
Chapter 49

Three days later, in the morning.

Just like Inspur has branches in North America, Westnet, as one of the five largest trust companies in the United States, also has branches in several major Asian countries.

The China branch of Westnet is located in the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, together with those software companies.Although the reputation of Western Network in China is not as great as some local trust companies, it is still a first-class foreign company.

At this moment, a low-key and luxurious black business sports car slowly drove over. The security guard outside the door who was leaning on the side to bask in the sun was startled. He had never seen anyone sitting in such a luxurious car. Car to work.At this moment, the door of the passenger seat opened, and a tall and capable woman stepped out.Although she is black-haired and black-eyed, but with a straight nose and a well-defined jaw, it is easy to recognize that she is not a Chinese.She was wearing a white business attire, with white high-heeled shoes thumping and walked outside the door: "Hello."

Her Chinese is very fluent.The doorman was stunned. He didn't remember that this woman was working here: "Hello. Foreign vehicles, please register first."

The woman explained her purpose with a smile: "I'm Tabella Neveu, the interpreter invited by Mr. Flanders. He has an appointment with your manager, Mr. Wang, at around ten o'clock in the morning, and we informed you yesterday Manager Wang."

The doorman registered it dutifully, and at the same time felt a little strange: Why does the name "Flanders" sound so familiar?It seems that I have seen similar names in the newspapers in the past two days...

"Manager Wang's office is on the thirteenth floor. Enter through entrance A, and you can go directly to the elevator on the right."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The driver's window rolled down.The woman said something to the driver in English, and then opened the back seat door.The security guard was very curious about who it was, so he glanced over from the corner of his eye "inadvertently".That Mr. Flanders was wearing a pure black suit. The well-tailored suit perfectly set off his tall and well-proportioned figure, and his brown hair was particularly dazzling in the sun.Perhaps it was because of the strong sunlight that he was wearing wide sunglasses.He put his hands in his trouser pockets casually, and just looking back casually, he has a demeanor comparable to a star walking on stage...

However, the sense of familiarity in the security guard's heart became stronger and stronger.He didn't realize that he was already staring at him.And that Mr. Flanders met his gaze and smiled very friendly.The security guard also quickly returned a smile, only then noticed his impolite behavior, nodded quickly and returned to the reception room.Flanders looked away, and walked into the building with the interpreter and another accompanying blonde woman. However, no one noticed that under the sunglasses, the man's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly.

...Sure enough, the report has been overwhelming, even with sunglasses, is he still recognized?

As soon as Edgar entered the lobby, he saw Wang Shuo, the branch manager who had just contacted yesterday, sitting on the sofa.Sensing that someone was approaching him, Wang Shuo stood up with a smile, shook hands with the president of the company in a neither humble nor haughty manner, and then exchanged business cards with him: "Mr. Flanders, I have known you for a long time."

Edgar took off his sunglasses, smiled and nodded.As the president, he naturally knows the operation of the company's branches around the world.So he commented pertinently: "You have managed this place very well."

Tabella helped translate.

"Thank you. Without you, we wouldn't be able to do this." Wang Shuo smiled, then changed the topic, and cut straight to the point, "It's not convenient to talk here. President Flanders, would you like to come to my office?"

So the group moved to the manager's office on the thirteenth floor.Wang Shuo closed the door and ordered four cups of tea: "Mr. President is here for that report?"

"Well." Edgar's eyes darkened, "Manager Wang, I hope you can help me suppress these reports. These two days...they are too overwhelming."

"Are you worried that these reports will damage my company's image?"

Wang Shuo asked, his eyes swept over the blond woman who was sitting beside him without saying a word.He knew her, Kate Lorraine.Every time he goes to the head office for a meeting, she is responsible for arranging the scheduling and conveying the wishes of the president, Flanders.All in all, none of the high-level executives of Western Network Company did not know the omnipotent secretary of the President of Flanders.Since Flanders proposed to resign, she should have stayed in the United States to assist the next president, but now, she is still by Flanders' side?

If he can still use her, something must have happened, and he is beyond reach in China alone.If there is anything else that can make this president, who is about to completely break away from Western Network soon, invite his core team members to China, is it possible...Then what the report says is actually true?

Wang Shuo wondered in his heart, what did Edgar say over there.Tabella translated: "Mr. President said that he doesn't want Manager Wei to be troubled by this news."

"...So, you did this for the sake of the waves?"

"For the West Open, and for Wei Shenzhi, but definitely not for the tide." Edgar reached for the teacup in front of him, took a sip of the tea, the rising heat covered his sharp eyes, "I will immediately appeal to Wei Tianci To tarnish my reputation and spread pornographic news."

"I understand." Wang Shuo nodded, "But, can I ask what you plan to do next...? Sorry, this may be your private matter, but it is related to the interests of our company. No offense If you are willing to let me know, I will be very grateful."

Edgar smiled slightly: "Your consideration is not wrong, you have done a good job. Have you considered coming to the North American head office for development?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but my wife and son are all here, and I'm afraid they won't be able to adapt to life in a foreign country."

"It doesn't matter." Edgar nodded in understanding, and then returned to the topic, "I will support Wei Shenzhi at all costs."


"Don't worry, Manager Wang." Edgar reassured, "I will not lose any public property of Western Internet Corporation."


Wang Shuo hesitated for a long time, but Edgar did not urge him, but just looked at him with a smile, and his eyes contained a look of understanding.Encouraged by his eyes, Wang Shuo still said: "If you and Manager Wei are... maybe it won't affect the American consumer market, but it may cause some unnecessary... losses to the sales of the Chinese branch. .”

"Don't worry about this. Since I decided to do this, I naturally went through various investigations." He looked at Lorraine who was sitting aside.The universal secretary immediately said: "President Flanders has already discussed with us."

...Although most of them used emotional offensive, who told Manager Wei to help them overcome a big difficulty at the risk of breaking the law.

"Many supporters in China are already used to the content of "Fengliuyin". Maybe this kind of emotion will be said to be shocking to other people, but Manager Wei will be an exception." Edgar said, "What's more, Rather than trying to deny it and trying to cover it up, it’s better to let nature take its course. I will not openly show my face in front of the mass media, but I don’t need to come forward and clarify, as if I have committed some heinous crime.”

Wang Shuo hesitated to speak.Finally, he looked at Edgar helplessly, and said with a smile: "Since the top core team has said so, then I have no reason to object. Don't worry, Mr. President, tomorrow you will not be on any mainstream website." I saw this annoying news on the front page, and major newspapers and magazines will no longer have relevant follow-up reports."

"Excuse me." Edgar stood up and shook hands with him, and then left with his secretary and translator.The elevator door closed, and Luo Lan suddenly sighed: "Boss, why did you suddenly resign?"

"Because I want to go back...to the place where I was born to solve some shameful things."

Lorraine was his friend, even more his right-hand man, and he knew she would not betray him.Therefore, he chose an ambiguous reply rather than a conclusive lie.

"With Manager Wei?"


Edgar turned around and carefully looked at the woman who had been following him a few years ago, and he could see the obvious worry in her eyes.Presumably in her heart, she must have abandoned a great career... Maybe it was to follow a man, just like in all romantic literary films.

However, he must help Wei Shenzhi fulfill his wish—that is also his own wish.

70 years ago, he failed to lift the crown for Victoria and prop her up to the highest throne; 70 years later, he vowed to do his best to help Wei Shenzhi become stronger and let him regain control of everything he should have.

"Things are not what you think, Kate." He smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

The elevator reached the first floor, and the three walked out of the building. Edgar brought back the sunglasses again.He sent the interpreter and driver off, and walked down the stone-paved crosswalk.Lorraine followed him, lowered his head, and seemed to be in a very low mood.A few minutes later, she cheered up: "Boss, we have done everything you explained before."


"I have already rented a villa in the suburbs, which is about an hour's drive from the city. At the same time, before you left, you asked us to repair your car and apply for a license plate. We have already done it. Now your car has It was transported here, and it is in the garage of that villa. You can use it at any time. Also, the members of the core plan drafting team who are temporarily on vacation will also come to China within three days. They are Nancy, Frank , Pierce. We also contacted Ms. He Dongyu from nk firm. She promised us that she would tell us the current situation of Claire's laboratory within the scope of Manager Wei's permission, so that we can cooperate to formulate the next step—if we are the first A tripartite team stepped in."

"Will our intervention as a third-party team cause legal disputes?"

"If it's in the personal names of Nancy, Frank and Pierce, no. The three of them hold lawyer's licenses and can take cases internationally after being identified."

"Well, I need you to do one last thing for me now." Edgar turned around and looked at Lorraine seriously, "I will sue Wei Tianci in the local court of China for the crime of violating others*. It’s okay to delay the final negotiation date. Of course, it would be better for Wei Tianci to lose the case. If the Chinese court rules in his favor, I will appeal to the federal court as a U.S. citizen.”

"Are you sure?! This... may cause a lot of news, because you and Manager Wei have just spread such news..."

"This is what I want." Edgar smiled coldly, "Wei Tianci will definitely not feel better."


In the afternoon, Edgar visited He Dongyu and others from the NK firm.At night, he went back to the villa and drove the car out, and then went straight back to Wei Siyun's place - because Wei Shenzhi told him that he would go back today.After saying hello to Wei Siyun, he went upstairs to Wei Shenzhi's room, only to find that Wei Shenzhi had fallen asleep, and there was a newspaper by his hand, and the front page of the newspaper had taken up most of the space for the past two days. The pictures of the headlines of the major news web pages, and the very eye-catching "shocking" headline:

"Doubtful! Does Inspur's son and the president of an American-funded foreign company have a 'relationship' beyond friendship?!"

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