Chapter 102

Su Xian was waiting for the moment when Wen Yu would express the wish in his heart.

When he said it, he really hoped to spend more time with Xiao Huaijin.

The moment when he said that he didn't want Xiao Huaijin to die in front of him.

When he understood the grief in his heart, the torment melted his soul for a second.

That's when Su Xian got Wen Yu.

Xiao Huaijin could read his determined expression in no time.

Xiao Huaijin picked up Wen Yu, but Wen Yu was exhausted and her head drooped.The green hairpin on his head got stuck on Xiao Huaijin's sleeve, and then fell to the floor with a crisp sound.Wen Yu's thick black hair spread out, and her eyes were closed tightly.

Su Xian smiled and asked Xiao Huaijin: "What do you want to do? An incompetent mortal."

The incompetent mortal picked up his treasure and ran away.

Su Xian didn't know where he got the courage.

"Aren't you chasing after?" Tong Qian was surprised that Su Xian just watched Xiao Huaijin take Wen Yu away.

Su Xian made a gesture and crossed his hands together, "Wen Yu is still in the realm of my desire, as long as he can't escape his desire, he can't get out wherever he goes. And I have already set up formations around, Xiao Huaijin is If you can't get out, let him circle around and let him know that everything he does is in vain."

The copper coin said "oh", then pulled a stool aside and sat next to Su Xian.

"It's just a little strange." Su Xian closed her eyes.

"What?" asked the copper coin.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a thing." Su Xian said, "Most people will be forced into a desperate situation when they enter the realm of my desires, and then they will say what they desire most in their hearts. But Wen Yu's heart is dead. , He just sat there quietly without saying a word. He didn't make a sound, and even stopped thinking."

"So what?" asked the copper coin.

"If he continues like this, of course I can't do anything to him, but he will stay in the realm of desire forever." Su Xian was not worried at all. "But I still want him to speak up." In exchange, he wanted all of Wen Yu's strength. "I'll push him again." Su Xian said. "Here you are, looking at my body."

"Okay." The copper coin promised him.

Su Xian seemed to have thought of something, and stared at the copper coin, "If you let me know that your arms are turning outward again, I will throw you to the underworld."

The copper coin was a little happy, "Let me reincarnate?"

Su Xian grinned, "No, I want you to suffer from the fire of karma."

Copper coins are afraid.

Su Xian immediately entered the realm of desire.

He has to incarnate into a suitable person to appear.

After thinking for a while, Su Xian transformed into a familiar person.

Wen Yan, Wen Yu's father.

Unlike Wen Yu's taciturnity, Wen Yan is a cheerful and talkative person. He is wearing a bright sapphire blue dress, holding a white umbrella, and walking on the snow.The snow is vast and icy, but his smile is like the sun will break through the clouds immediately, and the warmth will cover the earth again.

Wen Yu leaned against the tree, Xiao Huaijin's head rested on his shoulders, snowflakes fluttered, they were already covered in snow, almost disappeared in this world.

Su Xian, who was wearing Wen Yan's skin, ran over immediately and swept the snow off Wen Yu's body, exposing Wen Yu's head and body.

Wen Yu's golden pupils were already dead.

It turns out that when someone is desperate to the extreme, he loses himself.

Su Xian smiled secretly, then shook Wen Yu's shoulder. "Wen Yuyu, wake up."

Wen Yu's golden pupils reflected an extremely familiar face, and he gradually came back to his senses. "Dad."

Su Xian almost got goose bumps when he heard him call Wen Yan.

How can a person who looks so cold be so sticky when shouting.

"It's me." Su Xian touched his face and head, "You're so cold, what's wrong?"

In the realm of desire, Wen Yu completely forgot that his father had died many, many years ago to protect him.Looking at that gentle face, he slowly let out a breath of cold air. "Dad, I once asked you, what is the most important thing to you in this world?"

Su Xian: "Yes."

"You said the most important thing is mother."

Su Xian nodded with a smile.

Really, Wen Yan, how can you say such things to a child.

"So when mother died, you said you didn't want to live anymore." Wen Yu continued to say what she remembered.

Su Xian was taken aback.

"Father." Wen Yu said, "I seem to be dying too."

Su Xian put his mind away, and immediately shook Wen Yu's shoulder, "Wen Yuyu, do you want him to come back to life?"

Wen Yu looked at Su Xian, her eyes gradually lost

Guang Guang, "People are dead and will not live again. I understand this matter better than anyone else, because that's how you left me."

What Su Xian wanted was not his feelings, "Wen Yuyu, do you want Xiao Huaijin to come back to life and be with you forever?"

"How far is forever?" Wen Yu looked at Bai Xue? "Su Xian was persuasive, "Tell Dad, do you want to?" "

Wen Yu asked him back: "Dad, you saw your mother die back then, do you want him to come back to life?"

Su Xian was silent.

Wen Yu asked, "What is your most important thing?"

The ice and snow blow more violently in the realm of desire.

"You actually have everything already, so what else do you want?" Wen Yu asked again.

In the real world, Xiao Huaijin hugged Wen Yu, thinking that she could escape.

Losing awareness that Wen Yu was getting heavier and heavier, Xiao Huaijin had to stop after walking for a while, he put Wen Yu down and carried him instead.

Then, he measured the distance and wanted to know what Su Xian had done to this place.

Just as he was thinking and running away, he stumbled against a stone under his feet, and his body was about to fall.

At the critical moment, he remembered that Wen Yu was still behind him, so he changed his center of gravity, and fell hard against the ground with his face.

"Hiss." He grimaced in pain, but didn't dare to stop to rest.

Xiao Huaijin wanted to stand up, but Wen Yu was too heavy behind him, and he couldn't move.The more he struggled, the more Wen Yu on his body suppressed him, strands of Wen Yu's hair poured into his neck and collar.

The rest of his hair was loose and spread around.

It's like a spider's web.

Wen Yu turned into a spider in the web and trapped him.

Time passed little by little, and the whole space began to fog up.

Xiao Huaijin felt fear, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

All the trees around them withered all at once, and then, spring returned to the earth, and colorful flowers bloomed and approached them.


The sound flowed into Xiao Huaijin's ears like a clear spring.

"Stop struggling." Wen Yu still closed his eyes, but opened his mouth. "Just stay like this and don't move, lest you get hurt again."

"Wen Yuyu?" Xiao Huaijin lowered her voice with surprise. "Su Xian didn't mean you..."

"I have indeed entered the realm of desire." Wen Yu smiled, but quickly lowered the corners of her lips again. "But I realized halfway through, what I entered was my realm of desire, not yours." He said, "You have never met my master, senior senior brother, and second senior senior brother, how could you draw such a picture? screen."

"What did you say?" Xiao Huaijin didn't understand what he said.

"Keep your voice down." Wen Yu's fingers were inserted into the crevices of Xiao Huaijin's fingers.

Xiao Huaijin moved her fingers, but unfortunately he was suppressed to death by Wen Yu.

"Now it's Su Xian's turn to get into my trap. I want to devote myself to deal with him, so don't move around, don't disturb my mind." Wen Yu told him.

Xiao Huaijin knew.

Wen Yu regained his energy.

In the realm of desire, Su Xian was dumbfounded.

Wen Yu was waiting for an answer from him.


Su Xian thought.

His thoughts at this moment seem to be transparent.

"Because I was born as a demon god." He licked his mouth. "Gods despise me, and demons taboo me. Since I am a demon god, the child of gods and demons, why don't gods and demons treat me?" He felt strange Extremely, "So, I want to find someone to play with me."

He has such great power and such a long age.Whoever he wants to play with him must play with him.

"People are the best, they are very greedy, and they are very naive. If I put some bait at will, they will take the bait." The more he talked, the more excited he became. Gradually, Wen Yan's face peeled off from his face.

He's that, the mighty, lonely, loving mischievous god.

"I have seduced a lot of people, from ancient times to the present." There are too many to count, "I am not really keen on fulfilling their wishes, but I am very interested in the game I made with them, just like Xiao Shu, I It has long been known that if he enters the body of the son of the phoenix, his soul cannot bear it, but what does it matter? Isn't it interesting? Watching someone who intends to control everything, even his own body can't be controlled .Then the game is over and I'm off to find the next one."

He has his own hobbies, "Fatalism is the most ridiculous saying among human beings, but it is very interesting. So, if I harm Xiao Shu, and his son is next, is it very new? I don't know, but I think, as long as I put Wen's plan into action, and I can see results."

"It doesn't matter what the result of the game is, but everyone must play with me."

He's like a naughty kid.

"Then you can keep playing." Wen Yu told him.

In this realm of desire, forever and ever, play with yourself.

Build your own world here, destroy nations here, and watch new ones be created.

Here, spend your forever.

Su Xian didn't nod.

Wen Yu tilted her head.

Su Xian smiled, "I seem to have realized it."

Wen Yu's face turned pale quickly, as white as snow.Then, he really turned into snow and merged with the white snow behind him.

Su Xian tapped his head with a troubled expression. "Now it seems like it's my turn to get stuck."

Wen Yu was actually sitting on the tree.

Su Xian beckoned to him, "You brat, come down for me."

Wen Yu obeyed his words and jumped off the tree.

As soon as he jumped down, he changed back to his original shape.

A behemoth occupies half of the palace city.

Su Xian also changed back to his original form, a giant eagle that could block the sky was hovering.

The golden vertical pupils were wide open, and the snake's head was facing the sky.

And the eagle kept on singing.

They fought for hundreds of years.

But in the real world, it's only an incense stick of time.

When Su Xian opened his eyes, he spat out a mouthful of blood. "Ahem." He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and immediately felt something was wrong.

He is moving.

When Su Xian turned his head, the copper coin was dragging him along an unknown path.

"What's going on?" Su Xian asked coldly.

The copper coin said: "Not long ago, many people approached that room. No matter how you shouted, you couldn't wake up. I was afraid that I would die with you, so I dragged you away."

Su Xian felt it was too embarrassing, "Xiao Huaijin ran away with Wen Yu and hugged him. Why did you take me away, it was just for dragging. The clothes under my buttocks are almost worn out, stop fast, die Brat."

The copper coin threw him down.

Su Xian didn't want to move anymore, so she just lay down on the floor.

Tong Qian squatted beside him, looking at him worriedly, "Are you alright?"

"What can I do?" Su Xian was puzzled.

"You vomited blood." The copper coin pointed to the corner of his mouth.

"It's nothing." Su Xian held on to what little self-esteem he had left.

The copper coin asked again, "Then you still go to the emperor and Wen Yu?"

Su Xian sighed.

"what happened?"

"I just lost to someone else, how dare I get it back." He looked at the sky helplessly, "Next time." Let him find a good place to cultivate his body and mind and restore his self-esteem first.

The copper coin was curious, "When is the next time?"

"Don't know." Maybe a year, maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years.

The copper coins are being settled, "My work contract with you expires today."

Su Xian showed a surprised expression, "I thought what we made was a lifetime contract."

"But you said before, after I finish serving Xiao Shu, I can leave at any time." Tong Qian chose, "I'm leaving now."

Su Xian: "Oh." He waved his hand at him, "Goodbye, young boy."

The copper coin glanced at Su Xian, then really dropped him and left.

Where will he go?He didn't know about it either.

The copper coin walked out of the alley, facing the grassy wind, and embarked on a journey.

He walked for two days, and when he turned his head at a certain moment, he saw a familiar figure.

Su Xian smiled, "I'm physically and mentally injured now, and I need someone to take care of me. As expected, you have to fulfill that contract."

The copper coin foolishly bit off the bun in his hand.

What else did Su Xian think of, "Actually, I went to Xiao Huaijin that day because I wanted to get you something."

Copper coins want nothing.

Su Xian walked towards him and stretched out his hand, "This is the emperor's luck! You hold it first, and when you become the emperor in your life, I will come and play games with you."

Don't want copper coins, just throw them away.

Su Xian looked at him, tut tut and shook his head, then walked over.

Summer is coming to an end.

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