Qingyu hurriedly dodged sideways, he didn't dare to accept such a big gift.What's more, Yuzuru Ubuyashiki also helped himself. When Qingyu was bullied, he planned to make him reconcile without misery.

"Brother, you don't have to do such a big gift, just tell me what you have."

Yuzuru Ubuyashiki slowly raised his head, his elegant and handsome face was full of apology.

"You saw Wu Mi just now. I may not be able to send you home right away. Now he may not be able to suffer any more blows. Although Wu Mi has a bad temper, he is still very kind."

Qingyu looked at Miyashiki Yuzuru in disbelief, how blind he must be to feel that Wuyou is a kind person.

Qingyu firmly believes that Wu Mi, who has been killing people since the wedding night, is by no means a kind person.

What a great filter!

Ubuyashiki Yuzuru thinks he still knows his younger brother very well, and he is the most sensitive and thoughtful.

Because the father is busy with official duties, the mother has to worry about a lot of housework. On the contrary, it is the older brother Yuzuru Yashiki who gets along with Wu Mi the most.

When he was young, he was not as bad-tempered as he is now.Because of his illness, even if he had to take a lot of bitter medicine, he took it without hesitation.Just to take a look at the flowers and the grass.Like a porcelain doll, delicate and well-behaved.

But slowly, years of lingering sickness made Wu Mi completely unable to tolerate his weak and powerless appearance.

Especially after his elder brother became famous in Kyoto, he became more and more busy, and the time they spent together became less and less. Every seven or eight days, Yuzuru would have time to come over to see Wumi.

Every time he sees such a high-spirited Yuxian, Wu Mi is filled with jealousy.

Wu Mi began to vent his anger on those servants, especially those servants who liked to gossip.Every time he saw the terrified expressions of these ants, Wu Mi would feel happier.This is the pleasure of being above others and being able to control life and death at will.

When Wuyou executed the first servant, he was discovered by Yuzuru, who happened to come to see Wuyou, and was severely reprimanded by the obstetrician Yuzuru. Wuyou had never seen his elder brother so angry.

I had no choice but to quickly say that I was bullied by the servant, and I couldn't bear it anymore, that's why.

From then on, Yuzuru Mibuyashiki would come to stay for a short period of time every three or four days, in order to prevent the servants from being bullied by others.

And Wu Mi learned to hide himself, and every month, there would always be two or three corpses carried out of the yard.

After all, in this era where anyone who has a fever will die, the death of some lowly servants will not make any waves at all.And none of the servants dared to sue, after all, this yard is Wu Mi's yard.They can only look forward to the arrival of the obstetrician Yuzuru Yashiki, only during this time, no one will die.

So in the eyes of Yuzuru Mibuyashiki, he saw his elder brother since he was a child, but he has a bad temper, but he is still very kind.

Yuzuru Ubuyashiki looked at Sapphire's surprised expression, and mistakenly thought that Sapphire regarded Wu Mi who was rough on him as a bad person.

But my younger brother is really not bad!

By the way, it must be because of the side effects of the medicine!

"I hope you can forgive my brother, and I promise you, I will never let him hurt you again."

Qingyu didn't want to agree to Miyashiki Yuzuru's request. After all, Wu Mi had already known the identity of his son, so there was no point in staying. Why don't you hurry back to Fujiwara's house before everyone finds out.

Qingyu opened her mouth to refuse, but before she could say it, she was interrupted by Yuzuru Ubuyashiki.

"Wu Mi actually cares about you very much. Just now when I asked him to make up with you, he immediately became anxious and didn't like it at all. Give him a chance." He can change his mind.

But Qingyu didn't know why Wuyan refused to reconcile just now, but according to the way Wuyan wanted to strangle herself last night, it would definitely not be a good thing.

Even more unhappy.

"I'm sorry, my lord brother, I have my reasons."

Yuzuru Ubuyashiki sighed.

"Okay, but, I hope you can take care of Wu Mi for a while. I plan to go out to find the blue Bana flower. Whether I can find it or not, I will send you back to Fujiwara's house in half a month. After all, Wu Mi is like this now, I hope that someone close to him will take care of him, this is a little selfishness of my elder brother."

Qingyu agreed, after all, she still needs the help of Yuzuru Miyashiki to reconcile with Wuyou, otherwise she doesn't know what demon moth will come out of Wuyou.

"Okay, I will take good care of Wu Mi. After half a month, I will trouble my elder brother to send me back personally."


If there is anything that can describe Qingyu's current mood, it is regret. If you have to add a word of degree, it is super invincible regret.

Really will not love again.


Wu Mi is a real dog!

Ever since Wu Mi could no longer shine in the sun, he began to live a life of night and day.But it's fine if he can't sleep at night, and he doesn't plan to let Qingyu sleep.

In just a few days, Qingyu didn't know how many times he woke up by letting Wuyan cover his mouth and nose, but it was like a prank, every time he saw Qingyu wake up, Wumi would look at him nonchalantly, as if he was something Didn't do anything ordinary either.

But every time he woke up, he would see a man with a bandage on his face staring at him piercingly with those rose red eyes.

Scarier than a horror movie

Qingyu couldn't take it anymore, he began to change rooms non-stop, but it was impossible to change another room, but the whole yard was under Wu Mi's control, it was useless for Qingyu to escape to that room.

In just a few days, Qingyu was like a frightened bird, frightened by the slightest disturbance.

He was afraid that one day he would be silently smothered to death without a trace.

Miyashiki Yuzuru left, and no one could help him.

Qingyu clutched the quilt, sobbing softly, he couldn't stand it, he hadn't slept well these days, and felt as if his brain was going to explode, it was a bit too painful.

But what scares Qingyu the most is Wu Mi.

The current Wu Mi is a pervert who killed someone with a knife and smiled when he was newly married. He is also a devil who knows that he is a man and wants to strangle him to death.

Wu Mi lay beside Qingyu, looking at the dark roof, listening to the sobbing sound from beside him, he didn't know what he was thinking.

He just thought he was ridiculous.

Damn the Fujiwara family, damn Fujiwara Aoi Hime.

Just to see that he is sick and not long to live, so marry this so-called lady from the Fujiwara family to him?

He definitely doesn't need a talented wife, nor does he need a wife who can help him politically, but that doesn't mean he can accept such deception and insult.

He secretly swore in his heart: Qingyu, I will never let you go, you have to pay the price for this.

Later, Qingyu changed her battle plan and chose to sleep in the sun during the day. At first, she couldn't get used to it, but then she fell asleep and stopped sleeping at night. Like Wu Mi, she picked up the book and read it with relish. .

A few days ago, he was the one who got into shape, and he didn't have to sleep on the bed, as long as he wasn't pretentious, he could sleep anywhere.

Qingyu thought that she was still crying because of the pain in her head because she couldn't sleep well, and secretly spurned herself for a second.

After being able to sleep well, Sapphire looked radiant.

At night, I also watched all kinds of jokes, which not only refreshed my mind, but also pleased my body and mind.

Looking at Qingyu who is no longer sleeping, she still smiles like a flower in front of him every day.

Wu Mi: ...

Qingyu knew how to live a comfortable life, so she caught up with sleep in the morning, soaked in the pharmacy in the afternoon, and read books in the evening.

He found an excuse, and often went to Masahiko Ono's pharmacy, and called it: to make medicine for his husband, and he didn't want to fake it for others.

Wu Mi didn't say a word when he heard the news from the servants, but he didn't bother Qing Yu anymore.

Why the narrow-minded Wu Mi let him go suddenly made Qingyu puzzled.

But he didn't want to face Wu Mi, so he continued to stay in this pharmacy full of bitter medicine.

After going back and forth, I got a lot closer to Masahiko Ono.

Qingyu was helping to decoct the medicine, so he could spend most of his time here.

"Madame Qingyu, I would like to trouble you to take a look at these medicines later."

Qingyu was wearing a light blue kimono with many chrysanthemums dotted on it, holding a small fan and fanning the fire aside.

Hearing Masahiko Ono's words, he immediately answered "Hey, yes."

Masahiko Ono didn't expect Fujiwara Qingyu to love her husband so much. These days, she made the medicine by herself and took good care of her husband.

Masahiko Ono admired Qingyu a little bit, but he didn't expect that the delicate and weak Qingyu could endure hardships so much. At first, he thought that she must be a noble girl who didn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers and only knew how to make love.

But Wu Mi's health is getting better and better, but Qing Yu's complexion looks a little worse.The past few days were as pale as a ghost, but these days are much better.

Qingyu stared at the fire carefully, and after a while the medicine was cooked, and he had to send it to Wu Mi.

Wu Mi's room is covered with thick curtains to ensure that no ray of sunlight can penetrate.Even in the daytime, candles are lit, otherwise nothing can be seen clearly.

During the day, Wu Mi would take a nap, but spent most of his time reading.

And Qingyu would always remind Wu Mi to drink the medicine on time and deliver the medicine to Wu Mi's hands.

After Wu Mi stopped tossing about Qingyu, the two seemed to be very harmonious.

Qing Yu could clearly feel that Wu Mi's body was getting better and better, becoming healthier.His physique was even stronger than Qingyu's.

But for some reason, the wound on Wu Mi's face healed very slowly, even after six or seven days, blood was still oozing out.

Gradually, Wu Mi no longer remained calm as before, and began to become irritable.

Wu Mi thought it was too strange, why his injury healed so slowly, could it be that Dr. Ono is an idiot in this regard.

So he ordered the servant to bring a mirror, and facing the mirror, he slowly untied the bandage layer by layer. When the skin and flesh on his face were pulled during the process, he couldn't help crying out in pain, and the blood-stained bandage fell on the ground. On the tatami.

Wu Mi looked at the figure in the mirror, he couldn't believe what he saw.

The once exquisite and beautiful face was covered with burn marks, the flesh was rotten, and blood was oozing out.

Wu Mi's heart constricted intermittently, he wanted to vent, but he didn't know where to vent it.It suddenly occurred to me that Qingyu must not be allowed to see him like this, Qingyu would...

Fear?or mercy?

Wu Mi didn't know what Qingyu would reveal, but whether it was pity, sympathy, love, or fear, he didn't want to see it.

I can't stay like this forever, absolutely not.

It's definitely not me.

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