
Chapter 53

Today is definitely not a lucky day, but for the media, whether other people's luck or misfortune, it is their cash cow.

The head of Claire's laboratory, the main producer of "Fengliuyin", the son of the former chairman of Inspur and the former general manager, the young talent who just won the chairmanship of Inspur Enterprises, but because of a car accident, he is now unconscious lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

This news spread like wildfire in a short time, even overshadowing the fact that he himself has been elected as the chairman of Inspur Enterprises.The major news media immediately updated their Weibo and official website. Like a group of flies smelling blood, they sent reporters to block the entrance of Xiehe Hospital.Fortunately, those reporters finally had some conscience, so they would not rush to the operating room regardless, or take pictures of the glass of the intensive care unit, but they blocked the door, which did cause some difficulties for the normal operation of the hospital.

It was dusk now, but the number of reporters at the gate of Xiehe Hospital not only did not decrease, but increased.Many reporters were holding microphones and doing live reports.

"As you can see, Wei Shenzhi, the new chairman of Inspur Company, unfortunately got into a car accident in order to save the daughter of the former chairman, and almost lost his breath. The news released by the hospital just now said that Mr. Wei is fine for the time being, but short-term. I can't wake up in time."

"Wei Jingjing, the daughter of former chairman Wei Tianci, suffered a fracture in her left hand and was diagnosed with a mild concussion, but compared to Mr. Wei Shenzhi's situation, she is much better. Miss Wei's health is not too serious. He had a plaster cast and is now recuperating in the hospital."

"Due to Mr. Wei Shenzhi's accident, Inspur said that the chairman will be represented by Mr. Wei Tianci until Mr. Wei Shenzhi is discharged from the hospital. Ah, wait, that person...is Mr. Flanders?!"

The reporters were in an uproar, and the flashing lights were particularly dazzling in the evening mist.Edgar put on his previous sunglasses and walked out under the escort of Lorraine and three bodyguards in black.Many reporters immediately put their microphones in front of him excitedly, and several of them almost stuck to his body, but were blocked by those tall and burly bodyguards in black.

"Mr. Flanders, can you share your opinion?"

"How is the situation of Mr. Wei Shenzhi?"

"Mr. Wei Shenzhi was seriously injured and unconscious. Will you help Inspur Company?"

"Mr. Wei Shenzhi was involved in a car accident. It is said that your reaction at that time was shocking. May I ask whether you are indeed lovers as rumored?"

Edgar turned a deaf ear and got into the car under the escort of bodyguards.One second before getting into the car, he said something to Lorraine.The blond woman straightened up and waved to the reporters, signaling them to be quiet.

"I'm Kate Lorraine. President Flanders said that Mr. Wei's condition is improving. Please take care of me. Also, this is a hospital. Please don't block the door and hinder the normal operation of patients and medical staff." In and out."

Journalists, however, would never care about that.They naturally knew that the woman in front of them was the golden secretary of President Flanders, so the flashlights and microphones immediately surrounded Lorraine.

So, where the reporters didn't notice, Edgar's car left quietly.


The driver is driving very fast.Edgar opened the window to the maximum, and the whistling of the wind immediately drowned out all the sounds.After the driver sent him to his villa in the suburbs, he left.And Edgar dismissed the bodyguards, and after making sure that no reporter followed, he started his car and drove towards Wei Siyun's residence.

After bypassing those barriers with ease, the quaint building appeared before his eyes again.Edgar looked up at the word "Si Yun" on the plaque, and the guilt in his heart almost overwhelmed him.Wei Siyun entrusted his relative to him, but he watched helplessly as the other party was seriously injured in front of him, but he was helpless.

Edgar stood there in a daze for a while, and finally realized the cemetery he had visited.He wiped his eyes blankly and entered the mansion.At this time, the moon was in the sky, and the entire ancient mansion was extremely dark and gloomy, only Wei Siyun's clean room was glowing with faint candlelight.Edgar stood in front of her door, hesitated for a moment, and knocked on the door.

"Is that Flanders? Come in."

Edgar pushed the door and entered, but was shocked by the sight in front of him.

Silent candles burn in the night.

Not a few candles, but one.The soft flames formed a circle, very much like the magic used by a warlock in a summoning ceremony.

However, in this circle, some candles are red and others are white.All that were lit were red candles.

The warm fire light illuminates everything in the room.The walls are covered with yellow paper, on which mysterious talismans are drawn with bright red cinnabar.

The white-haired celestial master sat in the center of the light, his pure white hair and eyebrows were dyed a warm color.Wei Siyun's face was so flat that there was no sadness or joy, or maybe she didn't know what emotions to express her sadness.

"You came."

Edgar's gaze darkened, and he nodded slightly.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not all your responsibility." Unexpectedly, Wei Siyun actually spoke to comfort him, "Since Jiang Zeyue was sealed by me, she has always wanted to get out of the spell, so she often resists my wishes." Spiritual power has made me exhausted recently. Because of this, it was too late when I found out that Shenzhi’s fate was different. When you left, I knew that in this life... he must suffer this catastrophe ..."

"Because of this catastrophe...?"

"I told you before that Shenzhi was born in a cloudy year and a cloudy moon and a cloudy day. If it was a girl, she would have a pure yin female life, which is a natural body; but he is a man. Male yang and female yin, yang Qi is contrary to the time when he was born, so he is destined not to live until the age of forty. I thought that this catastrophe would at least come later, but I didn't expect that before he passed the age of [-], he would already..."

Edgar seemed to have been soaked in cold water from head to toe, and his whole body was shocked: "You mean... the hospital is destined not to save him?!"

"..." Wei Siyun sighed and nodded, "That's right."

Edgar took a deep breath: "Is it really... powerless?"

"Yes." Wei Siyun closed his eyes wearily, and nodded slightly, "It depends on whether you are willing to cooperate."

"Of course I am willing to cooperate!" Edgar was dazzled by the surprise, and was in a hurry for a while, almost knocking over a few candles at his feet. "If he can get through this difficulty safely, I am willing to do anything!"

"Flanders, let me ask you. What is the inheritance of the Bathory family's power?"

"Not only Bathory, but also the inheritance of all families of the blood family. After the death of the previous Patriarch, his power will be transferred to the heir he chooses, and then superimposed with the power of the heir himself." It is precisely for this reason, Many blood clans broke their heads for the position of Patriarch—after all, who wouldn't want such a powerful force.

Wei Siyun's face showed joy: "In other words, after Victoria Bathory's death, you have completely inherited her power?"

"Yes." Edgar said nothing.

"Then I need to undo the seal of the Sanctioning Cross Curse and restore all your strength. Are you willing?"

"I am willing."

Edgar didn't hesitate at all, he didn't even ask Wei Siyun what to do if he regained his strength.

"That's good." Wei Siyun nodded, "Stand in the center of this magic circle. I want to break the seal, so you may feel very uncomfortable."

Edgar suddenly felt a little ridiculous.Back then, many people wanted him to break the seal, inherit Bathory's title, and lead the Bathory family to its peak, but he refused.Even after he got to know Wei Shenzhi, he never thought that he could give up his persistence so easily.

He shook his head resolutely: "As long as it can help Shenzhi overcome the difficulties, I am willing to let me die, let alone break the seal."


The whole clean room is very tall and spacious.Even though Wei Siyun used candles to set up a huge magic circle, the room filled with candlelight still looked very empty.

Edgar stood between the burning flames.Wei Siyun took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

The long sword with a cold light came out of its sheath, and slowly pointed at Edgar's eyebrows.Then, the tip of the sword moved slowly, pointing at his middle, Adam's apple, and chest in turn...

It was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.Wei Siyun closed his eyes and opened his lips.Edgar could not understand what she was chanting.It was an extremely dangerous behavior to allow an onmyoji to use inexplicable spells on himself, but Edgar didn't care at all.Not because he believed in Wei Siyun so much, but because of Wei Shenzhi.

He believes he will be fine.

Suddenly, the tip of Wei Siyun's sword stopped moving and was facing Edgar's heart.She stopped chanting and raised her eyes: "This is the sealed location."

Edgar nodded.

Wei Siyun withdrew his long sword.The sharp blade slashed across his fingers, but the overflowing blood did not flow down.On the contrary, as Wei Siyun's fingertips passed over, they condensed into bright red talismans in the air.Wei Siyun took out a piece of yellow paper and printed the floating blood on it.Suddenly, she waved her backhand, and the spell was immediately imprinted on Edgar's heart!

Edgar could clearly feel the power emanating from the spell, and resisted the cross spell that sealed him.The confrontation between the two forces was quite uncomfortable, Edgar couldn't help but took a step back and frowned.

However, this is not the end.Seeing this, Wei Siyun held the long sword horizontally, and stabbed the tip of the sword into his heart!

Suddenly, the burning flames on the ground rose sharply and gathered at the edge of her sword, directly engulfing the brown-haired man in a sea of ​​flames!With a wave of Wei Siyun's long sword, the spells on the wall fell in response to the sound, and along with the strong wind ignited by the flames, they rushed towards the center of the magic circle one after another!

The flames burned more and more intensely, and Edgar's figure was also lost in the sea of ​​flames.Wei Siyun stood aside with his sword in hand, watching the development of the matter nervously.In order to prevent the fire from spreading, she also specially set up a barrier inside the clean room—this is the first time she has lifted the seal set by the priests of the Holy See, and even she herself does not know the possible results, and I hope that there will be no accidents in the middle. Something went wrong!

Suddenly, without warning, the overwhelming fire in the clean room was suddenly extinguished!

The room was plunged into darkness.Even the moon in the sky was hidden under the thick dark clouds for some reason, as if the whole world had fallen into an ancient silence.

The surroundings were pitch black, and Wei Siyun held his breath subconsciously, but he didn't feel the other party's breath.However, she didn't dare to act rashly, she just kept standing in this seemingly eternal darkness.

At the same time, far away, in the dark but magnificent castle, the woman on the throne raised her head.

"Count Bathory..."

Her voice was low and hoarse, with a charming and seductive voice.

"I found you……"

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