[HP] I'm hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Flight Lessons

Eric Gardner, Anne's cousin, and Mary Gardner's biological son.

A high emotional intelligence hp native aboriginal.

Annie once seriously suspected that this guy was also a time traveler, and used many modern sentences to test him, all of which led to Annie's social death.Too bad he's a Gardner and not a Panik.

Eric and Annie grew up together, and Annie was responsible for everything they caused.Eric looked pitiful afterwards.

"I don't know anything, my sister taught me to do it." It became Eric Gardner's childhood mantra.

William Panik adhered to the traditional concept of parenting of the Chinese nation: children from other people's families should not be scolded, so they would often teach Anne a lesson and make up for it afterwards.

But the innocent and kind Mrs. Panik didn't think so. She always thought it was her daughter's fault.To Eric that is a kind and kind...

Annie almost suspected that Jenny Panik was her stepmother.

Annie: I'm so hard...Eric, this little green tea...

Annie threw the letter aside, since Eric Gardner will come to Hogwarts next year...then as a senior, she must of course "take care" of him.

Her mind was full of bad ideas about how she would mess with Eric at Hogwarts next year.

A "smart" and smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Totally forgot about one of the conditions of use of their magic - don't laugh!Brace yourself!


This week is their first week of flying lessons, with their Gryffindor mates.

The weather was fine, a fine day to hang Neville.

Mrs. Hooch had them stand in two rows facing each other. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Annie looked at the broomstick at her feet, it was a bit worn out, but it was her first experience with a broomstick, which made her a little excited.William didn't even let her touch the toy broom, saying that she was afraid that her magic power would riot and ascend to heaven.

Whether Annie can ascend to heaven by herself, she doesn't know.It is estimated that the psychological shadow of William Panick's "accidental ascension" was too great when he was a child...

Annie remembered that Bailey also said that when he saw William flying out of control on a toy broom, he sighed silently.

"Wow... crossing the catastrophe and ascending to heaven! Brother, you have ascended to immortality!"

"I'm promoted to P fairy! Call Chris! Call Dad to save me!"

Well, off-track thoughts should be back!

"Stretch out your right hands and say up!"

Harry's broom was in his hand in no time, Hermione next to her looked suspiciously, her broom was still rolling in the air.

Ron's broom "flashed" and hit him on the nose.Had it not been for the absence of a wand for this lesson, Seamus would have been able to conduct his first field blast.

Neville was still worried. Ever since he had dinner in the morning, he found that the memory ball was red, and if it was red, it meant that he must have forgotten something.

What did he forget...

Draco's broom was also very obedient, he proudly showed off with Pansy, Blaise and Theodore also succeeded.

Anne, like Harry, did it right the first time.

A little excited, William Panik once said that he played Quidditch very well, maybe she also has genetic talent?

After Mrs. Hooch had corrected their posture, she set them to practice, kicking their feet hard.I saw Neville like a cork sprayed out of a bottle... ascended to heaven...

"Come back! Child!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then.Mrs Hooch said he had a broken wrist and took him to the school infirmary.

"Let me tell you, Neville Longbottom is the real Boy Who Lived." Daphne Greengrass said. "Flying so high, I only broke my arm."

When Annie heard Daphne's words, she first marveled at Daphne's ability to complain.

Daphne, your complaints are very good!

Draco noticed that there was a red memory ball in the place where the person rolled down, and picked it up.

"Malfoy, return the ball to Neville!" Harry rushed out righteously.

"If you want to help him, get it yourself!" After saying that, Draco flew up on the broom.

Harry followed and flew up, and Hermione couldn't help but had a headache when she saw this scene, "What a fool..."

Both of them were at high altitude, and no one knew what happened. At this time, Anne suddenly had the idea of ​​explaining.

You have to make everyone understand, right?

"It's time for Master Ma Tianlong's provocation again." Annie couldn't help but started the live commentary.

"Draco Malfoy, a player from Slytherin, is 11 years old now, a very young player. His family is rich, his appearance is good, but his hair is flawed..."

"Pfft..." Harry couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Harry Potter from Gryffindor. Now 11 years old, he is very famous. The main thing is that he seriously injured Voldemort as a child."

"Why "Serious Injury"?" Ron asked Annie curiously.

Children... You will understand later, but you can't talk about it now.

"Now Draco Malfoy in Slytherin is holding the Remembrall, followed by Harry Potter in Gryffindor, Draco is provoking! Playing with him! Harry! Fight back!"

A group of Slytherin and Gryffindor students surrounded Anne and listened to the explanation quietly.

"Harry fought back! Nice dive! Draco might be falling for him! Nice catch, nice! I'm tearing up! But Draco in Slytherin is great too. Fakes well done."

The little snake and the lion cubs started cheering, only Hermione was angry, how could Harry be like this!

Draco came down from mid-air, his face was red, he didn't know if he was angry, or he was teased by Annie's "Draco might fall in love with him".

But I have to say that he himself feels that his fake moves are good.Harry put the ball away, ready to give Neville the next lesson.He smiled at Annie, she explained well, didn't she?

Annie also smiled smugly, and didn't look at how many interesting commentaries she had seen while watching the Olympics.

Professor McGonagall ran over from a distance, took Harry away, and glanced at Annie before leaving.Draco gloated.

"I guess he must be expelled!"

After Mrs. Hooch came back, everyone began to practice independently.

"Mr. Malfoy, if you don't want to fall to your death, you can keep flying like this!"

Mrs. Hooch whistled and warned Draco several times about the difficult maneuvers he made in the air.Both Theodore and Blaise flew well.

"Hey! Annie! Do you want to come up and be my broom for a ride?" Blaise waved at Annie, obviously after the last blow, he still didn't give up.

"Mr. Zabini! You can't openly use teaching aids to make an affair!" Before Annie could do anything, Blaise was stopped by Mrs. Hooch.

The time is quiet and the word is used to describe Annie's flight, and it couldn't be more suitable.

Annie's broom was only one meter above the ground, and it was advancing at a slow speed of twenty centimeters per second.It wasn't her intention!She also wants to speed up!

I am very stable!Anne comforted herself in this way.

"Why is this happening? I obviously read a lot of books..." Hermione looked helplessly at her broom flying slowly, then at Ron, at Seamus, and then at Malfoy...

Just look at Annie Panik again...

"Oh, my God, what's going on? It's terrible, I don't want to ride a broom anymore!" Annie was frightened by the broom shaking up and down, and sat on it wanting to cry without tears, but she didn't dare to get off casually.

Well, Hermione felt more balanced.

The wind is very noisy today... Hermione thought she was the worst in flying class until she saw Anne Panik.

The same people from the end of the world, why do they know each other when they meet.


When Anne and Lee Jordan stared at each other, Annie knew what Professor McGonagall's meaningful eyes at the end meant...

It turned out that because Li's commentary in every Quidditch match was too extreme, and he was suspected of favoring his own college, he had been jointly reported by many people.

In fact, most of them were reported by Slytherin!

During her first flying lesson, Professor McGonagall overhears Anne Panik's commentary.This style of novelty may be able to cater to the tastes of the public.

Anne's commentary is not bad, and Professor McGonagall intends to let them combine commentary next time.

Lee Jordan refused at first. The Quidditch commentary stand has always been his home field, and he had to share it with one more person.

"Professor, I think I am enough alone!"

"Are you sure you won't add any...'huge'...'fat'...'crooked'...adjectives to the Slytherin players next time?"

"Okay, Professor, I give up!"

So under Professor McGonagall's stern scrutiny, he still agreed.After a while he chatted with Annie about Quidditch, and found that Annie's views were tricky.

"Actually, I found that the Gryffindor players have always had a problem. They stare at the ball every time, and they can't prevent Slytherin's sneak attack every time!" Annie said excitedly.

"Eh...Sneak attack? Is it really good for you to say that your own academy?"

"Playing is about being fair and just. I think that, if it's not a sneak attack that deducts points, it's actually a kind of tactic."

"Maybe we have to come up with a group name or something! Black and White Shuangsha?" Lee Jordan suggested.

"If you add Blaise, wouldn't it be Oreo?" Annie imagined that she was sandwiched between Blaise and Lee...

It really is…

"What's an Oreo? That sounds cool!" Lee Jordan's eyes sparkled with interest. "What do you mean? Tell me quickly!"

"No, no, no! I choose black and white! Alright, that's it! See you next time in the Quidditch match!" Annie waved her hand without taking away a single cloud.

I was even afraid that Lee Jordan would compete with her in the future.


It was supper time, and Harry told Ron what had happened since he and Professor McGonagall had left the venue.

Ron was about to put a steak and kidney pie in his mouth when he forgot halfway through it.

"Seeker is a first-year never—you must be the youngest house player in many years."

"It's been a century," Harry said, picking up the pie with his hands and stuffing it into his mouth.After this frightful encounter in the afternoon, he felt very hungry. "Wood told me."

Ron was so surprised, so shocked.He just sat there, staring blankly at Harry.

"I'll start training next week," said Harry. "Don't tell anyone that Wood wants to keep it a secret."

At this moment, Fred and George Weasley entered the dining room.As soon as they saw Harry, they walked over quickly.

"Tell you guys we're going to win the Quidditch Cup this year," said Fred. "We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year, our team is going to be great. You must be great. , Harry, Wood was incoherent when he told us about it."

"Lee Jordan said that Anne Panick of Slytherin will participate in the next Quidditch commentary. Merlin... what will she know?" George looked at Anne who was eating pie, because she ate too fast Almost choked to death.

"I thought her explanation was quite interesting!" said Ron. "Especially when she's pissing off Malfoy."

"Stop talking, we have to go, Li found a new secret passage leading to the outside." George and Fred left shoulder to shoulder.

"Are you having your last meal, Potter, when will you take the train back to the Muggles?"

"Now that you're back on the ground, with your little friends by your side, you're much more courageous," said Harry coldly.

(Draco Malfoy: Damn, why is he still here?)

"I'd fight you alone anytime," said Malfoy, "tonight, if you're okay. A duel between wizards. Wands only—no contact. What, I guess, you haven't heard of it Let's fight wizards"

"Of course he has heard of it. You don't want to break up with him, just want to destroy the respect between me and him. If you dare to do something to him, I will make you love him!" Ron said, turning around suddenly.

"Ron, what are you talking about? What's the matter?" Harry asked.

"My brother Bill often reads the book "Panic Idioms". I learned it from it. It is more powerful to say it!"

Annie on the other side almost screamed out of laughter, please stop using idioms, Ron!

"My assistant is Crabbe," he said. "At midnight, how about we meet you in the trophy room, where the doors are never locked."

After Malfoy left, Ron and Harry looked at each other.

Annie had enough food and drink, and went back to the lounge to play with Millicent.

Millicent was not very happy today. While eating in the Great Hall, she sadly cut a small piece of pie, and then stuck the large piece on the fork and shook it sadly.

"Well, let's eat this little bit." Millicent said as he put the large piece of pie into his mouth.

Good guy, the small piece left behind is the "point"!Is there something wrong with her understanding of "one point"?

"Millisson, what's wrong with you?" Annie walked over cautiously, looking at Millicon who was not in a good mood.

"Annie... Am I too fat..."

Old Merlin... You actually realized this problem!No no no no way!You can't lose weight like crazy and hurt your body just because of other people's gossip, you are still young!

"Who told you that?"

"Annie, am I fat?"

"Emmmm... this question... Millicent, you have to know that life and death are determined by fate. You are fat and thin. You are still young, and you are just gaining weight during puberty. You must not hurt yourself just because you want to lose weight Body." Annie persuaded with earnestness.

"So I'm fat?" Millicent looked even more depressed, "No! I want to lose weight!"

It is impossible to lose weight. How many good girls in the 21st century have made bold words, but they hold takeaway in their hands...

"Millisson, why do you want to lose weight all of a sudden?"

"The Weird Sisters released a new song called "Calorie". They also thanked the gentleman who provided the melody anonymously at the end."

what? ? ?William Panik stole Grandpa's idea again!Didn't I just sing to him a few times?

"The first thing you say when you wake up every day is to make yourself angry.

Say sorry every time you eat an extra grain of rice.

Merlin Merlin look at me, where is my hair?


For some reason, Annie felt offended countless times after listening to this song.

This song made all the girls in the wizarding world anxious about their bodies, not only Millicent, but even Daphne and Pansy started a secret weight loss plan.

So much so that the two of them had a pale face every day, and even Draco couldn't stand it anymore.

"What's the matter with you two? You eat so little recently, and you don't feel very good."

However, the two girls ignored Draco.

Daphne looked at Pansy desperately, "Pansy...I'm so hungry..."

"Me too...how about we..."

"Just take a bite..."


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