The new term will start soon, and Anne has packed her bags.Since Jane saw a note in the notice of the fourth grade: "Students are asked to prepare their own gowns and robes", she took Annie to try on dresses in the streets and alleys of London, and finally picked out a blue-green dress.

"Annie, I have to remind you, if a brat tries to do something to you... don't be soft-hearted, you will be a "killer" if you go up! William helped her put her luggage on the train.

"I see, you worry a lot." She said, looking at her old father still like a child.

"Girls of your age are easily deceived by scumbags! And you've grown up too..." He pinched Annie's face, "Although counting your previous life, you are now an aunt, let's take it easy."

"Dad, you are so unbeatable!"

Anne found a Millicent in the carriage that she hadn't seen during the summer vacation. She had lost a lot of weight. She used to be as solid as a hill, but now she has become a slightly round girl.

Peggy is also in this carriage. She puts her long hair loosely on the back of her head, and she looks gentle and sweet.

"Annie! I have a lot to tell you! I heard that this semester..."

"Mirrison, you've lost weight!" Annie said in surprise, pinching Millicon's round face.

"Isn't it because there is a big event this year? I heard from my dad that two foreign schools are coming to our school this year! Hogwarts has prepared a dance! And I bought a very beautiful dress! Back Let me show you the dormitory!" She said excitedly.

"I didn't know there was a prom, but the notice said that dresses should be prepared, so I prepared a cheongsam." Peggy said, "Millison, you just said... a foreign school?"

"You can see it at the opening ceremony, this is inside information!"

Anne was about to join the discussion when the notebook under her robes began to heat up, and Tom Riddle had something to say to her.Every time he is in this form... In winter, he can probably be used as a baby warmer.

"Sorry, I'll go out first, I'm going to check in the luggage compartment, I seem to have forgotten something."

"Well, go quickly, if you don't bring it, you have to write a letter and ask Uncle William to send it over."

Annie came to the empty luggage compartment with her diary in her hand, and there were some strange pets inside, barking.The shelves are full of luggage.

"You can come out now, what do you want to say this time?" Annie looked at Tom who came out of the diary, wondering why he wasn't stuck in the diary...

"You have to be careful recently, I smell the smell of black magic around you." He seemed to suppress the excitement in his bones, and a little red light flashed in his eyes again. "The last Quidditch World Cup, were those my supporters?"

"You're Tom Riddle, you're not Voldemort, and...he has no hair and no nose." Annie rolled her eyes, "If that's all that crap you want to say..."

"Voldemort is my future...but I won't admit him, he's going to be defeated by a baby..." he whispered.

Sigh... Xiao Tang, I can't blame you for this, who knew that Harry had the anti-injury buff?

"Wait, you just said that there is black magic around me?" Annie asked suspiciously.

"There must be someone around you who has learned black magic, but it's just started, and they don't know how to hold back the anger." He grabbed her hand and sniffed greedily. "I really miss it..."

"You are a pervert..." Annie took her hand back with a look of disgust, "Go back if you have nothing to do! Hey..."

The train suddenly decelerated, and the boxes on the luggage racks slid forward in unison. Annie couldn't stand still...and threw Tom down.

Don't ask, asking is the pot of inertia.

Annie put her hands on his chest, and he smiled suddenly, which made her even more annoyed.She pushed him away with a cold face.

It's as if she's hungry...Merlin is just playing with her!

This awkward mood was much better at Hogwarts.The new year started again, the little wizards of the first grade were led by Hagrid across the Black Lake, Annie, Millicent and Peggy took a carriage together, and walked through the muddy path, Hogwarts Castle was near in sight.


There had been rumors in Slytherin that other schools were coming to Hogwarts, but no one knew the specific reason.Several people in Gryffindor also knew that the rumor turned into: "Two schools are going to come to Hogwarts for the three-school joint exam."

"Three school joint exams! That's great!"

"Three school joint exams! Oh no!"

Ron and Hermione looked at each other in surprise, "What? Why do you think so?"

Dumbledore's speech stopped the discussion among the students. After the sorting ceremony for the new students, the exquisite food did not come out of the dinner plate immediately, and Dumbledore seemed to have something to say.

"First of all, I have two things to announce to you, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher—Professor Moody."

When Harry heard the name of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, he suddenly thought of Lupine last semester. Although he hadn't been exposed in front of the students, Snape still had a grudge against him and reported him.

The door of the auditorium slammed open, and a man stood leaning on a long cane, wrapped in a black traveling cloak.

Every inch of the skin on the face seemed to be scarred, and the mouth was like a big askew gash.

One of his eyes was small, very dark and bright, and the other was large, like a coin, a vivid bright blue, and blinking constantly.

One of his legs is normal and one is a prosthetic.

"Mad-Eye Moody... I hear he's an Auror," Millicent said. "Annie, are you listening?"

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Annie looked at Moody carefully with her chin in her hands. According to the original plot, this Moody should be Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise, but everything is unknown now.

"As I just said, there is one other very important thing. Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament, which has not been held for more than a century, and we are very happy to report that there will be Guests come to our school, first let us welcome the beautiful girls of Beauxbatons."

Beauxbaton's schoolgirls were all dressed in fine gray-blue silk and a very elegant hat.The steps are light and graceful.A group of blue magic butterflies flew out from among them.

"They're all so beautiful..." Many Hogwarts boys became excited, and a few whistled.

A huge woman led the students to their seats.Dumbledore greeted Ms. Maxim with a smile.Then there was a huge roar.

Students of Durmstrang, all wearing a kind of fur cloak.Most of the boys in Durmstrang are tall and tall, and several of the Slavs are the most obvious in appearance.

"So handsome, I can't stand it anymore..." Millicent covered his face, still staring at them, "It's very different from the boys at Hogwarts."

"He's quite handsome, and he seems to have a good figure." Anne found that some of the boys were really good-looking, as expected of the school Gellert Grindelwald had attended.

It's a bastard who doesn't look at handsome guys!

"What's so interesting..." Blaise said dissatisfied. "Annie, if you want to see your figure, I can show you..."

"You can shut up!" Annie was sure that she had started to turn her elbows outward.

"Oh, wild flowers are always more fragrant than home flowers..." he sighed.

The Durmstrang students took their seats at the Slytherin table, and the Beauxbatons chose the Ravenclaw table, perhaps because they were both blue.

There were a few boys from Durmstrang sitting across from Anne, and they first chatted by themselves, speaking in a language that Anne could not understand.After Theodore heard those words, his face was not very good.

After they discussed for a long time, finally someone said to Annie in broken English: "Hello, my name is Petrov Munda, are you interested in meeting me? You are beautiful, and I like you very much."

Is it so straightforward to praise people now?Annie only felt that her face was blushing. This stranger was different from someone she was familiar with.Blaise has confessed his love to her thousands of times, and she may find a sentence to reply.

But she can't speak to strangers...

"Тяемоя. (She is mine)" Theodore suddenly said to Petrov opposite Anne.

Petrov was slightly shocked, "You can speak Bulgarian?"

"Yes." He replied nonchalantly. "Hope you're a little bit more interesting."

"We only know that everything we want is stolen." He said with a smile.

"Theodore, what did you just say?" Annie said as she took a bite of the cherry pie.

"I just said, 'Your words distressed her. "" After he finished speaking, he took a guilty sip of pumpkin juice.

"The Bulgarian language is really amazing. Just a few letters can represent so many meanings... It seems that I will learn it if I have the chance." Annie suddenly became interested.

"Ahem..." He choked suddenly, "Actually, it's very difficult to learn, have you forgotten, can't you even remember the history of magic?"

"Oh... That's right... Then I don't want to learn it." Annie said disappointedly.

Blaise, who was on the side, heard that Theodore could speak Bulgarian, and immediately asked Theodore in a low voice, "Hey! Theodore, she is my girlfriend, how do you say it in Bulgarian?"

Theodore smiled mysteriously, and then told him quietly.Blaise nodded and said to Petrov: "Истинае, свидетелствам. (What he just said is true, I testify!)"

"Theodore, how do I feel that this sentence is two sentences..." Blaise asked suspiciously.

"See you next time then! Lovely lady," he said to Annie.


Thank you Dodo for enrolling Dodo in the Bulgarian language training class during the summer vacation

Thanks to the sisters in the comment area for providing: Unanimous external references, ready to write! !It is currently in the early stage of external

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