Weak I smashed non-humans into the ground

Chapter 65 Warring States Period

Zenyuan Films put on a look of disappointment, returned to its seat and continued to be in a daze.

He can't let these elves find any signs of him wanting to leave, otherwise he won't be able to leave!

He didn't believe in such a coincidence, and he only found out that Qingyu was actually a man by accident, so it can be completely ruled out that this is a conspiracy of the Wutiao family. After all, the person he is obsessed with is a woman, not a man.

After dealing with his very enthusiastic elders, Zenyuan Yingjie returned to the secret room where Hongye was imprisoned.

"What do you want to do now?" Seeing the reappearance of Zenyuan Yingjie, Hongye rolled her eyes, not understanding why this guy came down again.

"There's a man who asked people to see Qingyu..." Before the filming agency of the Zen Academy could finish, it was interrupted by Hongye.

"Don't be wishful thinking, Lord Qingyu already..." Tears welled up in Hongye's eyes, her voice choked up.

"Why do you dress up like him? You are obviously a man, but you dress up as a woman. Aren't you insulting him again?"

Chanyuan Yingjie speculated that Hongye might be taking revenge on Fujiwara Sapphire, but looking at Hongye's eyes stained red, he knew he was wrong.

Seeing the very curious look of the Chanyuan Filming Agency, Hongye thought about it, and decided to tell him about Qingyu. After all, she is dead, and she doesn't know who else will remember Master Qingyu.

So Hongye straightened her sitting posture with a serious look on her face.

"During the Heian-kyo period, Master Qingyu was the princess of the Fujiwara family. He was a man, but he was raised as a girl. Later, he married a sick child who was also a nobleman, but in the end he was found out as a man. Finally, on a dark and windy night, she fled from her husband's mansion wearing bloody pajamas."

A click.

Zenyuan Yingjie crushed the cup in his hand, his eyes were full of fire.

"Has he been abused?"

The low air pressure emanating from Zenyuan Yingjie made Hongye raise her eyebrows in surprise. Didn't she think that Zenyuan Yingjie still likes Qingyu at such a time?

"I don't know. I only met Lord Qingyu later, and Lord Qingyu kept silent about this past." Hongye said as if she knew Qingyu very well. In fact, this was all the information she collected later. Qingyu Never mentioned it to her.

"However, according to the information I collected later, Master Qingyu loves her husband very much, but the last place can't accommodate him." Hongye shook her head with some sighs.

Zenyuan Yingjie also wanted to sigh a little, he didn't expect Qingyu to be such a poor person.

"I fell in love with Lord Qingyu when I met Lord Qingyu. Lord Qingyu always lamented his fate, and finally died of depression. After the death of Lord Qingyu, I want to help Lord Qingyu find someone who truly loves him."

Hongye made up the situation in a serious manner, so she didn't want to tell Zenyuan Yingjie what happened next, anyway, as long as this guy can remember Lord Qingyu.

But looking at the murderous intent on the face of Zenyuan Yingjie, Hongye trembled a little. Could it be that she was discovered by the other party?

But this is wrong, because of the power of the Fujiwara family, when the Yusan family recorded this incident, they did not mention Lord Qingyu at all, and only used the words "Su Nuo's younger sister" instead, so she said Fujiwara Qingyu should not step on thunder.

"Did you kill Lord Qingyu? After all, you are the curse spirit born from the love you couldn't ask for."

Hongye didn't expect that the angle of Zenyuan's film agency would be so strange, and she could think of it here, but the other party obviously killed her immediately after saying a wrong sentence, Hongye knew that the next reply might be related to her life.

However, she didn't have to think about her words at all, after all, she was also very confused back then.

"Then you are completely wrong. I didn't know that Master Qingyu was a man. Even though I loved Master Qingyu very much out of instinct, I still didn't notice any problems, and you didn't, you didn't find 'Sapphire' It's male."

Hongye didn't notice it at all at the beginning, obviously Su Nuo was right in front of her eyes, but her love for Qingyu was better than Su Nuo's, and her love reached its peak, but Qingyu also died, leaving only her full of love with nowhere to vent.

But she is probably not in love with Qingyu, after all, she is supporting Qingyu Lalang everywhere.

Zenyuan Films did not say anything. He still has a lot of uncertainties. He has to find out what's going on.

So in the next few days, Zenyuan Video Agency collected information everywhere, and also sent people to search for Qingyu's information, and then appeared in front of Hongye again.

"You are right. Fujiwara Qingyu did disappear after getting married."

Hongye knew that the other party would definitely look for it, but she didn't have any follow-up news. After all, except for the person involved, history had long since disappeared in the long river of time.

So Hongye nodded perfunctorily to show that she knew.

"But you are wrong in some places. Qingyu has a noble status and is loved by His Majesty the Emperor, but the Emperor has long been engaged to Fujiwara Orihime, the daughter of the head of the Fujiwara family, so Qingyu was married to the Ubuyashiki family. It is obviously noble, and Under the background of the visiting marriage system at that time, it was a small number of people who got married, but in the end they disappeared.”

Qingyu's apparently tragic life experience made Zenyuan Yingjie's heart ache even more, and he never thought that he would feel sad and angry for a person who had passed away long ago.

Hongye was very shocked in her heart, she didn't expect that there was such a layer.

"However, I recently found a person who told people to see Qingyu. It is very likely that Qingyu is reincarnated." The film agency of the Zen Academy is not sure, but according to the news from the servants, the possibility of Fujiwara Qingyu's reincarnation is relatively high. If this It's true, he will never miss it.

Eh, reincarnation?

Hongye felt that her brain was going to shut down.

If it was really Master Qingyu, although she would be very happy, but for some reason, her neck felt a little sore.

She shouldn't have said anything bad about Lord Qingyu!


But Zenyuan Yingjie's face full of pity made her feel a pain in the head!

Zenyuan Films thinks that Qingyu is too pitiful, and this time it is him who guards the miserable Qingyu, he will definitely love Qingyu well.

Qing Yu is really too miserable!


Qing, not miserable at all, Yu sneezed, then reached out and rubbed her nose, muttering to herself that she didn't know who was talking about him.

"Qingyu-jun, are you alright?"

Li Yao, the protagonist of the ghost killing team, asked with great concern. Even though his physical condition is very bad, he still cares about each of his subordinates very much.

"It's okay, my lord."

For the past few days, he and his brother Jiguo stayed in the lord's hermitage, teaching the pillars who appeared one after another by chance, while Purgatory Momotaro set off early to kill the evil spirits.

To be honest, when Qingyu saw the protagonist of the Ghost Killing Squad, she was still taken aback. Even though the other party had already lost her original appearance due to the erosion of the curse, it didn't take long for Qingyu to see what happened in Pinganjing. So he could see that the other party was probably from the Ubuyashiki clan.

Because Wu Mi turned into a ghost, the whole family was cursed and would not live long, which made Qingyu very puzzled. If there is a so-called heaven, why not directly curse Wu Mi, but curse the related bloodlines instead.

It's really a soft pinch of persimmons!

The more he came into contact with the tragedies caused by Wu Mi, the more uneasy Qingyu's heart became. He didn't expect that the noble son who just wanted to survive at the beginning would actually cause so many tragedies after he really survived.

If the older brother survives again, he will also...

Qingyu didn't want to convict Su Nuo for something that didn't happen, so she shook her head and put aside all the chaotic thoughts.

"Cough cough cough."

"My lord, lie down and have a good rest, don't force yourself too much." Although he was tortured, but still dealt with the matters of the ghost killing team, Qingyu admired him very much.

"Qingyu, I have received news that in Angang City where you were born, someone seems to have seen you. I think it might be the person you are looking for!"

Angang City?

Unexpectedly, he could hear the news about people seeing the city again, which made Qingyu feel as if he had passed away. He thought maybe Hongye also found his trace, so let's look for him in Angang City.

"Thank you, my lord, Yuanyi and I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"Qingyu, don't worry, because of the breathing method taught by Yuanyi, the survival rate of the team members has improved a lot, and the strength of the ghost killing team has improved a lot. I really don't know how to express my gratitude .”

There was a faint glint of water in Li Yao's eyes, and words could not express his inner gratitude. Since his father died, he took over this important task at the age of seven, and the number of casualties of the ghost killing team every time was shockingly large.

Some children are only thirteen or fourteen years old, and their lives have already ended. Even the pillars, there will be many new faces at the pillar meeting every six months. Therefore, even the column, the frequency of replacement is very fast.

He, who is still alive, is actually the oldest person in the ghost killing team. Every time he thinks of this, Li Yao's heart is like being burned by a raging fire, and the flame will last for a long time.

Such feelings were so strong that Qingyu didn't dare to face it, so she retreated in a low voice.

It's all Wu Mi's fault, they can already live for a long time, why do they have to create so many ghosts, what good is this?

Qing Yu's desire to send Wu Mi to hell became stronger and stronger.

"Qingyu, are you okay!" Yuan Yi looked at Qingyu with some worry, since she came to the Ghost Killing Squad, Qingyu didn't seem to smile much, her eyes are always moist.

Qingyu shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

Ji Guoyan Sheng looked at Qingyu's eyes with watery eyes, and stood aside with his sword in his arms and bowed his head. The more he got along with Qingyu, the more he could feel how hard Hongye's performance was when he lied to him.

It can be said to be exactly the same!

Soft-hearted and kind, love to laugh.

Qingyu has experienced a lot, in fact she doesn't like to cry anymore, but her eyes are always moist when looking at those young children.

Of course, he wasn't mad enough to think that it was all his fault. After all, everyone just wanted to heal Wu Mi, but Wu Mi's disposition was too bad!

"I just learned from my lord that Hongye may have gone to Angang City where I was born."

"Then let's hurry over!"

Ji Guoyan Sheng touched the sword in his hand and said casually.

Even though Ji Guo Yan Sheng acted very casually and didn't care, Qing Yu still wanted to say it.

'Put away your killing intent, brother. '

And Hongye, I mourn for you!

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