
Chapter 75

The effect of the spell made him enter the lover's dream.The sky in the dream is gray, like a speck of dust from charcoal that has been scorched by flames.The air smelled of fire and saltpeter.Other than that, everything around is empty and empty, not even the shadow of the ruins can be seen.

The scene in front of me made people feel fear and sadness when they saw it.The dream was filled with the smell of gunpowder, reminding him of the scene where Edgar, who was once a human, died.World War II, Normandy landings.Had it not been for the appearance of the vampire Victoria, Edgar Flanders would have been a glorious and great martyr, fighting and dying for his country and the world.His name could have been passed down forever along with the stars in the sky.

The dark-haired man continued to walk forward.Gradually, the scene in front of him changed.The smog and haze of the war gradually disappeared, and at the end of the mist, a magnificent castle stood abruptly.The color of the castle itself is the gray and black of smoke, and it has been eroded by the torrent of time. The only thing left is a decayed and dark body.

The people coming and going in the castle are gorgeously and solemnly dressed, and most of them are beautiful and noble women.They were all wrapped in expensive furs, and they held gorgeous feather fans in their slender hands wrapped in lace gloves.The man, on the other hand, wore a black top hat, all kinds of well-tailored tuxedos, and the top of the cane was inlaid with a beautiful ruby, shining the color of blood.

The crowd gathered in the center of the castle, and Wei Shenzhi followed them forward.In the magnificent hall, a black-haired, black-eyed Western woman crossed her legs and leaned on the high platform, the seat that symbolized the head of the family.Her lower abdomen has slightly bulged, but the woman's face still has nothing to do with motherhood.Now she looked like a pregnant beast—even if she was going to be a mother, she still couldn't hide the bloodthirsty smile on her lips.

Standing beside her, the one who bent down to whisper to her from time to time was the person who was facing her day and night.Wei Shenzhi had never seen such a warm smile on Edgar's face, as if all the shadows and misfortunes had been erased from his heart, as if the pain and suffering in the world had gone away from him.Wei Shenzhi stood among the noisy crowd, quietly watching the interaction between Edgar and Victoria, but his eyes never moved away from Victoria's side.

"Today is the day when Miss Victoria officially succeeds Lord Virginia and becomes the head of the Bathory family."

The crowd gradually quieted down.Beside Victoria, Edgar announced to the people below with his familiar voice.

"Respectfully invite the Lord of Darkness to come, acknowledge and witness the birth of the new head of the Bathory family!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a strong wind between the sky and the earth, blowing out all the lighting fires.Countless dark mist from nowhere covered the audience, and at the same time, a slender figure appeared on the high platform out of thin air. "It" snapped its fingers, and all the candles were lit again.Everyone in the audience chanted the Lord of Darkness in their mouths, and they all fell to their knees out of fear and worship.Only Wei Shenzhi was still standing, staring at the so-called "darkness" in astonishment.

The whole body of "it" was shrouded in black mist, not to mention the appearance, even the gender was impossible to judge.What Wei Shenzhi could see was that the black shadow seemed to be floating, and with the momentum of a king, it came to Victoria and raised her jaw.

"Mistress of the Bathory family. Are you willing to fulfill Elizabeth's last wish and give me your body, mind and soul?" The voice of "it" is sometimes male and female, sometimes as old as an old woman who is dying, sometimes Young and immature like a baby just babbling.

The darkness that engulfed everything almost enveloped Victoria.Wei Shenzhi watched helplessly as the woman whom Edgar cared about stood up, with a fascinated expression on her face.She ignored Edgar's retention and calling behind her, and threw herself into the embrace of "darkness" like a moth to a flame.

In the dream, Wei Shenzhi was just a bystander.

He watched Edgar being imprisoned by "darkness", and witnessed his beloved woman being taken away by a monster of unknown gender and appearance.He looked at his face distorted with pain and shock, and he saw that he had finally decided to betray the belief of the blood clan-he refused to believe in the "man" who took Victoria.

Edgar broke into St. Paul's Church in the Vatican and swore in front of the icon that he would abandon the teachings of the Lord of Darkness.He told the pope and the cardinals all the information he knew and all the information of the blood race, and then he threw Victoria's relic, the black long knife that was the symbol of Patriarch Bathory, into the blazing holy flame of the Holy See .

"Absolutely unforgivable, cruel and arrogant Lord of Darkness!" The brilliance of the Sanctioning Cross curse penetrated his heart, and the brown-haired man roared in the center of the holy city with blood and tears, "I curse you to be wandered forever Poor land of exile, I curse your long-cherished wish not to be fulfilled until the end of the world——!!!!"


Amidst his lover's desperate and shrill roar, Wei Shenzhi opened his eyes, only to find that the place next to the pillow was empty.

Because of the effect of the spell, Wei Shenzhi remembered everything he saw in the dream clearly.While he was thinking, he got dressed and finished washing. When he walked out of the bedroom, he was not surprised to see Edgar sitting at the dining table by the balcony.To his left is a fried egg sandwich, apparently for himself.But Edgar himself had only a glass of red wine in front of him, because wine tasting was also his hobby.

"Good morning, Shen." Edgar showed a warm smile, motioning for him to sit beside him.

Wei Shenzhi is full of doubts now, but he has no way to ask.Fortunately, Edgar was quite understanding, and he took the initiative to say, "You have seen it all."

"..." Wei Shenzhi didn't speak.

"What do you want to ask me?"

"...Victoria, was taken away by Satan?" Wei Shenzhi carefully observed Edgar's expression, for fear that he would suddenly run away again.

However, Edgar was far more magnanimous than he imagined—probably because he already knew that Wei Shenzhi had watched the whole process.Pressing the base of the goblet with his index finger and middle finger, Edgar shook the wine glass subconsciously with his fingers: "She left with the Lord of Darkness willingly...and it was when she was pregnant."

Although his tone was calm and breezy, his eyes were very dark.Wei Shenzhi knows how to accept as soon as he sees it, not to mention Victoria's thoughts are really not the focus of his concern now.So he changed the question: "But, I remember you once told me that when Victoria was pregnant...she was tied to the stake and burned to death by other families and some people from Bathory."

"..." Edgar didn't speak.He put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up, walked to the balcony window, and watched everything outside the window.Wei Shenzhi followed his gaze, but only saw a gloomy sky - Budapest, which had not seen haze for a long time, was filled with thick fog, enough to make anyone lose their way in it.

"Edgar, tell me." Wei Shenzhi's voice sounded behind him, "I remember I told you that I respect all your ideas and will not interfere with any of your actions. But please tell me the truth— —No matter what, I'm on your side."

The other party's sincere words made the heir of the Bathory family turn around.However, the moment he turned around, Wei Shenzhi was stunned—with the help of the dim skylight, he clearly saw two lines of clear tears rolling down Edgar's cheeks and falling onto his collar among.


"Shen, I lied to you." Edgar covered his nose with his hand, and then sat down beside him again, "Victoria was not burned to death... But, for me, instead of believing that she willingly Being taken away by the Lord of Darkness, I would rather believe that she was burned to death..." At this point, he sniffed, and his words became nasal, "I'm sorry, Shen. I didn't mean to lie to you, I just I hope you and I believe that I am the result of self-deception... If you want to blame me, want to hate me... all this is my fault..."

"You don't have to blame yourself so much." Wei Shenzhi's voice didn't sound angry at all.Edgar sat on the chair and watched Wei Shenzhi stand up.He walked behind him, put his finger on Edgar's shoulder, and said to him softly: "So, to seek revenge from the chief executive, and that Hawthorne...you choose to believe it yourself, but you don't what happened?"

"...No. Everything about Victoria, except for this incident, is all the truth. There were indeed many people who wanted to put Victoria to death, but she finally settled everything with her extraordinary courage and wisdom. ... In this series of things, she has never relied on my help. My long-cherished wish has always been to hold the crown for her and put her on the throne with my own hands. But... she refused to come from me. All help. . . . Like all the women of the Bathory family, she will not refuse to love a man, but she refuses all assistance from her husband."

Wei Shenzhi originally wanted to ask one more important question, but seeing Edgar's mood so depressed, he decided to change the subject first.So, following Edgar's words, he made a half-true joke: "Oh? The Bathory family are all feminists?"

"What you said is not wrong at all." Edgar seemed a little helpless, "Among the five major families of the blood race, the Bathory family and the De Lais family have always been in trouble, and this is the reason. Almost all of the Bathory family Feminists—of all stripes; and the de Rais family had almost no women, all male chauvinists, clamoring all day to turn the Bathory women into their slaves. "

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