Lin Xuan's explanation was really far-fetched, Shen Shuang shook her head, and said in disapproval: "Your sister is not too old now, so don't be so anxious. Once this marriage is settled, it's easy to go back on it. Naturally, it's better to be more careful. Use more There is no rush for this kind of thing.”

Although Lin Xuan didn't like Li Hong threatening him with this matter, he also understood the truth. If Lin Junyao didn't marry well in a hurry, he would be the one who regretted it.At this time, after listening to Shen Shuang's words, he had no choice but to hold back the irritability in his heart, and only thought that after a while, he would help Lin Junyao take a good look to see if there was anything suitable.

On the second day, Li Hong arrived at the gate of the Lin Mansion as scheduled. After Lin Xuan came out, the two went to Li Hong's village in the suburbs and had a good time.

In the next few months, whenever Li Hong had time, he would invite Lin Xuan to some places with unique scenery, and Lin Xuan had to agree to Li Hong's invitation for some reason.

In this way, gradually, Lin Xuan changed from being disgusted when he was invited by Li Hong to looking forward to it now, and his attitude took a 180-degree turn.

Lin Xuan himself may not have noticed such a change, but Li Hong has clearly noticed it. However, Li Hong is naturally happy to see this kind of change come to fruition. Is this not a waste of all his hard work? .

Don't think that Li Hong simply invites Lin Xuan to go out for fun. In fact, every step he is taking now has been carefully considered countless times. For example, when should he go where, when should he say something, When to do what action, this is Li Hong after careful consideration.

Li Hong is now using this method of boiling frogs in warm water to infiltrate himself into Lin Xuan's life little by little, so that he can gradually get used to his existence and gradually become inseparable from himself. This is Li Hong's idea. real purpose.

I don't know if Lin Xuan can feel these thoughts and thoughts of Li Hong, but there is no doubt that whether Lin Xuan knows Li Hong's purpose or not, judging from the change in his attitude, Li Hong's strategy Undoubtedly it has been achieved.

But this can't be blamed for Lin Xuan's lack of firmness. It is impossible for anyone to be so painstakingly curry favored by a person, let alone that person is your original bosom friend, even more so.

Although Lin Xuan's attitude has gradually softened during this period of time, even if he clearly knows that the other party has that kind of thought for him, he can't completely avoid the other party like before. Li Hong is thinking about asking Lin Xuan out, but also Don't try to find excuses to threaten him.

But Lin Daiyu's marriage was settled quickly, although Lin Daiyu's reputation was slightly damaged by staying in Jia's house for those years.But after all, she was still young at that time, and now that Lin Xuan married the princess again, it would also improve Lin Daiyu's status. Moreover, even if it was for Lin Ruhai's face, many people would agree to this marriage , so Lin Daiyu got married very smoothly.

Coincidentally, the person who came to Lin's mansion to propose marriage was the youngest son of Master Lin Xuan. Back then, when Lin Xuan hadn't been named on the gold list, Master Lin Xuan had thought of taking his little daughter betrothed to him.Unexpectedly, Emperor Longqing stopped him halfway, and the marriage was not completed, but there were mistakes. Although the marriage between Lin Xuan and his youngest daughter did not work out, the marriage between Lin Daiyu and his youngest son is now But it was settled, and the two families still got married after all.

Although the marriage has been settled, there are still many steps to go before the actual marriage. If all of them are settled, Lin Daiyu's real wedding date will be a few months later.

Because he is the son of his teacher's family, Lin Xuan has met that person a few times, he is pretty handsome, and looks gentle, Lin Xuan privately thinks that this is actually quite good, you want to marry If a man looks better than you, then how can you keep him.

Moreover, both of them are scholars, and if they live together in the future, they will have a common topic. Thinking about it this way, this marriage is not bad.

That person is also a very obedient person. Since the marriage of the two families was settled, Lin Xuan has been invited out frequently. On the one hand, he wants to make friends with this uncle, and on the other hand, he also wants to inquire about his future from the side. News from the wife.

Speaking of this era, it is really a blind marriage. The two of them are already engaged, and they are about to marry. Does this person not know what Lin Daiyu's name is? He only knows that he is going to marry him That person is the eldest girl of the Lin family.

He remembered that when he married Princess Fuya, he didn't know what the other party's name was, and he secretly asked Li Hong for news.Thinking of this, Lin Xuan couldn't help looking at him with a taste of being connected with the disease. Regarding some things about Lin Daiyu, sometimes he would quietly pick out some unimportant things and reveal them to the other party.

In this way, the person and Lin Xuan communicated more frequently. You must know that in this ancient time when young ladies could not easily go out, it was really difficult to find out some news about his future wife.

However, Li Hong was not happy with this. As a prince, he also has a lot of things to do every day. He has very little free time, and he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with Lin Xuan. Now this person spends almost every day If he wants to be tired of being with Lin Xuan, how can he and Lin Xuan get along alone.

Li Hong would never admit it. It was because he saw Lin Xuan had been with that person for a long time, and he felt a little jealous. The prince of his majestic Zhou Dynasty would not do such childish things.

That's what I said, but when I turned back, Li Hong found an errand for that person, hmph, let you pester my family Lin Xuan all day, now I've found so many things for you, I'm so busy, let's see if you still have any That's a no-brainer.

In fact, these are just Li Hong's own subjective conjectures. Both Lin Xuan and that person have things to do, and they are not the kind of idlers who don't have to do anything. How can they get tired of being together every day? Just come out once in a while.

However, Lin Xuan naturally wouldn't say these things to Li Hong. After these days of adjustments, Lin Xuan's mentality also quietly changed. He watched Li Hong's jealous behavior with great interest.

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