really get angry with the old man.

"Mr. Liu also said just now that the part of Ganges Continent connecting us is a cliff on one side and a solid city wall on the other. From the current point of view, if we attack directly from the front, even if we can take down Ganges Continent, we will surely There will be heavy losses.”

Tan Dayong said in a deep voice: "Could it be that you want soldiers and horses to go up this cliff?"

Chen Wendong raised his eyebrows, "That's all right! I heard that the Ganges Islet is inwardly, and after the alluvial river, the terrain is flat and flat, and there are no steep cliffs there. It can be seen that although the cliff looks long and narrow, But it’s not endless, maybe there’s still an undiscovered path to the sky!”

After hearing Chen Wendong's words, several people were a little moved, and naturally they analyzed the pros and cons.

In the end, Zhou Yanhuan made his statement that the Ganges Continent must be fought, but the Henghe Continent must be taken down at the lowest cost. As for what to do, just as Chen Wendong said, first find someone to find out. This matter naturally fell on Master Song and Chen Wendong.

The next day, Chen Wendong set off with Master Song in a coarse cloth and a small bundle on his back.Ganghe Island is not far from Yandang Mountain, just a hundred miles east of Shatuoling.

Not a day later, the two arrived at Ganges Island. Looking from a distance, one side was a high city wall with a fortress built on it. It was probably a Yasha or a strong crossbow guarding the city, and the other side was not so much a cliff. The steep wall is more like a wide mountain stream, but the other side of the mountain stream is severely weathered, no different from ordinary mountain peaks.

Chen Wendong looked at such a Ganges Island, and couldn't help feeling in his heart that nature's uncanny craftsmanship could create such a strange place.

The two of them went down the mountain road until they reached the opposite side of the mountain stream, where they found a small village.Under the guise of collecting herbs, Chen Wendong found a drug farmer under the guidance of the local people.

This Yao Nong was small and skinny, about 30 years old. Chen Wendong saw that the furniture in his home was simple and his life was obviously not rich, so he went straight to the point and said, "My little brother walks in this mountain every day. I don't know if there is a way to get to the top." A shortcut?" Chen Wendong pointed to the cliff in the distance.

Hearing Chen Wendong's words, the drug farmer immediately became vigilant, "Aren't you collecting herbs? Why do you ask this?"

Chen Wendong saw his eyes flickering, and his eyes lit up, it seems that this person must know something, "Brother, don't panic, you just need to lead the way, if not..." Chen Wendong touched the dagger hidden under the skirt, playful He looked at the little drug farmer.

The little Yao Nong was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly, "'t be foolish, I...I...I'm calling for help!"

Hearing this, Chen Wendong was immediately happy. Why did this sound so weird? He took out 100 taels of silver from Master Song's bag and put it directly on the table, "Can you lead the way this time?"

The little drug farmer was dumbfounded when he saw the large shiny ingot. Is this true?It is estimated that this person has never seen silver when he is so old.After a long while, the little Yao Nong picked up the ingot of silver and bit it, and immediately burst into a smile!

The little drug farmer laughed foolishly for a long time, then remembered that there were two people in the house, he said cautiously: "I can take you up, but you must not say that I led the way, or I will lose my life."

Chen Wendong and Master Song naturally agreed. Under the leadership of Xiaoyao Nong, several people came to the edge of the cliff and climbed up the raised rocks.

This road can be described as dangerous and dangerous. In some places, it is only one person wide, and you need to stick to the cliff and rub it over bit by bit. If you are a little fatter, you will not be able to pass.When they climbed to the top of the cliff, Chen Wendong and Master Song were sweating profusely. They were not only tired, but also frightened. This road is too much a test of psychological quality!

The little Yaonong was used to walking on the rock wall, so he didn't think much of it, but Chen Wendong and Master Song couldn't do it. If they hadn't been practicing martial arts all year round, they would definitely not be able to climb up.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, the main city of Ganges Island is in the distance. To the east, you can vaguely see villages and small towns. Although they are only separated by a city, they are very different from their side.

Due to the strict inspections in the city, the few people only walked around the periphery a few times, and roughly figured out the deployment inside and outside the city, and then went down the cliff along the original road.There is a saying that it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. When going up the mountain, they only need to work hard to climb up, as long as they don't look down, they don't feel much.But when going down the mountain, it was impossible not to look at it. Fortunately, neither of them was afraid of heights, but even so, their hearts were still bulging.

After going down the mountain, the little drug farmer couldn't help but admire: "You two are really good. I climbed here for the first time, and I was so scared that I almost peed my pants."

After hearing this, Chen Wendong felt weak for a while, he really wanted to pee now!

Chen Wendong looked at the little drug farmer and apologized: "Brother, to be honest, we are from Yandang Mountain over there, and our prince will send troops to attack Ganghe Island in a few days, so you have to live with us on the mountain for a while. "

Hearing this, Xiaoyao Nong immediately turned bitter.

Chen Wendong continued: "Don't worry, we don't have any malicious intentions. As long as we conquer Ganghe Island, we will let you back. Of course, if you like to stay in Yandang Mountain, you can also live there for a long time. Then you can marry a wife. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a few babies?"

In the end, Xiaoyao Nong succumbed to Chen Wendong's coercion and lure.Chen Wendong winked at Master Song, then burrowed into the grass, he couldn't hold it anymore!Master Song stomped his feet anxiously, but he couldn't hold back anymore.

Back in Yandang Mountain, Chen Wendong first asked someone to 'arrange' Xiaoyao Nong, and then went to see Zhou Yanhuan with Master Song.Mr. Liu, Tan Dayong and others also rushed over upon hearing the news.

When Master Song told the story, everyone was naturally very happy. When they looked at Chen Wendong, their eyes became more complicated. There is such a coincidence in the world. When Chen Wendong said that there is a road on the cliff, there is a road!

At this time, Chen Wendong didn't have the heart to take care of their strange mood. He was drawing the city defense layout of Ganges Island, and even marked the location of the path.

After that day, Chen Wendong and Wang Yanzhi conducted a selection in the army, specifically selecting those who are bold, flexible, not afraid of heights, preferably with experience in mountain climbing. After half a month of tossing like this, he selected 3 people.

Afterwards, Chen Wendong found several steep walls in Yandang Mountain, and locked these people together. Apart from training every day, he just drove these people up and down.These soldiers were not happy to be isolated, and they suffered here every day. For a while, the voices scolding Chen Wendong became one.

Listening to their yelling and scolding, Chen Wendong narrowed his eyes with a smile, um, not bad, not bad!I still have the strength to scold him, it seems that I haven't tossed enough during the day!

Three months later, Zhou Yanhuan launched an attack on Henghe Island. It was on this night that Master Song, Wang Yanzhi and Chen Wendong led 3 people trained to successfully climb the cliff top, and Zhou Yanhuan echoed each other. The main city of Hezhou formed an encirclement trend.

To say that Chen Wendong is bad enough, they obviously have 3 people, but they brought the flag of 6 people, and let the soldiers wave the flag and shout if they have nothing to do.All of a sudden, the war flags of Ganges Continent fluttered, and the shouts shook the sky, which was very spectacular.This also made the unknown enemy army panic, so Chen Wendong took advantage of the chaos to take down the vice cities around the main city.

Zhou Yanhuan dispatched a total of 7 troops this time. Except for the [-] led by Master Song, the remaining [-] were led by Zhou Yanhuan himself to attack the city wall.

Although the main city of Ganges Continent was besieged and faced with enemies, the guard Duan Yuan was not a two-handed swordsman. He relied on the strong city wall to guard against death.Zhou Yanhuan attacked the city for two days without success.

Chen Wendong looked at the high city wall, blinked Xiao Danfeng's eyes, and asked Master Song next to him: "Master, this city wall is really high. Can you climb over it without disturbing the city guards?"

Master Song curled his lips in disdain and said, "Cut, your master will also climb over the city wall that is higher than here!" After finishing speaking, Master Song turned to look at Chen Wendong. : "What are you going to do?" This kid must not be thinking of good things, maybe he is holding back some bad water.

"Hehehe, master, come here with your ear..." Chen Wendong leaned into Master Song's ear and muttered for a while.

After listening to Master Song, he straightened his head, "No, no, this is too wicked, I won't do it!"

Chen Wendong said indifferently: "Master, do you still want the lord to take over Henghe Island? Besides, what kind of wickedness is this? Let's make some material to weaken the officers and soldiers in the city for a few days without letting you kill them." .”

Under Chen Wendong's flickering, Master Song finally agreed. That night, Master Song sneaked into the main city and added some seasoning to every well.

The next day, the sign of exemption from battle was hung high in the city. Ren Zhou Yanhuan refused to fight, so he sent someone out to inquire. Well, it turned out that there was a plague in the city, and now everyone in the city was suffering from diarrhea.

Hearing the news, Zhou Yanhuan was also startled. There is still his [-] troops here, but they can't stand the torment of the plague. He was about to retreat when Master Song's letter arrived.Zhou Yanhuan was immediately happy after reading the letter, and his heart was at ease.

At almost the same moment, Zhou Yanhuan and Chen Wendong launched an attack into the city. Facing a group of enemies whose hands and feet were weak, Zhou Yanhuan won without any suspense.

In the end, Duan Yuan, the chief general of Ganges Continent, threw an olive branch to Zhou Yanhuan and sent envoys to negotiate peace.The envoy claimed that Duan Yuan could hand over Henghe Island and its affiliated counties to Zhou Yanhuan, but he also had one condition, that is, Zhou Yanhuan must marry her daughter as his concubine, otherwise, he would rather destroy the city and die.

Zhou Yanhuan didn't agree immediately, he first ordered someone to take the envoy down, and immediately sent a letter to Tan Dayong, asking him to come over as soon as possible.

Two days later, Tan Dayong flew over and appeared in front of Zhou Yanhuan covered in dust. The old man thought something happened to Zhou Yanhuan.

The other personnel in General Zhou Yanhuan's tent retreated, leaving Mr. Liu and Tan Dayong alone.The three sat opposite each other in silence, Tan Dayong was a little confused and didn't know what to say, Zhou Yanhuan felt ashamed and was too embarrassed to speak.

In the end, it was Mr. Liu who spoke first, "Huh! Old Tan, I don't know how to say this. The thing is like this..." Mr. Liu told Tan Dayong exactly what Duan Yuan asked.

Tan Dayong listened to Mr. Liu's words and remained silent for a long time. To be honest, he was very unhappy. In fact, no father-in-law would be happy when he heard that his son-in-law wanted to take care of the child.

But he and Zhou Yanhuan are not only sons-in-law, but also monarchs and ministers. As the king of Jingbian, Zhou Yanhuan cannot only marry one wife. Since the day Zhou Yanhuan became the prince, Tan Dayong has been mentally prepared for this.

Now that Mr. Liu talked about this, Tan Dayong had to express his attitude. As a courtier, he could only support Zhou Yanhuan to accept the harem and spread branches and leaves for King Jingbian, but as a father, He has to seek benefits for his daughter.

Thinking of this, Tan Dayong got up and said: "My lord, this is a good thing! This matter is beneficial to us and does not harm us. The lord can easily get the Ganges Island, get a strong general, and enrich the harem. To spread branches and leaves for the old prince, why didn't the prince agree?"

Mr. Liu stood up, saluted Tan Dayong deeply, and said with admiration: "General Tan understands righteousness deeply, and he is worthy of being the minister of the king's humerus!"

Zhou Yanhuan said with some embarrassment: "Tan Aiqing, I have no choice but to do this. I really can't bear to make fun of the lives of the soldiers! But in this way, it violated the promise I made to you at the beginning."

Back then, when Tan Dayong betrothed his daughter to Zhou Yanhuan, he was just a little-known guard, and the reason why he was able to embrace the beauty back then was because he had promised Tan Dayong that he would never take a concubine in this life.

Seeing Zhou Yanhuan's appearance of being good-looking when he got cheap, Tan Dayong panicked in his heart, but he had no choice but to say without conscience: "Your Majesty's words are wrong. Now that His Majesty is honored, such jokes can't be taken seriously. , It’s just, hey! It’s just that my child is suffering..."

Zhou Yanhuan paused, and then said: "Don't worry, Tan Aiqing, the princess is naturally different in my king's heart. She is my king's married wife and the only official concubine of my king."

With Zhou Yanhuan's promise, Tan Dayong finally felt relieved. He had done his best for his daughter, and if he wanted to pray for anything else, it might backfire.Now that Zhou Yanhuan thought highly of him, he discussed it with him. If Zhou Yanhuan didn't take him seriously and took Duan Yuan's daughter directly, what would he do?

Zhou Yanhuan sent an envoy, and offered an engagement to Duan Yuan the next day, so that the marriage was settled.Duan Yuan didn't hesitate either, and handed over the main city of Ganghe Continent to Zhou Yanhuan, and assisted him in taking over the nearly [-] subordinate counties.Since then, Ganges Island has been owned by Zhou Yanhuan.

After taking over the Henghe Continent, Zhou Yanhuan arranged for Master Song to take 5 troops to garrison the Henghe Continent, and he returned to Yandang Mountain with the rest of the troops, the newly-baked old father-in-law, and the future side princess.

Everything went well on the road, the only one who was uncomfortable was Chen Wendong.As soon as Duan Yuan saw Chen Wendong, he would grit his teeth and stare at him for a while. Presumably, the old man knew that he was the one who instigated Master Song to gnaw his chin in the well.

Chen Wendong sighed, his life was miserable, why did he have a conflict with Zhou Yanhuan's old father-in-law?

Back at Yandang Mountain, everyone heard another piece of good news, the princess is pregnant!To say that Concubine Tan's belly is really up to snuff, she just gave birth not long ago, and she became pregnant again, three babies in three years, absolutely high yield, even if she refuses to accept it.Only this time, in addition to the good news of her husband's return in victory, she was greeted by her husband's concubine.

After a few days, Zhou Yanhuan accepted Duan's side concubine.This side concubine Duan, named Duan Yunmei, although her name is not as famous as Princess Tan, her looks and family background are not inferior to Princess Tan's.

When Concubine Tan married Zhou Yanhuan back then, the mountain was poor, so she just went through the motions and considered the ceremony as done.But now there is no shortage of money in going up the mountain. When Concubine Duan came in, not only all the soldiers got rewards, but also invited the theater troupe. It took three days to make a fuss before giving up.

Such a disparate treatment, although it is justifiable, but Tan Wangfei will definitely feel uncomfortable when she sees it, and even Tan Dayong can't feel better.

That side concubine really had some tricks, these days, Zhou Yanhuan rested with her every day, and almost missed the meeting for two days.

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