Before Wang Yanzhi's army arrived at Huajiazhai, Chen Wendong and others had already detected the news.Huahong has already arranged the team and is ready to fight a tough battle.

Chen Wendong has not been idle these days, and has been helping Huahong set up guard posts. Although he is busy, he doesn't feel much tension in his heart.When he heard that Wang Yanzhi was leading the army, half of the anxiety in his heart was relieved. After he found out the opponent's troops and equipment, he would be more confident.

Zhao Mang was a vanguard officer, and he charged forward. Wang Yanzhi was afraid that he would act recklessly, so he hurried forward, but in the end he was still a step behind.When Wang Yanzhi arrived at Huajiazhai, Huahong and Zhao Mang had already matched each other.

Looking at it at a glance, I saw Hua Hong's face was full of ferocity, his eyes were shining, and he was dancing a mace up and down. Zhao Mang's face was flushed and his whole body was excited, and he whirled with two sledgehammers.The sound of the club and hammer intersecting was deafening, but the two of them fought harder and harder, even shouting a few times from time to time, the scene was shocking.This is definitely a power level contest.

Wang Yanzhi looked across and met Chen Wendong's gaze. The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts clear.

Huahong and Zhao Mang were fighting in full swing, but Wang Yanzhi's army seemed to be boiling, whispering to each other.

"Look at the opposite side, is the jade-faced little Zhuge standing in front of you?"

"You're daydreaming, isn't General Chen already dead?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, take a good look!"

"Let me see, let me see, it's true!"


There was a commotion in Wang Yanzhi's army, and some brave ones shouted, "General Chen! The opposite is General Chen?!"

Wang Yanzhi waved his hand behind him to keep the soldiers quiet, and urged the horse to walk towards Chen Wendong. When Chen Wendong saw it, he also walked forward for a while.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then laughed out loud.

Chen Wendong suggested: "Why don't we go to the side and have a chat?"

Wang Yanzhi nodded, and sat down with Chen Wendong not far from the battlefield, "How is it? It's fun to be the King of the Mountain, right?"

Seeing his teasing expression, Chen Wendong couldn't help saying angrily, "That's right! I'm much more comfortable than you."

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and then chatted about what happened after they parted. After talking, there was another burst of sighing.

When it came to the purpose of this trip, Wang Yanzhi was a little embarrassed, "Xiaodongzi, the purpose of my visit this time is not in Huajiazhai. You should also understand the reason for it. Do you have any calculations in mind?"

Chen Wendong smiled indifferently, "What schemes can I have? Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, it's nothing special."

Wang Yanzhi pushed Chen Wendong, and said helplessly, "Are you running on me? Hey... I can't help you with anything else. I will try to delay the time. You should make plans early."

Chen Wendong shook his head, his attitude was very firm, "I have no intention of leaving, and I, Chen Wendong, haven't done anything shameful, why should I hide?"

Wang Yanzhi hesitated for a moment, but persuaded: "Little Dongzi, don't be arrogant, I think the king is serious this time." Seeing that Chen Wendong's expression changed slightly, Wang Yanzhi hurriedly explained: "I didn't say this to persuade you to go back. Yandang Mountain, we have reconciled with the king, I just want to remind you that the king will not let it go easily, you have to plan early. I think the king has been a little bewildered recently."

Chen Wendong smiled bitterly, and said for a while, "Xiaoyaner, you know, there is no possibility between me and Zhou Yanhuan. Even if he threatens and lures you, I will not compromise.

The matter between us must be resolved, even if I avoid this time, what will happen next time?Do I have to live in hiding all my life, out of sight?

Xiao Yaner, I am the father of three children now, I don't care about myself, but I can't let the children be affected.As for Huajiazhai, I'm not too worried.Huajiazhai has always been known in a narrow sense and has won the praise of the people. If Zhou Yanhuan attacks Huajiazhai forcefully, it will definitely have a negative impact on his reputation.Zhou Yanhuan is expanding his power, and he regards himself as the righteousness of heaven, so naturally he would not do such a stupid thing and be criticized by others. "

Seeing that Chen Wendong knew what was in his mind, Wang Yanzhi felt relieved. Finally, he sighed and said enviously: "You are now in harmony with your husband and wife, and you have both children. If you can successfully unload this burden, you can indulge yourself in the mountains and rivers and enjoy the fairy-like life." day.

Unlike me, in the army all day long, besides fighting, I not only have to deal with foreign enemies, but also worry about being plotted by my own people, which is exhausting physically and mentally.What's even more ridiculous is that I have no choice. "

Chen Wendong also understood Wang Yanzhi's situation, so he naturally understood his suffering.

A few years ago, the Wang family approached Wang Yanzhi and entrusted the whole family to ask Wang Yanzhi to be the patriarch of the Wang family.It is tantamount to a big gamble for the Wang family to do so.

You know, at that time Zhou Yanhuan did not have the power he has now, and even now, he only dominates the Northwest.If Zhou Yanhuan succeeds in the future, relying on the relationship between Wang Yanzhi and Zhou Yanhuan, the Wang family can prosper, if the matter fails, the Wang family will also be wiped out.

Wang Yanzhi's father was an official in the court, and he was the patriarch of the Wang family back then. Relying on the influence of the Wang father, the Wang family became a powerful family in the Northwest.After Wang Yanzhi's family was murdered, the Wang clan was also suppressed, and its power gradually weakened. Over the years, it has become an ordinary clan.

After the elders of the Wang clan explained their intentions, Wang Yanzhi agreed after a little thought.Wang Yanzhi himself came from the Wang family. Even though he had lost contact with him for many years, the blood connection was inseparable. Coupled with his father's childhood teachings, it was difficult for Wang Yanzhi to ignore the Wang family.

Furthermore, although Wang Yanzhi held an important position, compared with other colleagues, he seemed weak.Now that the Wang family belongs to him, it is also a kind of help for him.He and the Wang family depend on each other, benefit each other, get what they need, and at the same time, both prosper and lose.This is the delicate relationship between power and family.

As Wang Yanzhi became the patriarch of the Wang family, he took on the lives and future of thousands of members of the Wang family.Under such circumstances, Wang Yanzhi took every step carefully, and if he was a little careless, it would not only endanger his own life, but the lives of thousands of people.He got help, but he also restrained himself.

Here, Wang Yanzhi and Chen Wendong chatted without saying a word, with a peaceful, leisurely and calm attitude, but the soldiers he led were not so calm.

Chen Wendong had been a dog-headed military advisor for Wang Yanzhi for several years, and he did well in the army. Wang Yanzhi's subordinates were very familiar with him.Seeing that Wang Yanzhi and Chen Wendong had a happy conversation, they couldn't help but come over to say hello regardless of the prohibition. For a while, the scene was very lively.

Over there, Huahong and Zhao Mang were having a good fight, and when they caught a glimpse, they saw that Chen Wendong and Wang Yanzhi's men had become one with each other, and felt surprised.He and Zhao Mang looked at each other, and the two reined in their horses and retreated tacitly, stopping the fight.

Huahong rode up to Chen Wendong, puzzled and said, "Little Dongzi, what's going on? Have you joined the enemy?"

Chen Wendong smiled embarrassedly, he was so busy talking to Wang Yanzhi that he forgot that Huahong was fighting Zhao Mang. "Let me introduce to you, Xiaoyaner, this is your younger brother and sister Huahong, and this is Wang Yanzhi, my best friend."

After Chen Wendong's introduction, Huahong and Wang Yanzhi greeted each other.

At this moment, although Wang Yanzhi's face was calm, his heart was like a galloping horse, very restless.He never imagined that Chen Wendong, a person carved in jade, would marry such a daughter-in-law, not to mention such a grown-up, but also so sturdy!

Seeing that Chen Wendong and Wang Yanzhi had a happy conversation, Huahong felt relieved, she turned her head to look at Zhao Mang, and said with admiration, "Boy, you're a good hammer. I haven't met any opponent in Huahong for many years, and today I'm finally here." Pass the addiction."

After Zhao Mang heard this, he scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Young lady, this mace is also very powerful. I have never seen a woman like you. You are really skilled! Zhao admires it!"

Huahong laughed, very happy, "Your name is Zhao Mang, right? My name is Huahong. As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. I'm sure you are my friend.'s a pity that I haven't played to my heart's content yet."

Zhao Mang was taken aback after hearing this, and tentatively said, "Then let's fight again?"

Hua Hong immediately agreed, "Okay! Let's fight again!"

The two got on their horses and hit each other again.These two fought from horse to horse, from downhill to uphill, even forgot to eat, until the golden black fell, and then reluctantly stopped.

Wang Yanzhi was dumbfounded, and finally said with admiration: "Little Dongzi, you are so brave! How can you survive? Your daughter-in-law is not an ordinary person. If you put this on the battlefield, you will be a general. It is not impossible to lead the army in command."

Chen Wendong smiled, but didn't say anything. He naturally knew Huahong's ability, but a good general must meet a good leader in order to display his full talents.Chen Wendong had to admit that at present, Zhou Yanhuan was the most suitable candidate.Can the bonus be used to work for Zhou Yanhuan?In this case, Chen Wendong couldn't say it.

That night, Wang Yanzhi and a group of soldiers became the guests of Huajiazhai. Everyone was a cheerful person and didn't pay too much attention. Naturally, the host and guest had a good time.After the banquet, Wang Yanzhi went to see Chen Wendong's three children again, sealed the meeting ceremony, and went back to the camp.

Chen Wendong sent Wang Yanzhi away, and when he returned to the house, Huahong had already fallen asleep.Looking at the swaying bonus on the bed, Chen Wendong didn't find it funny, it seemed that she was indeed tired from the fight.Today, Huahong was very happy, with smiles on the corners of his eyes and brows, and a cheerful energy all over his body. Chen Wendong had never seen such a kind of Huahong.

In the past, Chen Wendong felt that bonuses were suitable for the battlefield, and today's fight also confirmed this point.Huahong is not only aggressive, but also has real skills. If he can really go to the front line, he will definitely be able to achieve a career.Letting such a person spend the whole day patrolling the Huajia Village to check the village is really a bit of a shame.

Chen Wendong was thinking wildly, feeling very conflicted in his heart. He helped Huahong take off her shoes and socks, covered her with the quilt, washed up a bit, and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the two sides set up their battles, and it was still Hua Hong and Zhao Mang who were fighting.Both of them were addicted to fighting, but their subordinates also kept their sense of proportion, saying it was sparring, it was better to say they were learning from each other.

People from the two sides either gathered around to watch the battle, or chatted with someone. Except for a few guards in the camp, the rest of the people were mixed into a pot of soup.

Wang Yanzhi's soldiers all regarded Chen Wendong as one of their own, and if their own people beat their own people, how should they do it?The people in Huajiazhai saw that Wang Yanzhi was not hostile, so why did they fight?Neither side has the will to fight, so how can this battle be fought?It can be said that this battle is the weirdest one ever.

This strange battle lasted for three days. On the third night, when Wang Yanzhi returned to the camp, he saw an unexpected person.

Zhou Yanhuan sat in the tent with a frosty expression on his face. He stared at Wang Yanzhi coldly, and said word by word: "I asked you to attack Huajiazhai. Is that how you did it?"

Wang Yanzhi broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly lowered his head and replied: "The last general is incompetent."

Zhou Yanhuan sneered, and mocked: "How can you be incompetent? You are too capable! Our soldiers have become brothers with the people of Huajiazhai. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, how could I believe it!"

Hearing this, Wang Yanzhi knelt down and pleaded guilty, "Your Majesty, everything is the fault of the General. The General has nothing to say. Please punish me." Since Zhou Yanhuan said so, he must have arrived early and saw the daylight. The situation between the two parties has come to an end, and Wang Yanzhi can only plead guilty first.

Zhou Yanhuan glared at Wang Yanzhi fiercely, and said bitterly: "I knew it! I knew I couldn't count on you!"

Seeing Wang Yanzhi bowed his head and knelt there without refuting, Zhou Yanhuan also softened his heart.The three of them have been friends since childhood, life and death many times, now that Chen Wendong has left, Wang Yanzhi is the only one he can trust completely.

Finally, Zhou Yanhuan sighed helplessly, and said slowly: "Get up! Tell me about the situation on the mountain."

The arrival of Zhou Yanhuan directly ended this meaningless battle.Early the next morning, Wang Yanzhi went to Huajiazhai in person, and invited the owner of Huajiazhai, Huahong and others to go to the camp for a talk.In addition, he also specified his surname and asked Chen Wendong's father and younger brother to go with him, but Chen Wendong was not invited.

As soon as Wang Yanzhi finished speaking, Chen Wendong realized that something was wrong. This invitation was definitely not from Wang Yanzhi's handwriting. Thinking of this, Chen Wendong's heart tightened.

After hearing this, the others looked at each other in blank dismay, full of doubts.

Wang Yanzhi immediately said: "Don't worry, everyone, this invitation is really a matter of discussion. I will guarantee everyone's safe return with the head of the project."

Since Wang Yanzhi talked about this, and he had something to discuss, the owner of Huazhai and others could not refuse to go, but they also made secret preparations just in case.

Chen Wendong kept staring at Wang Yanzhi, and after seeing the gestures he made, he was sure that the person who invited him was indeed Zhou Yanhuan!

He wanted to stop his father and younger brother, but out of trust in Wang Yanzhi, his father didn't listen to him at all. In desperation, Chen Wendong could only go together.He clearly knew that Zhou Yanhuan did this to force him to go over, but there was nothing he could do.

After a few years, when we met again, Zhou Yanhuan had completely faded away from his youthful innocence, exuding the charm of a mature man all over his body.Zhou Yanhuansheng has a good appearance, which makes people feel good immediately after seeing him. This can be seen from the reactions of the owner of the Huazhai village, his father and others.

Chen Wendong snorted with disdain in his heart, and found a place to sit down in the corner. Even so, he could still feel that hot gaze, like a maggot attached to the bone, which made people feel uncomfortable from the inside out.

Zhou Yanhuan bowed his hands to everyone, and said apologetically: "This king's visit this time is done in secret, and I don't want too many people to know. It's really unavoidable that I didn't visit. I hope you will forgive me."

The owner of Huazhai returned the salute, and then went straight to the point, "Your Majesty, you are too polite. I don't know why His Majesty asked us to come?"

Zhou Yanhuan smiled slightly, and said bluntly: "The master of Huazhai speaks quickly, which suits my king's appetite. This time, my king sent people to attack Huajiazhai. The original intention was to force General Chen to return to Yandang Mountain. Otherwise, I would not Will hand over the task to General Wang.

In the past few days, everyone has also seen that this king is not hostile. It is really that this king loves talents so much that he is reluctant to part with General Chen. "Speaking, Zhou Yanhuan looked at Chen Wendong.

Facing dozens of gazes, Chen Wendong suddenly felt very embarrassed, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Zhou Yanhuan didn't make things difficult for him, and quickly changed the subject, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Huajiazhai really made me look very impressed. Is this the Flower Lady?"

Hua Hong saluted Zhou Yanhuan, and said cheerfully, "That's right, it's Hua Hong."

Zhou Yanhuan nodded, his eyes were full of admiration, "The flower girl can be equally as good as General Zhao, which shows that she is very skilled, which really impresses me. Forgive me, the flower girl does not go to the battlefield, but guards the flowers all day long." Jiazhai, it's really a pity."

Zhou Yanhuan's words can be regarded as reaching Huahong's heart.Huahong is a person who likes fighting and killing the most. If she hadn't been born as a grassroots bandit and the army rarely accepts women, she might have joined the army long ago.

Seeing the bonus, Zhou Yanhuan was moved, and continued: "This king sincerely invites me. I wonder if Xia Hua would like to serve in our army?"

Huahong frowned, but finally shook her head and said: "My Majesty's heart, Huahong has received it, but there are thousands of people in Huajiazhai, and I can't leave them alone. I still stay in Huajia Fortress."

After a little thought, Zhou Yanhuan understood the meaning of Hua Hong, so he persuaded: "Flower girl don't have to worry, I, Zhou Yanhuan, hereby swear that no matter what the future situation is, Huajiazhai will always be named Hua. Once Huajiazhai If there is any difficulty, I, Zhou Yanhuan, will do my best to help and will never stand by. Of course, the premise is that Xia Hua will work in our army."

Hua Hong's expression changed, and finally said: "Your Majesty, let me think about it."

Zhou Yanhuan saw that the bonus was wavering, so he stopped talking, turned around and said to Father Chen: "How is Uncle Chen doing these past few years? I heard that Wen Ju has plans to join the army? If you trust me, come and work by my side how?"

When Father Chen heard this, his heart paused. Wenju is not a material for reading, and he is not good at doing business.You can't go home to farm, can you?Wen Ju has always planned to join the army. If he hadn't kept pressing him, he would have joined the army long ago.

And his view of Zhou Yanhuan was not as unreasonable as Chen Wendong said. Now that Zhou Yanhuan is extending an olive branch to him, it is a lie to say that he is not tempted.But considering Chen Wendong, Chen's father did not agree after all.

Zhou Yanhuan smiled faintly, "Uncle Chen, don't rush to refuse, go back and discuss it with Wen Ju, and it won't be too late for me to reply. He is still young, and it is always good to have more experience. Wen Guang is still studying now?"

Wen Ju hurriedly stood up and replied, "Yes, I will take care of you, Your Majesty."

Zhou Yanhuan said earnestly and earnestly: "When the world is peaceful in the future, the country will definitely open courses to recruit scholars. At that time, you scholars will come in handy. You are a good person. Don't just study in the future. Go out and walk more. Looking at the customs of the world, reading is also for governing the world, and applying what you learn is the most important thing.”

Wen Guang felt quite reasonable after listening to it, and couldn't help but salute deeply, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your reminder, Wen Guang will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

Chen Wendong looked at Zhou Yanhuan's right and left, talking happily with everyone, and he couldn't help feeling angry.Why did he win everyone's favor with just a few words?Why can't everyone see clearly the essence of this gentle beast?

Chen Wendong was secretly angry, when he heard Zhou Yanhuan say again: "Uncle Chen, Master Huazhai, you can also help me persuade Xiaodongzi when you have time. Xiaodongzi is both wise and brave, and he is a rare talent. He and this king It's the relationship from childhood to adulthood, this king has always treated him as a brother."

Chen Wendong secretly rolled his eyes, quite disdainful in his heart.Shit brother, is it brother Qi brother?

"Before I heard that he died in battle, this king was heartbroken, and sent people to search for his body, but there was no result. This king also ordered people to investigate his whereabouts. Unexpectedly, he ended up in Huajiazhai.

When the king heard the news, he was both happy and angry, so he wrote a letter asking him why he didn't go back to Yandang Mountain.Hey... Maybe Xiaodongzi misunderstood something. After thinking about it, the king felt that it would be more at ease to come and see in person. "

Hearing this, Chen Wendong almost lost his temper, Zhou Yanhuan, you can really turn black and white, and confuse right and wrong.However, even if you tell me the flowers, I don't plan to go back again!

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