There are ghosts

Chapter 18 Opening the Coffin

After escaping from the burial pit of tens of thousands of people, the human-faced spiders outside disappeared, but the road was also gone.

"Did we go wrong at the beginning?" Qian Dai rubbed his head and muttered in a low voice, Professor Lin shook his head: "There must be a way here, look for it." Here Su Bai was carried away by Professor Lin because of his physical exhaustion. , because the princess hug was too embarrassing, Su Bai strongly asked to change it to a back.

Su Bai, who was in a slightly miserable condition, subconsciously buried his head in Professor Lin's back. Instead of the expected smell of sweat and rolling in the mud, there was a faint smell...

Su Bai was silent.

Here, Zhao Sheng came back and found the way. There is a bronze door with special patterns on the opposite side of the sacrificial pit.Professor Lin knew that he finally found the place he was looking for, hehe, he spent a lot of hard work and finally found it...

"Huh...?" Su Bai noticed that Professor Lin had a gentle smile on his face, but a few black resentments had manifested on his back, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Before he went to the grave, he must have thought it would be easy... Unexpectedly, Huainan Wang slammed a few tricks in the tomb and got hit...

When he came to the bronze door, he felt worried again. Wang Wei rubbed his head with a bitter face: "Is it going to be smashed again?" Mr. Hu went up to fumble twice, shook his head and said with a smile: "This door is not locked. It seems that there is no mechanism, just push it away."

Professor Lin also shook his head, but he was not in a hurry: "Everyone has no energy now, and you don't know what you will encounter when the door opens, so let's take a rest and recover some strength."

Everyone agreed, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit down under the bronze door to rest. Su Bai couldn't help but sigh that Zhao Sheng is really a man of perseverance. He has never put down his backpack so far. Zhao Sheng took out compressed biscuits and mineral water from the bag for everyone. , After saying thanks, they all gobbled it up.

Su Bai was put on the ground by Professor Lin, and he got up and walked to the bronze door alone. Su Bai has been silent since just now. Everyone thought he was too tired, and subconsciously reached out to touch the pattern on the door, right? After entering, everything will be over?But how will it end?

Professor Lin sat on the side, staring deeply at Su Bai who was in a trance, but a strange arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth. Soon, very soon, he will get what he wants, and then everything will start again, and no one will be there anymore. hinder us...

After resting for a while, Su Bai could walk around by himself, but his body was still sore. Mr. Hu and Professor Lin patted the dirt on their bodies and stood up. Zhao Sheng and Wang Wei nodded, and they pushed open the bronze door together.


The bronze door was slowly opened, Professor Lin walked in first, followed by everyone, "It's so big..." Su Bai sighed, this is a building similar to a palace, magnificent and tall with a solemn and cool tone, a wide On both sides of the corridor stood huge statues of strange beasts, with lifelike faces, as if they would move at any time. Walking up the stairs, there was a coffin quietly placed in the middle.

" the coffin of King Huainan?" Su Bai couldn't help but open his mouth. Professor Lin didn't speak and stepped forward to observe the coffin. The outer layer of the coffin was painted with gorgeous patterns. Qian Dai looked around, "This King Huainan is really Money, there are quite a lot of funeral objects!"

Looking around, there are some bottles, jars, bronze statues, jewelry books and some valuable things neatly placed around.

"Open the coffin." Professor Lin opened his mouth slowly. Zhao Sheng had no time to do anything else and then put down his backpack, took out the tools and handed them to Wang Wei and Qian Dai. While Mr. Hu was instructing, seeing this posture, Su Bai rubbed his nose and stood aside. Read ancient books.

Su Bai couldn't understand it, but it was roughly talking about Huainan Wang Pingsheng and his younger brother, who served the ancient Yu country, and then rebelled. These have long been speculated by relevant historians, but there are some details that are different.

Su Bai looked back and saw that the three of them were still struggling to pry open the coffin, and couldn't bear to look straight at it. He turned to the injured Zhou Geng, who was also reading an ancient book, Su Bai leaned over: "Is the injury better?"

Zhou Geng smiled at Su Bai: "It's much better, I didn't have time to say it just now, thank you."

"It's okay, by the way, I can ask you...why did you come here after listening to Professor Lin?" Su Bai still couldn't help but want to find out something from Zhou Geng's mouth.

Zhou Geng glanced at Su Bai: "It's okay to tell you now that we're all here. Professor Lin knows a lot about magic and secret spells. As long as he summons the dead soul of King Huainan, he can gain great power. Everyone has their own desires." , I hope to realize my wish, many people adore Professor Lin for volunteering to help him."

"Gaining great power?" Su Bai was a little surprised, he had never heard of such a thing before, "The king of Huainan has been dead for thousands of years, I'm afraid the soul of the dead has been reincarnated long ago, what if it fails?"

Zhou Geng smiled and shook his head: "What Professor Lin said must be true."

"But..." Su Bai still wanted to say something, but when he saw Professor Lin's gentle but threatening eyes glance over, he shut up knowingly.


After the coffin was pried open, it was slowly pushed away by three people. Seeing this, Su Bai also ran up to join in the fun. Seeing a corner of the coffin exposed, he couldn't help feeling excited and nervous. He was about to see the true face of King Huainan...

No, I should stop them... No, how can I stop them in this situation——

After the three of them pushed the lid of the coffin away with all their might, Su Bai glanced inside and widened his eyes. there nothing inside? !The three of them were also dumbfounded. Wang Wei: "Here, why is there nothing in here?!" Qian Dai also took two steps closer: "Strange? What about the corpse? Why are there only some funerary objects? Tsk tsk, it's so strange, isn't this the main tomb?"

Professor Lin's face darkened "shua", strode to the side of the coffin and stared at the empty coffin, his face was terribly gloomy.Huainan King's corpse disappeared?What are you kidding?After going through so many hardships and almost confessing here, it turned out to be an empty coffin?Su Bai was inexplicably relieved even though he was a little unbalanced, but that's okay...

"This is not a real tomb." Professor Lin stared at it for a long time, gritted his teeth and squeezed out this sentence, his dark face suddenly smiled, he knew it would not be so easy, King Huainan, you already knew when you played these tricks am i coming to visit...

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Qian Dai jumped up and spat: "The Huainan King played with him again! What do you think he is doing in the tomb! You can't die well!" Zhao Sheng glanced at Qian Dai: "Be careful Tongue."

Mr. Hu smiled, implying something: "These institutions seem to be deliberate." Zhou Geng put down the ancient book, not knowing what he was thinking.

"But there must be a way to the real tomb here."

Professor Lin pushed his eyes and re-observed the empty coffin. There was indeed no one in it. There were only some ornaments and funerary objects around. I don’t know what he saw. go in!

Everyone was dumbfounded by Professor Lin's actions, and Qian Dai was a little trembling: "Professor, professor... Even if you are punished by the Huainan king, you don't need to vent your anger in that coffin... There are still a lot of funerary objects inside..." Suddenly heard something After two beeps, the coffin moved slowly. Professor Lin said, "Take two steps back."

Everyone, including Su Bai, stared dumbfounded at the slow movement of the empty coffin, revealing a bottomless step. This, this mechanism is too high-tech, right?

The real tomb of King Huainan is actually down here?Su Bai followed a group of people down carefully, and when they reached the end of the steps, there was another door with red silk hanging on it. Zhao Sheng was the first to take the brunt of the silk and pushed open the door. It is full of murals, and there are two coffins covered with red silk quietly standing in the center.

Su Bai was startled, this increasingly familiar feeling...

Mr. Hu sighed in amazement: "Two coffins? This tomb is actually a husband and wife burial? I've never heard that the King of Huainan had a wife?" Professor Lin's face suddenly became so gloomy that he went up and took down the red silk , sneered: "Wife? Next to this should be Ah... the coffin of King Huaiqing."

"King Huaiqing? His younger brother of King Huainan? Didn't he disappear with Emperor Taikang? How could he be buried with King Huainan?" Zhou Geng was a little confused, but Professor Lin said coldly, as if he didn't want to talk more: " The corpse of King Huaiqing was not buried together. When the coffin was opened, both... were opened."

Su Bai picked up the flashlight and studied the murals around him. The first picture showed a man in military uniform holding a spear, and it was him again!He is the king of Huainan?The man in white standing behind King Huainan is his younger brother King Huaiqing?Su Bai looked at them one by one, and there was this man in white in almost every painting, which shows how much the King of Huainan likes his younger brother...

Hey, that man in the yellow robe is the legendary Emperor Taikang?

boom -

"Be careful!" Professor Lin let out a low growl when he saw Wang Wei's rude move to lift the lid of the coffin next to him.

Sure enough, there were no corpses inside, only some clothes and funeral objects. The clothes rotted and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye when they came into contact with the air. Endless madness: "A quinoa."

Hearing this name, Su Bai turned his head subconsciously, his eyes flickering, Ah Li?Isn't this the name of Huainan Wang's younger brother, Jiuli?

"A quinoa..."

In a trance, a man in Chinese clothes with a face like gentle jade stretched out a hand like white jade towards him, but Su Bai instinctively resisted, shaking his head and kept backing away. Nearly forcing him into a corner, they were intimate with each other.

Dizzy, he could only smell a strange fragrance that filled his surroundings...


"Ah!" Su Bai was awakened immediately, he shook his head vigorously and patted his cheek, "Damn it, why did you get more and more dazed when you came down to this tomb?"Why does this hallucination keep appearing! ?

In a blink of an eye, they saw that the other coffin was also pried open by them, making a loud noise. Su Bai settled down and opened his eyes to see that the two coffins had been opened, and there was indeed a male corpse lying inside.

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