Inseparable from the Ancient Sword

Chapter 8 The Old Family!

On this rainy night, many things are destined to change quietly.

After midnight, the Cang Mansion in the inner city ushered in a distinguished guest.The man was wrapped in a black cloak, and he stepped down from the soft sedan lightly and quickly. Even though the rain was pouring, he didn't use any spells to avoid the rain, just like a ghost sneaking into the night.

The man quickly came to the gate of the Cang Mansion and knocked on the gate three times very regularly.The side door on the side opened in response to the sound, and a hunched old servant walked out from inside.The old servant's health was really bad, he staggered when he walked, and coughed every time he took two steps.It took only a dozen steps from the side to the main entrance, and the old servant walked for half a stick of incense. He coughed so loudly along the way that one had to worry that he would cough up all his lungs.

Holding a dim yellow crystal lamp in his hand, the old servant leaned over the man in black and looked back and forth several times before nodding. "Lord Luo Ji, please come inside." After speaking, there was another earth-shattering cough.

Luo Ji secretly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, followed the old servant quickly through the front yard to a wing room.After seeing Luo Ji go in, the old servant quickly closed the door, his movements were very neat, without the slightest sign of sickness or aging.

It was bitterly cold outside, but inside it was as warm as spring.The furnishings in the house look simple but luxurious and low-key.Liuyue City was trapped for more than nine days, and its supplies were scarce. Most of the residents used rough stone cloth, and the better ones could only use some wooden utensils. A thick animal skin carpet was laid carefully, poems, calligraphy and paintings were hung on the wall, high-quality spices were lit in the stove, and a plate of fresh fruits was placed on the table!Luo Ji looked around, almost straightened his eyes, and couldn't help admiring in his heart: The Cang family is worthy of being the relatives of the city lord and the head of the family. Such things are probably not even found in the high priest's hall.

On the low couch, an old man was resting with his eyes closed, and beside him stood a young man in green clothes.After greeting each other, the young man in green politely led Luo Ji to sit in front of the low couch and brought a cup of hot tea.

Blessed by the sacred tree Jumu, the Lieshan tribe can live without drinking or eating, and the Fuxi barrier blocks the communication between Liuyue City and the outside world. Over time, the Lieshan tribe has abandoned food and drink.It wasn't until Xie Yi broke Fuxi's enchantment many years ago that the outside world's tea, wine and food gradually returned to the sight of Liuyue City people.It's just that the road to the lower realm is very difficult and dangerous, and Lieshanbu can't adapt to the turbid air of the lower realm, so very few things from the lower realm can be transported to Liuyue City, and only the most noble people can enjoy it.

Luo Ji recognized the tea leaves in front of him, and the top-quality Yuqian Longjing only weighed three catties in total: one catty for the city lord Cangming, one catty for the Ziwei priest Shen Ye, and the remaining one catty was distributed among the various families according to their grades.By the time Luo Ji had less than half a tael of tea in his hand, Luo Ji would not want to drink it at all, but he didn't expect that the Cang family would take it out to treat guests casually!

Thinking of this, Luo Ji's tone couldn't help becoming sour: "The old grand master is so lucky!"

The old man didn't even move his eyelids, he still sat upright and closed his eyes to rest his mind.The young man in green saluted, and said, "Lord Luo is laughing. My father is not in good health, so please speak directly to Master Luo."

Luo Ji stopped joking and put down his tea bowl to explain the purpose of coming here in detail. "Hello, grand master, the purpose of coming here next time is to discuss important plans! The grand master also knows that the city lord Cang Ming is seriously ill and has to go to Jumu to heal his wounds. Outsiders are not allowed to see each other for a year. Instead, the Shen Ye, the Ziwei priest, is free to visit the city lord in the silence. To put it nicely, he is passing the orders of the city lord. But everyone doesn't understand, this is clearly Shen Ye who is usurping power and seeking the throne!"

Luo Ji was filled with righteous indignation, but the old master Canglong remained motionless.Luo Ji hated his teeth so much that he had no choice but to add more anger: "Old master, I have always respected the city lord of Liuyue City - that is the noblest bloodline from the ancient gods! And the priesthood, after all, , is just a courtier - the family background is not high, the blood is mixed, and he only knows two spells. Now, he is so bold that he always opposes my old family, cuts our power, takes our position, and even drives us out. Get out of the inner city! Old Grand Master, the old family is the foundation of Liuyue City! How can we sit still and let that yellow-mouthed boy ride on our heads?!"

The more Luo Ji spoke, the more excited he became, and at the end, he knelt tremblingly and cried bitterly.

Canglong finally opened his eyes, and said slowly, "I heard that your son Luo Yan was killed by Shen Ye?"

Lie Shanbu is a descendant of the ancient gods and has a long lifespan. Even if he is two or three hundred years old, he looks like a young man with a beautiful appearance.But the appearance of this old Grand Master Mosasaurus is not quite the same, his beard and hair are all white, and his face is full of wrinkles. From a distance, it looks like a dead tree with two hangs of dead grass hanging on it.His eyes were already blind, and his pupils were yellowish.When those eyes look at you without moving, it just chills your heart.

It was these eyes that made Luo Ji's heart skip a beat, and the crying stopped abruptly, like a squawking duck being pinched by the neck.However, he was really unwilling to reconcile, and said again and again: "The hatred of seizing a son is naturally irreconcilable. But as an old family, as a person of Liuyue City, my heart and mind are all about the future of Liuyue City! Old Grand Master, You are the Patriarch of the Cang family, and even the leader of my old clan, as long as you give an order, my Luojiang Yuan clan will definitely rise up!"

"So... you want to oppose?"

"Old master, we are saving the Lord of Cangming City, punishing the rebellious officials and thieves, how can we talk about rebellion?"

Mosang Long shook his head: "Stupid! What you have to do now is to put away all these thoughts. Go back home and stay honestly. Do whatever Shen Ye wants you to do. What you said just now, Let it rot in my stomach, don't mention it again."

"Old Master!" Luo Ji almost jumped up.He was so angry that he almost yelled, but because of the old grand master's face, he didn't dare to go too far.It's just that his face was twisted, he flicked his sleeves, and turned his back. "Isn't the old grand master afraid of chilling people's hearts by doing this?"

"...People's hearts?" Mosong smiled slightly. "When you really understand people's hearts, come and tell me this sentence..." After saying this, Mosao closed his eyes again.

Luo Ji wanted to say more, but was invited out by Cang Mao.Luo Ji was unwilling, but Cang Mao and the old servant almost dragged him out.As the head of the Luo family, when did Luo Ji receive such treatment?So after coming out, Luo Ji did not go back immediately, but instructed the bearers to go around to the back door of Cang's house.

"Where did you come from? How dare you sneak into the Cang Mansion?"

"Brother, let me go in. I am the priest of the Shennong Temple, and I have something important to report to the old grand master!"

At the back door of the Cang Mansion, there were two people confronting each other. One was tall and thick, wearing the clothes of a servant of the Cang Mansion, while the other was thin, ragged, and looked dirty.

The servant snorted. "Priest of the temple? Don't you piss and look like yourself? With your appearance, how dare you call yourself a priest of the temple?"

"I'm really a priest of the temple! I really am!" The man was so anxious that he almost knelt down. "I was murdered by someone, by Shen Ye! Because I know Lord Po Jun is dead, so Shen Ye wants to kill me!"

Hearing this, Luo Ji's eyes narrowed - God helped me!

Inside the Cang Mansion, Cang Mao whispered in Cang Long's ear, "Luo Ji has already brought him back."

Mosasaurus sat quietly, as if asleep.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

The author has something to say: Conspiracies and tricks, what a bunch of brain cells I really died!!!!!~~~~(>_<)~~~~

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