After such an incident, Chen Wendong became more cautious in selecting candidates. If he really wanted to find a vixen to come to his house, how would he live his life?Even if I sent him away, I felt panicked.

When re-selecting candidates, Chen Wendong paid more attention to dignified and stable gentlemen, preferably with a family, so that there would be less trouble, and he could get rid of his frizzy temperament by being rigid.

After a month of selection, Chen Wendong finally found a suitable one.This lady's husband's family name is Xi, and she used to be a wealthy family here. Because her husband passed away early and her family fell into poverty, she had no choice but to come out as a lady husband to support the family.Although Mr. Xi is also a widow and has a seven-year-old daughter with him, fortunately, he speaks and behaves dignifiedly, and he is very knowledgeable.

Yaya's reaction to Mr. Xi was mediocre, but she was very interested in her daughter. The two girls hit it off very well, and played together soon after meeting.

Seeing that Mr. Xi's daughter is well-behaved and sensible, and the etiquette and rules are also remarkable, Chen Wendong made an appointment with Mr. Xi.

As expected, Mr. Xi did not disappoint Chen Wendong. In just one month, Yaya's temper has calmed down a lot. At least she looks like a girl. Chen Wendong is quite pleased about this.

He didn't have much contact with Mr. Xi, and he knew most of the things from Yaya and his subordinates.In the few times we met, Mr. Xi only chatted with him about Yaya, behaved politely and low-key, and Chen Wendong gradually felt relieved.

On this day, Chen Wendong came home from the dark pavilion and met Mr. Xi at the door.

"General Chen." Mr. Xi nodded slightly, as a greeting to Chen Wendong.

Chen Wendong hurriedly stopped, "Sir, you have worked hard, why don't you leave after eating in the residence?"

Mr. Xi hesitated for a while, and said truthfully: "Yu'er has been unwell for the past two days. I don't worry about her being at home alone, so I won't eat at the mansion." Yu'er is Mr. Xi's daughter.

When Chen Wendong heard this, he hurriedly said: "Since this is the case, sir, let's take care of Yu'er at home first. It doesn't matter if the little girl's homework is delayed for a few days. When Yu'er recovers from illness, it will not be too late for you to come to class again."

Mr. Xi saluted again, "Thank you, General, for your understanding. Yu'er just caught a cold occasionally, and she is fine now, so there is no need to delay Miss's homework."

"Well, if you need anything, sir, just tell the manager of the mansion." Now that Mr. Xi said so, Chen Wendong didn't say anything more.

Mr. Xi smiled slightly, and suddenly said: "I have one more thing to tell the general. Miss is learning how to make hairpins for the past two days. I plan to take her to the shops on the street to see the fashionable styles."

Naturally, Chen Wendong would not object to this kind of young daughter's matter, and he readily agreed.

The two chatted for a few more words, and just as Chen Wendong was about to say goodbye to Mr. Xi, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Little Dongzi, what are you talking about?"

When Chen Wendong turned his head, he saw Zhou Yanhuan standing not far away, staring at him rightly.

"Why are you here?" Chen Wendong was a little surprised.

Seeing that Chen Wendong had guests, Mr. Xi hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Zhou Yanhuan looked at Mr. Xi's back, his eyes narrowed imperceptibly, and there was a chill in his eyes.

Mr. Xi shivered inexplicably, and hurriedly quickened his pace. It's better to go back and add some clothes. Why did he suddenly feel a little cold?

It wasn't until Mr. Xi's figure disappeared around the corner that Zhou Yanhuan looked away, "What are you talking about with her, so happy?"

Chen Wendong suddenly felt a jealous smell rushing over his face, "I didn't talk about anything, I just said hello."

"It takes so long to say hello?" Zhou Yanhuan frowned and asked immediately.

Chen Wendong looked at Zhou Yanhuan with a sour face, and was a little dazed for a while. Was he jealous?The two have known each other for such a long time, this is the first time seeing Zhou Yanhuan jealous for him, Chen Wendong finds it very novel.

"She is the lady I invited, isn't it normal to talk about the child by the way?" Although Chen Wendong felt that there was no need to explain, because Zhou Yanhuan was jealous of him, he still said a few more words.

Zhou Yanhuan followed Chen Wendong to the house, muttering, "You don't get in touch with her in the future, and you smile so charmingly, it's not a good thing at first sight."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Xi has always been dignified and stable. He is not the kind of person you are talking about. Don't ruin his reputation." Chen Wendong hurriedly stopped him. Mr. Xi is a widowed woman, and her life is not easy. It is this kind of right and wrong that is afraid of.If Zhou Yanhuan's words spread, no one would dare to find her as a husband in the future. Wouldn't this cut off their livelihood?

Zhou Yanhuan didn't think so. When he heard Chen Wendong speak out in defense of the woman, he became jealous for a moment, and he spoke without any scruples.

"Isn't she just a widow with a child, worthy of your maintenance? What am I not better than him?"

Seeing that he was so unrestrained, Chen Wendong's expression turned ugly, "Isn't it? Compared with the king's beautiful wife and beautiful concubine, it is really nothing."

When he heard that Chen Wendong was going to turn over the old account, Zhou Yanhuan's arrogance immediately became three points lower, "Little Dongzi, how many years have passed since this happened, why are you bringing it up again? Now there is no one around me."

Chen Wendong glared at him, and strode towards the living room.

Zhou Yanhuan really went too far. Fortunately, he had already entered the house just now. If it was on the street, he would have a lot of fun.As for Zhou Yanhuan's entourage and servants in the mansion, he completely ignored them. They have seen more extreme things than this, so there is nothing to care about.

Zhou Yanhuan's visit this time, apart from talking to Chen Wendong about his lovesickness, he also brought an important news—he planned to recruit Zhou Yanhao and Yang Baiquan to the north.

"This is too hasty. You have just defeated the Nanfan King, and it is time to stabilize your strength. Why rush to the North?" Chen Wendong disagreed very much.

"Of course not now, it should be fine in half a year. The remaining troops of the Nanfan King have almost been cleaned up, and the fields in the territory have begun to be cultivated normally. After half a year, new food and grass will be in place, and the army can also be rested during this period. .”

Chen Wendong lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "If you want to march north, you must first capture Zhou Yanhao's royal city. His royal city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. When Zhou Yanji attacked him, he failed to attack for several months. , are you sure?"

Zhou Yanhuan was relaxed, and he said confidently: "No matter how strong a city is, there are still weaknesses. Isn't there still half a year left? I can always think of a way."

Chen Wendong still reminded: "Zhou Yanhao is different from Nanfan Wang, he has strict population control, it is not easy to send people to sneak into the Wangcheng, and the road of disintegrating from the inside will not work.

Over the years, he has continuously strengthened the defense of the royal city, not to mention impenetrable. If it could be easily breached, Yang Boquan would have taken action long ago.If possible, I don't recommend you to directly attack Wangcheng, or even confront Zhou Yanhao first. "

"Why? Zhou Yanhao's territory is between me and Yang Baiquan. If Zhou Yanhao is not dealt with, it will definitely pose a threat to the army going north. I can't leave a wolf guarding my house."

Chen Wendong asked without answering, "Did you forget that the north of Hua's house is also adjacent to Yang Baiquan?"

Zhou Yanhuan was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "But that is the territory of the barbarians. If I remember correctly, the leader there is called Ge Bilun, right?"

"What about the Hu people's territory? Ge Bilun is just a small tribal leader. Could it be that the Hu people will fight you for him? And if it works properly, we don't have to kill Ge Bilun at all, we can use the way. Ge Bilun's territory There is a large mountain forest between Yang Baiquan's territory, and it will be easier to hide his whereabouts if he invades from there."

Zhou Yanhuan's eyes brightened the more he listened, "If it's feasible, can we still attack from both sides?"

Chen Wendong nodded, "If the plan is thorough, there should be no problem. In fact, there is a better way."

"What method?" Zhou Yanhuan asked.

Chen Wendong raised his eyebrows and smiled, with a bit of slyness in his eyes, "His voice hits the west."

As soon as Chen Wendong mentioned it, Zhou Yanhuan immediately figured out everything. A burst of ecstasy surged in his heart, and he picked up Chen Wendong and turned around on the spot several times.

"Little Dongzi, you are really my lucky star!"

Chen Wendong struggled to get out of Zhou Yanhuan's embrace, looking a little annoyed, "Speak as you speak, why do you move!"

Zhou Yanhuan smirked, "Little Dongzi, how did your head grow, and why do you have so many crazy ideas?"

Chen Wendong rolled his eyes at him, "How can you talk!"

Zhou Yanhuan hurried over to rub Chen Wendong's shoulders, flattering him while rubbing, "I'm praising you for your resourcefulness, wisdom and courage."

Although Chen Wendong looked disgusted on the surface, he still enjoyed Zhou Yanhuan's kindness in his heart.

Zhou Yanhuan's strength was well controlled, Chen Wendong squinted his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, almost humming out of comfort.

Zhou Yanhuan looked at Chen Wendong's fair neck and fleshy earlobes, and his throat couldn't help moving, and the kneading movements also paused.

Chen Wendong turned his head and asked puzzledly, "Why don't you pinch it? I haven't enjoyed enough yet."

Looking at Chen Wendong's lazy expression and his half-closed Danfeng eyes, Zhou Yanhuan felt a rush of hotness in his heart, and then he involuntarily kissed Chen Wendong's lips.

"You... um..." Before Chen Wendong could react, Zhou Yanhuan restrained his movements.

Zhou Yanhuan dragged the back of his head with his right hand, bit his lower lip and rubbed it lightly. The moment he opened his mouth, the tip of his tongue immediately went in.The flexible tongue moved in the mouth, entangled with the other uvula, eager to dance with him.

Chen Wendong also had a reaction soon, he just struggled for a moment, and then he was completely immersed in this kind of happiness.

When Zhou Yanhuan began to tear his robe, Chen Wendong's sanity gradually returned, he pushed Zhou Yanhuan away forcefully, and stood up panting.

Chen Wendong straightened out his messy clothes and tried his best to calm down the restlessness in his body. It took a long time before he regained his composure.

He glanced at Zhou Yanhuan, pretending to be calm and said: "You go back first."

A look of disappointment flashed in Zhou Yanhuan's eyes, but he didn't violate Chen Wendong's intention, "Well, I'll come see you tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he straightened his clothes, turned and walked out of the room.

He also knew that there was nothing he could do today. The two of them had been in a stalemate for so long, and it was already very good to have such a breakthrough. If they acted too hastily, it would be counterproductive.

After Zhou Yanhuan left, Chen Wendong also breathed a sigh of relief.Today's facts were too unexpected, and he didn't understand how the two of them got entangled together. If reason hadn't prevailed at the last moment, they would have fired.

Chen Wendong wondered, when did he and Zhou Yanhuan become so close?Since when did he no longer dislike Zhou Yanhuan's courteous approach?If he continues like this, will he open his heart to Zhou Yanhuan one day?Or maybe the door had already been opened, but he didn't know it.

The next day, Zhou Yanhuan came to Chen Wendong with his usual expression. The two had a tacit understanding and did not mention what happened yesterday, but subtle changes took place in the way they got along.

Zhou Yanhuan is like a young boy, he can't help but tease the other party, but he can always stop before the other party gets angry.And although Chen Wendong spoke fiercely, for some reason, he didn't stop Zhou Yanhuan from making progress.

Just when the two were getting better, it was time for Zhou Yanhuan to leave.As an overlord, he can't always be so leisurely, even Chen Wendong has a lot of things to do.

Before leaving, Zhou Yanhuan reluctantly said, "Little Dongzi, you must remember to miss me, I miss you all the time. Also, don't flirt with women."

Chen Wendong stared, "Can you still talk properly? If you don't want to talk, just leave!"

Zhou Yanhuan's throat moved lightly, he suddenly hugged Chen Wendong, and then kissed him.

After the kiss was over, the two blushed and their hearts were beating, their clothes were messy. When their eyes overlapped and they saw each other's appearance, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhou Yanhuan tidied up his clothes, held Chen Wendong's hands tightly, and said loudly: "Give me time, and I will fulfill my promise."

After Zhou Yanhuan left, Chen Wendong couldn't calm down for a long time.After experiencing so much pain, he accepted Zhou Yanhuan again, but he didn't know whether this choice was a new beginning for him or another torture.

Zhou Yanhuan returned to Ganges Island and began intensive preparations for the crusade.This time, he brought Zhou Zhengze by his side, the significance of which is self-evident.

Five months later, Zhou Yanhuan summoned the leaders of the secret cabinet to discuss matters in Ganges Island, and Chen Wendong was also among the candidates. He knew that the war was about to start again.

Sure enough, this meeting was mainly to discuss the crusade against Yang Baiquan and Zhou Yanhao.Originally, Chen Wendong thought that he would still be responsible for raising food and silver this time, but Zhou Yanhuan did not assign him a task at the secret cabinet meeting.

Chen Wendong was puzzled, and the leaders of the dark pavilion were also surprised.

"Why didn't your majesty arrange tasks for General Chen?"This is a cash cow! '

'Has General Chen fallen out of favor?Doesn't it look like the king's attitude? '

People were guessing endlessly, and Chen Wendong was also very curious.

That night, Zhou Yanhuan walked into Chen Wendong's room in the dark, and saw Chen Wendong looking at him with a smile as soon as he entered the door.After nearly half a year of separation, the two were a little bit in love, and soon kissed each other.When Zhou Yanhuan's hand went to untie Chen Wendong's belt, Chen Wendong's body froze and he woke up immediately.

"No!" Chen Wendong panted and escaped from under Zhou Yanhuan.

Zhou Yanhuan rushed forward again, and Chen Wendong ran away again. After doing this several times, Zhou Yanhuan was completely discouraged.

"Little Dongzi, what are you playing!" Zhou Yanhuan was furious, he slumped onto the bed, and beat the head of the bed vigorously, the hard mahogany bed made a dull sound.

Chen Wendong also knew that he was disappointed, so he simply stood at the end of the bed and kept silent.

After a long time, Zhou Yanhuan sighed helplessly, "Stop standing, sit down, let's talk."

Seeing that his lust had receded, Chen Wendong straightened his robe and sat down next to him.

"After all, you still don't trust me, do you?" Zhou Yanhuan said suddenly.

Do not trust?Chen Wendong was speechless.Perhaps when Zhou Yanhuan betrayed him and chose to marry Tan Xin, his trust in Zhou Yanhuan no longer existed.Thinking of all the past, Chen Wendong couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Chen Wendong's smile was too bitter, and Zhou Yanhuan couldn't help feeling a twinge of pain in his heart, and he couldn't say any more accusations.

He took Chen Wendong's hand, held him in his arms, rubbed his cheek against the ear of the person in his arms, and whispered: "Little Dongzi, try to trust me from now on, okay?"

After a long time, Chen Wendong nodded slightly, "Although I can't guarantee that I can do it, I will try my best to believe in you."

Smelling the faint deodorant on Chen Wendong's body, Zhou Yanhuan let out a long sigh, "It's okay, I was too a jerk before, I won't do it again, absolutely not again! Xiaodongzi, trust me again!"

That night, the two embraced and slept together.In the morning, when Chen Wendong woke up, Zhou Yanhuan had already left. Recalling everything last night, he felt a little unreal.

After a hasty breakfast, Chen Wendong entered the meeting room again. Yesterday was the internal meeting of the secret cabinet, and today is the grand meeting of all officials.

The previous few things were expected by everyone. They were nothing more than discussing the time of the expedition and leading the generals, but a decision suddenly announced by Zhou Yanhuan in the middle of the meeting made everyone unacceptable.

Zhou Yanhuan wanted to fight in person, and after Zhou Yanhao's Eastern Conquest, he decided to go out in person again.

Not to mention, after the personal conquest, Zhou Yanhuan announced that during his personal conquest, all government affairs would be handled by Zhou Zhengze, with Chen Wendong as his assistant.

Now not only the ministers were surprised, even Chen Wendong couldn't sit still.

"Think twice, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance, and you must not be arrogant!"


There was a lot of opposition from below, Zhou Yanhuan sat on the throne and watched coldly, but he was not moved at all.

A group of ministers persuaded him earnestly for a long time, seeing that Zhou Yanhuan was determined to go to the army himself, he could only hold back the flag for the time being.

Gradually, the ministers began to point their finger at Chen Wendong.Compared with the personal conquest, the matter of Chen Wendong assisting the government is even more unacceptable, and the opposition from the audience is even higher.Some people even said words to bewitch the king's heart and be a treacherous sycophant.

Chen Wendong listened quietly, his expression extremely ugly.

Although Zhou Yanhuan made him angry for not notifying him in advance, the remarks made by the ministers made him even more angry.

He, Chen Wendong, has paid so much for Zhou Yanhuan and the dark pavilion. Although it is not a great achievement, he can't be called a treacherous villain, can he?According to these ministers, he doesn't have to live anymore.

When the ministers at the bottom had finished speaking, Zhou Yanhuan said: "You keep saying that General Chen is bewitching the king's heart and that he is a treacherous villain. Do you have any evidence?"

"If it weren't for some people to contribute slander, why would the king want to conquer himself? And why would he appoint him to assist the government?"

Zhou Yanhuan sneered, "The matter of the personal conquest is decided by this king, and the matter of General Chen's assistance to the government is also decided by this king. The reason why I do this is naturally my king's reason, and it cannot be swayed by anyone. Bewitching the emperor's heart? A traitor? Do you think that this king is a foolish king with no opinion!"

Zhou Yanhuan slapped the table hard, and the ministers hurriedly lowered their heads, and the meeting hall was completely silent for a while.

"The reason why this king wants to conscript himself is to kill Zhou Yanhao and avenge the former king. As a son of man, he can't even do this, so why talk about unifying the world!"

After a pause, Zhou Yanhuan asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any opinions on the personal conquest?"

The youngest Tan stood up first, raised her hands and shouted: "Your Majesty is benevolent and filial, we will follow you to the death and avenge your late king!"

Then, someone else stood up and shouted loudly.

Seeing this situation, those ministers who opposed had no choice but to give up, and the matter of personal conquest was settled.

Zhou Yanhuan continued: "You say that General Chen is a treacherous villain, but I want to ask, what kind of treachery did he do?"

Seeing that no one answered, Zhou Yanhuan mocked, "General Chen has been with me since he was a child, and he has saved my life since he was a soldier, and he fought for me a few years ago. Life and death. With his talent, not to mention just being a general in name, he can command an army with ease. If he didn't get injured when he broke through the siege on Ganges Island, how could I let him stay at home?

Even so, General Chen still cares about the soldiers on the front line and works hard for their daily expenses. Do you know how much food, grass and winter clothes General Chen has raised for the soldiers over the years?If such courtiers are treacherous villains, then what are you? ! "

Zhou Yanhuan yelled sharply, and the ministers who had challenged Chen Wendong before couldn't help but tremble.

Zhou Yanhuan glanced at these people one by one, "General Chen is loyal to this king. He is second to none in terms of resourcefulness and experience. He used to be Zhengze's husband. Why can't he assist the government?"

Zhou Yanhuan resorted to thunderous tactics, and the officials under him were stunned. Zhou Zhengze took over the government, and the matter of Chen Wendong's assistant government was also settled.

Chen Wendong didn't expect that Zhou Yanhuan would speak up to defend himself, let alone that he would give him such a high evaluation.He looked at the person on the throne, but he recalled every bit of the time in Yandang Mountain in his mind.

When he was born and died, all he asked for was Zhou Yanhuan's protection, but he always couldn't get it. Compared with today's situation, Chen Wendong was more sad than happy.For the same person, there is such a big difference between caring and not caring!

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