After becoming the king of the subjugated country

Chapter 73 Candidates for the Fengming Cabinet

Ji Chen has small gatherings with people every day, and the banquet has never stopped. At first, Ji Shao, Ji Pei and others showed joy because of Ji Chen's trust, but when they got busier and more memorials were approved, more and more At that time, everyone began to find reasons unconsciously and hid outside, but Qin Sheng couldn't find any reason.

Who told him that when he was young and frivolous, he said that he wanted to take over from his father, to be the youngest prime minister of Yue, to assist the wisest king, and to create great achievements that would last forever.

Qin Sheng was expressionless, and couldn't help but reflect in a low voice while flipping through the memorial, "My current fatigue is all caused by the past. When I have a child——"

Qin Sheng paused for a moment, thinking about how to describe his misery in words, Ji Chen raised his head from the memorial, and thoughtfully added for him: "When you have a child, you can send him to the palace, train him well, and try to let him Take over your burden as soon as possible. This is called inheriting the father's legacy and passing it on from generation to generation."

Qin Sheng: "..."

Qin Sheng's heart was moved shamefully.

He handed over the most complicated screening work, but Ji Chen still had to go through all the memorials.

Qin Sheng got up and sent over a pile of approved memorials. He saw Ji Chen registering the courtiers' names with a pamphlet, his eyes froze for a moment, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart, "Your Majesty, what are you? "

Ji Chen calmly wrote down the last name, closed the booklet, "It's just a random note, I plan to find something for them to do. Don't worry, when I feel better, I might cross out their names."

Qin Sheng couldn't help but think of a certain sentence in the storybook, the so-called gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late, so why would the emperor find fault?It can really be non-stop from morning to night.

The next day when they went to court, the line of officials was the most organized. Ji Chen glanced at it visually and saw that the line was longer than yesterday, and they almost didn't stop when they reached the entrance of the Xuanzheng Hall.It seems that today is the day with the largest number of people. Ji Chen didn't recognize some people. It should be that some ministers with honors but no real power came here, obviously wanting to join in the fun.

"Everyone," Ji Chen flipped through the memorial in his hand, and went straight to the point, "Since Qin Xiang became an official, I read the memorial day and night, thinking hard, and deeply feel that the memorial has a lot of content, and I really need help."

Before he could finish speaking, Ji Chen heard someone from the bottom lose their breath and their breathing became heavy. Some veterans standing in the front were calm and composed, but all their eyes were bright.

Ji Chen picked up a memorial, and changed the topic, "It's just that I also noticed that there have been many changes in the country in recent years, and now there are unified planning of local affairs, canal construction, feedback on writing reform, preparations for imperial examinations, etc. There is also a lot of content, and Qin Xiang also said that he can't do it alone. It happened that Qin Sheng discussed with me and decided to create a cabinet system, setting up five cabinet elders to help the prime minister reduce the burden. Among them, the chief assistant leads the cabinet. Ge Lao’s opinions on the memorial can be drafted as a ticket, and the content of the memorial can be reviewed.”

All the officials were in an uproar.


Qin Sheng had no choice but to stand up and explain this in detail. To put it bluntly, it is a voting right. They can approve or give suggestions on the content of the memorial, and then conduct an internal vote. Of course, after they vote, His Majesty will review it again, no If you pass, you can call back.

The final choice rests with His Majesty.However, the voting results of the five cabinet elders will also affect His Majesty's judgment, and they can write their opinions on the red ticket and pass it on to His Majesty, directly affecting Shangyi.If the five elders disagree with His Majesty, discuss again until an agreement is reached.

Jiang Zilin, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, was still contemplating, but the person standing behind him couldn't help it, and the minister of the Ministry of Rites stood up first, "Your Majesty, according to the ancient law, if there are many affairs, you can set up the left and right sides, and the two will rule the same dynasty. "

Ji Chen propped his chin, "Left and right are biphasic, so who is older and who is younger? What if they disagree?"

The Minister of Rites said without hesitation: "Since ancient times, the left has been respected, and the left and the right are naturally more honorable, and we should pay more attention to the opinions of the left."

Ji Chen asked again: "Then why should the left and right ministers be side by side? Why don't we simply ask the right minister to help the left minister, since there are differences, we should distinguish the differences."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites was at a loss for words, "This, this, it was like this a hundred years ago..."

Ji Chen said indifferently: "A hundred years ago, the Yue Kingdom had not yet been established." Otherwise, how could it be called a change of dynasty?

Pressing the subordinate who was blocked by Ji Chen and was speechless, seeing Ji Chen's insistence, the Minister of Rites seriously began to analyze the feasibility, "Your Majesty, dare to ask these cabinet positions, is there a clear division?"

Naturally, Ji Chen already had a draft, "The five court elders are all first-rank, and they will be sealed in their original positions. Two are from civil servants, two are from military officials, and one is from the clan. The chief assistant is hand-picked by me. I am still thinking about the selection of candidates and the system, and I need all of you to perfect it together."

Many courtiers below began to ponder, if they could not object, how could they get more benefits from it?

But after all, turning the prime minister into a cabinet will reduce the power of the prime minister!

Some people frowned in thought, wanting not to object, while others were noncommittal, which had little to do with them anyway.

"Your Majesty, I have an answer." A clear female voice sounded.

The courtiers turned their heads and looked back, only then did they see Bi Xuan stepping forward, holding an elephant wat, "Your Majesty will change the cabinet system, and I have something to say. I also hope that Your Majesty will revise the female officer system."

This was the most dangerous move Bi Xuan made, and she needed more support.After a round of discussion with Ji Chen, she decided that today the female officer system will be solidified.

The female officials also set up six bureaus, in charge of all affairs of the palace, and they have to meet with His Majesty for a summary report every ten days. Bi Xuan did not forget to emphasize that most of the young women entering the primary election are from excellent backgrounds and outstanding intelligence, but they cannot be concubines in the harem , and can also serve as a female officer to help His Majesty take care of the palace.

Ji Chen was a little embarrassed, and sighed deliberately, "These are girls from a good family, how can they waste their time in the palace? I think it's better to let them go home and marry themselves."

"Your Majesty!" The deputy envoy of the Procuratorate stepped forward without saying a word, knelt down with a plop, and hit his knee on the floor. Ji Chen felt pain when he heard it, so he continued: "If you can enter the palace, you can see the sky. , it is the luck of the little girl, and it is also her blessing to cook tea and play fans for His Majesty as a court lady."

The people who participated in the draft only had time to notice that "I see His Majesty once every ten days", and they responded endlessly. Zhao Shenyi even said generously, "I raise my daughter, whether she makes His Majesty smile in the harem, or in six Helping His Majesty take care of the imperial palace is considered to be serving the imperial court and benefiting the country."

Sun Langzhong secretly scolded this person for being too flattering, and hurriedly followed him, "What Zhao Shenyu said is true. Pu Liu, the minister's daughter, has an average appearance and appearance. Fortunately, she is a little ordinary and has some experience in housekeeping, so she can do it well." Some work, His Majesty arranges it impromptu."

When he was talking, he thought, if His Majesty doesn't want to make too many concubines this time because of Bai Qi or Shang Nan, then it's okay to be a female official. In short, put his daughter in the palace first, and then find opportunities to contact His Majesty and slowly cultivate her. That's it.

Jiang Zilin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, received the frantic looks from his colleagues, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he still didn't feel like talking.

The colleague lowered his voice and said, "Have you forgotten how Bai Qi passed the primary election?"

Jiang Zilin: "..."

The days are so comfortable these days, he really forgot!

Inadvertently including Bai Qi's name, Jiang Zilin offended all the courtiers who participated in the draft and passed the primary election, and now he has to stand up and make up for it, "Your Majesty, the female officer system is naturally possible. During the first emperor’s time, female officials were confused and the system was unclear. Now that it has been mentioned, it should be improved. If your majesty takes pity on beautiful women, you might as well set a line and let female officials go out of the palace and remarry after they are 25 years old.”

Today's showgirls are drafted at the age of fifteen or above, and there are at least seven years for them to play in the palace.Jiang Zilin thought coldly, if he could not transform from a female official to a concubine in seven years, then he should leave the palace as soon as possible. His Majesty obviously disliked her, so why bother to show embarrassment in the palace?

Seeing this, Ji Chen had no choice but to "reluctantly" agree, but he still said that the show girls should be reunited with their relatives at home for the New Year, and then discuss the re-election in the next year.

The ministers below all shouted that His Majesty is wise.

Bi Xuan and Ji Pei glanced at each other, and then quickly staggered away, but there were little smiles in their eyes.


"What I'm talking about today, let's settle it first. The cabinet reorganization will be handed over to Qin Sheng, and the matter of female officials will be handed over to Bi Xuan." Ji Chen said.

"Retire!" The eunuch beside him sang loudly.

The courtiers are worried about whether they will still oppose the cabinet system. There are five positions in the cabinet. The elders of the cabinet have five positions. Whom does His Majesty prefer to distinguish? How to be a female officer and how to help her gain a firm foothold.

After all, each has its own busy schedule.

Naturally, Ji Chen was no exception, he was busy summoning the ministers to care for each of them.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," Xing Yi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, did not expect that he would be called over suddenly. Even though he was a little surprised, the etiquette was not chaotic, and he followed the rules. He never glanced outside. Among the 'most pedantic' courtiers.

"Master Xing, sit down." Facing such a serious person, Ji Chen sat up somewhat straighter, and praised Xing Yi, "Master Xing always pays attention to details and knows the law well. There are very few unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, and the reputation of the people is excellent, which can be described as a model for courtiers."

Xing Yi smiled just right, "Your Majesty's reputation is too high, this is the duty of a minister."

"Now that I set up a cabinet, I also need such careful and dedicated ministers to take care of it. Besides, I plan to reorganize the files of the past 20 years during this period, and check the materials of the files again. I am afraid that something will happen, and Master Xing will preside over it. , " Ji Chen spent a quarter of an hour talking to Xing Yi, and finally sighed, "The others are worse."

Xing Yi couldn't help but feel a little moved. It was his honor to learn martial arts and sell it to the emperor's family, and to be appreciated by the emperor.

Xing Yi agreed to this matter, and also planned to take this opportunity to perform well, not only to be perfect, but also to make some achievements.

If he can get into the cabinet... Unknowingly, Xing Yi, who originally wanted to oppose the cabinet system, changed his mind. After all, if he is a prime minister, he may not be able to turn to him, but the cabinet system has five people.

In short, the probability is much higher.

After sending away the clear opposition and finding something for him to do, Ji Chen quietly asked someone to invite Mr. Qian, and he sighed, "Mr. Qian, it's not that I deliberately snubbed you, I've seen all your achievements. In my eyes, it's just that there are not a few people who have opinions on you in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and sometimes I can't always go against the public."

Two tears welled up in Master Qian's eyes, "I knew His Majesty could see me. On weekdays, I also think that it's okay to be misunderstood by everyone, as long as I can really help His Majesty, I will die well."

Ji Chen sighed, "It's just that there are too many pedantic people in the court. It's rare for me to have one or two sweethearts, but they push back and vehemently disagree. Every day or two are the words of a sage, and they even bring up the late emperor. Coincidentally, I also have a sweetheart." I need you, I plan to seal up all the gambling halls in the capital, but I'm worried about scaring the snakes, and I want to give Shangnan... cough, it's a lot of fun, and it just so happens that this matter needs to be handled by a slick person like Mr. Qian .”

"Your Majesty, don't worry, those people are ignorant and ignorant. They have muddled their minds by reading sage books. They don't know that timely enjoyment is the right thing to do. I will do my best to help you clean up the capital and make the place His gambling house will also be dealt with," Master Qian said firmly.

He also knew that the gambling house opened a gamble about the queen's position. Of course, he didn't intervene at all in order to keep his feathers clean, but now, he thought in his heart, since His Majesty wants to see his political achievements, he must do it too. Make a big deal!

For the Sacred Heart, for his cabinet position, he will fight!

After sending away those who could stand up for him and charge forward, Ji Chen called in a new candidate, this time an inspector from the Procuratorate.

A quarter of an hour later, the inspector of the Inspectorate said seriously: "Your Majesty, Bai Qi is a member of my Inspectorate. I will take good care of him, and I will not let some villains plot against him."

Qin Sheng, who was correcting the memorial in the next room, looked out the window and saw that the next door was changing a minister every quarter of an hour, he couldn't help pressing the throbbing eyebrows, looked at the eunuch on the side, quite helplessly, "Which one is this? "

Which one was limped by Ji Chen?

The eunuch said awkwardly: "Master Qin, this is the ninth one."

Qin Sheng thought to himself, thanks to Eunuch Xin guarding the palace firmly, as long as Ji Chen doesn't want to, nothing in the palace will be leaked. These people don't know that Ji Chen met so many people in one day, otherwise Ji Chen would have to overturn on the spot.

Ji Chen intends to clean up some of the accumulated matters recently, and it just so happens that he also finds something for some of his courtiers to do.

While waiting for the next court meeting, Ji Chen said to the courtiers: "I still need to think a lot about the candidates for the cabinet now, so let's put it aside for now. Of course, I have seen all your achievements. When it comes to the new year, I will naturally be right." The minister of the humerus will be rewarded heavily."

Xing, who considered himself the minister of the humerus, unconsciously twitched his lips.

Mr. Qian, whose achievements are recognized by His Majesty, held his head high.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate, who is good at nurturing young people, stroked his beard gently.

Only Qin Sheng, who really knew all the inside information, twitched his lips, and couldn't help praying silently, at least Ji Chen would not publish the cabinet list before the New Year, he still wanted to spend the New Year cleanly.

All of a sudden, the operating speed of the imperial court increased rapidly. The Ministry of War cooperated with Ji Pei Bixuan to recast a batch of weapons. The Ministry of Officials began to assess the performance of officials for a year. After being taken away, he almost didn't vomit blood. Everyone looked like a traitor. He invited people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate to drink tea every day, hoping that they would find two more corrupt officials to impeach and search the house.

Needless to say, the rest of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Xing, the two ministers worked hard, and the Ministry of Industry has done a lot of things this year. Now the Minister of the Ministry of Industry has devoted himself to the fun of passing on experience to Ning Wenzheng, and no one cares about it.

The interior of Kyoto has taken on a new look, and the surrounding areas are becoming more and more lively. Even remote villages far from Kyoto have received a notice of a [-]% tax reduction next year, and the atmosphere is filled with joy.

As for Ji Chen, at the beginning there were a lot of memorials from him recommending himself or recommending others. Later, when they saw that Ji Chen had been slow to make an order, they simply went to work with all their might.Anyway, this matter will be revealed sooner or later. If you want to become a cabinet elder and be able to command the power of the world, you must be able to convince the public.

At this time, Qin Tianjian threw a big thunder, the comet intersected with Mars, and the stars were shining under the majesty. Zheng Sangxi, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, had been divination on the astrologer many times, and it was calculated that the imperial pen should be suspended on Dongyue 24 now. It can be restarted on January [-] of the next year.

Emperor Zhun, then issued a decree.

The emperor and his ministers had fun together, rested for twelve days, and celebrated the New Year.

As soon as the news came out, on the surface, a group of people in Kyoto smiled and thanked the decree, and there was a lot of curses in the dark. Today is the 22nd of Dongyue, tomorrow is the Xiaochaohui, and the day after tomorrow is the time to stop writing. When it came to the final stage, many people planned to wait until the next court meeting to report in public, and then invite His Majesty to issue an order to the cabinet elders, and now all plans are smashed!

If they want to wait until the decree is issued, they may have to wait until the next year. The cabinet is uncertain, and a group of people are scratching their heads. They can't wait to let the time fly by and receive the imperial decree to appoint the elder of the cabinet on January [-] of the next year.

In the Qin Tianjian, Zheng Sangxi, the supervisor of the Qintianjian, first wore only a Taoist robe and stood alone on the astrology platform. Under the admiration and admiration of the people around him, Sangxi prayed to the moon and read a long series of prayers. After returning to the main hall, he couldn't hold back, and sneezed three times in succession, tears came out.

The servant next to him hurriedly took a thick coat and put it on him, stuffed him with a soup lady to warm his hands, and brought him a bowl of hot soup, "My lord, warm yourself up."

Zheng Sangxi, the inspector of the Qintian Supervisor, was still shivering. He took a sip of the hot soup and quickly asked the servant, "How is my performance? Is there any flaw? Is the powder off my face?"

Zheng Sangxi, the supervisor of Qintianjian, is getting older, his face has more wrinkles, and his skin has become sallow. He has no choice but to ask his wife to help him repair his face and cover it with powder. Gai, at any rate, he must reveal a burst of energy.

The servant quickly said: "Your Excellency, you are too worried. Your performance on the stage is naturally the best, and there are no flaws."

Jianzheng Sang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, drank the hot soup slowly, sat on a chair, and planned to take a good rest.

As a result, as soon as he sat down, he saw a pigeon fly in through the window and rest in front of him.

Supervisor Sang Xi immediately stood up again, "This, this should be His Majesty's favorite pet."

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand cautiously, and wanted to catch the pigeon, but the pigeon flapped his hand away, turned its head, seemed a little angry, and complained to him: "Coo coo coo!"

Supervisor Sang Xi: "..."

He wiped his face and looked at the servant, "Can you understand?"

The servant was even more at a loss than Sang Xi, "Huh? My lord, I don't know how to do this!"

Supervisor Sang Xi only felt a headache, and the pigeon became even more angry. It sharpened its claws on the window, leaving three deep marks on the wooden window sill.

Jianzheng Sangxi finally remembered something, and suddenly realized that this pigeon was extremely spiritual. He waved his servant away, and asked tentatively, "Fengming?"

Sang Xi, the supervisor, knew at the beginning that the horoscope he was counting belonged to the pigeon in front of him. Let’s not talk about how broken his heart was, but at least he has practiced the ability to talk people and talk nonsense when he sees people. If he had to go on, he could only keep his eyes closed. Even if it was a pigeon, he would have to boast that he descended from the earth like a phoenix, reincarnated as a pigeon spirit.

Pigeon nodded expensively, flew around the room, and then flew out Shi Shiran.

Sang Xi, the supervisor who had just finished drinking the hot soup, took a deep breath and had to untie his thick clothes again. Finally, he covered Mrs. Tang with all his strength, and stood under the astrology platform again wearing thin clothes.As the cold wind blew, he stood under the moon and meditated silently, burning tortoise shells and divination from time to time, which showed his immortal demeanor even more.

The ignorant Qintian Supervisor looked back and forth, and after his series of actions were over, someone boldly asked, "My lord, isn't today's prayer over?"

Supervisor Sangxi’s smile was a little stiff, but fortunately it was not obvious under the moonlight, he explained loudly; “I was sitting in the main hall and suddenly felt something. There is a phoenix in the east, the moonlight is clear, and the star trails are smooth. This is God’s blessing. I cross the country!"

During the Xiaochao meeting the next day, Zheng Sangxi, the inspector of Qintianjian, brought up the same topic again.

However, Sang Xi had already offended many courtiers because of the suspension of writing, and the Fengming incident was simply nonsense, they had never heard of it, because many people stood up and expressed their opposition.

"Master Sang, how come no one has seen your Fengming scene?"

"It's just a word to ask His Majesty to mobilize the crowd for this, it's simply a lie to confuse the crowd!"

"If you really want to talk about it, how do you go to find this person with Fengming in the vast sea of ​​people? Do you want to collect everyone's birthday horoscope and calculate them one by one at any cost? It's just a joke."

Sang Xi was naturally full of confidence on his face, "Your Majesty, I am the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, so I can naturally have a special sense of heaven and man. It is not surprising that other people don't have the ability of my minister, but I also know it. There is no basis for the verbal claims, I made many calculations yesterday and found that the phoenix is ​​singing in the east, your majesty does not need to do more work, as long as you stay in the palace, this phoenix will naturally appear by your majesty's side, and will accompany your majesty in the future."

It's okay not to say, this time more people participated.

In other words, there will be [-] beautiful women and two men in this draft, as long as there is a queen among them, won't it be a phoenix?

What kind of tricks is this Qin Tianjian playing!What is he after!

The ministers are extremely vigilant, it is rare that this emperor is reliable, if he is taken away again, and something happens to seek the fate of the country and deduce the future in order to live forever, wouldn't it be a good situation and chaos again!

Seeing the courtiers' eyes getting worse and worse, as if he wanted to swallow Zheng Sang Xi alive, Ji Chen listened to the commotion below, and raised his voice a little, "Okay."

After calming down, Ji Chen said: "Since it will appear, I'll just wait for it, and don't need to work hard to find it. I think it will pass through the sea of ​​people to meet me. The scenery of Fengming is naturally extraordinary. When I see you next time, I will reward you generously."

The last sentence had a particularly profound charm, which made many people's eyes twinkle and they remembered these words in their hearts.

Outside the Xuanzheng Hall, a pigeon lightly pecked at its feathers, combed itself, and listened attentively to the movements in the hall.

The pigeon was very clever and chose to keep quiet, so no one came to drive it away, but the movement of its probe from time to time showed that it was not calm, and was quite curious about everything in the Xuanzheng Hall.

The eunuch on the side looked at it lovingly, and pushed over a plate of snacks and a small glass of water, "Your Majesty asked us to prepare this for you. I see you are losing weight, why don't you eat more."

Pigeon reservedly took a sip of the snack, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

After retreating from the court, the Xuanzheng Hall was still noisy, Bai Qi strode over, and happened to meet the pigeon's eyes, he chuckled lightly, but there was not much warmth in his eyes, "Fengming?"

"Cuckoo!" The pigeon suddenly frowned, and its tiny feathers stood on end.It spread its wings and looked at Bai Qi vigilantly, ready to fly away at any moment.

Just in time, a cloud of snow fell straight down from the roof, hitting the pigeon all over the head, and knocking it into a daze.

With great difficulty, Ji Chen sent a group of courtiers away, arguing that he would reward the courtiers on the day when he stopped writing, and even though he stopped writing, if there were any important matters, he still had to deal with them.

When Ji Chen came out, he saw that the feathers of the pigeon were messy, and there was a little snow on it. He just wanted to reach out to hug him, but he retracted and coughed lightly, "Are you—?"

Bai Qi happened to hold Ji Chen's hand, "It's better to let it play by itself first, or let it comb its feathers by itself. It's cold now, and His Majesty's hands will be cold when grooming his feathers, so let's forget it."

Pigeon stared blankly at Bai Qi, then at Ji Chen, and finally watched them leave hand in hand, leaving herself alone in the same place, and felt that she had seen the danger of the human heart again.

The author has something to say:

Pigeon: My heart is broken.

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