To tell you the truth, Dr. Zhang, as an authoritative doctor among Chinese wizards, never put St. Mungo in his eyes.

I have been seeing a doctor for many years, and this is the first time I encountered such a situation today... a young couple, and two middle-aged men...

One is the woman's father and the other is the woman's uncle.

Then this guy must be a married woman...

Eighty percent of them came to see "that disease"...

These days, he has seen this kind of situation a lot.It is very normal for the young wizard couple to be unable to have children, and the whole family is anxious.

I didn't expect a foreign wizard to get married so early... It's time to show off his excellent English.

"I've seen your disease countless times. If you're looking for me, you've found the right person. I'm an expert here. Looking at the entire Chinese wizarding community..."

"Master, is there any help?" William asked.

"I have been practicing for decades, and I have never seen such a disease." The therapist wearing small glasses surrounded Annie who was sitting anxiously at the table, and Riddle, who looked indifferent.

"This young lady has a ruddy complexion, a high spirit, and a radiant face... It really doesn't look like she is sick. But the young man next to her..."

The eyes of the middle-aged therapist locked on Tom.

"Yes, the problem should be with the man. Look! His face is pale, and there is evil in his eyebrows." He said earnestly, "Young man, remember to drink plenty of hot water, or your kidneys will be bad... Oh, why did your face turn darker? "

He kindly reminded that the young man's face was so stinky, he deserved to see this disease.

Annie held down classmate Riddle, "Brother Tang, no, no."

Does this Chinese wizard speak human language?His kidneys are bad?

If he had a wand, he would have given him an Avada!

"You should know that there is an old saying in China, "It's good to raise a soldier for a thousand days, but to use it for a while." Usually, you don't pay attention to maintenance. Now you want it? It's difficult..."

"Doctor, according to what you say, we still have to feed him with good food and drink? I want to solve this problem quickly." William asked anxiously, and gave Tom a glare by the way.

"This is not your urgent question. You have to ask the young man, you see how much pressure you put on others when you are so fierce. Doesn't this lead to the root of the problem if you are under a lot of pressure?"

Doctor Zhang took a sip of tea as if he had seen through the mundane world.

"Can a lot of pressure affect this? I just want them to separate quickly." William said.

"Why are you like this? You can't do things so extreme! If you don't meet your expectations, you let the two of them separate... Don't worry about adding words. Have you asked your daughter?"

Annie shook her head frantically, but Riddle next to her nodded.

"Look, they both have different opinions! Only men and women have truly achieved harmony and unity, and things will naturally follow suit.

to make. "

Doctor Zhang put his hands together suggestively.

"Come on, little girl, come in and I'll ask you some personal questions."

Doctor Zhang led Annie into a smaller room, which was more like an interrogation room than the grayish-yellow Chinese style outside.

"How is your relationship with him?" Doctor Zhang took out a medical record.

"Relationship...It's just average...Doctor, is there any way to solve this problem? I know it's very difficult...We asked St. Mungo's doctor, and he said he came here to see you."

"It's authoritative to come here to see me. I have spent [-]% of my life seeing this disease, and the remaining [-]% ​​are seeing some strange and intractable diseases." He flipped through the medical records in his hand.

"The question I'm going to ask next, little girl, don't be shy, just speak out boldly."

Annie suddenly felt that the old doctor in front of her was a bit unreliable...

"How long does it take you two?" The old doctor indifferently took out the pen in his hand.

"Wh... what time?" Annie didn't quite understand the question he asked, wasn't she the authoritative person who had agreed to solve the "Sexual Curse"?

"Just... that!"

"Does it mean when he comes out?"

"When is it time to "come out"? Why do you foreigners speak more reservedly than us... Well, it can be said to be like this."

Dr. Zhang said that he doesn't understand young people more and more now, since they are all ready to come to see this subject, why are you so shy...

"It's not very fixed, sometimes for an hour or two." Anne recalled the time when Tom Riddle came out for a stroll.

"Then this young man can... he shouldn't... In the end, it should be a fundamental problem with his body."

"The body is fundamental?" Annie was getting more and more confused by the words, "Then what should I do?"

"Go back and buy some black sesame seeds, goji berries, walnuts, leeks... These are all good for his health. If there is no news after a year, come back to me."

"Oh, yes, thank you doctor." Annie thanked Dr. Zhang politely, and when she just left, Dr. Zhang said something again.

"If you have any friends who are infertile, introduce them to me!"


Annie's heart seemed to be struck by thousands of lightning bolts, and she remembered the doctor who asked just now "how long..."

If embarrassment could kill, Annie probably died here on the spot.

"Brother, did we go wrong?" Bailey, who had been sitting aside for a long time without making a sound, finally spoke.



"I said, why does the doctor ask so many nonsense!" William cursed. "Return the pressure I put on him?"

"Don't mention it, I'm the most embarrassing, okay?" Annie still hasn't recovered from the embarrassment.Thinking about it now, she really should tear her mouth open.

I can really say all kinds of tiger and wolf words...

Classmate Tom Riddle was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.What does it mean that the problem lies with him?

The Panik family's first visit ended in failure by going to the wrong office.


There is a long way to go... The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

The Panik family's second journey to seek medical treatment came to the famous "Intractable Diseases" treatment center.It is called "Corrective Attack and Elimination of Disease".

The boss of "Corrective Fighter" is a young and beautiful Miao wizard.

"We've never heard of the curse of mutual generation, but I also know that your European spells are not the same as ours in the East, but I think this spell is a bit similar to a kind of witchcraft in Yunnan."

"I don't know if you have heard of "love gu"?" The proprietress said mysteriously.

"Oh, I know this, that is, after eating it, I will never leave it for the rest of my life, right? If you change your mind, you will be caught by the dog, right?" William said.

"I don't know the origin of the love, but the love is deep..." Bailey said.

"It seems that you know quite a lot. I also understand the situation of the intergenerational curse you just mentioned. It seems that the lives of two people are bound together. One prospers and both prospers, and the other loses both."

She circled around Riddle, looking carefully.

"His soul is incomplete. If he wants to break the curse, it will definitely damage his soul and affect the two of them." The proprietress put down the pipe in her hand,

"So I suggest... why don't you buy a love gu for the two of them, so that they won't dare to hurt each other?"

"Boss, what I want is for the two of them to separate, separate!"

The Panik family's second trip to seek medical advice failed in order to prevent themselves from being hard-selled.


The third time, they came to a remote small clinic, which was said to be run by some unlicensed wizards.

"Although our place is small, we have also cured many wizards who suffered from strange illnesses. For example, the master in Wudang next door, who had "intermittent dragon pox" back then, was cured by me."

"Doctor, what we're looking at is called "The Curse of Mutual Generation." William said.

"Successive Curse! I've seen it a lot! Go to the front desk to sign and pay a deposit. I promise to give you the medicine until you are cured!"

"You're not trying to blackmail people, are you? Do you know what is the cross-generation spell?" Annie looked suspiciously at the bearded uncle in front of her.

"Live and accompany each other! Fate is too bad! If you don't treat it early, I'm afraid... both of them will die!"

"Expert!" William said pleasantly, and he whispered to Annie, "Go are a liar."


I watched helplessly as my one-week trip to China was coming to an end. After many times of seeking medical advice, I did not come to a conclusion.

The advice of most wizards is: better dead than alive.

What's wrong with adding more chopsticks at home?

Isn't the son-in-law so handsome?

When it came time to leave China, the Zhu family reluctantly bid farewell to them.

The two old people visited many memorial halls during these days, sighing "Yeqing knot."

"Those Chinese wizards don't have much skill, but they are quite sensible." Riddle said while sitting on a chair in the terminal.Annie saw a button for a free massage on the arm of the chair.

Suddenly a little curious, Mr. Riddle, wearing a Pikachu T-shirt, was shaking on the chair...

Just do it!

The evil little hand is stretched out, and a murder is about to happen!

"What are you doing?"

"I...I didn't do anything..." Annie said with a guilty conscience.

Vigilance is quite high...

"I'm a little thirsty. I'm going to buy a drink." Annie got up and looked around the shops in the terminal. Sure enough... the unshakable three bullies at the airport, Grandpa Ken, the Golden Arches, and Starbucks

Annie swore she wasn't drawn to Starbucks by the pretty mugs.

"I can speak Chinese!" Annie spoke first, and the clerk who was thinking about English was suddenly relieved.

"Miss, this is the latest drink in our store. If you and this gentleman can take a photo for us, it will be free."

The clerk said a lot, but Riddle said... he didn't understand.

"You can just make a heart gesture." The clerk held the camera, and Annie pulled the confused Riddle, and said quietly, "You can bend your hands above your head later, and make a heart gesture, understand? "

"can we start?"

"Okay!" Annie said, with a wicked smile on her lips.



I have to say that the new product is really delicious, and the photos are not bad.

In the photo, Riddle bent his hands foolishly, making half a big heart with his arms, and Annie's arms were retracted, making half a heart with his fingers.

Annie looked at the photo and held back her laughter for a long time, completely oblivious to how dark Mr. Riddle's face behind him was...

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Lu Hanwen with a height of [-] meters;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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