That basilisk is really a chatterbox, and Annie can often hear the self-"talking" of Mr. Basilisk when she walks in the corridor.

Millicent Burst thinks her friend Annie has been crazy lately.When get out of class is over, she occasionally wears a pair of strange glasses, and walks to the next classroom with her hands touching the wall. Those glasses are made of single-way mirrors.

Colin Creevey also took a photo out of curiosity and was acquired by a mysterious buyer.

"This pair of glasses is very interesting, I like it!" Luna Lovegood commented.

"Millison! Remember to take a look in the mirror when you come to the corner! Believe me! Believe in brother Ang and you will live forever!" Anne put on those strange glasses again.She began to move forward by touching the wall, and she heard the basilisk chattering again.

"Oh... the students in the Yinyuan are all delicious, and the ones in the Birdyuan are also good..." Mr. Basilisk said.

Hey, hey, it's Badger Yard and Eagle Yard!

"Annie, have you encountered any problems recently? Did the nightmare last time scare you silly?" Millicent looked helplessly at Annie who was walking forward while touching the wall.

What should I do if I suddenly have a feeling of wanting to help the disabled?

"Oh, you just have to trust me anyway! Trust me and you won't suffer. Trust me and you won't be fooled!" Anne didn't know how to explain to Millicon, but whether Millicent was pure-blooded... that's still a serious question. The problem.

"Annie, be careful! Don't hit anyone! Stop, stop!!" Millison saw a person standing by the wall, and Annie stopped suddenly.With one hand propped against the wall, the other is on his waist.

"What for? Millicent?"

"Well... Annie, don't move yet... No, no, no! You still..."

Not only Millicent, but the surrounding students also cast curious gazes. Millicent said: I have a million dots to doze off...

Annie was propping up the wall with one hand, because she had a one-way mirror eye, her vision was completely locked.She can't see that she has actually done a "shattering" event.

Some curious students around came to eat melons, and some little badgers with rich inner thoughts and aspirations to go to UC for employment had already drawn up a title in their minds: Shocked!The girl from the Snake Court did such a thing to her classmates... Other Courts: It's too exciting.

Zhu Peiqi, who happened to pass by and knocked on the "Xi'an" cp secretly, was heartbroken at this moment... Wasn't the Xi'an cp officially announced in the "Prophet Daily"?

Blaise, who was "wall-dong", was a little agitated in his heart, and there was nowhere to go after breaking through the iron shoes?It took no effort at all, his efforts were not in vain!

"She's so proactive..." Blaise thought to himself.

"Millisson, why are you silent?" Anne asked suspiciously.

"Promise me, Annie, don't move now." Let me kowtow for a while...

Blaise looked at Annie, who was half a head shorter than him, and she was wearing a pair of strange glasses... Is it embarrassing to look directly at him?

At this moment, Mrs. Zabini's words suddenly sounded from his mind: "Brace, girls are thin-skinned, boys should take the initiative."

Take the initiative... He couldn't help but move his face closer to Annie.

"What are you doing here? Is there any news?" Lockhart's voice caused the crowd to disperse.

"Gideroy Lockhart?" Anne turned her head, her hair brushing Blaise's face.

pain really hurts...

Anne took off her glasses and saw Lockhart's "Whoa! Whoa!" expression on his face.

"Miss Panik is really amazing, but I still suggest that young ladies should be more reserved."

Was Lockhart's head stupid with shampoo?

Annie turned her head and found that she had slammed Blaise in a very A posture, and there were some red marks on Blaise's face.

"Woc! What's going on?!" Annie was so frightened that she immediately backed away three meters away. "Brace Zabini?!"

" don't have to worry, I will never refuse, especially you. The way you take the initiative really surprises me! You have to be responsible to me..."

She takes the initiative? ?Are you sure it wasn't Blaise who was "Pengci" oh no... "Pengdong"?

"Are you blackmailing me? It's not... this..."

"I understand, I understand everything...Miss Panik, I decided to tell your father the good news. After all, we are considered to have been in the same issue of "Wizard Weekly."

"do not!"

"It has already been sent. You must know that it is very timely to reply to fans. I am best at sending messages quickly. You don't need to thank me, Miss Panick." Lockhart smiled with his aunt on his face.

I'm so fucking thank you, thank you I want to fuck/sit/die you!

Thousands of miles away in London, William Panik commanded his younger brother Bailey Panik to deliver food as usual, using apparition to deliver food, it is not too profitable.

I don't know how that little girl Annie is doing at Hogwarts, as long as nothing major happens.

A lilac-colored letter came into his hand, and when he opened it, his face turned from white to red to green to black.

"The family is unlucky... Zabini, that brat!!!"

Bring me my 40-meter long sword! ! !


The Halloween banquet is very grand, and the auditorium is decorated with live bats.Hagrid's twelve giant pumpkins were carved into pumpkin skeletons.There is also a skeleton dance troupe to add to the fun.

Lockhart insisted on performing on stage, forcing everyone to finish listening to his song "A Pot of Hot Love".

"I really hate this professor..." Draco said as he helped Miss Pansy next to him get an ice cream.Pansy blushed and nodded in confusion.

Alas, Pansy has fallen.

"I declare! Anyone who hates Lockhart is my friend!" Draco said seriously.

"Then Anne Panik is your "friend of life and death"," Daphne said.

"Then... let's forget it..." Draco hesitated again.

After the banquet, everyone passed by from the second floor to talk about the performance just now.The voice of the crowd disappeared immediately, and everyone looked at the bloody characters written on the wall: "The secret room has been opened, and those who are enemies of the heir, be vigilant!"

Filch hugged the petrified Mrs. Norris, his eyes were red, "They killed her!"

"Not us!" Ron shook his head quickly.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger. Come with us." Dumbledore's voice stopped everyone from discussing.

"Potter! Enemies of the successor! Be alert! You will be next!" Draco said to Harry in a threatening tone.

In the past few days, everyone has been talking about the Chamber of Secrets, and all the "Hogwarts—A History of the School" in the library have been borrowed.

"Theodore, did you find anything?" Pansy flicked her hair impatiently.

"There is nothing on it, only the stories about the four founders are recorded." Theodore closed "Hogwarts-A School History", and Professor Binns floated in from the wall.Let's start talking about the history of sleep aids again.

"Professor, can you tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione raised her hand.Professor Binns was a little surprised, everyone's interest was aroused.Professor Binns resignedly told the story of the Chamber of Secrets.

After listening to the story of the Chamber of Secrets, Harry thought about it.


Slytherin and Gryffindor's Quidditch match on a muddy and rainy day.Annie used a large waterproof spell, and given her magic buff, the entire arena seemed to be covered.

Lockhart said shamelessly: "Ah! This is my curse, how is it? Not bad?"

Luna entered the stands with an umbrella, and everyone looked at her with strange eyes.

"Miss Lovegood, there is no rain in the arena..." Qiu Zhang reminded Luna, and Luna nodded and said lightly: "It's not rain... Cloud-walking flat-billed beasts hide in the clouds, and they often cry .”

Luna's brain circuits are generally unconnected, and Ms. Qiu Zhang gave up the conversation.

"Welcome everyone to watch this Quidditch Cup group match sponsored by Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who has won the third class of the Order of Merlin, five times the most charming smile award of "Wizard Weekly", and the best-selling author for six consecutive months ,'s too long, Mr. Panick, you can read it..." Jordan glanced at Lockhart who was flirting/coquettishly in disgust.

Why do you let her come as soon as you see the small advertisement? ?

"Lockhart brand shampoo, let you rejuvenate your dead wood, and solve hair loss and hair fall in one go! You can also have perfect hair like Lockhart!"

No, she couldn't help but vomit.

Fourteen broomsticks were lifted into the sky, and the race officially began.

"Angelina in Gryffindor now has the ball, now it's passed to Spinnet, Ullit in Slytherin wants to get ready for the ball, the ball goes to Ullit, oh, Fred takes the Bludger Hit him!" Annie looked at Harry and Draco who were not far away from her.

Harry was being chased by a Bludger, and the Bludger was staring at him.

"Hey! Scarhead! Are you doing ballet?"

"Pfft..." Deha, so sweet, Draco is so mean, Annie covered her mouth... Oops...

The waterproof spell in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the heavy rain poured down, catching everyone by surprise.Only Luna didn't get caught in the rain, she kept holding an umbrella.

"They cry so sadly... Poor cloud-shaped platypus..."

"What's the matter with Lockhart?"

"Exactly! What's the matter with him?" Everyone looked at Lockhart with resentful eyes.

Lockhart was afraid that his hair would get wet, so he immediately moved to Snape's side. Snape used his wand to make an invisible umbrella the moment the waterproofing disappeared.

"Ah, the weather is terrible! Isn't it? Professor Snape... have you used my shampoo?"

"You'd better stay away from me, or I'll pull out all your ridiculous hair." Snape said coldly with a straight face.

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