There are ghosts

Chapter 77 under the final chapter

It was another fine morning. The warm sun shone in through the glass, adding a bright color to the room. The dew on the plants on the window sill shone brightly, and chirping birds could be faintly heard. The weather outside was just right.

Su Bai slowly woke up from his sleep, got up lazily and rubbed his dizzy head, yawned, changed his clothes slowly, and walked into the bathroom. There was a fresh smell in the clean bedroom.


"Here we come!" Su Bai gritted his toothbrush and ran out to open the door in a hurry, but saw Tourmaline greeting him with a sunny smile, Su Bai closed the door a little strangely: "Why did you come here so early in the morning?"

"Oh, your injury hasn't healed yet. I'm worried that it will be inconvenient for you." Tourmaline shrugged, walked in and sat on the sofa carelessly and spoke carelessly, looking at Su Bai who just woke up wrinkled The nose asked him, "Why do you wake up so late every day?"

"I don't know, I seem to be dreaming a lot recently."

Su Bai continued to go back to the bathroom to wash up, listening to the sound of Tourmaline flipping through the newspaper outside, turning his head back and forth to look at himself in the mirror, it seemed that something was different, but he couldn't feel it.

Recently, I often dream of a person, but I can't see that person's face clearly. I only remember that pair of black and deep eyes and the cold and silent back are very familiar. I am sure that I have never seen it before, but why do I dream so frequently?

"It's so slow, I haven't eaten yet!"

Bixi yelled in the living room, Su Bai lazily responded, wiped his face and walked out, Bixi complained and dragged Su Bai out for breakfast, the two walked quietly in the corridor, Su Bai suddenly said: "I dreamed about that person again."

He could feel a special aura surrounding him, without any malice, just like being watched gently by someone, this feeling is also very familiar.

Tourmaline paused slightly, continued to pull him away, then smiled at him and said, "Maybe it's your lover from the previous life?"

Su Bai rubbed his chin and said jokingly, "It's possible."

Tourmaline smiled and ignored Su Bai. He didn't talk about some things. It would be better for him to find them by himself. After the dust settled, the sky was still clear and clean, but there were no people around.

After eating and driving Tourma back, Su Bai went to a photo developing shop. Tourma asked him to print out the photos from the last trip. Su Bai slightly lowered his head and opened the bead curtain at the door, and said softly: "Boss, something Have you washed it?"

The older boss came out in a hurry, saw Su Bai and smiled quickly, "Okay, okay, young people are so impatient, here, put it away."

Su Bai took the photo and smiled at the boss, thanked him and went out with the photo.

It was already winter now, Su Bai was wearing a thick padded jacket, he rubbed his hands and let out a puff of white air, before he got to the house, he couldn't help but took out the photos and looked at them, the four people were traveling in Miao Village. Photos taken at that time.

Su Bai didn't know why he didn't have any memory of this incident at all. He flipped through the photos, most of them were funny photos of him and Tourmaline, and there were only two photos together.


Su Bai slowly blinked his eyes and rubbed his fingers against a photo of two people. On it was a photo of him and a man. The man in the photo had a pair of black and deep eyes, and there was a little tenderness in his eyes looking at Su Bai, looking very harmonious.

Is this a photo taken when they were in Miao Village?

Two people stand side by side by the river, the time looks gentle and beautiful, and the large white reeds behind them are very beautiful.

Su Bai didn't know which muscle was wrong, and suddenly wanted to go to Miaojiang to see it again, and treat it as a vacation for himself.So I called my only friend, Bixi. After hearing this, Bixi almost slipped her phone out of her palm, and she was shocked: "What?! You still want to go?!"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Su Bai was a little puzzled, why did Bixi look so frightened?

"No, it's nothing but a little dispute among the local Miao people..." Bixi faltered on the other end of the phone, "I may not have time to accompany you..."

Su Bai smiled and said, "It's okay, I can go alone."

Tourmaline on the other end of the phone kept emphasizing how fierce the Miao people are, unreasonable, and if they are very violent, they must wear sunglasses and a hat, and don't wear a mask. over.

After hanging up the phone, Su Bai smiled, went home and booked a bus ticket to HN Province, and simply packed up his luggage. Anyway, it was a quick and easy trip. On the way, Su Bai subconsciously took the photo again and looked at it repeatedly. The man with black hair and black eyes stared at it for a long time before letting go.

Started the journey again, but this time only Su Bai was alone.

It was the off-season for tourism at this time, and there were very few people on the train. As night fell, Su Bai watched the scenery passing by the window on the sleeper, feeling as if he had forgotten a lot of things, although Tourmaline explained to him A lot, but somehow he didn't care at all.

just like……

The lost memory does not belong to him.

Except for that guy...

There is also a tooth mark on the shoulder for no reason.

After arriving and getting off the train, Su Bai didn't go to a travel agency, but carpooled to Miao Village.

And he didn't listen to Tourmaline's words and tossed a lot of things, only wearing a hat, such thick clothes in winter, and a scarf around him, who can tell what he looks like in summer?Tourmaline was also taken aback.

Su Bai booked the Miao Village tickets and the inn online in advance. After getting off the bus, it was already late, so he wandered around outside. This place is really beautiful with mountains, rivers and scenery. The winding river has no end in sight, surrounded by The antique building looks very beautiful.

It's a pity that there was a heavy rain, and Su Bai hurried into the Miao village before he could finish his tour, and returned to the inn before he started to stroll around. Looking at the heavy rain outside, he could only sigh. Don't rush, let's go shopping tomorrow.

Among them, Bixi called several times to ask how Su Bai was recognized by the Miao people. What happened, even if it caused trouble, it is impossible for people to remember it until today, right?

The next day was sunny, Su Bai got up early, for some reason he didn't have a dream last night when he got here, he usually had some very strange dreams, the figure of that man seemed to have faded out of his sight.

At this time, it was several degrees below zero outside, and Su Bai went back to add some clothes because it was so cold. He heard that it might snow today.

Su Bai took advantage of the fact that there were few people in the morning and went out for a walk after having breakfast. Unknowingly, he reached the lake. The lake was already frozen, and the scenery was gloomy. The completely different scenery was inexplicably familiar. He stood blankly by the river With the cold wind blowing, Su Bai felt that he didn't know what to do, and he didn't even have a reason to come here.

Feeling empty, he took out the photo from his pocket and looked at it several times. He was vaguely expecting something but felt impossible. He wondered if it was caused by the cold wind. His nose was a little sore. Su Bai hurriedly took the photo back and left.

Walking aimlessly on the street, I passed a grandma selling silver jewelry at the corner, passed the century-old silver jewelry store, passed many shops selling ginger candy, and finally stopped at the entrance of a magnificent building. Step down.

Miao Wang Temple.

Su Bai came here as if pulling his footsteps in the dark. After thinking about it, he went in. There were very few people inside, only some local residents burning incense and worshiping Buddha. The Buddha statue had a vicissitudes of life and a pitiful expression, Su Bai's heart suddenly moved, and he reached out to take a red lottery.

Su Bai, who came back to his senses, stared at the red check in his hand, then put it back calmly.

The 300 yuan fee for the release of the sign is only a ghost.

The scenery in Miao Wang Ci is still good, and it is also one of the must-visit places in the travel guide, especially the trees with red stripes hanging one after another. The feeling of the wind blowing is very beautiful, as if you have been there once, unconsciously In a remote small courtyard, the red thread Miaoyin made a crisp jingling sound.

Su Bai stared at the prayer wheel in the yard and blinked quickly. The golden prayer wheel was densely carved with scriptures. Inexplicable emotions surged in his heart, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon, and he walked forward slowly. , gently touch it.

Cold to the touch.

At this time, goose feathers and heavy snow fell from the sky and fell on top of his head. His body suddenly stopped and he was about to let go of his hand and leave. Suddenly, a big warm hand covered him. Su Bai's hand trembled violently. Who was it?Feeling that his chest was about to explode and unable to calm down, the man led Su Bai through the row of prayer wheels step by step.

When snowflakes fell on his shoulders, Su Bai's eyes turned red and he immediately turned around to hug him. What he hugged was no longer a cold body, but a warm embrace. A deep and familiar voice came from his ears, and the joy of reunion was no longer in his eyes. , but a deeper and deeper love:

"The prayer wheel must be turned completely."

Even if something is destined by heaven, it is because of human persistence. No matter how many times of life and death, reincarnation, even if the soul dissipates, and the world is still obstructed, I will still break through layers of thorns and come back to you again.

【Flashback below...】

After the dust had settled but the altar was still filled with gunpowder smoke, Shao Feng coughed twice and got up from the place, touched the back of his head which was still aching after being stunned by Zhao Sheng, cursed secretly, and Shao Ling and Shao Wei also slowly woke up.

Shao Feng looked up and saw that the place had been turned into ruins, and he laughed twice. The explosives in the bag had not been used up yet, so he had to admit that the destructive power of Jiu Yuan and Ling Jianhua had simply broken through the sky.

So what about them now?Shao Feng first asked Shao Ling and Shao Wei to contact for rescue. There is no signal in the ancient forests in the plain, and the magnetic field is chaotic. The only way is to use the relatively old method of moving mountains.

Then he walked to the place where the altar was turned into ruins, and glanced lightly. Zhao Sheng and Qian Dai were lying unconscious on the side, and there was a corpse in white clothes that had lost its soul and had rotted away. Ling Jianhua's chest was open. There was a bloody hole, and it looked like he was dead, and the man in black named Jiu Yuan was also gone.

The change was so great, tsk tsk, he really wanted to know what happened, Shao Feng coughed twice, stepped on his leather boots and walked to the unconscious Su Bai, bent down to pick up the phoenix gall that fell in his hand, that is, The legendary Muchen Bead.

Shao Feng weighed the Muchen Bead in his hand, it was already in hand, and when he was about to leave, he went back and paused, turned his head slightly to glance at everyone, raised his head with his hips on his hips and bent his head to think for a while. Bar.

Wait until he takes Muchen Bead to the snow mountain to dispel the curse of the ghost cave, and then come back to play with them.

Thinking of Shao Feng sitting cross-legged beside Su Bai and waiting for Shao Wei and Shao Ling to carry the three of them away after they came back, Shao Feng looked back at Ling Jianhua who fell on the ground, shrugged, and left without looking back.

Ling Jianhua, who still had a smile on her pale face, slept warmly and peacefully in this forest forever, when suddenly a gust of wind blew, and her white and slender fingertips moved with the wind.



When Zhao Sheng woke up, he was in the rescue station in the ancient forest of the plain. Although the surrounding equipment was simple, it had all the necessary equipment. Seeing him waking up, the nurses in white lamented that they, explorers, could come out of encountering wild beasts and changed his dressing.

Qian Dai also slowly woke up, only Su Bai was still in a coma, and there were only the three of them here, Zhao Sheng's heart sank, Ling Jianhua once told him that if he hadn't walked out of the ancient forest in the plain, then there was no need to look for him Yes, his eyes were gloomy and there was a smile that seemed to be relieved.

Su Bai never woke up, and Zhao Sheng couldn't wait any longer if he couldn't contact his relatives, so he had to send Su Bai home first, just happened to meet the tourmaline who was looking for them, and left after simply explaining some things.

After Su Bai woke up, he couldn't remember everything before, but he didn't seem to care at all. He didn't bother to retrieve his memory, and he didn't blame himself for bringing it up again and again. He just said that he often dreamed about a person, and Bixi knew who that person was , but would not tell him.

But he wanted to go to Miaojiang again, and this time Tourmaline didn't accompany him. It was destined that there might be such a thing, but it was all because of human persistence that it seemed so coincidental.



The moment he saw Jiu Yuan, Su Bai's memory suddenly cleared up. Jiu Yuan hugged Su Bai and looked at him with tenderness and pampering. Su Bai stretched out his hand and kept touching Jiu Yuan's face, feeling so excited I don't know what to say.

"How did you get back?"

Jiu Yuan hugged Su Bai and turned to leave the small courtyard, with a smile in his voice, low and gentle: "Because I threatened the King of Hades, if he doesn't let me come back, I will slaughter his Palace of the King of Hades, so that there will be no more hell in the world. He let me reincarnate back."

Su Bai smiled: "You're going to have your hair cut." After speaking, he gently brushed the hair on his forehead, and pressed a soft kiss.

Ling Jianhua can destroy Su Bai for love, and even destroy herself.

And Jiuyuan can destroy the whole world.

【end. 】

The author has something to say:

Su Bai suddenly thought: "By the way, who bit the tooth marks on my shoulder?"

Jiu Yuan suddenly became paralyzed: "..."

Su Bai was angry: "What if the seal can't be removed!?"

Jiu Yuante calmed down: "Go back and bite whatever you want, anywhere."

There are follow-ups and episodes! !Highly recommend watching!Maybe there is scum... [The wind is so loud today, I can't hear anything, far away

☆、Follow-up + side story + small testimonials

After New Year's Day.

The street is full of bustling and bustling scenes, curtains and spring couplets are hung everywhere, red blessing characters can be seen everywhere, even Su Bai is wearing a red scarf, looking full of joy.

Before I knew it, it was already the Chinese New Year. After Jiu Yuan came back, he and Su Bai started tormenting wandering ghosts all over the world, and life was comfortable. Both of them chose to forget the past, and it is best to hold on to the present. ending.

"Let's go!" Su Bai insisted on dragging Jiuyuan to the street to buy new year's goods, whether it was a ghost or the transformed Jiuyuan still didn't like such a lively place, even if he was dragged onto the street by Su Bai expressionlessly It's like strangers don't enter, the boss automatically bargains the price when he sees Jiu Yuan like this.

"When will you go back?" Jiu Yuan was also half-forced to wear a red scarf, glanced at Su Bai who was shopping happily, and said a little depressed.

"Wait a while, I still need to buy some vegetables. Everyone is going to come home to have a family reunion dinner tonight." Su Bai replied to Jiu Yuan without looking back while walking around the store. Jiu Yuan stood at the door with big bags and small bags on his face. The appearance makes people laugh.

"Besides, I want you to feel the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. Anyway, we will spend it together every year in the future." Su Bai turned his head and smiled brightly at Jiu Yuan. Jiu Yuan looked down at Su Bai, and the gentle emotions in his eyes were drowning again out of sight.

"How much is this?" Su Bai picked some fresh fruits. These apples and oranges looked juicy, and they looked very good. The boss laughed twice and said, "It's not expensive, it's only 80 yuan a catty. This is the price for Chinese New Year fruits.”

"Eighty?" Su Bai wrinkled his nose, looked at the boss's face covered with wrinkles, and his small eyes kept rolling. He looked a bit like a greedy ghost he went to the building to accept a few days ago. , put down the apple in his hand with some pity, "Forget it, let's go..."

Seeing this, Jiuyuan glanced at the boss coldly, even though he no longer had the hostility and yin energy on him, the eyes that could kill people still startled the boss, and said quickly: "Don't, don't, don't, Seeing that you are here for the first time, you can get a discount! You can get a discount!"

"is it?"

Su Bai showed a smile with eight teeth, carried two bags of fruit and walked on the road shaking, patted Jiu Yuan on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, this must be the purpose of his coming out, Jiu Yuan slowly turned his head away Look at Su Bai.

The two walked side by side on the street, with a slender black figure behind him standing far away at the corner, gently twisting a red flower in his hand, the petals rolled and fell in the air, and landed on the snow-white ground.


"Jiuyuan! Go and open the door!" Su Bai was making dumplings in the living room, his face covered with flour, and he shouted. Jiuyuan slowly got up and opened the door. It was the bright smiling face of Tourmaline again. Just collapsed: "Why is it you again..."

Jiuyuan's face turned dark, so he could not hold back the door and didn't slam the door in his face. Tourmaline walked in with big bags and small bags. After seeing Su Bai, he threw the things aside and wiped his sweat: "It's really heavy. It's a congratulatory gift from those boys, and I brought it to you because there is no one in my family who can't finish it."

"Oh, thank you, come over here to help make dumplings when you have time." Su Bai shook his hands, looked up at the wall clock, it was three or four o'clock, and he had to cook, and Tourmaline rolled up his sleeves and was about to come over to help, when he looked up and saw Jiu Yuan who was hanging aside: "Why doesn't he help?"

"He won't..." Su Bai was a little helpless, otherwise why he didn't finish the package until now.

"Aiya, the King of Huainan actually has something he doesn't know?" Bixi took the opportunity to hurt him.

It was getting late, Su Bai left the rest for Bixi to pack, and went to cook by himself, when the doorbell rang again, Su Bai was overjoyed, everyone should have come, and hurried to open the door.

"You guys are here." Su Bai frowned, Zhao Sheng and Qian Dai stood outside the door, Wang Wei scratched his head a little embarrassed, there was no one in their family who worked in this industry, it was rare for Su Bai to remember that they asked Zhao Sheng to call them During the Chinese New Year, Qian Dai's family members are all abroad, and this year he didn't want to go back to listen to his family's nagging, so he just came over to play.

"Come in and sit down. Are there only three of you?" Su Bai poked his head to look. He remembered to ask Zhao Sheng to bring them here. A touch of joy, it would have been better if there were no such words beside him: "Mr. Hu has an appointment with your master or Taoist Qingyuan, and the others have also gone home."

"It's okay, just let's have a good drink today. Hey, Su Bai, are you cooking today? Let me help you, and I can cook well. I used to come to all the New Year's dinners at home..." Qian Dai said while holding his hand. Rolling up his sleeves and walking in, Su Bai smiled and was about to close the door but unexpectedly saw a person.

The other party was standing at the bottom of the stairs holding a bouquet of red roses, showing a slight smile to Su Bai, who was stunned by the door, and slightly parting his lips with a gentle smile: "The scourge will last for a thousand years."

Like being blinded by the wind, with a sense of relief and lightness that seems to have passed away,

Su Bai's eye sockets were slightly hot, and he blinked sour eyes one after another.

Jiu Yuan in the living room seemed to sense something and immediately got up and rushed towards the door. Seeing Ling Jianhua who was holding flowers at the door, he suddenly became angry and attacked him fiercely. Zhang hurriedly grabbed Jiu Yuan: "Today is Chinese New Year! No one is allowed to do anything!"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Jiu Yuan paused, his face darkened and he endured it, glaring at Ling Jianhua, who smiled softly and triumphantly, this guy is the one that even the King of Hades can't accept.

"Professor." Zhao Sheng was a little surprised when he saw Ling Jianhua walk in, especially when the other party was still holding a large bouquet of roses, he paused for a moment, and then understood that Tourmaline was wearing an apron and turned to stare at the flowers in Ling Jianhua's hand. Ling Jianhua didn't care, completely ignoring Jiuyuan sending the flowers to Su Bai: "For you."

"..." Su Bai's smile froze on his face, facing the strange eyes of the three people, he accepted the flowers stiffly, "Thank don't need to bring anything next time."

"Okay." Ling Jianhua smiled slightly and turned around to walk into the living room. Jiu Yuan immediately grabbed the flowers from Su Bai's hand and threw them outside the door. Su Bai slapped Jiu Yuan's hand with a gentle slap, and stared at him with raised eyebrows: "waste!"

When he turned around and was about to close the door, another hand stopped him, Su Bai was taken aback, is there anyone else?Immediately afterwards, the bouquet of roses that had just been pulled out came back again, revealing that face that looked very enchanting with makeup on, and the green pupils startled Su Bai: "You?!"

Shao Feng raised the corner of his mouth, held up the flowers, and winked at Su Bai: "Giving you such delicate and beautiful flowers is just like my burning heart~"

"..." Su Bai glanced at Jiu Yuan threateningly, Jiu Yuan could only look away from the ugly rose, Su Bai took the rose back again, somewhat surprised: "Why did you come? "

"Isn't it because of the Muchen Bead?" Shao Feng touched his nose, and brought his Muchen Bead back to his family to go to the ghost cave, and found that there was a dead soul occupying the seat inside. Can come back to find Su Bai and Ling Jianhua to find a way to get it out.

"The Muchen Bead?" Su Bai suddenly remembered that the Muchen Bead still contained the dead soul of King Miao Jiang, and it seemed that he had to find some time to go to the ghost market. "Since we are here, why don't we come in and have a meal together?"

"No need, there are two people waiting for me." Shao Feng waved his hand, glanced at Ling Jianhua in the living room and smiled maliciously: "Happy New Year~" Then he walked slowly downstairs with his hands in his pockets .

Su Bai raised his head and glanced at Jiu Yuan, and Jiu Yuan also looked at Su Bai, and there was a breath of reassurance from each other.

In the evening, everyone sat together for a reunion dinner, and it snowed heavily outside the window. After a while, the roof and the street were all white. Zhao Sheng and Wang Wei brought two boxes of beer, and even Su Bai, who rarely drank, drank a few mouth, Jiu Yuan frowned slightly but did not stop Su Bai.

The result was that they were all drunk, and they all staggered on the table or fell to the ground. Wang Wei got drunk and sang loudly while holding the wine bottle, and Su Bai also clapped his hands in a daze.

Qian Dai was already drunk and collapsed on Zhao Sheng's shoulder, blushing and chattering endlessly: "Hey, do you know that the old man forced me to go on a blind date again, you said I was only in my early twenties, okay, about 25 or less than [-]? I'm really not interested in those women, I also want to be a strong woman or a white lotus..."

Zhao Sheng drank so much that his face was a little drunk, like a mosquito buzzing in his ears, he couldn't shake it away, so he simply grabbed Qian Dai's collar with one hand, covered it, and blocked Qian Dai's mouth.

"Hmm!" Qian Dai paused, staring blankly at the infinitely enlarged face in front of him. Zhao Sheng's resolute facial features were softened by the atmosphere and alcohol at the moment. The doctor kissed back hard, and the two of them rolled on the floor without anyone noticing.

Su Bai also felt dizzy, turned his head and rubbed against Jiu Yuan and hummed dissatisfiedly, Jiu Yuan immediately picked up Su Baiheng and walked into the bedroom, carefully and gently put him on the bed, Su Bai squinted his eyes and touched randomly with his hands , the movement is extremely restless.

The look in Jiu Yuan's eyes deepened, but Su Bai wrinkled his nose and closed his eyes and bit his shoulder, Jiu Yuan snorted, feeling helpless, straightened his head and kissed his lips a few times, All the way down, the temperature in the room rose rapidly, and Su Bai hugged Jiu Yuan's waist a little dissatisfied.

His fingers quietly slipped into his clothes and walked around his waist, stroking the delicate skin of the other party. Su Bai slowly opened his eyes, staring at him with a hazy mist but without any threat, his body fluttered slightly like a feather. Itchy, with a strong nasal voice: "Mmm... Jiu Yuan, what are you doing..."

Jiu Yuan forbearance slipped his Adam's apple up and down twice, and when he was about to go further, he suddenly woke up and looked up to the door.

Ling Jianhua didn't know when she stood at the door with folded arms and innocent face, and said with a smile, "Everyone seems to be drunk." Wang Wei's singing with insufficiency in tone and Qian Dai's drunken, rambunctious voice came from the living room. I don't know who turned it up to the maximum volume, but Su Bai was awakened by a festive and shrill female voice at the Spring Festival Gala.

"What's going on?" Su Bai hurriedly shook his head and got up, patted his cheek, and after waking up for a few seconds, he looked at Ling Jianhua outside the door, then turned his head and glared at Jiu Yuan who was on him, and instantly blushed and glared at him: "Good job, you dare to attack me while I'm drunk? Today you sleep in the living room with them!"

"Tsk tsk, alcohol is really a harmful thing." Ling Jianhua put on a gloating smile, feeling very comfortable.


The only thing Jiuyuan wanted to do at this moment was to throw all these people out of the window.

The author has something to say: Finally, it is truly over, and there will only be scum after saying good meat!Don't dare to have anything else!

This is the first article I sent out full of apprehension and uneasiness. I browse the background dozens of times a day and see the clicks and favorites gradually increase. I am really happy and grateful. Although there are many mistakes and loopholes, I am very grateful to you all. Being able to see this place embraces me and encourages me.

I promise here that I will become better for you, and I will not forget my original intention.

[Haha may be the first finished article, so it's a bit hypocritical]

At the end, those diving angels who didn’t leave a message after seeing the end, please let me know (laughs) I want to thank all of you.

If you want to hook up with my little angel, you can [think too much] you can poke Wo Weibo and private message QVQ. The author is soft and unscrupulous, and Wo can become good friends hhhh is actually Penguin. Sorry to post it, you can tell me what you want !

Finally thank you all again.

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