"You should throw this away. What are you doing with it?" Tom Riddle was sitting on the edge of the bed, Millicent had already fallen asleep, and Anne was sitting in front of a mirror in her pajamas, holding the hairpin in her hand.

"I don't know, I just find it very strange... an indescribable feeling." Annie put down the hairpin and drank the water in the glass.But it still feels like a knot in my stomach.

"Little Annie, you're in love..." He walked behind Annie, put his hands on her shoulders, and rested his chin on her head.

"I don't know, maybe it's just a kind of self-righteous loss... I'm a little sleepy."

"I've said it a long time ago...There is no truth in those people's mouths. You can obviously trample them under your feet...or play with them between applause."

His hand stroked her neck, "Little Annie, I can help you avenge them, those who lied to you...just a little curse."

"Stop talking...I'm really in a bad mood right now." She moved his hand away.

"Since you are so cowardly and incompetent, I can only help you..." Tom picked up the hairpin.

"What are you going to do?"

"Help you solve this thing." Tom smiled.

"Let go!" Annie stretched out her hand to snatch it, but Tom really let go, and the hairpin fell to the ground, and several rhinestones were dropped.

"You made me let go." Tom watched Annie squatting on the ground and staring blankly, still picking up the pieces. "You are really pathetic. Others don't take you for anything. Everything is your own fantasy."

"I'm not fantasizing about anything..." Annie bent down and struggled to pick up a rhinestone under the bed.

"Little Annie, you've had too many comfortable days. You're going to have more of these one day, the 'self-touching' incident. I've got a brilliant idea, and I don't know if you want to hear it. "

Tom put the fragments that Annie had picked up beside him, and pushed Annie back down on the seat. "Cheer up." He lifted her chin and looked in the mirror.

"A young and beautiful little face. You should learn to use your own conditions to fight for what is beneficial to you."

"Are you teaching me?" Anne said angrily.

"I'm just a soul fragment now, and all I can do is give you advice, don't you? Do you think I'll hurt you?" Tom kissed her hand.

It was a cold touch.

"I ask again, why are you helping me?"

"Because we live together, and I need your help."

"How can I help you?"

Tom Riddle's expression suddenly became ferocious, "Use your memory to make me complete. I don't know how many pieces like me have been created by the main soul...but you must know."

"I won't help you!" Annie pushed him away, her heart pounding.

He actually wanted her to help him absorb other horcruxes, it was just a dream!

"As long as I become complete, I can leave you. Isn't this what you have always wanted? This is the only way to break the birth curse. If I were a living person, the only way to break away would be to cut my soul. It's a pity, I'm just a soul right now."

"I'm really tired..." Annie got into bed and closed her eyes.

Maybe...tomorrow...all will pass.

right!She still has to catch Pettigrew!Don't want those messy things anymore!Who isn't an upbeat Slytherin?

Tom Riddle picked up the packet of hairpin fragments, thoughtfully.


When Annie woke up the next day, she felt that everything was better, and now catching Peter Pettigrew was her big deal.

What Theodore Knott!To hell!

Annie noticed that the pieces of her bedside table were missing too, presumably cleaned away by the house elves... Well, out of sight, out of sight.

"What..." She began to hammer her head again... She didn't do anything wrong, because she insisted on sticking to her, and later she blamed him...

Anne Panick, please give me some credit!Why are you still acting like a lovelorn little girl!

Anne had changed into her school uniform, and they were going to Hogsmeade on the last weekend before Christmas. There is a busy atmosphere of Christmas.

Annie chose to stay at school for Christmas this year, and she swore it was definitely not because she was afraid of seeing someone on the train.Eric also seems to have chosen to stay, much to Anne's shock.

At the entrance of the auditorium, Millicent and Peggy helped Annie put on her scarf, when it suddenly started to snow and the weather became colder and colder.

"May I ask Miss Anne Panick if she would be interested in doing a favor and drinking a cup of tea with Mr. Blaise Zabini?" Blaise saluted like a gentleman, and Millicent pushed Anne out.

"Sister, seize the opportunity!" Millicent blinked.

"Well... that's fine," Anne said.She was walking with Blaise, who always had a way of making her feel better, and maybe Millicent was right.

Alas... I kind of miss Blaise's earthy love story.

It's a pity...it's not her who belongs to Blaise...

"Why are you alone today?" Annie rubbed her hands.

"That guy, Theodore, didn't know what happened. He received a letter and didn't come out, as if he was messing with something. Oh, by the way, guess what my brain is all about? It's all about you."

It's time to come...Earth-flavored love stories will never be late

They went to Mrs. Puddife's teahouse, Anne ordered a cup of hot chocolate, Blaise ordered a cup of mocha.

"It's a date... right?" Annie took a sip of the chocolate.

"Otherwise? I'm chasing you, so when will this lovely lady promise me?"

"Ahem..." Annie almost choked to death.

"Forget it, I won't force you. I'm glad you didn't hide from me this time."

Blaise looked at Anne, who was a little cute and didn't hide her thoughts.He suddenly saw Theodore and Draco standing outside the opposite window.

"Annie, there is something at the corner of your mouth." He reached out and wiped the corner of Annie's mouth.

Annie said that the old aunt's face was a little red.

"Theodore, what are you looking at?" Daphne shook her hand in front of Theodore.

"It's nothing."

"I think you're a little weird today."

"It's not a day or two for him to blame. Today he stared at a blue-green crystal for a long time." Draco said.

Anne came out with Blaise and happened to run into them.Annie took a breath, no big deal...

"Annie, you forgot something, I'll get it for you." After finishing speaking, Blaise turned and entered Madam Puddife's teahouse.

Well...it's a bit cowardly indeed.Especially Pansy and Daphne both looked at her with eyes that eat melons.

"Annie..." Theodore spoke first.

"What's the matter, Mr. Nott?" said Anne, without looking him in the eye.

"Annie!" Millicent and Peggy walked over arm in arm, "How's your date with Blaise?"

"Dating?!" Pansy and Peggy shouted loudly at the same time.The two strangers looked at each other at the same time, a little embarrassed.

Theodore looked at Annie, "I..."

"Annie, you forgot the scarf inside." Blaise took Annie's scarf and helped her put it on with his own hands.

"Thank you."

"I think Blaise is stable..." Millicent and Daphne said this at the same time, and the two looked at each other, um, it was just more embarrassing than the one between Pansy and Peggy just now.

"I have to go." Anne squeezed behind Millicent and Peggy, never looking at Theodore again.

Hmm... She feels that she is quite up to date today!

"Brace, it's progressing so fast!" Daphne patted Brace on the shoulder.

"You can bless me in advance!"


Theodore returned to the dormitory and took out the letter with the hairpin fragments again.It is written in a beautiful cursive script.

To Mr. Theodore Knott:

I don't think our relationship is strong enough for me to accept such a personal and valuable gift, and I accidentally damaged it. I am very sorry.In the future, please ask Mr. Nott to keep a distance from ordinary classmates.

anne panik

The green rhinestones on the hairpin fell off and broke in two.

"Back to the original." He put the two pieces back together with a spell, and took out the blue-green crystal.

This crystal is very similar to the color of her eyes.

He looked at it for a long time today.

He didn't understand why she suddenly treated him like a stranger.Or, did she know that this gift was from him, so she wanted to do this?

Deliberately keep a distance.

Mr. Knott?

It was the same as when he had called her Miss Panik.

He thought he wouldn't be jealous of a person, but today, he started to be jealous of Blaise.


Is it still far from Xiaoduo's official competition? ? ?

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