
Chapter 21

Edgar was expecting the other party to become angry and accuse him angrily.Unexpectedly, Wei Shenzhi just froze for a moment, then gently pushed himself away, eyes full of helplessness: "Am I very funny?"

"It's still cute as before." Edgar commented regretfully.

"Thank you, I'm asking for your advice." Wei Shenzhi pulled him back, "Since you're not drunk, go back quickly, don't let everyone see the joke. Besides, I still have something to discuss with you."

It was getting closer and closer to the banquet hall, and there were more and more people coming and going.Edgar originally wanted to tease Wei Shenzhi a few more words, but he had no choice but to give up.Some of them noticed Edgar's abnormal situation just now, and went up to ask if they needed help, but Edgar refused one by one.Although the feeling of drinking a lot of wine is really uncomfortable, it is worth it in exchange for Wei Shenzhi's previous performance.

With that in mind, he entered the hall side by side with him, and Wei Shenzhi immediately spotted Selina.It's not that she is so shockingly beautiful that he can instantly lock her position in the crowd; it's that the woman next to her is wearing a red dress that is very conspicuous among the many black, white and gray dresses, and she is obviously Kondo Yumi.At this moment, Selina was justly and sternly arguing with the other party, and she didn't know what Kondo Yumi said, Selina's brows frowned even deeper.

……What's going on today?It is understandable that Edgar is abnormal, but Selina has always been serious, she is the eldest sister of the entire technical team, when did she look so happy?And Yumi Kondo, why is she present at any accident today?

Just when he was having a headache, Selina turned her head and met his gaze.Wei Shenzhi had no choice but to drag Edgar and walked over together. She was holding a new document that he wanted to negotiate with Edgar.

Kondo Yumi had already noticed the movement.When the two approached, she greeted them with a smile.Selina seemed to want to say something, but the other three smiled harmoniously, and she really didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, so she snorted and turned her head away.

Wei Shenzhi admires Kondo Yumi so much at the moment.Recalling that Casey and others almost caused Inspur's database leak a few months ago, Selina solved the problem calmly.Since then, wanting to see Selina go crazy has become the obsession of all members of Claire's laboratory—except Wei Shenzhi, of course.

"Are you bothering the two of you?" Edgar smiled at them in a friendly manner.

Kondo Yumi shook her head with a smile, and Selina didn't want to take Edgar's face off, so she shook her head reluctantly.

"Since manager Kondo is here, that's great." Wei Shenzhi asked Selina for two documents printed out in the morning, and one of them was handed over to Yumi Kondo, "We already understand the planning and character design of the game. Yes. The analysis of the engine has already been completed, and the current part of the construction can start to make the scene and the basic character model. The following is what we can do so far, please take a look."

"As expected of the wave." Kondo Yumi took out the eyes with gold rims from her handbag and began to read.While she was reading, Wei Shenzhi handed another document to Edgar.

Edgar flipped through it casually, then froze for a moment.This contract is quite familiar, almost the same as the contract signed by the two companies half a year ago, except that some figures have been changed.He read it roughly, and except for the overlord clause set by Western Open because of fear of losing money, almost all other items were kept intact.

"This contract is valid for five years."

Edgar looked up at him.Wei Shenzhi smiled slightly, and the arch of his eyebrows became softer, like melting snow.

"Actually, I want to hand it over to you later." Wei Shenzhi sighed helplessly, "This contract is not just a partnership like last time, but a kind of binding. If you believe in the strength of Inspur If you have the intention to continue the cooperation, please bring it back to Western Open and discuss it carefully with the board of directors."

The hand holding the contract was involuntarily clenched, Edgar lowered his head and chuckled, then nodded.


Yumi Kondo roughly finished browsing the documents, and was about to speak when she saw Wei Shenzhi and Edgar looking at each other.Obviously the two of them just stood there with smiles, but they didn't allow a third person to intervene at all.However, she is not a stalker, since people are not interested in her, she doesn't bother to entangle - but some people obviously don't think so.

Selina obviously misinterpreted Yumi Kondo's smile at the moment as a ulterior motive.She stared over warily, and Kondo Yumi looked back with a smile, in exchange for the other party's more wary eyes.

Kondo Yumi just chuckled—what an interesting girl.

Fortunately, Wei Shenzhi and Edgar also looked over at this time, and Kondo Yumi stopped staring at Selina.She asked Wei Shenzhi a few detailed questions—because Westnet is also a third-party cooperative company, so their conversation did not avoid Edgar——Wei Shenzhi answered them one by one.In the end, Kondo Yumi put the contract in her exquisite bag with satisfaction, and nodded friendly to Wei Shenzhi.

"If Manager Kondo thinks that there are no major problems that need to be revised, then this is our short-term goal." He pointed to the document in her hand, "Now the business problems are mainly solved, and the rest is technical." , he turned his head and looked at Selina who was still sulking, "This is our technical director, Miss Stink, and now she is basically in charge of Inspur's technical team. If you have any needs or comments, please contact us directly. she."

Selina obviously didn't want to shake hands with someone she had just quarreled with, but the other party was a partner of her company, so she had no choice but to move over reluctantly.

"Hello, I'm Selina Sticker. Please give me more advice in the future." After speaking, she was about to take her hand away, but Yumi Kondo suddenly tightened her hand, and Selina exerted too much force again.Because of the sudden change in the center of gravity, the eight-centimeter-high heel suddenly couldn't support her weight.The woman staggered a few times before she stabilized her figure, but felt a sharp pain in her ankle...

"Miss Stink, are you okay?" Kondo Yumi looked at Selina tenderly.The latter stared back fiercely, as if to say, "It's not a good thing you did!"

"I'm really sorry." Kondo Yumi smiled and apologized, but the apology in her tone was really insufficient.She took a few steps forward and held Selina's waist.Then, regardless of the other party's resistance, she lifted her skirt and pressed slightly on the swollen ankle, in exchange for the other party's painful inhalation.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. In that case, let me take you home today, Miss Sticker? You can't walk anymore with your feet."

Selina's eyes widened, almost wanting to curse.But seeing Kondo Yumi's eyes shifted to Edgar again, and then looked back with malicious intent.


Selina has always felt that the boss likes President Flanders, but she is still ignorant of it—or unwilling to face it.When passing by his office every day, she often heard the boss talking on the phone with someone. His tone was very gentle, which was the complete opposite of when he was "pointing fingers" in the company.Later, President Flanders began to visit once a week, and it was nothing serious, just chatting with the boss.

However, in the past half a month, no one heard what happened, and no one heard the boss calling President Flanders.President Flanders came a few times, but the boss always avoided seeing him—it was obvious that there was a conflict.She didn't know why until she saw the intimacy between President Flanders and Manager Kondo just now—

In short, if you don't follow her, Kondo Yumi will definitely continue to pester President Flanders!

Thinking of this, she had no choice but to grit her teeth, and said as if she was heroic: "It's up to you!" Then she pushed the other party away, limped to find a chair and sat down, and called the waiter to give it to her. She gets some ice cubes.

The goal was achieved, Kondo Yumi politely clarified the relationship between them to Wei Shenzhi, and after a few polite words, Wei Shenzhi followed Edgar away full of doubts.During the period, the two met several people who had worked together and talked with each other. It was not until late at night, when the dance slowly ended, that the two walked out of the banquet hall with the crowd that filed out.

When we arrived at the open-air parking lot, Wei Shenzhi couldn't help asking: "What is your relationship with her?"

"You know, when Snowflake entered the North American market, it also signed a contract with Western Network, and that's when I met her. She gave me a very deep first impression, because she subverted the tradition of Japanese women in my mind. Image... You probably don’t know it? The Kondo family used to be considered a chaebol in Japan, but it declined in her father’s generation. Her father gave birth to four daughters and a son with several women, and then gave all hope The hope is on that son, and as for the daughters, they were raised like princesses...Anyway, in her father's eyes, daughters are for marriage."

"I've heard about this...It is said that Yumi Kondo was arranged by her father for a marriage when she was very young, and even gave birth to two children."

"She was married to the only son of Shanmu's family when she was 17 years old."

"Shan Mu?! I remember that the chairman of Sakuragi Enterprises is called Sugi Hiroshi..."

"That's her husband. Or ex-husband. But you're right, she was sold to the Shanmu family by her father at the age of 17, and she gave birth to her first boy at the age of 19. This boy was born She was killed by her husband's enemies within a few months, and she could only fulfill her responsibilities as a wife. At the age of 21, when she was pregnant with her second child, her father was sent to the Supreme Court of Japan for money laundering , the Kondo family’s property was almost stolen..." Edgar shook his head with a sigh, "In short, she has experienced too much suffering. It is really hard for her to achieve what she is today.... These things are also true. Later, she became a very good friend with her, and she told me."

Wei Shenzhi had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, and he couldn't tell what taste it was.Edgar was right, Yumi Kondo was too sharp.With her own efforts, as the general manager of the branch company, she was able to keep the head office in Japan, and won the time and space to raise funds and fight to the death.No matter how powerful she is, Japan and the United States are separated by oceans, and no matter how powerful she is, she can only reach her.

"Her experience...is clearly a victim of the patriarchal society and commercial marriage... Doesn't she hate men?"

"Do you think she's a normal person? She's never hated anyone, and certainly doesn't hate men all over the world. It's just... she's bisexual, which is true."


"Today she told me that she seems to be interested in you." Seeing Wei Shenzhi's eyes widen, Edgar laughed and said, "This is a troublesome opponent, so I'll tell her right away that you like me. Sure enough, seeing Wei Shenzhi's helpless expression, Edgar spread his hands, "Then the blonde beauty beside you kept staring at her, she said that she looked sexy when she was angry, and then..."

...Just like Selina, who looks very powerful and can bluff people on the surface, but against someone like Yumi Kondo who has experienced strong winds and waves...

"Then she... knows that you are actually..."

At this moment, the two had already reached Edgar's car door.There was no one around, Edgar raised his hand and gently touched his side face.Then he lightly rubbed the corner of Wei Shenzhi's lips.Unlike the aggressiveness of the previous two kisses, this time he just gently caressed the corner of his lips, moving slowly as if trying to touch the depths of his heart.

"No, she doesn't know. The only person who knows my life experience and my identity is you."

The smile on Wei Shenzhi's lips deepened, but he pulled his hand away: "In the early days of dating, please keep a proper distance."

Edgar opened the car door, took out another document and handed it to Wei Shenzhi: "Go back and look at this. Recently, something went wrong inside the Western Network. If you can come to help, I would be very grateful."

Wei Shenzhi felt that his expression must be a bit ironic: "Are you going to hire me as a part-time job?"

"You'll find out when you go back and have a look." Edgar closed the car door, started the engine, then pulled down the glass of the car window, and looked at him jokingly: "Do you want to get in the car?"

Wei Shenzhi refused again, and Edgar didn't say anything.He drove the car out of the parking space, waved to Wei Shenzhi, and walked away.Wei Shenzhi looked at it for a while, with a smile on his lips that he didn't even notice.Then, he gathered the windbreaker on his body and walked to his parking space.

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