
Chapter 25

The Chinese New Year is still a few days away, and people have already started setting off fireworks.

Beautiful fireworks soared into the sky from a distance, blooming gorgeous patterns in the sky.Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple are so beautiful that they look like petals sprinkled by the hands of a celestial maiden, embellishing the dark night sky.

The taxi drove away, leaving only a dusty man behind.He was wearing a white windbreaker, and even his hat was white.The lowered brim of the hat made it difficult to see his expression clearly, and even his chin and lips were hidden under the high collar of the windbreaker.In the dark night, only the sound of his footsteps and the dragging of the suitcase sounded monotonously.The dim lights around him flickered, making the man's shadow very long.He just walked towards the long dark night ahead alone, and the fireworks could not illuminate the road ahead.

The place where he got off was still some distance from the city, so it seemed unexpectedly deserted.I couldn't even see a single person on the road, but fortunately the dim lights could still illuminate the front, back, left, and right roads.The man took out the flashlight, walked forward for about 10 minutes, and finally stopped in front of a white iron gate.

The beam of the flashlight swayed on the line of characters in front of the gate, as if to make sure that he did not go the wrong way.The drowsy doorman in the reception room was dazzled by the light, and while yawning and complaining about who ran to such an unlucky place in the early morning, he turned on the desk lamp.He opened the small shutter, and the cold air outside made him shiver involuntarily.

"Brother, what's the matter with you so late?"

The man in white nodded: "I'm here to sweep the grave. Please let me in."

The guard showed a embarrassed expression: "Brother, to tell you the truth, the law and order is not very good recently, and some thieves who are not afraid of viciousness have once pretended to be the family members of the deceased... Besides, I have never seen anyone come to visit the grave at this time. Can you come on New Year's Eve?" Saying this, by the light of the desk lamp, the guard looked carefully at the person in front of the reception room window.The brim of the hat covered the eyes, the high collar covered the lips, even the hands were covered with leather gloves, and the whole body was completely covered.But he was holding a suitcase in one hand, and holding a large bouquet of flowers in the other... This outfit was so strange that it couldn't be more strange.

The man in white seemed to hesitate.Then he took off his hat.

"Wei... Mr. Wei?!"

Wei Shenzhi nodded: "I'm here to see my parents. Please accommodate me."

"If it's Mr. Wei, of course there's no problem!" The guard quickly opened the door and walked out, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you! Last year, you repaired those tombs in the west that no one came to worship for many years. You really nice man!"

Wei Shenzhi shook his head with a smile.The reason why they are willing to repair those cemeteries is not only because they feel sorry for the dead who have never been visited by anyone.At that time, Gao Lang and Wei Xichao died in a car accident. He just hoped to accumulate some virtue for his parents so that they would not suffer any more in the next life.

"Mr. Wei, please wait." The guard hurried into the reception room, took out another flashlight that was much brighter, and smiled sincerely at the silent man: "It's so dark, you go to the cemetery alone, You will be a little scared no matter what? I will accompany you! Anyway, I have been used to guarding the cemetery for many years!"

Wei Shenzhi did not refuse his kindness.This dismal cemetery is the city of the dead.And the cities of the dead crisscross as much as the cities of the living.In the year since his parents passed away, he has only visited a few times.If there is no one to guide, it must be difficult to tell the direction.

"Actually, we are all familiar with the cemetery of Ms. Gao and his wife." The guard led the way and said to Wei Shenzhi, "It's really easy to recognize!"

"Oh?" Wei Shenzhi frowned. He didn't remember any particularly conspicuous signs on his parents' graves?

"General Manager Wei visits the place every month on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. Every time we bring him here, of course we know the way! He also takes special care of us to replace the flowers and tributes in front of the grave!" The guard said with a smile , "If all the family members care about the deceased relatives like General Manager Wei, how can the tombs in the west be deserted?"

Wei Shenzhi listened quietly without making any comments, and the guard didn't care too much, and talked incessantly all the way.At last they stood in front of a cemetery.The cemetery was a round blue stone platform surrounded by tiny flowers.The tombstone is tied straight in the center of the stone platform.

"Thank you." Wei Shenzhi said, "I want to be alone with my parents for a while, is that okay?"

"Of course!" said the doorman, and slipped a note to him, "This is my phone number. If you don't know how to get out, you can call me! Then I'll go first!"

"Wait!" Wei Shenzhi stopped him, "I don't want my uncle to know about this..."



At that moment, Wei Shenzhi's face revealed a look of extreme pain.His eyes were filled with sadness, as if he had witnessed the death of his parents again.Shocked, the guard quickly nodded and said yes, and then quickly left with a flashlight.

Without the light of the flashlight, the entire cemetery was once again shrouded in darkness.

Wei Shenzhi lit several candles in front of the grave, and the flickering candle flames danced in his pupils.He slowly placed the bouquet in his hand in front of the grave where the two were buried together.Then, he knelt down in front of the grave and kowtowed three times.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back, Happy New Year." In the candlelight, he gently caressed the two cold names on the stone tablet, but what flashed in front of his eyes was a gentle mother and a serious father.The happy times of the past gradually appeared before my eyes, and gradually disappeared.Wei Shenzhi smiled happily, but with a smile, tears fell down.

"Mom and Dad, I have not violated the oath I made at the beginning. Now my company has already enjoyed a good reputation in Silicon Valley, and I will be able to return to China in at least a year and a half." He closed his eyes, "At that time, I will let Wei Tianci ...pay the price you deserve."

The words are very light, but the coldness in them is comparable to the bleak and heavy night, like the clang of a golden weapon and a sharp arrow.

However, Wei Shenzhi calmed down again, and smiled at the tombstone: "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I came back secretly this time, and I can't let Wei Tianci know, so I can only choose this point to see you. One day later, I'm going to fly back to the United States again. By the way, I found someone I like in the United States. He is not an ordinary person, but he has helped me a lot. If I hadn't met him, I would still be that little programmer with a scapegoat Well... Mom and Dad, will you bless me?"

He looked at the two names eagerly and delightedly.The candle flame danced in his pupils, like obsidian.

If my mother knows that her son has a relationship with a man, or a Western monster, I don't know how she will feel... But father should not object, right?After all, when he was alive, he often said to himself that if he could choose, he would rather be with ghosts and ghosts like those poor-fated scholars in Liaozhai.Because no matter how scary ghosts are, they will not be as difficult to guess as the human heart.


Footsteps could be heard far behind.

Wei Shenzhi knelt in front of his parents' grave without looking back.

"If Xichao finds out that you are related to that president, he will probably bless you."


The sound of footsteps, which were clearly far away just now, is now close at hand.Wei Shenzhi understood that his grandmother was not very human, and he had seen such a strange ability similar to shrinking into an inch once or twice when he was young.However, since he became sensible, his grandmother never showed these skills in front of him.

The footsteps stopped behind him, and Wei Siyun's sighing voice sounded above his head, as if he knew Wei Shenzhi's experience well all along: "I ordered Tianci to visit the grave every month. Did you think so?" Wrong, he hates Xichao so much, it is impossible to pay homage to brother and sister-in-law willingly."

Wei Shenzhi didn't speak.

"Shenzhi, do you still remember the divination I made for you when Xichao and Gaolang left? I said that you will eventually be entangled with ghosts, so I gave you three talismans, but I didn't see you wearing them by your side .”

"...Did grandma figure out what to do next?"

Wei Siyun patted his head affectionately: "I'm not the master, father Yan, nor Dongfang Shuo, and I'm not some kind of divine calculation, how could I figure it out completely?" However, her tone sank, "But...you like The person above, he... seems to have had a bad fate."

"Can you figure out what happened to him?"

"It can be seen more or less. The age of his birth was a year of renewal and turmoil, and the combination of father and mother was not ordered by a matchmaker. He should have died in a battle around 1945, but Met another woman and made him into what he is now... However, he should have told you part of his life experience."


"So, for him, you are willing to inherit the mantle of the ancestors of the Wei family and practice the art of the five elements. In this way, you can help him fight back to the blood race, and help him to the position that should belong to him—just like he is willing to devote all his life All to help you get back what's yours."

"...Grandma really has a clever plan."

"Oh... Sure enough." Wei Siyun chuckled lightly, and slowly walked in front of Wei Shenzhi.She caressed the cold tombstone lovingly, then looked at Wei Shenzhi, with a trace of helplessness in her tone, "Wei Jiafu's relationship is shallow, and it was originally because of Lao Shizi's calculation method and the five elements technique. My father once told me that even if I will no longer teach Xichao and Tianci, and the Wei family's mantle will not be interrupted... So it was you."

"I won't have children." Wei Shenzhi said, "but my cousin Jingjing can still have children. I know it might be selfish..."

"I will teach you the art of the five elements." Wei Siyun looked at him, "but you must promise me one thing."

"Please speak."

"At all costs, protect your cousin Wei Jingjing. Apart from you, she is the only blood of the Wei family. I will never allow the Wei family to die in your generation!"

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