Weak I smashed non-humans into the ground

Chapter 67 Warring States Period

The night was heavy, the moon was hidden, and the surroundings were very dark without a trace of light.

The night is dark and the wind is high, which is also the time to make troubles.

"Are you sure your method works." Wu Mi felt that the other party was very suspicious, and his eyes were full of distrust.

"Of course, it's just drawing out the soul and re-placing it in another body, but Su Nuo's soul is very powerful, so I can only choose to draw out Fujiwara Qingyu's soul." Li Suo was very confident with a smile on his face.

"What method are you talking about? Let me listen to it!" Wu Mi sneered, her voice unchanged.

Yan Suo took out a small dagger, the dagger was exquisitely crafted, the handle and the scabbard were made of silver, and there were carved lotus flowers in full bloom on it, emitting a faint white light.

"This is Lihunyin. As long as you stab the blade into the heart, your soul will be drawn into this dagger. Then you can find a suitable body for Lord Qingyu."

"What you said is simple, how can you confirm that this dagger can incorporate Lord Qingyu's soul, not Su Nuo's."

Hearing such a nonsense plan, Wu Mi felt that he was wasting his time. He would actually believe this person's nonsense and waste his time listening to the other party's nonsense.

"You don't have any idea about Su Nuo's strength. As the king of curses, his soul's strength cannot be subdued by such a small dagger, so it will definitely be the soul of Fujiwara Qingyu."

Seeing that Wu Mi was about to turn around and leave, Ling Suo quickly added.

"Then where can I find a suitable body for Qingyu to use? I don't want Qingyu to enter a completely unfamiliar body. If so, it's better to keep it now."

Hearing the same words, Li Suo inevitably twitched. He had heard the same meaning from Limei, so he said the excuse he had told Limei back then, like an endorsement.

"Now Fujiwara Qingyu's body is being used by a spell user named Hongye. The other party seems to be keeping it very carefully. The body is still alive and can be used."

Red leaves?

Wu Mi thought for a while, then remembered that this was the guy who stole Qingyu's body when he was fighting with Limei.

"There is no doubt now! Then I will trouble you to do it yourself!" Knowing that the other party has been very tempted, his tone is very relaxed.

"No, let Limei do it." Wu Mi is not stupid, if he personally inserts the dagger into Qingyu's body, Qingyu will not hate him to death, even if Qingyu is resurrected, he will definitely not give him a good face.

Of course, it is most suitable for Limei to do this kind of thing!

Hearing Wu Mi's unhesitating refusal, Li Suo was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Li Mei's love to be ignored. Wu Mi, who seemed very cruel, actually cared about his image in Qing Yu's heart.

This reminded him of what happened when he told Rime about the plan before.

As soon as he proposed this plan, Li Mei drew his sword directly at him, and said to him viciously, "If you dare to attack Lord Qingyu, I will definitely chase you to the ends of the earth."

At that time, he quickly said: "Limei, if you personally insert the dagger into Fujiwara Qingyu's heart, maybe after rebirth, Qingyu will be very grateful to you for separating him from Su Nuo, and will accept your love and say uncertain!"

Hearing this, Li Mei said a completely unrelated topic instead, "Are you not attractive to girls at all?"

"How do you know?" Naohua thought carefully about his life, and found that there were still people who liked him because of his handsome appearance, but after getting along for a while, those people stopped looking for him.

Limei complained secretly, isn't this nonsense?Hurt the other party in the name of being good for the other party, and feel that the other party will be grateful. As far as this kind of thinking is concerned, no one will like it.

"It's nothing, just asking casually, anyway, I don't agree to hurt Lord Qingyu, you are thinking of other ways, or maintain the status quo!"

After saying this coldly, Limei turned and left.

Is there something wrong with these two?

You know, in order to meet the needs of these two, his plan can separate Su Nuo and Fujiwara Qingyu. Isn't this what both of them very much hope for?

According to his plan, isn't it just to stab Fujiwara Qingyun's heart with a dagger, won't he be able to regain his life by then?Why don't both of them do it!

Wu Mi still wants Limei to come on, but he can't do this!

"Limei doesn't know how to do anything. He would rather Su Nuo stay with Qingyu, then let someone else come. But it's not easy to get Qingyu now, you have to work hard."

Wu Mi pondered for a while, although it was a pity that Li Mei did not do it, but it was still acceptable. Unlike Li Mei, he was very eager to separate Su Nuo and Qing Yu.

"You let me see the power of this dagger, so I can believe what you say, otherwise it will be empty."

After all, the Yusan family had promised him at the beginning that they would never hurt Qingyu and would replace Qingyu's mother, but in the end it was Qingyu who died in the formation. said.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will hunt you down to the end of the world."

Yan Suo smiled in his heart and said, "It's terrible, but luckily he was prepared. '

"There are no people in this wilderness, so why not use two animals as an experiment!"

Hearing this, Wu Mi immediately caught two rabbits and threw them in front of Lisuo.

"let's start!"

Yan Suo picked up the gray rabbit's ears, took out a dagger and inserted it into the heart, then threw the rabbit aside, and then used the other rabbit to kill it with magic power.

"Watch Wu Mi-jun, this rabbit will open its eyes again soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yansuo cut a hole in the rabbit with a dagger.

One second, two seconds!

The rabbit opened its eyes with a swipe, then jumped with both legs, and fled to the nearby grass.

"Well, now believe everything I say!"

Wu Mi opened his eyes wide with excitement, and his plum red pupils stood up like snakes. Seeing this scene, he was even more excited than he imagined.

"Well, I believe you, contact me when the time comes, and I will stay in Angang City as well."

After leaving these words, Wu Mi left.

Looking at the back of the other party going away, Li Suo smiled, and it was much easier to fool than Li Mei.

Yansuo squatted down, picked up the dead rabbit in front of him, skillfully peeled the skin and removed the bones, and planned to roast it to eat. After all, the little rabbit was so delicious, he liked it very much.

The fire roasted the rabbit until it was sizzling, exuding bursts of meaty aroma, and Yan Suo skillfully put a flower knife on the rabbit, and then sprinkled it with salt.

"You are leisurely now, why, everything is done."

A man in baboon skin suddenly appeared, with a familiar look, sitting opposite to the rope.

"Of course, the trap has already been set up, and now we just need to wait for the arrival of Fujiwara Qingyu." Li Suo turned the rabbit around and said with a smile.

"At the beginning you came to the door and said you wanted to deal with Qingyu, but you scared me. How did you know that I would not reject you." Naraku picked up a branch and poked the fire, sparks jumped, and the flames became bigger Some.

"Well, I wasn't sure you would help me at the beginning. I just tried to propose it. If you don't agree, I have nothing to lose, as long as you don't make trouble."

Lisuo took the rabbit down, blew on it, and then bit into it, asking questions while eating.

"But I really didn't expect you to agree. What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, I just don't like it, just treat it as a sideshow."

Renjian Yindao's attitude towards Qingyu made him very unhappy. With that kind of gentle attitude, everything that belonged to him was taken away by Qingyu. How he did not resent is really strange.

Such a clear-minded person makes Naluo want to destroy him very much.

Besides, there is no sincerity or true love in this world.

Back then, Inuyasha and Kikyo didn't trust each other very much, otherwise, how could one end up dead and the other sealed when he provoked them.

'Even if they are brothers, are there still few brothers in this world who can kill each other? '

Naraku looked at the Yindao sleeping in his body, he planned to wake up Yindao at the moment of killing Qingyu, and let him fall into collapse and remorse.

He was looking forward to what expressions the two brothers would show at that time.


"Can this dagger really change body and soul? If so, it would be boring." After seeing the scene just now, he now has some doubts. His purpose is not to help them.

"Ah, what are you talking about." Yan Suo picked up the dagger and said with a smile: "What this dagger can do is to exchange the souls of small animals. Human souls are powerless, otherwise it would have been the subject of many people's struggles." The goal is over, where is my turn!"

Hearing this, Naraku smiled, "That person who was fooled by you is really pitiful."

"Poor? Why do I feel that I am even more pitiful for working so hard for this matter." Yansuo opened his mouth wide, biting down the rabbit's meat, chewing the bones together.

"It's a pity, neither of these two people are willing to do it themselves, otherwise it will be more interesting." Naluo looked regretful.

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if meeting a confidant.

"By the way, that curse spirit who uses the body of sapphire, I will trouble you to invite him to the city lord's mansion. After all, you are the 'brother', how can you let your 'brother' stay in the hotel?"

"Understood, I will find someone tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, Naraku disappeared without a trace.

After finishing the roasted rabbit leisurely, Lisuo walked slowly towards Angang Castle!

He is now going to Limei to discuss the follow-up.

The thought of communicating with Limei again gave him a headache. The other party was very sensitive about Qingyu, so he had to be more careful.

When talking to Naraku, it is really a very relaxing thing.

The other party is someone similar to him, and the communication between the two is very relaxing, not Li Mei and Wu Mi, two guys who have been fascinated by Qingyu.

These two people have obviously lived for such a long time, yet they can't let go of this kind of thing, but it's just a Fujiwara Qingyu, he will never let the other party hinder his plan!

It's just a man, no matter how good-looking he is, it doesn't matter.

You are the most important thing!

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