
Chapter 12

Spent another two days in busy work.Wei Shenzhi finally raised the "Silver Shield" to a perfect level, at least for now they haven't received any bug reports about the new product.But it is too painful to run here and there while being a technical director.So he completely handed over the role of technical director to Selina.

"Only report to me if there is a major problem," he said. "But when we take over a new project, we still have to discuss it together."

After three days, Edgar, who met him again, expressed his high appreciation for this: "I'm very happy, you finally think about it. But can I ask why?"

Sitting in the driver's seat, Wei Shenzhi pointed to the door on the right and directed him to get in the car: "Because I don't have to do these jobs. I need to use my value more efficiently, such as driving a car for you or something." .”

Edgar is wearing his seat belt.Hearing him say this, he couldn't help laughing: "Don't say that I am enslaving you, it is obvious that you are willing to ask me to get in the car."

"In order to repay you for lending me the car last time." He started the engine, turned left and drove onto the road, keeping his eyes on the front without looking at Edgar again.

However, some people refused to let go: "Tell me, why don't you become a technical director?"

"..." It happened to be a red light.Wei Shenzhi turned his face and glanced at the other party, "Because you can't achieve great things just by being the technical director."

The approval in Edgar's eyes deepened: "Oh?"

"In the past two days, I have thought about my original intention carefully. I would rather take such a big scapegoat and come to 'Inspur' from 'magi', not to be a programmer." Wei Shenzhi turned his head and looked at him lightly. Looking forward, "I want to save 'Inspur' from the tragedy of being divided up by an incompetent board of directors and selling off its shares at a low price. After all... this is the lifelong painstaking effort of my father and mother."

"So what do you want to do next?"

"I want to take over Yumi Kondo's project. As for the subject matter involving homosexuality... I have to discuss with her further."

"Aren't you worried about the board of directors? Why do I feel that the directors of you 'Inspur' are very resistant to the company's development of products other than security software?"

"I didn't plan to take over in the name of 'Inspur', but 'Wei Shenzhi' personally, or our studio. Besides, 'Snow Flower' agreed to provide a lot of financial assistance, so we can tide over the difficulties."

"Then you plan to use the name of the studio to enter the wave?"

"No, I intend to gain a reputation, and then return to the mainland to compete with Wei Tianci and the others."

He kept looking at the traffic lights ahead as he spoke.When the green light came on, he was about to step on the gas pedal, but he felt the person sitting on the right stroke his hair, and then said in a voice of approval: "You have really grown up, Wei... no, Be careful."

...Damn it!

The moment the other party called out his name, Wei Shenzhi felt his heart skip a beat, and then started beating like a drum!

Edgar's voice was originally deep and clear, but at this moment, it was filled with approval and happiness from the bottom of his heart.If a young girl heard such a handsome man calling her name with such a voice, she would immediately fall limp in his arms, wouldn't she? !

However, when he realized that he had been bewitched by the other party, Wei Shenzhi's hand holding the steering wheel was a little stiff.

Although Edgar treats himself very well, is good at taking care of others, has good looks and financial resources, and is the president of a super large company...but he is a man!

Don't forget what his original intention for you is!

However, the person sitting in the passenger seat didn't seem to notice his strangeness.Edgar turned sideways in his direction, and gathered a few strands of hair that had fallen from his ear behind the other's ear. Only then did he realize how inappropriate and disrespectful his actions were, and then he was a little stunned.

It wasn't until the car behind started honking impatiently that Wei Shenzhi woke up like a dream.He pushed away Edgar's hand that was still on his cheek and stepped on the gas pedal, feeling a burst of heat on his face for the first time.

Edgar withdrew his arms, and turned his face to look at the scenery outside the window.After about 10 minutes, he said softly: "I can't help it at the moment, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, you thought of her again, right?" The wind outside the car window brought a hint of coldness, and Wei Shenzhi's tone was very flat, "You have always regarded me as her, I can understand."

"...Not this time." Edgar stared blankly at his fingers, which still had the warmth of the opponent's skin, which was a completely different touch from Victoria's, "I'm just so happy that you have finally grown to this point .You have thought of a complete plan by yourself, and as long as you go forward bravely and add some luck, you will succeed."

"You're very... happy for me?"

"I'm proud of you." Edgar said softly, with a sigh in his voice.

Unexpectedly, after Wei Shenzhi heard this sentence, he immediately felt that a spoonful of magma had been poured into his head, and he almost couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, and his cheeks that had just been cooled by the wind tended to turn red again.While driving, he pretended to glance at Edgar casually, but met his thoughtful eyes, with a trademark smile on his lips.

After that, the two didn't speak any more, but this atmosphere lasted until they negotiated with Roska.

Roska was a middle-aged man, grey-haired and equally grey-eyed, giving him a stern look.And those eagle-like eyes shot out a sharp light from time to time.Under the gaze of this kind of gaze, it makes people feel a sense of fear for no reason, and loses the other party in terms of aura.

When the two arrived, the president was slowly sipping a glass of red wine.

"Wei, it's a pleasure to see you again. I hope that your appointment this time has brought a satisfactory answer to both parties."

"There is no answer between me and you that can satisfy both parties." Wei Shenzhi said without humility, "Since the unit test of 'magi' privately sold'', we have already concluded a legal lawsuit."

Roska's eyes lit up.He looked at the eastern man in front of him darkly: "It's really a relentless counterattack, Wei. The board of directors did sell the test unit of '', but you have to understand, who are the notorious people in the software market now. They all I think that your irresponsible job-hopping caused the miscarriage of "" and brought countless losses to our company."

Wei Shenzhi sneered slightly: "I didn't do anything to offend 'magi'. Even if the incident happened at that time, I just jumped ship to 'Inspur'. As for my reputation...even if it's not what you mean, President Roska, I'm afraid it's the same as you Secret instigation is also inseparable. Speaking of it, in order to clarify my reputation, it seems that I should sue you for defamation in federal court."

"Then you have to have evidence, Director Wei." Roska snorted coldly, "What's more, you want to win the entire 'Magi' board of directors in the lawsuit field? What a joke."

Wei Shenzhi's eyebrows were raised imperceptibly, and then he pretended to think for a moment: "Well, since there are only two of us here, I also want to ask... Was it your intention to sell the unit test, or the whole ' magi' board mean?"

Roska narrowed his eyes, and just about to speak, Wei Shenzhi interrupted: "Probably the meaning of the entire board of directors. After all, the board structure of 'magi'... Oh, I still know a little bit. You can't make the overall decision .”

"You—!" As if being told, the middle-aged man stood up abruptly, completely aroused by the other party.In contrast, Wei Shenzhi just sat on the chair with his legs crossed and smiled contemptuously, looking up at him slightly.

In the negotiation field, if you master the other party's emotions, you are not far from victory.

Roska would not fail to understand this truth.

But what surprised him even more was Wei Shenzhi's performance.

Obviously eight months ago, in my office, Wei Shenzhi was the one who was furious for a while and was on the verge of crying, and finally left with no choice but to leave!And now the young director actually treated him with the attitude he had at that time, which was more ironic than slapping him in public!

It's only been eight months... How did he... grow up like this? !

Wei Shenzhi crossed his legs, admiring the other party's fury first with a sneer, and then forcibly suppressing his own anger.When he felt that it was almost done, he put down his legs and said unhurriedly: "You don't have to do this either. In fact, as you said before, I'm here, and I have indeed brought a way to get the best of both worlds."

While talking, he took out some documents from his briefcase, and a mobile hard disk: "These are in my hands,'' all the documents. It includes the core program and those unit tests. I will hand over these things to you now, are you satisfied with the result?"

"……what do you want?!"

The way the other party blew his beard and stared at him was too funny, it took Wei Shenzhi a lot of effort to keep himself from laughing.He rubbed the bridge of his nose in a concealed manner, and said: "It's nothing, I just hope that everyone will be strangers from now on, just come forward and help me clarify my reputation."

"What if I don't?"

"Then I have to go to the federal court and ask them to clear my name."

"Without evidence, the Federal Court will not rule in your favor, kid."

"Who said I have no evidence? I even have witnesses." Wei Shenzhi looked at him with a sneer and clapped his hands three times.Then, the door of the box was pushed open, and the handsome man with brown hair and brown eyes had his trademark smile on his face.He walked in unhurriedly, the recording pen in his hand still had the running indicator light on.

Roska watched Edgar approaching step by step in shock, his voice almost trembling: "President Flanders?! How could you..."

"This is a small request from my client." Edgar smiled unchanged, "What's more, if my client can't get rid of the reputation of 'traitor', it will affect the sales of the products of 'Inspur' company, which will affect me. The company's profit from the contract."

"You... are just a contract, why do you do such a great job for him?!"

"Because he and I are good friends. How could I sit idly by when my friend is being slandered? What's more, we are enemies in the business field. I don't mind doing things that benefit others and myself."

"Edgar Flanders!"

"Alright, alright, let's get back to business." Wei Shenzhi, who was watching enough jokes, said, "You hold my reputation, and now we hold yours. If you are willing to make a small clarification, we will I will never make the content of today's conversation public. What's more, I have already given you everything in '', including the part of the copyright I own. Do you agree or not?"

Roska's face trembled.He looked at the two people in front of him viciously, and said: "Flanders, Wei Shenzhi, you will regret it!"

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