[HP] I'm hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 60 Quidditch in the Rain

The disaster of blood and light, that old Chinese doctor was right.

Annie is now lying on a bed in the hospital wing, next to Millicent, who has a bad cold and is still a little hoarse.As for why Anne is in the medical wing?This is thanks to the yelling Prefect Oriah and Eric who knows little about female anatomy.

At that time, Oriah pulled Annie up aggressively, and Annie felt dizzy, her stomach hurt, and her body was still very tired...

"You're still sleeping when everyone else is up! You...Merlin! Blood..." Annie saw a puddle of reddish-brown liquid in her sleeping bag...and blushed...

I didn't expect that the first "relative" in this life came at such a bad time...

Those little first-year wizards who stayed in bed thought that Anne had been attacked, and started today's talk.

Why was the third grader attacked late at night?Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature?

Annie glared at Oriah, who is a first and fifth grade student, and it's not like she doesn't know what it is!Still fussing here.

Annie covered her lower abdomen with her hands, and the bursts of pain really killed her.She frowned, "Hiss..."

Eric didn't know what happened to him, and when he heard Oriah say "blood", he rushed over and picked Annie up and rushed to the medical wing.He bumped into Theodore on the way, and the kid cursed very rudely: "Go away!"

"Eric, what are you crazy about?...Hiss...it hurts..." Before Annie could finish speaking, another burst of pain hit her.

"Persevere! Nothing will happen! No!"

When the two of them arrived at the medical wing, Madam Pomfrey's face was very bright, "It's not a big problem, just take a good rest."

"No problem?" Eric looked puzzled, looking at Anne on the hospital bed with a painful expression.

"Merlin! It's just a woman's menstrual period! But her condition is quite rare, and most of them will appear in the second grade." Madam Pomfrey looked at Eric with a "rare and strange" expression. .

"Birth...menstrual period?" Eric's face suddenly turned red.He suddenly coughed a few times, and said to Annie: "Cut... I thought... you were going to die. Don't think too much!"

"General female students don't have such severe dysmenorrhea...Miss Panik is not in poor health... Anyway, rest well. I'll make the potion, and the pain will stop after drinking it." Madam Pomfrey said gone.

"I don't want to drink the potion..." Annie said, clutching her stomach. "too bitter…"

"You're smart! So what do you want to drink?" Eric sat by her bed.

“Brown Sugar Ginger Tea…”

"Understood, wait for me here." Eric quickly left the medical wing.Millicent smirked on the bed next door, "I'm so laughing, he actually thought you were going to die..."

"Don't laugh, your sister will hurt me to death..."

"He's a little cute...hahahahaha!" Millicent laughed and hiccupped.

Soon another person came to the medical wing, and Bryce hid something mysteriously behind his back, "Baby Annie, I know you're not feeling well, so I brought you your favorite ice cream." He took it from behind. A box of chocolate-flavored ice cream came out.

Blaise, you tm want me to die!

"Thanks...but I don't want to eat right now..."

"Then I'll feed you." Blaise opened the lid of the ice cream, and the cold ice cream seemed to be a devil: "Eat me! Eat me! Give me your soul!"

Millicent on the side looked anxious as his own mother, what is Bryce doing! ! !

"Hey..." Blaise's spoon has already started digging into the ice cream...

"No no no..."

"Hello!" Eric held a glass of clear liquid.Walking into the hospital wing, he almost dropped the cup in his hand on Blaise's head. "She doesn't want this, don't you hear?"

Eric pushed the cup into Anne's hand, still hot. "There is no brown sugar ginger tea, drink more hot water." Eric took Blaise's ice cream and ate it by himself.

"You're too self-conscious!" Blaise said angrily. "Annie, you don't care."

For the first time, Annie felt that the words "drink more hot water" were so wonderful.At least I escaped force-feeding ice cream.

"Actually, it's good to drink more hot water. Hmm..." Annie sipped her drink, which seemed to have a sweet taste in it.

"There is no brown sugar in the Hogwarts kitchen, only white sugar." Eric looked a little self-blame. "I wrote a letter and asked my mother to send it."

"How did you slip in! The patient needs to rest!" Madam Pomfrey came over with a pot of potion that was still steaming, and threw Eric and Blaise out.

Annie glanced at the pot of purple potion in fear. It was still bubbling weirdly, and when the bubbles burst, it emitted a strange heat and fragrance.Next to it is a cup of coffee-colored potion.

"Drink this, and you'll be discharged from the hospital." Madam Pomfrey scooped out a cup with a long-handled spoon, "Miss Millicent too, today is your last dose of medicine."

Millicent, who was still gloating before, suddenly froze her smile, with a mournful face, "This cup of potion...sister, let's do it first." After finishing speaking, she raised her head and drank the cup of coffee-colored potion, and then the whole body My head is blowing like a train.

Annie swallowed, raised the cup of purple potion that was still steaming, and drank it all in one go.The taste is really terrible...bitter and astringent...but fortunately, the effect is very immediate. After drinking it, there is a warm feeling in the lower abdomen immediately, and there will be no more pain.

"Millison, I'm resurrected!" Anne greeted Millison and Madam Pomfrey before leaving the hospital.


The first Quidditch match of the third year, on a rainy Saturday, turned out to be between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but Flint said their Seeker had been injured.So the match was temporarily changed to Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff.

"There's nothing wrong with Malfoy's arm, he's faking it!" Harry said angrily.

"But it's just unavoidable, we've been training against Slytherin and we end up playing Hufflepuff. They have a completely different style and they have a new captain this year - Cedric Diggory."

Angelina, Arya and Katie burst into giggles.

"He's the tall handsome guy, isn't he?" Angelina said.

"Strong and quiet?" said Katie.

"What's the matter? Elbows are turning outward all the time, aren't the Gryffindor players handsome? Like me?" Fred brushed his hair.

"Fred, you know, wild flowers are more fragrant than home flowers!" George pretended to be helpless, but was beaten up by all the female players.

Annie and Lee Jordan stood on the commentary stand, feeling like they were about to be blown away by the wind. Lee wore a pair of goggles today to make sure he could see the players clearly. Annie held up her wand and cast a spell. umbrella.

The two captains came together and shook hands.

"Okay, now the game starts...Merlin, I can't see anything clearly, where is the Snitch?" Jordan said.

"Now it's getting darker, the night seems to be coming earlier, and it's becoming more and more difficult for the players to hold on to their broomsticks. I don't know if this is the most difficult Quidditch game," Annie said.

"Absolutely! It was supposed to be Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, it's really cunning..." Jordan didn't care about Anne being Slytherin, and said it directly, and the Slytherin audience immediately began to complain.

"Natural disasters and man-made disasters, force majeure." Although Annie knew that Slytherin did something unethical, but hearing others say that her school is not good, she is really angry!

Ms Hooch blew the first whistle, and after a timeout, Gryffindor led by fifty points.The sky began to thunder, and Anne looked around the field and found a huge black dog in the stands.

For a moment Anne thought the huge black dog was meeting her eyes.It bared its teeth and didn't look very friendly...

"What's in the sky above the arena?" Li pointed to a dark mass floating in the sky.

"It's a dementor!" the audience in the stands suddenly shouted.

"My God!"

"Harry Potter is up there!" shouted suddenly from the Gryffindor stands.Professor McGonagall's expressions twisted together.

"He fell!!" Jordan yelled.Almost immediately, Cedric catches the Snitch and the game is over.

"We apply for a rematch!" Cedric wiped the rain from his face, "Gryffindor's Seeker was affected by the Dementor."

"No need! You won fair and square..." Wood said disappointedly. He stood alone in the rain, as if he wanted to drown himself.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, the dementors suddenly descended and stopped in the center of the arena. Everyone hugged themselves, and several professors had already released their patron saints, and the dementors scattered to the ground and fled.

A dementor rushed to the explanation stand, Annie took out her wand, tried hard to think about her happy things, and tried to cast the Patronus Charm, but... her mind was empty.The dementor was getting closer and closer to her and Jordan, and the rain hit her body, her face, and her whole body was cold.

"Call God's Guard!" Professor Lupine rushed out and drove the dementors away. Dumbledore also rushed to the arena, and a bright light came out from the tip of his staff, driving all the dementors away.

Annie's legs went limp and she knelt on the ground, her hands were shaking.This was the first time she failed to cast a spell. In the past, she could easily complete the previous spells no matter how difficult they were.

But the Patronus Charm, she failed.The condition for casting the spell is to be assisted by happy memories. Anne can't remember how long she hasn't laughed. The restrictions on the use of family magic power make her restrain her smile and happiness every time.

When the dementors attacked, Anne felt for the first time—despair.

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